Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering
Courses of Instruction
Electrical Engineering (EE)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.EE 101 Introduction to Digital Logic (3, FaSp) Boolean algebra; number systems; Boolean function synthesis; binary arithmetic; codes; combinational logic devices; sequential circuits; state machine design and implementation.
EE 105 Introduction to Electrical Engineering (3, Fa) Gateway to the majors in Electrical Engineering. An overview of modern electrical engineering: communications, computers, circuits, components, controls, electromagnetics, microelectronics; principles of commercial products such as FAX, modem, copier, CD-ROM, ATM networks.
EE 106L Introduction to Computer Engineering/Computer Science (2, Fa) Examination of key disciplines of computing systems: architecture, operating systems, digital logic, VLSI, networks, AI, robotics, graphics, and algorithms. Includes hardware/software laboratory tours and exercises. Open only to B.S., Computer Engineering and Computer Science and B.S., Computer Science majors.
EE 120L Introduction to Programming for Computer Scientists (3, FaSp) (Enroll in CSCI 120L)
EE 150L Engineering Computational Methods (3, Fa) Algorithms and computational methods for efficient solution of engineering problems. Introduction to engineering software tools.
EE 200L Foundations of Electrical Engineering Systems (4, FaSp) Mathematical models used for electronic system design. Automata, state models, differential equations, convolution, sampling, and frequency response. Communications, signal processing, and control applications. Corequisite: MATH 245.
EE 201L Introduction to Digital Circuits (4, FaSp) Digital system design and implementation; synchronous design of datapath and control; schematic/Verilog-based design, simulation, and implementation in Field Programmable Gate Arrays; timing analysis; simple CPU design. Prerequisite: EE 101.
EE 202L Linear Circuits (4, FaSpSm) Lumped circuit elements; network equations; zero-input and zero-state responses; sinusoidal steady-state analysis; impedance; resonance; network functions; power concepts; transformers; Laplace transforms. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L; Corequisite: EE 200L.
EE 222 Fundamentals of Audio Engineering (3, Fa) Introduction to basic audio engineering principles and techniques, with emphasis on practical sound-system analysis and design. Sound measurements, microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and system integration.
EE 241 Applied Linear Algebra for Engineering (3, FaSp) Introduction to the theory of matrices, vector spaces, least-squares approximation and MATLAB. Applications to communications, control and signal processing. Prerequisite: MATH 126.
EE 301 Introduction to Linear Systems (3, FaSp) Representation and analysis of linear time-invariant systems primarily for the continuous time case. Convolution, Fourier series and transform, Laplace transform, controls and communications applications. Prerequisite: EE 202L; corequisite: MATH 445.
EE 320 Digital Media Basics for Multimedia (3, FaSp) Digital media basics for creating multimedia applications including analog and digital representation, media editing, interface construction, CD ROM and network delivery. Corequisite: ITP 210.
EE 322 Introduction to Digital Audio (3, Fa) Fundamentals of sound, acoustics and digital audio signal processing.
EE 326Lx Essentials of Electrical Engineering (4) Network analysis and theorems; transient analysis; transformers; semiconductor physics and circuits; power amplifiers, modulation and demodulation, and pulse, digital, and switching circuits. Introduction to instrumentation. Not available for credit to electrical engineering majors. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L, MATH 126.
EE 328Lx Circuits and Electronics for Computer Engineers (3, Fa) Introduction to the physical principles of governing analog circuits for data conversions and data communications. Elementary device behavior for digital systems. Not available for credit to electrical engineering majors. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L.
EE 330 Electromagnetics I (3, FaSp) Basic static and dynamic electromagnetic field theory and applications; electrostatics, magnetostatics, Maxwell’s equations, energy flow, plane waves incident on planar boundaries, transmission lines. Prerequisite: EE 202L, MATH 445, PHYS 152L.
EE 337L Engineering Nano-Systems (3, Sp) Methods to control and exploit the phenomena of nano-science, and the integration of nano-technology into systems. Development of fundamental concepts through a series of experimental modules. (Duplicates credit in former EE 238L.) Prerequisite: PHYS 152L.
EE 338 Physical Electronics (3) Semiconductor device characteristics and applications. Physical models of electronic conduction in solids, p-n junctions, bipolar and field effect transistors and other solid-state devices. Prerequisite: EE 202L, PHYS 152L.
EE 348L Electronic Circuits (4, FaSp) Basic analog and digital circuit design using Bipolar Junction Transistors, Field Effect Transistors and integrated circuits. Corequisite: EE 338.
EE 351 Programming and Multimedia on the World Wide Web (3, Sp) (Enroll in CSCI 351)
EE 352L Computer Organization and Architecture (3, Sp) Computer organization and architecture. Concepts include: computer evolution and performance, system busses, cache memory, internal and external memory, input/output, operating system support, computer arithmetic. Prerequisite: CSCI 102.
EE 357 Basic Organization of Computer Systems (3, FaSp) Organization and operation of the processor, memory and I/O of a minicomputer at the machine language level; assembly language programming; data representation and computer arithmetic. Prerequisite: EE 101, EE 201L, and a high level programming language.
