Civil Engineering – Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Courses of Instruction
Civil Engineering (CE)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
CE 106 Design and Planning of Civil Engineering Systems (2, Fa) History of civil engineering; introduction to the synthesis and design of systems dependent upon civil engineering technology; the structuring, modeling, and simulation of such systems.
CE 107 Introduction to Civil Engineering Graphics (3, Sp) Graphic communication and drawing; use of instruments, lettering, dimensioning, and detailing of engineering drawing; free-hand sketching, drafting, and modeling.
CE 108 Introduction to Computer Methods in Civil Engineering (2, Sp) Computer programming, organization of problems for computational solution, flow charts, programming; numerical methods; analysis and solution of civil engineering problems.
CE 110 Introduction to Environmental Engineering (3, Fa) Basic concepts of environmental engineering. Air, water, and soil pollution control technologies; pollution prevention strategies. Design of simple water distribution and treatment systems.
CE 205 Statics (2, FaSp) Statics of particles and rigid bodies; equivalent force systems; distributed forces; applications to trusses, frames, machines, beams, and cables; friction; moments of inertia. Prerequisite: PHYS 151L.
CE 207L Introduction to Design of Structural Systems (2, Sp) Structural materials, components and systems; gravity and lateral forces; structural performance and failures; introduction to structural plans and analysis; computer applications, case studies, design project. Prerequisite: CE 107, CE 205; corequisite: CE 225.
CE 210L Introduction to Environmental Engineering Microbiology (3, Fa) Principles of environmental microbiology; waterborne pathogens; microorganisms and air pollution; microorganisms in soil; water pollution microbiology; biodegradation of hazardous chemicals; eutrophication. Corequisite: CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL; recommended preparation: CE 106 or CE 110.
CE 225 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies (3, Sp) Analysis of stress and strain; axial, flexural, and torsional behavior of slender bars; elastic deflections; combined stresses; introduction to elastic stability and energy methods. Prerequisite: CE 205.
CE 309 Fluid Mechanics (3, Fa) Fluid statics; relative velocity field; total acceleration; divergence theorem; conservation of mass, energy, and momentum applied to engineering problems in laminar and turbulent flow. Prerequisite: MATH 226; corequisite: CE 325.
CE 325 Dynamics (3, Sp) Elements of vector algebra; dynamics of particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies; kinematics; momentum relations, energy methods; vibrations; Euler’s equations of motion. Prerequisite: CE 205.
CE 334L Mechanical Behavior of Materials (3, Fa) Measurement of stress and strain; tensile, impact, creep, and fatigue behavior; statistical methods, brittle fracture; properties of structural materials. Prerequisite: CE 225 or AME 204.
CE 358 Theory of Structures I (3, Fa) Deformations and deflections of elastic systems; statically indeterminate beams, arches, and frames; secondary stresses. Prerequisite: CE 225.
CE 390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
CE 402 Computer Methods in Engineering (3, Sp) Fundamentals of analog and digital computers; simulation of nonlinear physical systems; numerical analysis and solution of engineering problems. Prerequisite: CE 108 and MATH 245.
CE 404 Business and Intellectual Property Law for Engineers (3, Fa) An examination of legal issues confronting the professional engineer. Topics include the legal system, contracts, risk management, forms of doing business, capital formation and intellectual property rights. Upper division standing.
CE 408 Risk Analysis in Civil Engineering (3, Fa) Realization of nondeterministic problems in civil engineering; quantitative analysis of structural and system reliability; optimal design and design with specified risk. Prerequisite: CE 225, MATH 226.
CE 409abL Computer-Aided Design (3-3) Applications of interactive computer graphics to design problems; automated drafting; 3-D graphic algorithms. Analysis of design process from information processing viewpoint. Prerequisite: CE 225.
CE 412 Construction Law and the Property Development Process (3, Sp) Legal aspects of property development and construction: land use, construction practices and specifications, architecture and engineering contracts, agency, subcontracting, professional registration, liability, insurance, liens, and bonds. Recommended preparation: CE 404 or a general business law course.
CE 428 Mechanics of Materials (3) Analysis of stress and deformation; equations of elasticity; bending of beams; elastic instability; torsion problems; introduction to plates and shells; elastic wave propagation; numerical methods. Prerequisite: CE 225.
CE 443 Environmental Chemistry (3, Fa) Chemistry of water, gas, liquid and solid wastes. Chemical principles applicable to environmental engineering. Prerequisite: CHEM 105bL or CHEM 115bL.
