Chemical Engineering – Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Courses of Instruction
Chemical Engineering (CHE)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.CHE 120 Introduction to Chemical Engineering (3, Sp) Problem-solving techniques in chemical engineering using graphics and computers. Mass and heat balances. Corequisite: MATH 125; CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL.
CHE 205 Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering (3, Sp) Computational tools for solving numerical problems in Chemical Engineering. Prerequisite: MATH 125.
CHE 330 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3, Fa) Elements of chemical engineering thermodynamics, including generalized correlations of properties of materials, phase behavior, physical and chemical equilibria. Corequisite: MATH 226.
CHE 350 Introduction to Separation Processes (3, Sp) Use of equilibrium phase relations and principles of material and energy balance for design, operation, and optimization of separation procedures such as distillation, absorption, etc. Prerequisite: CHEM 105bL or CHEM 115bL; recommended preparation: CHE 330.
CHE 390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
CHE 405 Applications of Probability and Statistics for Chemical Engineers (3, Fa) Principles of probability and statistics, random variables and random functions. Application to chemical engineering problems, including process design, process safety, heterogeneous materials and processes. Prerequisite: MATH 245.
CHE 410 Introduction to Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (3, Fa) (Enroll in BME 410)
CHE 442 Chemical Reactor Analysis (3, Fa) Basic concepts of chemical kinetics and chemical reactor design. Prerequisite: MATH 245.
CHE 443 Viscous Flow (3, Sp) Constitutive equations and rate laws, momentum equations and kinetic theory of Newtonian, Non-Newtonian and complex flows. Applications to chemical engineering systems. Corequisite: CHE 350, MATH 245.
CHE 444abL Chemical Engineering Laboratory (3-3, FaSp) Resolution of chemical engineering problems that require original planning, observations, and data interpretation. Written and oral reports. Prerequisite: CHE 330, CHE 350, CHE 442; corequisite: CHE 443.
CHE 445 Heat Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes (2) Phenomenological rate laws, differential and macroscopic equations, and elementary kinetic theory of heat transfer processes with emphases on conduction and convection. (Duplicates credit in AME 331.) Prerequisite: CHE 443, MATH 245.
CHE 446 Mass Transfer in Chemical Engineering Processes (2, Sp) Molecular and continuum approaches to diffusion and convection in fluids and multicomponent mixtures; simultaneous mass, heat and momentum transfer; steady-state and time-dependent diffusion; Maxwell-Stefan equations. Prerequisite: MATH 245, CHE 443, CHE 445.
CHE 460L Chemical Process Dynamics and Control (3, Sp) Simulation, stability, and automatic control of chemical processes. Open and closed loop control schemes and introduction to optimal control theory. Computer implementation and laboratory application. Prerequisite: CHE 120; corequisite: MATH 245.
CHE 461 Formation Evaluation (3) (Enroll in PTE 461)
CHE 462 Economic, Risk and Formation Productivity Analysis (4) (Enroll in PTE 462)
CHE 463L Introduction to Transport Processes in Porous Media (3) (Enroll in PTE 463L)
CHE 464L Petroleum Reservoir Engineering (3) (Enroll in PTE 464L)
CHE 465L Drilling Technology and Subsurface Methods (3) (Enroll in PTE 465L)
CHE 472 Polymer Science and Engineering (3,Sp) The preparation, characterization, and properties of synthetic polymers. An interdisciplinary approach to polymers as materials. Recommended preparation: CHEM 322aL.
CHE 474L Polymer Science and Engineering Laboratory (3, Sp) Experimental methods for the preparation, characterization, and properties of synthetic polymers. Recommended preparation: CHE 472.
CHE 475 Physical Properties of Polymers (3, Fa) Theoretical methods and semi-empirical correlations for estimating mechanical, thermodynamic, transport, optical, and electrical properties of polymer solutions, melts, networks, glasses, polymer blends and semi-crystalline polymers. Recommended preparation: CHE 472 and CHEM 430a.
CHE 476 Chemical Engineering Materials (3, Sp) Chemical and physical properties of solid materials used by chemical engineers, including polymers, metals, and ceramics. Materials design for industrial applications. Prerequisite: CHEM 322aL.
CHE 477 Computer Assisted Polymer Engineering and Manufacturing I (3, Sp) Estimation of physical, mechanical, chemical and processing properties of thermal plastics. Major molding processes. Mold flow simulation and residual stresses analysis. Case studies. Prerequisite: junior class standing.
CHE 480 Chemical Process and Plant Design (3, Sp) Applications of unit operations, thermodynamics, kinetics, and economic balance; energy conservation in heat exchanger networks and in sequencing of separational devices. Safety aspects. Prerequisite: senior standing.