EE 364 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (3, FaSp) Introduction to concepts of randomness and uncertainty: probability, random variables, statistics. Applications to digital communications, signal processing, automatic control, computer engineering and computer science. Prerequisite: MATH 225 or MATH 245.
EE 370 Electromechanics (3) Ferromagnetism and transformers. Energy conversion in singly and multiply excited systems. Concepts in rotating machinery analysis. Direct energy conversion. Prerequisite: EE 330.
EE 390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
EE 401 Transform Theory for Engineers (3, Fa) Complex variables, Cauchy Riemann conditions, contour integration and residue theory; Fourier transform; Laplace transform; sampling theory. Discrete time filters, discrete and fast Fourier transform. Prerequisite: EE 301 and MATH 445.
EE 415 Introduction to MEMS (3) (Enroll in AME 455)
EE 422x Electromagnetic Systems Design (3, FaSp) Applied electromagnetics for large- and small-scale electromechanical systems. Comprehensive design project. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 330.
EE 423Lx Loudspeaker and Sound-System Design (3, Sp) Project-based design of loudspeaker transducers, filters, and enclosures. Measurement of transfer functions, acoustical performance, distortion, Thiele-Small parameters, and power handling. Listening evaluations. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 301 or AME 302; PHYS 152L; recommended preparation: EE 330.
EE 434Lx Digital Signal Processing Design Laboratory (4) Experiments and design project in digital signal processing (e.g., real-time DSP, acoustics, video) including: systems specification, preliminary analysis, trade-off studies, implementation, presentation. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 483; recommended preparation: EE 469.
EE 436 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics (4, Irregular, Sp) (Enroll in PHYS 440)
EE 438L Processing for Microelectronics (3) Applications and electrical evaluation of selected processes used in electronic microfabrication. (Duplicates credit in former MASC 438L.) Prerequisite: EE 338.
EE 439 Principles of Semiconductor Processing (3) (Enroll in MASC 439)
EE 441 Applied Linear Algebra for Engineering (3, FaSpSm) Introduction to linear algebra and matrix theory and their underlying concepts. Applications to engineering problems. Prerequisite: MATH 445.
EE 443 Introduction to Power Systems (3) Components of power systems. Analysis techniques in electrical power generation transmission and utilization. Environmental and economic considerations in system operations and planning. Recommended preparation: EE 370.
EE 444 Power Systems Technology (3, Fa) Comprehensive assessment of the technical, environmental, and regulatory challenges that affect the future delivery and utilization of electric power. Case-study analysis. Prerequisite: EE 202L.
EE 445 Introduction to Robotics (4) (Enroll in CSCI 445)
EE 447Lx Mixed Signal Electronic Circuits (4) Application of solid-state electronic devices to the design of linear and mixed-signal systems. Laboratory experiments and projects involving the design of electronic hardware. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 348L.
EE 448L Communication Electronics (4, FaSp) Analysis, design, and experimental evaluation of transistor-level communication circuits and micro-systems. Transmission lines, impedance matching, noise, distortion, tuned amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, phase-locked loops. Prerequisite: EE 348L.
EE 450 Introduction to Computer Networks (3, FaSpSm) Network architectures; layered protocols, network service interface; local networks; long-haul networks; internal protocols; link protocols; addressing; routing; flow control; higher level protocols. Prerequisite: junior standing.
EE 452L Game Hardware Architectures (3, Fa) Architectural principles underlying modern game console hardware design; introduction to the programming techniques, optimization strategies, and hardware insights to create powerful games. Prerequisite: EE 352L.
EE 454L Introduction to System Design Using Microprocessors (4, FaSp) Operation and timing of 8/16/32-bit microprocessors; asynchronous and synchronous SRAM interface; burst and pipelined bus cycles, parallel and serial I/O, interrupt controller, DMA controller, bus protocols. Prerequisite: EE 201L and EE 357; recommended preparation: EE 457.
EE 455x Introduction to Programming Systems Design (4) (Enroll in CSCI 455x)
EE 457 Computer Systems Organization (3, FaSpSm) Register Transfer level machine organization; performance; arithmetic; pipelined processors; exceptions, out-of-order and speculative execution, cache, virtual memory, multi-core multi-threaded processors, cache coherence. Prerequisite: EE 201 and EE 357.
EE 459Lx Embedded Systems Design Laboratory (3, Sp) Specification, design, implementation, testing and documentation of a digital system project using embedded processors, programmable logic; analog I/O interfaces and application specific hardware. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 454L.
EE 460 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (3) (Enroll in CSCI 460)
EE 464 Probability Theory for Engineers (3, FaSpSm) Axiomatic foundations of probability, random variables, functions of several random variables, introduction to statistics, sequences of random variables. Prerequisite: EE 301 and MATH 445.
EE 465 Probabilistic Methods in Computer Systems Modeling (3, FaSp) Review of probability; random variables; stochastic processes; Markov chains; and simple queueing theory. Applications to program and algorithm analysis; computer systems performance and reliability modeling. Prerequisite: MATH 407 or EE 364.
EE 467 Introduction to Communication Systems (3) Analog and digital communication systems. (De)modulation and (de)multiplexing of AM/FM/PM, noise, digital data formats, error rates, and spectral analysis. Review of wireless, networking, and optical systems. Prerequisite: EE 301.