CE 451 Water Resources Engineering (3, Sp) Discussion of broad perspectives on control and utilization of water, quantitative hydrology, ground water, probability concept, economic study, hydraulic structures, multi-purpose water resources projects. Prerequisite: CE 309 or ENE 410.
CE 453 Water Quality Control (3, Fa) Water quality criteria and fundamental of acceptability. Natural purification of surface waters. Processes employed in the treatment of waste waters for disposal or re-use. Prerequisite: CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL; corequisite: CE 309 or ENE 410.
CE 456 Design of Steel Structures (3, Fa) Fundamentals of analysis and design of steel structures; structural elements; simple and eccentric connections; design project. Prerequisite: CE 207L, CE 225; corequisite: CE 358.
CE 457 Reinforced Concrete Design (3, Sp) Strength and deformation of reinforced concrete; beams in flexure and shear; bond and development of bars; deflections; columns; slabs; footings; introduction to prestressed concrete. Prerequisite: CE 207L, CE 225; corequisite: CE 358.
CE 458 Theory of Structures II (3, Sp) Matrix algebra; stiffness method; force method; computer analysis of planar structures. Prerequisite: CE 108 and CE 358 or AME 150L and AME 353.
CE 459 Introduction to Structural Dynamics (3, Fa) Response of single and multiple degree of freedom systems to dynamic excitation; structural modeling and approximate solutions; introduction to earthquake resistant design. Corequisite: CE 458.
CE 460 Construction Engineering (3, FaSp) Introduction to the construction processes; estimating and bidding, construction administration, planning and scheduling, equipment and methods, labor relations, cost control systems, and safety.
CE 461 General Construction Estimating (3, Fa) Theory of estimating. Quantity surveying; unit cost synthesis and analysis. Bid organization and preparation; competitive simulations and exercises.
CE 462 Construction Methods and Equipment (3, Sp) Current procedures in selected fields of construction; organization and planning; equipment economics; machinery.
CE 463L Water Chemistry and Analysis (3, Sp) Chemistry of water purification technology and water pollution control. Chemical processes in natural and engineering aquatic environments; physical/chemical and biological characterization of water and wastewater. Prerequisite: CE 453, CHEM 105b or CHEM 115bL.
CE 464 Geotechnical Engineering (3) Fundamentals of soil mechanics and foundation engineering; soil classification, seepage, stress-strain behavior, shear strength, consolidation, design of retaining structures and foundations, and slope stability.
CE 465 Water Supply and Sewerage System Design (3, Sp) Design of water supply systems, storm drains, sanitary sewers, and lift stations. Prerequisite: CE 453.
CE 466 Design of Free-Surface Hydraulic Systems (3, Sp) Hydrological and hydraulic design for uniform and non-uniform flows, channel transition, sedimentation controls, design discharge for tributary watersheds, flood routing, flood detention, computer aided design. Prerequisite: CE 309.
CE 467L Geotechnical Engineering (4, Sp) Fundamentals of geotechnical engineering; soil classification, seepage, stress-strain behavior, shear strength, consolidation, design of retaining structures and foundations, and slope stability. Soil testing. (Duplicates credit in CE 464.) Prerequisite: CE 225.
CE 469 Sustainability (3, FaSp) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED); Green Building strategies; Carbon Footprinting; calculating the embodied energy of building materials; cyclical processes in design and construction.
CE 470 Building Information Modeling and Integrated Practice (3, Fa) Building Information Modeling, current BIM technologies; coordination of design and construction; information management throughout building lifecycle; project delivery systems and technologies for integrated practice.
CE 471 Principles of Transportation Engineering (3, Fa) Planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of facilities for air, water, rail, and highway transit systems. Junior or senior standing.
CE 473 Engineering Law, Finance and Ethics (3, Fa) An examination of the legal, financial and ethical issues regularly considered by all practicing engineers. Upper division standing.
CE 476 Design of Pressurized Hydraulic Systems (3, Sp) Application of hydraulic principles to the engineering design of hydraulic structure with pressurized flow, piping network, water hammer, surge suppression, pumps and turbines, manifold hydraulic design. Prerequisite: CE 309.
CE 477 Civil Infrastructure Information Systems (3) Information systems and their use in the planning, design, construction, and operation of civil infrastructure projects. Project management and knowledge management for infrastructure systems development. Prerequisite: CSCI 201, CE 402.
