Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Courses of Instruction
Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.ISE 105 Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering (2, FaSp) A combination of plant tours, laboratory experiences, and lecture are used to introduce the philosophy, subject matter, aims, goals, and techniques of industrial and systems engineering.
ISE 220 Probability Concepts in Engineering (3, Fa) Techniques for handling uncertainties in engineering design: discrete and continuous random variables; expectations, probability distributions and transformations of random variables; limit theorems; approximations and applications. Corequisite: MATH 226.
ISE 225 Engineering Statistics I (3, Sp) Sampling distributions; parameter estimation, hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; regression; nonparametric statistics. Prerequisite: ISE 220.
ISE 232L Manufacturing Processes (3, Fa) Basic manufacturing processes including casting, machining, forming and welding; current trends in manufacturing processes including polymer, ceramic and composite material processing, and electronic device fabrication; introduction to numerical control and computer integrated manufacturing. Recommended preparation: MASC 110L or CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL.
ISE 310L Production I: Facilities and Logistics (4, Sp) Facilities layout and design; material handling and transportation; site selection and sourcing; supply chain management. Prerequisite: ISE 330; corequisite: ISE 460.
ISE 330 Introduction to Operations Research: Deterministic Models (3, Fa) Introduction to linear programming; transportation and assignment problems; dynamic programming; integer programming; nonlinear programming. Prerequisite: MATH 225.
ISE 331 Introduction to Operations Research: Stochastic Models (3, Sp) Stochastic processes; Markov chains; queueing theory and queueing decision models; probabilistic inventory models. Prerequisite: ISE 220; recommended preparation: ISE 330.
ISE 344 Engineering Team Management (3) Examine team formation and team dynamics including organizational behavior, group dynamics, psychology, and business management, all in the context of engineering development; decision-making and negotiation. Open only to juniors and seniors.
ISE 370L Human Factors in Work Design (4, Fa) Physiological systems and psychological characteristics; ergonomics; anthropometry; effects of the physical environment on humans; occupational safety and health; work methods. Prerequisite: ISE 225.
ISE 382 Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Implementation (3, Sp) Concepts in modeling data for industry applications. Designing and implementing robust databases. Querying databases to extract business intelligence; Global Enterprise Resource Planning with databases. Prerequisite: CSCI 101L.
ISE 390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
ISE 404 Business and Intellectual Property Law for Engineers (3) (Enroll in CE 404)
ISE 410 Production II: Planning and Scheduling (3, Fa) Production planning, forecasting, scheduling, and inventory; computer integrated decision systems in analysis and control of production systems. Corequisite: ISE 330.
ISE 415 Industrial Automation (3, Irregular) Traditional (automobile) and modern (computer based) concepts in Industrial Automation. Computer control concepts (sensors, actuators), robotics, flexible manufacturing systems. Prerequisite: senior level status.
ISE 422L Configuring Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (3, FaSp) (Enroll in ITP 422L)
ISE 426 Statistical Quality Control (3, Fa) Quantitative aspects of statistical quality control (process control, acceptance sampling by attribute and by variable, rectifying inspection), quality assurance and the management of QC/QA functions. Prerequisite: ISE 225.
ISE 435 Discrete Systems Simulation (3, Fa) Model design to simulate discrete event systems with basic input and output analysis using high order languages, applied to industrial systems analysis and design problems. Prerequisite: ISE 220, CSCI 101L; corequisite: ISE 225.
ISE 440 Work, Technology, and Organization (3, Sp) Impact of technology on work and organizational design; effects of automation; design of improvement programs; information infrastructures; teams; individual behavioral outcomes. Upper division standing.
ISE 455Lx Enterprise Information Portals (3, Sp) (Enroll in ITP 455Lx)
ISE 460 Engineering Economy (3, FaSpSm) Utilizing principles of economic analysis for choice of engineering alternatives and engineering systems. Pre-tax and after-tax economy studies. Upper division standing.
ISE 470 Human/Computer Interface Design (3, Sp) Essentials of human factors and computer interface for the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of integrated media systems.
ISE 482L Engineering Database Applications (3) (Enroll in ITP 482L)
ISE 487Lx Data Warehouses and Business Intelligence (3) (Enroll in ITP 487Lx)
ISE 488x Managing Supply Chains with Advanced Planning and Optimization (3) (Enroll in ITP 488x)
ISE 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSp) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
ISE 495abx Senior Design Project (2-2 FaSp) a: Preparation and development of the senior project proposal. Not available for graduate credit. Senior standing in industrial and systems engineering. Corequisite: ISE 225, ISE 310; ISE 382 or IOM 435. b: Group work on an industrial engineering design problem in an organization. Not available for graduate credit. Senior standing in industrial and systems engineering. Corequisite: ISE 370 or ISE 470; ISE 435.
ISE 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Course content to be selected each semester from recent developments in industrial and systems engineering and related fields.
ISE 500 Engineering Management Decisions and Statistics (3, FaSpSm) Case based decision and statistical analysis. Framing engineering management situations with statistical methods. Experiments, regression, ANOVA, hypothesis, factor analysis. Open only to fifth-year seniors and master’s students.