EE 469 Introduction to Digital Media Engineering (3) Fundamentals of digital media representation, for audio, images and video signals. Sampling; Fourier and z-transforms; FFT; filter design; image segmentation, image and video compression standards. Prerequisite: EE 301; EE 364 or MATH 407.
EE 470 Electromagnetics II (3) Dynamic field theory and elementary solutions to Maxwell’s equations. Introduction to propagation and radiation of electromagnetic fields. Prerequisite: EE 330.
EE 471 Applied Quantum Mechanics for Engineers (3) Introductory quantum mechanics and applications. Schrodinger equation, atomic and molecular processes, time-dependent perturbation theory. Applications to lasers, solid-state demos and gaseous devices. Prerequisite: EE 330 or graduate standing.
EE 472 Introduction to Lasers and Laser Systems (3, Fa) Electric dipole transitions; traveling wave and resonant amplifiers; laser pumping and rate equations; threshold, frequency, and power output of lasers; holography; laser communication systems. Corequisite: EE 470.
EE 473L Lasers and Optics Laboratory (3, Sp) Introductory design/research laboratory in lasers and optics, which typically includes fiber optics, photonics, electro-optics, optical sensors, optical communication, optical signal processing and computing. Corequisite: EE 470.
EE 474 Introduction to Photonics (3, Sp) Photonic system requirements; waveguide modes and dispersion; optical fiber modes, loss and dispersion; principles of operation of lasers, optical amplifiers, detectors and modulators; noise. Prerequisite: EE 330, EE 338.
EE 475 Wireless Communication Technology (3, Fa) Fundamentals of wireless communication from a device point of view. Lab experiments and design project. Recommended preparation: EE 241, EE 483
EE 476 Chemical Engineering Materials (3, Sp) (Enroll in CHE 476)
EE 477L MOS VLSI Circuit Design (4, FaSp) Analysis and design of digital MOS VLSI circuits including area, delay and power minimization. Laboratory assignments including design, layout, extraction, simulation and automatic synthesis. Prerequisite: EE 328Lx or EE 338.
EE 478Lx Digital Electronic Circuit Design (4, Sp) Design of digital electronic circuits. Laboratory experiments and an extensive term project using digital hardware. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 348L.
EE 479 Analog and Non-Linear Integrated Circuit Design (3, Fa) Analysis and design techniques for CMOS analog and non-linear integrated circuits. Frequency and noise characteristics of broadband amplifiers. Feedback, oscillators, and phase-locked loops. Prerequisite: EE 348L.
EE 480 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (3, Fa) Next-generation nanoscale materials and electronic devices: nanoscale fabrication and characterization, nanomaterials, nanoelectronics, and nanobiotechnology. Prerequisite: EE 338.
EE 481L Control Systems Laboratory (3, Sp) (Enroll in AME 443L)
EE 482 Linear Control Systems (3, FaSpSm) Analysis of linear control systems; continuous and sampled-data systems, various stability criteria; frequency response and root locus compensation techniques. Prerequisite: EE 301 or graduate standing.
EE 483 Introduction to Digital Signal Processing (3, FaSp) Fundamentals of digital signal processing covering: discrete time linear systems, quantization, sampling, Z-transforms, Fourier transforms, FFTs and filter design. Prerequisite: EE 301.
EE 484x Communication System Design (3, Sp) Design and analysis of analog and digital communication systems. System models, requirements, development, performance analysis and component selection techniques. Comprehensive system design project. Capstone design experience. Open only to seniors. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: EE 364, EE 475; recommended preparation: EE 467.
EE 485 Telecommunications Technology (3) Technical development of the telecommunications industry and the accompanying regulatory environment. Case-study analysis. Prerequisite: EE 301.
EE 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
EE 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Course content will be selected each semester from current developments in the field of electrical engineering.
EE 500 Neural and Fuzzy Systems (3) Neural networks and fuzzy systems, including: neuron structure and dynamics, unsupervised and supervised learning, network models and architectures, network stability and learning convergence. Recommended preparation: EE 464.
EE 501 Solid State (3) (Enroll in MASC 501)
EE 502 Advanced Solid State (3) (Enroll in MASC 502)
EE 504L Solid-State Processing and Integrated Circuits Laboratory (3) Laboratory oriented with lectures keyed to practical procedures and processes. Solid-state fabrication and analysis fundamentals; basic device construction techniques. Prerequisite: BSEE.
EE 506 Semiconductor Physics (3) Semiconductor bonds, crystallography, band structure assumptions, group theory, band structure results, k.p. method, quantum wells, wires and dots, superlattices, amorphous, organic semiconductors, defects, statistics, surfaces. Prerequisite: MASC 501.
EE 509 Electromagnetics for Semiconductor Photonics (3) Overview of electromagnetics needed to understand and design photonic devices. Includes discussion of waveguides and resonant cavities and an introduction to photonic crystals.
EE 510 Symmetrical Components (3) The theory of symmetrical components and their use in power system analysis; sequence impedances of system components; other transformations and applications.
EE 512 Evolution Theory of Stochastic Processes (3) Probability theory and stochastic processes, including renewal theory, Markov chains, Brownian motion, martingales, and stochastic calculus. Applications in communication networks, queuing theory, and financial systems. Prerequisite: EE 441 and EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 513 Solid State Energy Devices (3) Design and operation of solar photovoltaic energy converters, thermovoltoic energy converters, thermoelectric energy converters, and solid state light emitters; their roles in renewal and conservation of energy. Recommended preparation: EE 338.