CE 478 Timber and Masonry Design (3, Fa) Characteristics and properties of wood; beams, columns, trusses, connectors, and diaphragms. Properties of masonry, working stress and strength design, seismic design requirements.
CE 480 Structural Systems Design (3, Sp) Evaluate, design and analyze buildings. Organize and perform calculations for vertical loads, wind loads, and seismic loads on building projects. Prerequisite: CE 456 or CE 457 or CE 478; CE 358, CE 467L, CE 473, CE 482.
CE 482 Foundation Design (3, Fa) Analysis and design principles of building foundations, including spread footings, piles, drilled shafts, sheetpile walls and retaining structures. Prerequisite: CE 467.
CE 484 Water Treatment Design (3, Fa) Predesign studies, precipitation softening, coagulation and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, sludge handling, chlorination, chloramination, ozonation; plant hydraulics, flow measurement, pumps, instrumentation and control, tertiary treatment. Prerequisite: CE 451, CE 463L, CE 473.
CE 485 Wastewater Treatment Design (3, Sp) Process kinetics, mass balance, reactor design, pretreatment, clarification, chemical treatment, biological treatment (aerobic and anaerobic), disinfection, sludge treatment, nitrogen and phosophorus removal, carbon adsorption. Prerequisite: CE 451, CE 463L, CE 473.
CE 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
CE 495 Seminars in Civil Engineering (1, FaSp) Information necessary for successful transition to engineering practice with emphasis on substantive engineering topics, employee rights and responsibilities, communication skills, ethic and lifelong learning. Graded CR/NC. Open only to upper division engineering majors.
CE 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Course content to be selected each semester from recent developments in civil engineering and related fields.
CE 501 Functions of the Constructor (3, Fa) Systems, processes, and constraints governing the initiation, direction, engineering, and delivery of major construction projects. Professional construction management, responsibilities, and practice.
CE 502 Construction Accounting and Finance (3, Fa) Cost control, finance, and engineering economy for construction operations.
CE 503 Microbiology for Environmental Engineers (3) Basic microbiology of water, air, and soil. Application of microbiology to the practice of environmental pollution control.
CE 504 Solid Waste Management (3) Characterization, production, storage, collection, and transport of solid wastes; alternative disposal methods; design principles and environmental impact; management of radiological solid wastes.
CE 506 Heavy Construction Estimating (3, Fa) Methods engineering, work analysis and pricing for route construction. Grading, draining, paving, haul economy, plant-materials production, pipeline and bridge building.
CE 507 Mechanics of Solids I (3, Fa) Analysis of stress and strain; constitutive equations for elastic materials; plane stress and strain; torsion; introduction to plates and shells; energy methods.
CE 508 Mechanics of Solids II (3) Thermal stresses; introduction to elastic stability; yield criteria; constitutive equations for elastoplastic materials; elastoplastic stress analysis; viscoelasticity and creep. Prerequisite: CE 507 or CE 428.
CE 509 Mechanics of Solids III (3) Advanced topics in mechanics of solids; complex variable methods for plane problems; three-dimensional problems; introduction to fracture mechanics. Prerequisite: CE 507.
CE 510 Groundwater Management (3) Groundwater hydrology, aquifer testing technology, groundwater quality and contamination, geophysical method, well design and development, basin water balance, computer modeling, legal aspects, groundwater management system.
CE 511 Flood Control Hydrology (3) Flood frequency, storm characteristics, net rain; surface drainage, peak discharge, flood runoff.
CE 513L Instrumental Methods for Environmental Analysis (3) Advanced techniques in gas, water, liquid, and solid waste analysis; theoretical and experimental consideration of electrometric, photometric, manometric, and chromatographic techniques for measurements of environmental pollution. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: CE 463L.
CE 514ab Advanced Sanitary Engineering Design (3-3) Design of water and waste treatment works. Prerequisite: CE 453.
CE 515 Sustainable Infrastructure Systems (3) Explores broad issues and mitigation measures involved in the analysis and design of complex, uncertain, interacting infrastructure systems needing to be resilient and sustainable.
CE 516 Geohydrology (3) Principles of groundwater motion; acquifer characteristics, prospecting, practical engineering problems, well design, maintenance and rehabilitation; hydrodynamic dispersion, field testing essentials and procedures, groundwater quality, artificial recharge.