ISE 502 Construction Accounting and Finance (3) (Enroll in CE 502)
ISE 507 Six-Sigma Quality Resources for Health Care (3, Fa) Comprehensive study of Six-Sigma and Lean metrics, methods, and systems with emphasis on their application to health care services.
ISE 508 Health Care Operations Improvement (3, Sp) Improving operations, patient flow, quality and processes. Students will become familiar with methods for implementing change in health care settings such as hospitals or clinics.
ISE 510 Advanced Computational Design and Manufacturing (3) Study advanced concepts behind computational representations, algorithms, and mathematical foundations, and their applications in computer-aided design and manufacturing. Develop hands-on computational skills in team projects. Recommended preparation: bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering; programming experience, C++ preferred.
ISE 511L Computer Aided Manufacturing (3, Fa) Modern industrial automation, numerical control concepts, programmable controllers, robotics, computer-process interfacing, automated process and quality control, flexible manufacturing systems, introduction to computer-integrated manufacturing systems.
ISE 512 Software Management and Economics (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 510)
ISE 513 Inventory Systems (3, Sp) Deterministic and stochastic demand systems with static/dynamic models. Practice in inventory management, computerized procedures, materials requirements planning, just-in-time production, Kanban systems.
ISE 514 Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling (3, FaSm) Advanced concepts in production planning and scheduling including resource allocation, lot sizing, flow shop and job shop scheduling, workforce scheduling and assembly line balancing. Recommended preparation: prior knowledge of operations research and probability theory.
ISE 515 Engineering Project Management (3, FaSpSm) Applying industrial and systems engineering skills to problems drawn from industry, while working in teams of 3-4 students. Teach project management skills and provide direct experience in managing and executing a group project.
ISE 517 Modern Enterprise Systems (3, FaSp) Study of various aspects of integrated manufacturing and service enterprises including management, design and production functions, interfaces and related resources and information systems. Recommended preparation: manufacturing processes, probability, statistics, computer programming.
ISE 520 Optimization: Theory and Algorithms (3, Fa) Conditions for optimality. Nonlinear programming algorithms for constrained and unconstrained problems. Special problems such as quadratic, separable, fractional, geometric programming. Prerequisite: MATH 225 or EE 441.
ISE 525 Design of Experiments (3, FaSp) Planning data collection to investigate relationships between product/process design choices (materials, temperatures, etc.) and performance, empirical modeling to predict performance, identification of the best design choices. Recommended preparation: ISE 225.
ISE 527 Quality Management for Engineers (3, FaSp) Principles of quality management, quality philosophies and frameworks, quality leadership and strategic planning, process management, and performance measurements.
ISE 528 Advanced Statistical Aspects of Engineering Reliability (3) Advanced statistical methods applied to reliability engineering. Experimental design analysis and interpretation of multifactor reliability problems.
ISE 530 Introduction to Operations Research (3, Sp) Linear programming, integer programming, transportation and assignment problems, networks, dynamic programming, Markovian models, and queueing. Prerequisite: MATH 225, ISE 220.
ISE 532 Network Flows (3, Sp) Tree, path, flow problems, formulation and solution techniques. Methods for minimal cost flows. Applications. Prerequisite: ISE 330 or ISE 536.
ISE 536 Linear Programming and Extensions (3, Fa) Linear programming models for resource allocation; simplex and revised simplex methods; duality; sensitivity; transportation problems; selected extensions to large scale, multiobjective, and special structured models. Prerequisite: MATH 225 or EE 441.
ISE 538 Elements of Stochastic Processes (3, Sp) Random variables, stochastic processes, birth-and-death processes, continuous and discrete time Markov chains with finite and infinite number of states, renewal phenomena, queueing systems.
ISE 539 Stochastic Elements of Simulation (3, Sp) Simulation techniques combined with probabilistic analysis for solving problems in inventory theory, queuing theory, financial engineering, decision analysis, and other fields having a stochastic element. Corequisite: ISE 538.
ISE 543 Case Studies in Systems Engineering (3, FaSp) (Enroll in SAE 543)
ISE 544 Management of Engineering Teams (3, FaSp) Design and management of engineering teams. Group decision-making, motivation, leadership, infrastructural requirements, performance measurement, team diversity, conflict, and integration.
ISE 545 Technology Development and Implementation (3, Fa) Principles and practices of technology development and implementation, with application to products and systems in manufacturing and services.
ISE 549 Systems Architecting (3, FaSp) (Enroll in SAE 549)
ISE 554 Innovation and the Engineering Enterprise (3) Examination of innovation in engineering enterprises including human behavior and human resources, organizational development, engineering management, business structures, financing the enterprise and intellectual property.
ISE 555 Invention and Technology Development (3, Sp) This project-oriented course elaborates on the process of engaging creative thought, tools and techniques for invention, and issues involved in bringing inventions to the production phase. Graded CR/NC.
ISE 556 Stochastic Systems and Finance (3, Sp) (Enroll in EE 556)
ISE 560 Analysis of Algorithms (3, FaSp) (Enroll in CSCI 570)
ISE 561 Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects (3, FaSp) Economic evaluations of engineering systems for both government and private industry; quantitative techniques for evaluating non-monetary consequences; formal treatment of risk and uncertainty. Prerequisite: ISE 460.