EE 515 High Voltage Technology (3) High voltage engineering basic concepts; theoretical, design, and practical aspects of overvoltages, travelling-waves, insulation, and aging; breakdown mechanisms; insulation coordination.
EE 517 Statistics for Engineers (3, Sp) Presents statistics with engineering emphasis. Topics include confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, estimation, regression, nonparametric tests, analysis of variance, quality control, and experimental design. Recommended preparation: EE 464 or other probability course.
EE 519 Speech Recognition and Processing for Multimedia (3, Fa) Speech production, acoustics, perception, synthesis, compression, recognition, transmission. Coding for speech, music, and CD-quality. Feature extraction. Echo cancellation. Audio, visual synchronization. Multimedia, internet use. Prerequisite: EE 483.
EE 520 Introduction to Quantum Information Processing (3, Sp) Introduces the basics of quantum computation and quantum information theory: quantum bits and registers, unitary gates, algorithms, error correction, and quantum cryptography. Recommended preparation: EE 441, EE 464.
EE 521 Power Systems Analysis and Design (3) Power system planning, studies, and design; time-domain modeling and analysis of power-system networks; power flow, stability, fault, and economic dispatch analysis; symmetrical components. Prerequisite: EE 443.
EE 522 Immersive Audio Signal Processing (3, Sp) Fundamentals of digital audio signal processing, room acoustics, and psychoacoustics. Algorithms for real-time implementation of immersive audio systems for integrated media applications. Prerequisite: EE 301; recommended preparation: EE 483.
EE 524 Transients in Power Systems (3) Overvoltages during faults, voltage recovery, arcing faults, restrikes, theory of switching surges. Systems grounding, traveling waves, lightning and surge protection, insulation coordination. Prerequisite: EE 443.
EE 525 Power System Protection (3) Theory of system and equipment protection, characteristics of relays, relay coordination, and system considerations. Prerequisite: EE 510.
EE 526 Renewable Energy in Power Systems (3) Renewable energy sources and their integration in electrical networks. Power-flow control from highly variable resources. Cost analysis and planning. Prerequisite: EE 444; corequisite: EE 521.
EE 527 Net-Centric Power-System Control (3) Control and stability of large-scale systems such as the electric power grid. Integration with information networks. Corequisite: EE 521; recommended preparation: EE 484 or equivalent.
EE 529 Optics (3) Basic graduate level optics including wave optics, foundations of geometric optics, optical elements, aberration theory, Hermite-Gaussian beams, multilayer structures, and matrix techniques. Recommended preparation: EE 470 or graduate standing.
EE 530 Optical Materials, Instruments and Devices (3) Anisotropic materials and devices; properties of metals; design and theory of selected optical instruments; properties of electrooptic, acoustooptic, and spatial light modulators; optical detectors. Prerequisite: EE 529.
EE 531 Nonlinear Optics (3) Theory of nonlinear optical susceptibility and application to self-focusing, harmonic generation, and parametric interactions. Raman and Brillouin scattering. Coherent spectroscopy. Prerequisite: EE 470.
EE 532 Wireless Internet and Pervasive Computing (3, Fa) Wireless Internet access technologies, 3G cellular systems, WAP and PKI protocols, mobile computing devices, network security for mobile E-commerce, software and middleware for pervasive, cluster, grid, and Internet computing. Prerequisite: EE 450; recommended preparation: EE 457.
EE 534 Materials Characterization (3) (Enroll in MASC 534)
EE 535 Mobile Communications (3, Fa) The mobile communication channel; techniques used to combat the channel; cellular communications; multiple-access techniques; example mobile communication systems. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 567, EE 464 or EE 465; recommended preparation: EE 562a, EE 564.
EE 536ab Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuit Design (3-3, FaSp) a: MOSFET operation and models; voltage references and biasing; elementary amplifier configurations; design techniques for high-speed operational amplifiers, comparators and transconductors; compensation methods. b: Non-linear integrated circuits, data-converter architectures and implementations, comprehensive design project. (Duplicates credit in former EE 533ab.) Prerequisite: EE 479.
EE 537 Modern Solid-State Devices (3, Fa) Integrated-circuit technologies for mixed-signal communication and data systems. Constituent device models and their limitations. Contemporary research topics. Prerequisite: EE 338.
EE 538 Spread Spectrum Systems (3, Sp) Covers the description analysis and design of Spread Spectrum Systems in military, navigation and wireless communication applications: portable, mobile, cellular and micro-cellular (PCS), including the industry standard IS-95. Prerequisite: EE 564; Recommended Preparation: EE 568.
EE 539 Engineering Quantum Mechanics (3, Fa) Quantum mechanics for engineering majors who work with solid-state devices, quantum electronics, and photonics. Schroedinger equation, perturbation theory, electronic and optical processes.
EE 540 Introduction to Quantum Electronics (3) Fundamentals of light amplification; laser amplifiers and oscillators; atomic pumping; maser and laser systems; definitions of coherence; measurements in quantum electronics. Prerequisite: EE 470.