CE 517 Industrial and Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal (3, 2 years, Sm) Physical, chemical, and biological treatment processes for industrial and hazardous wastes; pretreatment systems, biodegradation of toxic chemicals; groundwater and soil decontamination; biofilters for air decontamination. Prerequisite: CE 463L.
CE 518 Carbon Capture and Sequestration (3) The needs for carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and systematic introduction to CCS technologies. Main topics include: introduction to global change, world energy consumption, greenhouse gases control, carbon capture and separation, and carbon sequestration.
CE 519 Transportation Engineering (3) Principles of analysis and planning. Characteristics of transportation systems. Urban and regional systems. Relationship between environment and transportation systems. Estimating the impact of decisions.
CE 520ab Ocean and Coastal Engineering (3-3) Linear and nonlinear wave theories with engineering applications; wind waves; wave spectra; wave interactions with marine structures; ship mooring, harbor resonance; sediment transport; diffusion processes. Prerequisite: a: CE 309 or ENE 410.
CE 522 Groundwater Hydrologic Modeling (3) Simulation of groundwater hydrologic processes through mathematical, analog, and physical models.
CE 523 Process Kinetics and Dynamics in Environmental Engineering (3) Concepts and application of processes that affect water quality in natural and engineered systems. Major processes include: flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, oxidation, adsorption and membrane processes. Prerequisite: CE 453 or CE 463L.
CE 525ab Engineering Analysis (3-3) Typical engineering problems discussed on a physical basis. Setup and solution of problems by means of the existing mathematical tools.
CE 528 Seismic Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridges (3, Sp) Fundamental concepts, methods and current codes used in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete bridge structures. Experimental and earthquake observations of bridge performance. Prerequisite: CE 457; recommended preparation: CE 538.
CE 529ab Finite Element Analysis (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Basic concepts; stiffness method; variational methods; displacement method; isoparametric formulation; plane stress and strain; plates and shells; dynamics; stability; nonlinear analysis, heat transfer; computer applications.
CE 530 Nonlinear Mechanics (3) Nonlinear problems in structural dynamics; elastic-plastic response; approximate methods of nonlinear analysis; stability theory; stability of periodic nonlinear oscillations; Liapounov’s method; nonlinear buckling problems.
CE 531 Soil Mechanics (3) Soil formation; clay mineralogy; steady state seepage; mechanical coupling between interstitial water and soil skeleton; experimental soil behavior and its modeling with constitutive equations. Prerequisite: CE 464.
CE 532 Principles of Foundation Engineering (3) Fundamental methods in foundation engineering; plastic collapse, limit equilibrium, bearing capacity, slope stability; soil-structure interaction; application of numerical methods, finite differences and finite elements. Prerequisite: CE 464.
CE 533 Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3) Provides a design-oriented understanding of the “state-of-the-practice” of soil mechanics and foundation engineering aspects of earthquake engineering.
CE 534 Design of Earth Structures (3) Designed to provide a thorough understanding of the analytical and design principles underlying the construction of a broad range of earth structures.
CE 535ab Earthquake Engineering (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Fundamentals of earthquake engineering; characteristics of earthquakes; seismicity; response of linear and nonlinear multidegree systems; basic concepts in earthquake-resistant design; foundation problems.
CE 536 Structural Design for Dynamic Loads (3) Earthquake resistant design criteria with application to steel reinforced concrete and timber structures. Design of blast resistant structures and structures subject to impact loads. Prerequisite: CE 459 or CE 541a.
CE 537 Advanced Reinforced Concrete (3, Fa) Behavior of reinforced concrete members in terms of strength and deformation; relationship between behavior and building code requirements.
CE 538 Prestressed Concrete (3, Sp) Fundamental principles of prestressing by pre- and post-tensioning; elastic and time dependent losses; stress analysis and design of prestressed and precast concrete structures.
CE 539 Advanced Steel Structures (3, Sp) Design of tubular members and plate girders; design for torsional and seismic loads; general flexural theory; introduction to plastic design; connections.
CE 540 Limit Analysis of Structures (3) Plastic analysis and design of frames. Fundamental theorems of plastic analysis; general methods of plastic analysis, design requirements, minimum weight design theorems and applications, shakedown theorems.
CE 541ab Dynamics of Structures (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) a: Forced vibrations of discrete MDOF systems; modal analysis; energy methods; analytical dynamics; vibration of continuous systems; wave propagation; computational techniques; application of commercial software tools. b: Continuous system responses; approximate methods; introduction to structural control; random vibration concepts; response of continuous systems to random excitation; nonlinear systems (geometric theory), (approximate methods). Prerequisite: CE 541a.