CHE 485 Computer-Aided Chemical Process Design (3, Fa) Use and optimization of modern computer software for chemical process design. Prerequisite: CHE 442, CHE 443.
CHE 486 Design of Environmentally Benign Process Plants (3, Sp) Chemical Process Plants interact with the environment as an integrated system. This course discusses design procedures to minimize unwanted effluents to air, water and solid wastes. Corequisite: CHE 480 or CHE 485.
CHE 487 Nanotechnology and Nanoscale Engineering through Chemical Processes (3) Properties and processing of nanomaterials including polymeric, metallic, and ceramic nanoparticles, composites, colloids, and surfactant self-assembly for templated nano-material production. Prerequisite: CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL or MASC 110L.
CHE 489 Biochemical Engineering (3, Sp) Application of chemical engineering principles to biological and biochemical processes and materials. Design of biochemical reactors and of processes for separation and purification of biological products. Prerequisite: CHE 330, BISC 320L.
CHE 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
CHE 491 Nanotechnology Research for Undergraduates (2) Independent research in nanotechnology. Research project selected by the student in close consultation with a research mentor. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: CHE 487.
CHE 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Course content to be selected each semester from recent developments in chemical engineering and related fields.
CHE 501 Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Systems (3, Fa) Application of mathematics to problems in chemical engineering; mathematical modeling, differential and integral equations, linear systems analysis and stability, asymptotic and numerical methods. Graduate standing.
CHE 502 Numerical Methods for Diffusive and Convective Transport (3, Sp) Numerical solution of ordinary and partial differential equations describing fluid flow, diffusion with chemical reaction, and conduction in heterogeneous media. Graduate standing.
CHE 510 Energy and Process Efficiency (3, Sp) Management and engineering strategies utilized to improve energy efficiency. Open only to graduate students.
CHE 513 Principles of Combustion (3) (Enroll in AME 513)
CHE 523 Principles of Electrochemical Engineering (3) (Enroll in MASC 523)
CHE 530 Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers (3, Sp) Application of thermodynamics to chemical engineering systems. Recommended preparation: CHE 330.
CHE 531 Enhanced Oil Recovery (3) (Enroll in PTE 531)
CHE 532 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium (3) Thermodynamics of phase relations; prediction and correlation of phase behavior. Prerequisite: CHE 330.
CHE 540 Viscous Flow (3) Fluid mechanical problem of interest to chemical engineers involving laminar flows of incompressible fluids, viscous-dominated creeping flows, and motion of bubbles and drops. Prerequisite: CE 309 or AME 309 or CHE 443.
CHE 541 Mass Transfer (3) Fundamentals of mass transfer within a single phase and between phases; applications to separation processes. Recommended preparation: CHE 445.
CHE 542 Chemical Engineering Kinetics (3, Sp) Reaction kinetics applied to problems of engineering design and operation. Recommended preparation: CHE 442.
CHE 544 Heat Transmission (3) Principles of conduction, radiation, and convection of heat; application to chemical and related industries. Recommended preparation: CHE 330, CHE 445.
CHE 550ab Seminars in Chemical Engineering (0-1, max 2, FaSp) Seminars to cover recent developments in the field of chemical engineering given by invited speakers. Master’s students must register for two semesters; Ph.D. students must register for four semesters. Graded IP/CR/NC. Recommended preparation: graduate standing.
CHE 554 Principles of Tissue Engineering (3, Fa) Advanced scientific and engineering principles of tissue engineering including stem cell biology, biomaterial scaffolds, protein-surface interaction, bioreactor, and selected bioartificial organs (e.g., kidney, bone, skin). Recommended preparation: CHE 476, CHE 489.
CHE 560 Advanced Separation and Bioseparation Processes (3, Sp) Experimental techniques for separation and bioseparation processes and theoretical and computational techniques for modeling them. Graduate standing.
CHE 572 Advanced Topics in Polymer Kinetics and Rheology (3, Fa) Kinetics of polymer synthesis reactions and rheology of polymer solutions. Recommended preparation: CHE 442, CHE 472.
CHE 582 Fluid Flow and Transport Processes in Porous Media (3) (Enroll in PTE 582)
CHE 590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CHE 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
CHE 596 Chemical Reactions in the Atmosphere (3) (Enroll in ENE 596)
CHE 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9) Course content will be selected each semester to reflect current trends and developments in the field of chemical engineering.
CHE 611 Stochastic Modeling and Simulation (3) (Enroll in CE 611)
CHE 690 Directed Research (1-4) Laboratory study of specific problems by candidates for the degree Engineer in Chemical Engineering. Graded CR/NC.
CHE 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CHE 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.