EE 541 Radio Frequency Filter Design (3, Fa) Theory and realization of passive and transconductance-based active filters for radio frequency communications. Distributed and quasi-distributed passive filters. Circuit testing via scattering parameters. Prerequisite: EE 348.
EE 543abL Digital Control Systems (a: 3, Fa; b: 1) a: Design, analysis, and implementation of digital control systems using microcomputers; Z-transform methods; frequency domain and state space approach; computational aspects; sampling and quantization. Prerequisite: EE 482. b: Modeling of real processes; design and implementation of digital control systems in the controls laboratory. (Lab is required for the b section only.) (Duplicates credit in former EE 485abL.) Prerequisite: EE 543a.
EE 544 Radio Frequency Systems and Hardware (3, Sp) Elements of radio frequency communication systems: modulation/demodulation strategies, transmission-channel impairments, performance criteria, hardware (low-noise amplifiers, mixers, oscillators), digital back-end, contemporary case studies. Prerequisite: EE 301, EE 348L, EE 364.
EE 545 Robotics (3, FaSp) (Enroll in CSCI 545)
EE 546 Intelligent Embedded Systems (3, Sp) (Enroll in CSCI 546)
EE 547 Sensing and Planning in Robotics (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 547)
EE 548 Analytical Methods in Robotics (3) (Enroll in AME 548)
EE 549 Queueing Theory for Performance Modeling (3, Sp) Review of Poisson and Markov processes; Markovian and non-Markovian queueing systems; networks of queues; priority queueing; applications of the theory to computer systems and communication networks. Prerequisite: EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 550 Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks (3, Fa) Applications of stochastic modeling and optimization techniques to communication network design and analysis. Data link control; performance models; multi-access channels; routing and flow control. Prerequisite: EE 450, EE 464 or EE 465; recommended preparation: EE 549.
EE 551 Principles of Radar (3, Irregular) Signal propagation, reflections from targets; radar equation; detection of scintillating targets; resolution; ambiguity functions; clutter rejection; tracking radars. Prerequisite: EE 470, EE 562a.
EE 552 Asynchronous VLSI Design (3, FaSp) Asynchronous channels and architectures; implementation design styles; controller synthesis; hazards, and races; Petri-nets; performance analysis, and optimization; globally asynchronous locally synchronous design. Open only to graduate students. Prerequisite: EE 477.
EE 553 Computational Solution of Optimization Problems (3, Sp) Computer algorithms for system optimization. Search techniques, gradient methods, parameter optimization in control systems. Optimization with constraints; linear and nonlinear programming. Random search techniques. Prerequisite: EE 441.
EE 554 Real Time Computer Systems (3, Sp) Structure of real-time computer systems; analog signals and devices; scheduling, synchronization of multiprocessors; reliability, availability; serial/parallel computations; real-time operating systems and languages; design examples. Prerequisite: EE 457.
EE 555 Broadband Network Architectures (3, FaSp) Broadband network architectures and services, technologies for high-speed access and core networks, optical infrastructure for layered network architectures, high performance switch and router architectures. Prerequisite: EE 450 and EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 556 Stochastic Systems and Finance (3) Introductory probability; Markov chains; Martingales and stopping times; Brownian motion; Ito’s calculus and formula; Black-Scholes formula; arbitrage pricing and risk neutral measures; options. Prerequisite: EE 441 and EE 464 or EE 465; recommended preparation: EE 562a or EE 562b or ISE 538.
EE 557 Computer Systems Architecture (3, FaSp) Computer architecture from a design perspective: Pipelined processors, speculative execution, VLIW, vector processors, memory systems, interconnection networks, shared-memory and message-passing multiprocessors, chip multiprocessors. Prerequisite: EE 457.
EE 558 Optical Fiber Communication Systems (3, FaSp) State-of-the-art optical fiber communication systems. Emphasis on optoelectronic-device and communication-systems issues necessary to provide high-speed and/or networked optical communications. Recommended preparation: EE 338; basic knowledge of optics, semiconductor, and communications concepts.
EE 559 Mathematical Pattern Recognition (3, Sp) Distribution free classification, discriminant functions, training algorithms; statistical classification, parametric and nonparametric techniques, potential functions; non-supervised learning. Prerequisite: EE 464; corequisite: EE 441.
EE 560 Digital System Design-Tools and Techniques (3, Sm) ASIC design, FPGAs, VHDL, verilog, test benches, simulation, synthesis, timing analysis, post-synthesis simulation, FIFOs, handshaking, memory interface, PCI bus protocol, CAD tools, design lab exercises. Prerequisite: EE 457, EE 454L; recommended preparation: familiarity with CAD tools.
EE 561 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (3‑3, FaSp) (Enroll in CSCI 561)
EE 562ab Random Processes in Engineering (a: 3, FaSpSm; b: 3, Irregular) a: Random vectors, sequences, and functions. Linear transformations, second moment theory, spectral densities, narrowband processes, Gaussian processes, correlation detection, linear minimum mean square error estimation. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 464. b: Orthogonal or independent increment processes. Poisson processes. Nonlinear operations on random processes; power-law detectors. Markov chains and processes; the Fokker-Planck equation; level crossing problems. Prerequisite: EE 562a.