CE 542 Theory of Plates (3) Theory of plate bending; rectangular and circular plates; anisotropic plates; energy methods; numerical methods; large deformations; sandwich plates. Prerequisite: CE 428 or CE 507.
CE 543 Stability of Structures (3) Critical loads of columns, beams, thin-wall bars, plates, shells; stability of frames and trusses; effect of inelastic behavior of materials; effect of dynamic loading.
CE 544 Theory of Shell Structures (3) General bending theory of shells; membrane theory; shells of revolution; numerical methods; dynamic response. Prerequisite: CE 428 or CE 507.
CE 545ab Advanced Finite Element Method in Structural and Continuum Mechanics (3-3) a: Finite elements in nonlinear mechanics, elasticity, plasticity, viscoelasticity; advanced finite element applications in fracture mechanics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics; computational implementation of finite element method. Prerequisite: CE 529a. b: Mathematical aspects of the finite element method; correctness of discretizations for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic equations; accuracy and convergence considerations; stability of time dependent algorithms. Prerequisite: CE 545a.
CE 546 Structural Mechanics of Composite Materials (3) Applications and manufacturing of composites: anisotropic materials; laminated composite plates and shells; buckling and dynamics; strength and failure; interlaminar stresses; delamination; thermal properties; design considerations.
CE 549 Building Design Project (3, Sp) Integrated design project following design office procedures. A building will be designed in detail using the team approach. Capstone for M.Eng. in Structural Design. Prerequisite: CE 459 or CE 541a, CE 458 or CE 529a, CE 537; corequisite: CE 539.
CE 550 Computer-Aided Engineering (3) Basic concepts of computer-aided engineering. Modeling; simulation; visualization; optimization; artificial intelligence; manufacturing; information management. Organization and management of computer-aided engineering projects.
CE 551 Computer-Aided Engineering Project (3) Computer-aided engineering in a project environment. Responding to RFPs; conceptual design; preliminary analysis; overall and detailed analysis and design; trade-off studies; project management; project presentation.
CE 552 Managing and Financing Public Engineering Works (3, FaSpSm) Tools for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of public engineering works, taking into account the political and policy context. Graduate standing. Recommended preparation: microeconomic theory.
CE 553 Chemical and Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering (3) Chemistry of softening, coagulation, disinfection, oxidation, corrosion control, dry and wet combustion and ion exchange; aerobic and anaerobic processes and the ecology of liquid and solid waste treatment. Prerequisite: CE 453.
CE 554 Risk and Reliability Analysis for Civil Infrastructure Systems (3, Sp) Elements of feasibility, reliability, and risk analysis of civil infrastructure systems, simulation, optimization, life-cycle cost, evaluation and decision making.
CE 555 Underwater Structures (3) Loads on underwater structures; stress analysis of typical structural elements; buckling problems; dynamic response. Prerequisite: CE 507.
CE 556 Project Controls – Budgeting and Estimating (3, FaSp) Fundamental principles and practices of cost estimating, budgeting, and cost control of construction projects. Case studies and software exercises based on project data. (Duplicates credit in the former CE 556a.) Open only to graduate students in engineering, architecture, business, or urban and regional planning.
CE 557 Advanced Building Estimating (3, Sp) Processes in compiling a bid for construction of non-residential building.
CE 558 International Construction and Engineering (3, Sp) Business development and project management in international markets. Topics include marketing, planning, contracts and negotiations, procurement, logistics, personnel and financing. Construction operations in adverse environments. Graduate standing in engineering, architecture, business, or urban planning required.
CE 559 Strategic Planning in Construction Engineering (3, Sp) Elements and techniques of strategic planning for construction engineering. Fundamentals of engineering as a service sector enterprise. Assessment of markets (including international issues), competitors, and technology. Aspects of overseas engineering business. Management of technology and the role of R&D. Emphasis on concepts. Recommended preparation: CE 502.
CE 560 Simulation of Civil Infrastructure Systems Performance (3) Time/space and frequency/wave number domain analysis, spectral representation of wind, earthquake and other natural loads, FEM techniques for system response simulation.
CE 561 Uncertainty Quantification (3) Methods of quantifying uncertainty in civil engineering and related fields. Basic uncertainty modeling; advanced topics such as reliability analysis, Bayesian updating, random processes, random fields.