ISE 562 Value and Decision Theory (3, Fa) Decision making under risk conditions; utility theory; sufficient statistics; conjugate prior distributions; terminal and pre-posterior analysis; Bayesian statistics versus classical statistics.
ISE 563 Financial Engineering (3, Sp) Concepts underlying the economic analysis of engineering projects; applications to call and put options; utility theory and mathematical optimizations models; and simulation. Recommended preparation: ISE 220 or an equivalent course in probability.
ISE 564 Performance Analysis (3) Measurement systems for performance analysis. Determination of performance metrics, analytical models, case studies. Cross-industry comparisons, measures for manufacturing and service systems, information and knowledge workers.
ISE 565 Law and Finance for Engineering Innovation (3) Students will identify, formulate and resolve legal, financial and ethical issues affecting innovation in engineering organizations including legal structures, financing and intellectual property rights. Open only to graduate students.
ISE 566 Financial Accounting Analysis for Engineering (3, Sp) Identification, formulation, and solution of financial accounting problems in engineering enterprises. Legal context of financial decisions, process cost determination and allocation, financial reports, and reporting systems. Open only to graduate students.
ISE 567 Collaborative Engineering Principles and Practice (3, Sp) Scientific principles and industrial practices defining how a team of stakeholders should collaboratively work together to reach agreement on complex engineering tasks. Open only to graduate students in engineering.
ISE 568 Machine Learning (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 567)
ISE 570 Human Factors in Engineering (3, Fa) Psychological and physiological characteristics of humans; how they limit engineering design of machines and human-machine systems.
ISE 571 Human Factors Issues in Integrated Media Systems (3) Psychological, cognitive, physical and social characteristics of human factors and how they affect information technology design, development and evaluation for integrated media systems.
ISE 573 Work Physiology (3) Survey of metabolic processes in the performance of physical work, study of individual and environmental factors affecting these processes.
ISE 574 Probabilistic Reasoning (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 573)
ISE 575 Topics in Engineering Approaches to Music Cognition (3, max 6) Computational research in music cognition, including computational methods for music analysis, such as the abstracting and extracting of pitch and time structures. Computational research in expressive performance, the manipulation of parameters (e.g., tempo, loudness, articulation) to focus attention, facilitate parsing, and create emotional affect. Open to graduate engineering students only. Recommended preparation: programming experience (C++ or Java), basic signal processing and music theory.
ISE 576 Industrial Ecology: Technology-Environment Interaction (3) Concepts and methods to analyze the environmental impacts of industrial systems, including lifecycle assessment, material flow analysis, design for environment and sustainable consumption.
ISE 580 Advanced Concepts in Computer Simulation (3, Sp) Coverage of various stages of simulation processes using a project and case study oriented approach; an introduction to available simulation tools and modern simulation concepts. Prerequisite: ISE 220, ISE 435.
ISE 581 Negotiation For Engineering Management (3, Sp) Decision making techniques for the engineering manager including negotiation principles, contract negotiation, dispute resolution, auctions, bidding, voting and coalition formation.
ISE 582 Web Technology for Industrial Engineering (3, Fa) A fast-paced, project-based introduction to designing and implementing interactive Web applications. Emphasizes skills for building engineering and market research applications requiring information gathering, analysis, representation. Prerequisite: ISE 382.
ISE 583 Enterprise Wide Information Systems (3, FaSp) The role of enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) in an organization and the task of implementing and managing the IS function.
ISE 585 Strategic Management of Technology (3, FaSp) Management skills and tools for technology intensive enterprises. Life cycle analysis of technology from planning through exploitation, obsolescence and renewal.
ISE 587 Risk Analysis (4) (Enroll in PPD 587)
ISE 589 Port Engineering: Planning and Operations (3, Fa) (Enroll in CE 589)
ISE 590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master’s degree; maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
ISE 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ISE 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9, Fa) Course content will be selected each semester to reflect current trends and developments in the field of industrial and systems engineering.
ISE 645 Uncertainty Modeling and Stochastic Optimization (3, Sp) (Enroll in CE 645)
ISE 650abc Seminar in Industrial Engineering (1/2, 1/2, 1/2, FaSp) Reports on current departmental research; review of papers, proposals, and special projects; guest speakers. Required of all students enrolled in Ph.D. program.
ISE 651 Seminar in Industrial and Systems Engineering (1, max 4, FaSp) Current research, guest speakers in the field; review papers; guidance in preparing research proposals and special projects. (Duplicates credit in the former ISE 650abc.) Open only to fifth-year seniors and master’s students. Graded CR/NC.
ISE 670 Advanced Analysis of Algorithms (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 670)
ISE 671 Randomized Algorithms (3, Sp) (Enroll in CSCI 671)
ISE 690 Directed Research (1-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Laboratory study of specific problems by candidates for the degree Engineer in Industrial and Systems Engineering. Graded CR/NC.
ISE 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
ISE 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.