EE 563 Estimation Theory (3, Fa) Parameter estimation and state estimation technique including: least squares, BLUE, maximum-likelihood, maximum a posteriori, Kalman-prediction, Kalman-filtering and Kalman smoothing and extended Kalman filtering. Prerequisite: EE 562a.
EE 564 Communication Theory (3) Elementary statistical design theory with applications to the design of digital communications receivers and radar receivers; signal design in digital communications. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 464; corequisite: EE 562a; recommended preparation: EE 401.
EE 565ab Information Theory (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Irregular) Information measures; asymptotic equipartition property; source coding theorem; noiseless coding; cryptography, channel coding theorem; rate distortion theory; Gaussian channels; multiple user source and channel theory. Prerequisite: EE 464; EE 565a before b.
EE 565ab Information Theory (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Irregular) Information measures; asymptotic equipartition property; source coding theorem; noiseless coding; cryptography, channel coding theorem; rate distortion theory; Gaussian channels; multiple user source and channel theory. Prerequisite: EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 566 Optical Information Processing (3, Fa) Coherent and incoherent optical transforming, imaging and two-dimensional information processing systems; optical image processing, spatial frequency response and filtering; optical and digital holography. Recommended preparation: EE 401.
EE 567 Communication Systems (3, Fa) Analysis of communication systems operating from very low to optical frequencies. Comparison of modulation and detection methods. System components description. Optimum design of communication systems. Corequisite: EE 464 or EE 465; recommended preparation: EE 441.
EE 568 Error Correcting Codes (3, Sp) Finite field theory; linear block codes, convolutional codes, algebraic codes; decoding methods; examples. Prerequisite: EE 441 and EE 464.
EE 569 Introduction to Digital Image Processing (3, FaSp) Image sampling, 2-D image transform, image enhancement, geometric image modification, morphologic processing, edge detection, texture analysis, image filtering and restoration. Graduate standing. Recommended preparation: EE 401, EE 464.
EE 570ab Advanced Electromagnetic Theory (3-3) Static and dynamic electromagnetic field theory; solution of scalar and vector boundary value problems; Kirchhoff radiation theory; geometrical optics and geometrical diffraction theory. Prerequisite: EE 470.
EE 571ab Microwave Networks (3-3) a: Microwave network theory for transmission lines and waveguides, discontinuities, impedance transformers, resonators, multi-junction networks, periodic structures, non-reciprocal and active devices. Prerequisite: EE 470. b: Parameter matrices, approximate design procedures for distributed networks from lumped networks, coupled lines, equivalent coupled-line circuits, Kuroda’s identities, and capacitance matrix transformations. Prerequisite: EE 571a.
EE 572ab Plasma Dynamics (3-3) Particle drifts, collision phenomena, Boltzmann and Vlasov equations, hydrodynamic equations, Coulomb interactions; waves in a cold and hot plasma, plasma oscillations, Landau damping, hydromagnetic waves.
EE 573ab Antenna Analysis (3-3) Analysis of idealized antenna models, including the dyadic Green’s function, reciprocity, aperture radiation, methods of moments, geometrical and physical optics, reflectors, arrays. Prerequisite: EE 470.
EE 574 Computer Vision (3, Fa) (Enroll in CSCI 574)
EE 575 Application of Method of Moments to Electromagnetic Problems (3) Formulations of and solutions to integral equations in electromagnetic scattering and radiation problems. Prerequisite: EE 570ab.
EE 577ab VLSI System Design (a: 3, FaSp; b: 3, FaSp) a: Integrated circuit fabrication; circuit simulation; basic device physics; simple device layout; structured chip design; timing; project chip; MOS logic; system design silicon compilers. Prerequisite: EE 477; b: VLSI design project; chip level design issues: power and clock distribution, packaging, I/O; design techniques; testability; chip fabrication and test.
EE 578 Reflector Antennas (3) Introduction to the analytical and numerical techniques used in the analysis and design of modern reflector antenna systems, including physical optics, asymptotic techniques, shaping and feeds. Prerequisite: EE 470.
EE 579 Wireless and Mobile Networks Design and Laboratory (3, Sp) Mobile ad hoc networks: ad hoc and geographic routing, resource discovery, medium access control, IP-mobility, mobility modeling, wired-wireless networks. Lab: wireless LAN measurement, mobile-IP, ad hoc routing. Prerequisite: CSCI 551 or EE 550 or EE 555; recommended preparation: programming, network simulation.
EE 580 Optical Communications (3, Sp) Analysis and design of optical and fiber optical systems; direct detection, heterodyning, laser modulation formats; receiver analysis and fiber modeling; digital error probabilities. Prerequisite: EE 562a.
EE 581 Mathematical Foundations for Computer-Aided Design of VLSI Circuits (3, Sp) Mathematical techniques employed in computer-aided-design systems, including: graph theory, algorithmic and heuristic techniques for combinatorial problems, data structures and modeling. Corequisites: EE 457, EE 477.
EE 583 Adaptive Signal Processing (3, Sp) Weiner filtering, linear prediction, method of steepest descent, stochastic gradient algorithms, recursive least-squares (RLS), fast RLS, RLS with systolic arrays, QRD-least squares methods, blind deconvolution. Prerequisite: EE 483, EE 562a.