CE 562ab Hydromechanics (3-3) Analytical solution of civil engineering problems concerned with hydraulic flow; water hammer, free-surface flow, waves and seepage flow; application of theory to research and design.
CE 563 Chemistry and Biology of Natural Waters (3) Chemical and biological limnology; cycles of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulfur, and other biologically-mediated chemical transformations; effect of pollution on biology and chemistry of natural waters. Prerequisite: CE 443 and CE 453.
CE 564 Methods for Assessment and Protection of Environmental Quality (3) Natural ecosystems, technologies for control and remediation of air, water, and soil pollution; natural hazards and urban lifeline systems; Design For The Environment (DFE).
CE 565 Wave Propagation in Solids (3) Elastic waves in infinite and semi-infinite regions; plates and bars; steady-state and transient scattering; dynamic stress concentration; viscoelastic and plastic bodies.
CE 566 Project Controls – Planning and Scheduling (3, FaSp) Fundamental principles and practices of planning, CPM scheduling, and resource management. Development of project schedules using CPM theory applied to current and emerging software applications. (Duplicates credit in the former CE 556b.) Open only to graduate students in engineering, architecture, business, or urban and regional planning. Recommended preparation: CE 556.
CE 570 Building Information Modeling for Collaborative Construction (3, Sp) Multidisciplinary and geographically distributed virtual project teams used to simulate engineering and construction problems for projects selected in collaboration with industry partners. Open only to Master’s and Doctoral students. Prerequisite: CE 470; recommended preparation: CE 556, CE 566.
CE 572 Construction Labor Management (2) Unionism in construction. Craft tradition, objectives, regulation, motivation, labor force economics, productivity, and technical change. Hiring systems, supervision of project labor operations, jurisdictional administration.
CE 579 Introduction to Transportation Planning Law (3) Federal and state statutory and regulatory requirements affecting California transportation systems, including transportation planning and funding law; and government contracting, environmental, and civil rights requirements.
CE 580 Law and Finance for Engineering Innovation (3) (Enroll in ISE 565)
CE 581 Negotiation For Engineering Management (3, Sp) (Enroll in ISE 581)
CE 583 Design of Transportation Facilities (3) Planning, design, staging, construction, test, and maintenance of the public works and facilities for land, water, and air transportation. Prerequisite: CE 519, CE 457.
CE 585 Traffic Engineering and Control (3, Sp) Conceptual engineering geometric design, installation, and calibration of vehicular storage and traffic controls; safe flow optimization of vehicles on various thoroughfares. Recommended preparation: CE 471.
CE 586x Management for Engineers (4) (Enroll in AME 589x)
CE 587 Transportation Energy Analysis (3) Energy consumption and socioeconomic impacts of past, present, and future transportation systems; analysis of alternatives between energy-intensive and low-cost transportation modes.
CE 589 Port Engineering: Planning and Operations (3, Fa) Physical and operational characteristics of marine ports; impact analysis of modern logistics on port operation, planning and management; optimization and efficiency solutions for container terminals.
CE 590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CE 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
CE 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9) Course content will be selected each semester to reflect current trends and developments in the field of civil engineering.
CE 611 Stochastic Modeling and Simulation (3) Stochastic methods for modeling and simulating physical, chemical and biological processes. Topics include: Stochastic partial differential equations, Monte Carlo simulations, moment equation methods, stochastic expansions. Open only to graduate students.
CE 633 Urban Transportation Planning and Management (4, 2 years, Fa) (Enroll in PPD 633)
CE 634 Institutional and Policy Issues in Transportation (4, Sp) (Enroll in PPD 634)
CE 640 Advanced Theory of Elasticity (3) Curvilinear tensors; equations of nonlinear elasticity; elementary solutions; small deformations superimposed on large deformations; bifurcation of equilibrium states; nonlinear shell theory. Prerequisite: CE 507.
CE 645 Uncertainty Modeling and Stochastic Optimization (3) Introduction to the mathematical foundations, numerical algorithms, and computational tools necessary for solving problems of optimization under uncertainty. Open only to graduate students.
CE 690 Directed Research (1-4, max 8) Laboratory study of specific problems by candidates for the degree Engineer in Civil Engineering. Graded CR/NC.
CE 692 Transportation and the Environment (4) (Enroll in PPD 692)
CE 694abz Thesis (2-2-0) Required for the degree Engineer in Civil Engineering. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
CE 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CE 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.