Courses of Instruction
Materials Science (MASC)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
MASC 110L Materials Science (4, FaSp) Chemical bonding and structure in crystalline, amorphous, and molecular solids; tendency and mechanisms for chemical change; homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria. Prerequisite: high school chemistry.
MASC 310 Materials Behavior and Processing (3) Principles of mechanical behavior and processing of materials. Relationships between mechanical properties, microstructure, and processing methods. Composites and nonmetallics included.
MASC 334L Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3) (Enroll in CE 334L)
MASC 350 Nanostructured Materials: Design, Synthesis, and Processing (3, Sp) Structure, properties, synthesis, processing and design of metallic, ceramic, polymeric, electronic, photonic, composite, nanophase and biomaterials; nanostructures, microfabrication and smart materials. Prerequisite: CHEM 105a or CHEM 115a or MASC 110L, PHYS 152.
MASC 437 Fundamentals of Solid State (3) Atomic theory; wave mechanics; crystal structure; lattice vibrations; elasticity theory; free electron and tight bonding approximations. Prerequisite: MASC 110L or EE 338, PHYS 153L, and MATH 445.
MASC 438L Processing for Microelectronics (3) (Enroll in EE 438L)
MASC 439 Principles of Semiconductor Processing (3) Principles relevant to semiconductor processing are covered. Topics include bulk and epitaxial crystal growth, photolithography, evaporation, sputtering, etching, oxidation, alloying, and ion implantation. Prerequisite: MASC 110L, EE 338.
MASC 440 Materials and the Environment (3, Sp) Interactions of metals, alloys and composite materials with liquid and gaseous corrosive environments; corrosion protection by alloying and application of inhibitors and metallic or organic coatings.
MASC 471 Applied Quantum Mechanics for Engineers (3) (Enroll in EE 471)
MASC 472 Polymer Science and Engineering (3) (Enroll in CHE 472)
MASC 475 Physical Properties of Polymers (3) (Enroll in CHE 475)
MASC 476 Chemical Engineering Materials (3) (Enroll in CHE 476)
MASC 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Course content will be selected each semester to reflect current trends and developments in the field of materials science.
MASC 501 Solid State (3, Sp) Atomic structure, bonding in covalent, ionic and Van der Waals crystals, Brillouin zones, lattices, diffraction, electronic states, lattice vibrations, specific heat, electrical conductivity, and magnetism. Prerequisite: EE 471.
MASC 502 Advanced Solid State (3, Fa) Semiconductors, dielectrics and metals, thermoelectric effects, magnetism, magnetic resonance and superconductivity. Prerequisite: MASC 501.
MASC 503 Thermodynamics of Materials (3, Fa) Classical thermodynamics, chemical potential, pure phases and mixtures; interphase relationships; binary and ternary solutions; free energy and activity; galvanic cell, electrochemical potential and Pourbaix diagram.
MASC 504 Diffusion and Phase Equilibria (3, Sp) Phase equilibria; phase diagrams; diffusion; planar defects; nucleation and growth; spinodal decomposition; phase transformation. Prerequisite: MASC 503.
MASC 505 Crystals and Anisotropy (3, Fa) Stereographic projection; Laue back reflection method; crystal orientation; line and planar crystalline defects; tensors; susceptibility; permeability and permittivity; stress and strain; piezoelectricity; elasticity.
MASC 506 Semiconductor Physics (3, Fa) (Enroll in EE 506)
MASC 511 Materials Preparation (3) Principles and techniques of materials preparation; purification, crystal growth from liquid and vapor phases, sintering. Prerequisite: MASC 504.
MASC 514L Processing of Advanced Semiconductor Devices (3, Fa) Statistical design of experiments, vapor deposition of thin film dielectrics, plasma etching, advanced lithography, in-situ sensors, process monitoring, quality control, assurance/reliability. Prerequisite: EE 504.
MASC 523 Principles of Electrochemical Engineering (3) Electrochemical techniques; mass, charge, and heat transfer; electrochemical thermodynamics and electrode kinetics; electrochemical reactors; optimization; materials and corrosion; experimental modeling of industrial processes.
MASC 524 Techniques and Mechanisms in Electrochemistry (3) Modern electrochemistry; in-situ techniques; in-situ probes of the near-electrode region; ex-situ emersion techniques; cyclic voltammetry, electroxidation, electrochemical reduction, reactive film formation, enzyme electrochemistry.
MASC 534 Materials Characterization (3, Fa) Characterization of solids by optical microscopy, electron microscopy, (TEM, SEM) and elemental and structural analysis (EPMA, ESCA, AES, SIMS, HEED, LEED, SED).
MASC 535L Transmission Electron Microscopy (4) Transmission electron microscopy and techniques. Specimen-electron beam interaction, electron diffraction and image formation. X‑ray microanalysis. Laboratory involves hands-on training on the transmission electron microscope. (Duplicates credit in former MASC 536L.) Recommended preparation: MASC 505.
MASC 539 Engineering Quantum Mechanics (3) (Enroll in EE 539)
MASC 548 Rheology of Liquids and Solids (3) (Enroll in CHE 548)
MASC 551 Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials (3, Sp) Mechanical properties of materials; macroscopic mechanical behavior related to structure and microstructure of the material; elementary dislocation theory related to basic strengthening mechanisms; fatigue and fracture; nanomaterials. Recommended preparation: MASC 310.
MASC 559 Creep (3) (Enroll in AME 559)
MASC 560 Fatigue and Fracture (3) (Enroll in AME 560)
MASC 561 Dislocation Theory and Applications (3, Sp) Elasticity theory; types, sources, motion, interaction of dislocations; stress fields and strain energies; partial dislocations and stacking faults; principles of work-hardening.
MASC 575 Basics of Atomistic Simulation of Materials (3, Fa) Building a parallel computer from components; molecular dynamics method; computation of structural, thermodynamics and transport properties; simulation projects. Prerequisite: Undergraduate course in thermodynamics or statistical physics; recommended preparation: Fortran, Unix/Linux.
MASC 576 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Materials and Processes (3, Sp) Molecular dynamics method for atomistic simulations of materials and processes, simulations using parallel computing, correlation functions for structural and dynamical properties plus simulation project. Prerequisite: MASC 575.
MASC 583 Materials Selection (3) (Enroll in AME 588)
MASC 584 Fracture Mechanics and Mechanisms (3) (Enroll in AME 584)
MASC 590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MASC 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) For the master’s degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
MASC 598 Materials Science Seminar (1) Seminar in Materials Science research. To be taken only once for graduate credit. Graded CR/NC.
MASC 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9)
MASC 601 Semiconductor Devices (3) (Enroll in EE 601)
MASC 606 Nonequilibrium Processes in Semiconductors (3, Sp) (Enroll in EE 606)
MASC 610 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (3) Basic principles, ultra high vacuum, machine considerations, source purity and calibrations temperature measurements, surface morphology and chemistry, growth procedures, III-V, II-VI and silicon MBE. Prerequisite: MASC 501, MASC 503.
MASC 690 Directed Research (1-4, max 8) Laboratory study of specific problems by candidates for the degree Engineer in Materials Science. Graded CR/NC.
MASC 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MASC 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.