EE 584 Chaotic Systems (3, Fa) Logistic map, chaotic bifurcation, strange attractors, and fractals. Conservative dynamical systems and measure preserving transformations. Ergodicity. Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. Chaotic/stochastic realization. Chaos in feedback. Prerequisite: EE 562a.
EE 585 Linear System Theory (3, FaSpSm) Analysis of linear dynamical systems by state-space techniques; controllability, observability, stability, passivity. Application of feedback control and network synthesis. Prerequisite: EE 441.
EE 586L Advanced DSP Design Laboratory (4) Real-time adaptive signal processing design projects using special purpose DSP processors. Suitable project areas include acoustics, speech, arrays, image compression and biomedical signal processing. Prerequisite: EE 583 or EE 569.
EE 587 Nonlinear and Adaptive Control (3, Fa) Nonlinear systems, Lyapunov Stability, Parameter Identification, direct and indirect adaptive control for linear and nonlinear systems. Design analysis, stability, robustness and applications. Backstepping, feedback linearization. Prerequisite: EE 482, EE 585.
EE 588 Linear Quadratic Control (3, Sp) Linear systems with quadratic cost, Riccati equations, observers, Kanman-Bucy filters, separation principle, discrete linear optimal control systems. Prerequisite: EE 585; recommended preparation: EE 482, EE 562a.
EE 589 Statistical Optics (3) Statistical methods in optical information processing. Interferometry, propagation, imaging with partially coherent light; statistics of randomly inhomogeneous media, photon counting, holography, photographic and optical detectors. Prerequisite: EE 566; corequisite: EE 562a.
EE 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
EE 591 Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Reconstruction (3, Sp) Principles of magnetic resonance imaging. Spin physics, Fourier-based acquisition and reconstruction, generation of tissue contrast, fast imaging, artifact correction, advanced image reconstruction. Prerequisite: EE 483, familiarity with MATLAB; recommended preparation: EE 441, EE 464, BME 525.
EE 592 Computational Methods for Biomedical Imaging (3, Sp) Analytic tomographic reconstruction from projections in 2-D and 3-D; algorithms for model based reconstruction; maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods; applications to CT, PET and MRI. Prerequisite: EE 483, EE 562a.
EE 593 Multivariable Control (3, Fa) Feedback performance analysis; robustness and stability margins; sensitivity; disturbance attenuation; design tradeoffs; singular value, characteristic locus, and inverse Nyquist array design methods. Prerequisite: EE 482 and EE 585.
EE 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) For the master’s degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
EE 595 Algebraic Coding Theory (3, Fa) Finite field theory; Reed Solomon codes; algebraic codes; algebraic decoding methods; examples. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 464.
EE 596 Wavelets (3, Fa) The theory and application of wavelet decomposition of signals. Includes subband coding, image compression, multiresolution signal processing, filter banks, and time-frequency tilings. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 483; recommended preparation: EE 569, MATH 570a.
EE 597 Wireless Networks (3, Fa) Introduction to wireless networking technologies; fundamental architectural and design principles used at all protocol layers; optimization and performance evaluation using mathematical analysis and simulations. Prerequisite: EE 450; EE 464 or EE 465; recommended preparation: EE 467, familiarity with Matlab and C programming.
EE 598 Electrical Engineering Research Seminar (1, max 2) Introduction to research in electrical engineering. Topics vary by semester. May be repeated for up to one unit of credit for M.S. students, two units of credit for Ph.D. students. Open only to master’s and doctoral students. Graded CR/NC.
EE 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9) The course content will be selected each semester to reflect current trends and developments in the field of electrical engineering.
EE 601 Semiconductor Devices (3) Generalized device performance criteria. Charge storage, tunneling, transport and avalanche in majority, minority, and transferred carrier devices. Device interface phenomena. Noise; integration of devices. Recommended preparation: EE 472 or EE 537.
EE 606 Nonequilibrium Processes in Semiconductors (3) Non-equilibrium processes in modern semiconductor devices. Carriers lifetime and trapping; luminescence; hot carrier and high field effects.
EE 607 Microelectromechanical Systems (3, FaSp) Exploration of the technology methods and physical principles of MEMS, and survey various MEMS of current interest. Prerequisite: EE 504.
EE 608L Microelectromechanical Systems Laboratory (3, Fa) Lab fabrication and analysis of several MEMS applications, including diaphragm-based sensors and actuators, microfluidic components, and deformable mirror array.
EE 612 Science and Practice of Nanotechnology (3, Fa) In-depth discussions of important topics in nanotechnology, including both the implementation and the underlying theory. Prerequisite: EE 330 or EE 470.
EE 619 Advanced Topics in Automatic Speech Recognition (3, Sp) Advanced topics in automatic speech recognition, speaker recognition, spoken dialogue, conversational multimedia interfaces. Recommended preparation: EE 464, EE 519, CSCI 544.
EE 632 Integrated Communication Systems (3) Analysis and design of high-speed integrated communication systems at circuit and system levels. Emphasis on broadband wireless applications. Transceiver architectures, amplifiers, oscillators, frequency synthesizers. Prerequisite: EE 536a.
EE 642 Advanced Geometrical Optics (3) First order design of optical systems; origin of aberrations and their effects on wave propagation and imaging based on geometrical and physical optics. Prerequisite: EE 529.
EE 645 Uncertainty Modeling and Stochastic Optimization (3) (Enroll in CE 645)
EE 648 Network Economics and Games (3) Economics of networks; game theory, mechanism design and auctions in networks; spectrum sharing mechanisms in communications; pricing of differentiated services; network security. Prerequisite: EE 450 and EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 649 Stochastic Network Optimization (3, Sp) Optimization of wireless and ad-hoc mobile networks; opportunistic scheduling, flow control; backpressure routing; queue stability; energy-delay and utility-delay tradeoffs. Prerequisite: EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 650 Advanced Topics in Computer Networks (3, Irregular) Protocol modeling: flow and congestion control, dynamic routing, distributed implementation; broadcast communication media and multiple access protocols; local networks, satellite networks, terrestrial radio networks. Prerequisite: EE 550 or EE 555 or CSCI 551.
EE 651 Network Economics and Games (3, Fa) Economics of networks; game theory; mechanism design and auctions in networks; spectrum sharing mechanisms in communications; pricing of differentiated services; network security games. Prerequisite: EE 450 and EE 464 or EE 465.
EE 652 Wireless Sensor Networks (3, Fa) Sensor network applications, design and analysis. Deployment; energy-efficiency; wireless communications; data-centric operation; capacity and lifetime; collaborative signal processing; reliability, fault-tolerance and security. Prerequisite: EE 450; recommended preparation: EE 465, good programming/mathematical skills.
EE 653 Advanced Topics in Microarchitecture (3) Current research topics related to microprocessor architecture. Dynamically/statically scheduled processors, multithreading, chip multiprocessors, systems on a chip. Power, performance, complexity, dependability issues. Impact of technology. Prerequisite: EE 557.
EE 657 Parallel and Distributed Computing (3, FaSpSm) Parallel programming models/software tools, multiprocessor systems, multicomputer clusters, latency tolerance, multithreading, fast message passing/middleware, interconnection networks, SMP, cluster, and grid computing applications. Prerequisite: EE 557.
EE 658 Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems (3, Fa) Fault models; test generation; fault simulation; self-checking and self-testing circuits; design for testability; fault tolerant design techniques; case studies. Prerequisite: graduate standing.
EE 659 Interconnection Networks (3, Sp) Theory, design and analysis of interconnection networks for multiprocessor systems. Study of direct and indirect topologies, deadlock-free routing, flow control, network interfaces, optical interconnects. Prerequisite: EE 557.
EE 663 Satellite Communications (3) Analysis and design of communication systems that operate via orbiting satellites. Covers hardware, performance capabilities, system design, and applications to today’s satellite systems. Prerequisite: EE 562a; recommended preparation: EE 567, EE 564 and a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.
EE 664 Advanced Topics in Communication Theory (3, Irregular) Synchronization in digital communication systems, tracking loop theory, acquisition and tracking, carrier and suppressed carrier waveforms, other advanced topics in communication theory. Prerequisite: EE 564.
EE 666 Data Communication (3, Irregular) Receiver design for modulations and channels with memory. Iterative and adaptive detection and decoding algorithms. Application to fading, intersymbol interference, and interference limited channels. Prerequisite: EE 564; recommended preparation: EE 568, EE 563 or EE 583.
EE 667 Array Signal Processing (3, Sp) Beamforming principles, monopulse and conical-scan concepts, phased arrays, synthetic multiple beam arrays; signal processing techniques for synthetic aperture formation, adaptivity, and retro-directing. Prerequisite: EE 562a.
EE 669 Multimedia Data Compression (3, Sp) Lossless compression, audio/speech coding, vector quantization, fractal compression, JPEG and JPEG-2000, video compression techniques and MPEG standards, video transmission over wired and wireless networks. Recommended preparation: EE 464.
EE 674ab Advanced Topics in Computer Vision (3-3, Irregular) (Enroll in CSCI 674ab)
EE 675 Topics in Engineering Approaches to Music Cognition (3, max 6) (Enroll in ISE 575)
EE 677 VLSI Architectures and Algorithms (3) VLSI models; measures of area, volume and time; mapping algorithms; systolic arrays; area time tradeoffs; applications to signal and image processing problems. Prerequisite: EE 557.
EE 680 Computer-Aided Design of Digital Systems I (3, Sp) Synthesis; partitioning; placement; routing of digital circuits; integrated circuit design methods; simulation at the switch, gate, register transfer and system levels. Prerequisite: EE 581; recommended preparation: EE 577a.
EE 681 Computer-Aided Design of Digital Systems II (3) Theory and techniques for design and analysis of digital logic; specification, formal models; hardware-descriptive languages; formal verification, high level synthesis; logic synthesis. Prerequisite: EE 557, EE 680.
EE 690 Directed Research (1-4, maximum number to be determined by the department, FaSpSm) Laboratory study of specific problems by candidates for the degree Engineer in Electrical Engineering. Graded CR/NC.
EE 691 Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (3, Fa) Advanced clinical and research applications, sparse sampling, RF pulse design, analysis of free precession sequences, NMR relaxation, in-vivo spectroscopy and other advanced topics. Prerequisite: EE 441, EE 562a, EE 591.
EE 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
EE 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC