Univ of Southern California
University of Southern California
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Earth Sciences

Undergraduate Degrees

Department Major Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Geological Sciences

Required coursesUnits
Introduction: Any one of (4 units):
GEOL 105LPlanet Earth4
GEOL 107LOceanography4
GEOL 108LCrises of a Planet4
GEOL 125LEarth History: A Planet and its Evolution4
GEOL 130LThe Nature of Scientific Inquiry4
GEOL 150LClimate Change4
GEOL 240LEarthquakes4

Required (12 units):
GEOL 315LMinerals and Earth Systems4
GEOL 385Research Methods in the Earth Sciences2
GEOL 494xSenior Thesis2
GEOL 465Summer Field Geology, or
GEOL 490xDirected Research4

Electives: choose seven of the following (28 units)*:
BISC 474Ecosystem Function and Earth Systems4
BISC 483Geobiology and Astrobiology4
GEOL 316LPetrologic Systems4
GEOL 320LSurficial Processes and Stratigraphic Systems4
GEOL 321LStructural Geology and Tectonics4
GEOL 412Oceans, Climate, and the Environment4
GEOL 433LPaleontology and Evolution in Deep Time4
GEOL 440LGeophysics and Geoengineering4
GEOL 450LGeosystems4
GEOL 460LGeochemistry and Hydrogeology4
GEOL 470Environmental Hydrogeology4
MATH 225Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations4
MATH 226Calculus III4

*Up to two upper division courses from other science departments may be substituted for any two in this group, on approval of the departmental undergraduate advisor.

Required courses from other departments (24 units):
CHEM 105aLbLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbLAdvanced General Chemistry4-4
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
PHYS 135abLPhysics for the Life Sciences, or
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics, and
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism, or
BISC 120LxGeneral Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution, and
BISC 220LGeneral Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology, or
BISC 121LAdvanced General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution, and
BISC 221LAdvanced General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology4-4
Total units68

Department Major Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Earth Sciences

Required coursesUnits
Introduction: any one of (4 units):
GEOL 105LPlanet Earth4
GEOL 107LOceanography4
GEOL 108LCrises of a Planet4
GEOL 125LEarth History: A Planet and its Evolution4
GEOL 130LThe Nature of Scientific Inquiry4
GEOL 150LClimate Change4
GEOL 240LEarthquakes4

GEOL 315LMinerals and Earth Systems4

Electives: choose seven of the following (28 units):
BISC 474Ecosystem Function and Earth Systems4
BISC 483Geobiology and Astrobiology4
GEOL 316LPetrologic Systems4
GEOL 320LSurficial Processes and Stratigraphic Systems4
GEOL 321LStructural Geology and Tectonics4
GEOL 385Research Methods in the Earth Sciences, and2
GEOL 494xSenior Thesis2
GEOL 412Oceans, Climate, and the Environment4
GEOL 433LPaleontology and Evolution in Deep Time4
GEOL 440LGeophysics and Geoengineering4
GEOL 450LGeosystems4
GEOL 460LGeochemistry and Hydrogeology4
GEOL 465Summer Field Geology4
GEOL 470Environmental Hydrogeology4

Required courses in other departments (8 units):
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry4
MATH 118xFundamental Principles of the Calculus, or
MATH 125Calculus I4

Choose any one of the following (4 units):
BISC 120LGeneral Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution4
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry4
PHYS 135aLPhysics for the Life Sciences4
Total units48

Undergraduate Honors Program

The department offers an honors program for students pursuing either a B.S. or a B.A. in Earth Sciences. Students wishing to participate in this program must complete GEOL 494x Senior Thesis. Honors will be awarded upon successful completion of the thesis and attainment of an overall GPA of 3.0 and a GPA of 3.5 in courses in the major.

Grade Point Average in Major Subject

A grade of C or higher is required in each course in the earth sciences courses used to complete the department or physical sciences major.

Requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Physical Sciences

Required coursesUnits
Lower division:
CHEM 105aLbLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbLAdvanced General Chemistry4-4
GEOL 105LPlanet Earth4
PHYS 151LFundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism4
PHYS 153LFundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics4

Upper division:
Astronomy elective*4
Chemistry elective*4
Earth Sciences elective*4
Physics elective*4

Three additional electives from these fields*12

Other courses:
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
MATH 226Calculus III4
Total units:64

*Upper division courses must be applicable to majors in their respective departments.

Minor in Geobiology

The minor in geobiology is designed to allow students majoring in biology to incorporate interdisciplinary courses in earth sciences into their program or to allow students majoring in geology to incorporate interdisciplinary courses in biology into their program. This field represents the intersection of what have been traditional disciplines and is valuable for understanding evolution, environmental contaminant behavior and ocean sciences. Students with majors offered by biological or earth or geological sciences will be able to complete this minor with 16 to 24 units of course work beyond their major requirements. Other students may need to complete up to 48 units of course work beyond their major requirements. For example, students majoring in biological sciences might take an introductory GEOL course; GEOL 315L; GEOL 433L or BISC 483; and two additional upper-division elective courses from the list below. Students majoring in earth or geological sciences must take BISC 120L and BISC 220L; GEOL 433L or BISC 483; and three additional elective courses. Courses selected must include at least 16 units unique to the minor and at least 16 units in a department outside the major.

Required coursesUnits
BISC 120LxGeneral Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution4
BISC 220LGeneral Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology4
CHEM 105aLbLGeneral Chemistry4-4
GEOL 315LMinerals and Earth Systems4

Elective coursesUnits
One introductory GEOL course:
GEOL 105L, GEOL 107L, GEOL 108L, GEOL 125L, GEOL 130L, GEOL 150L
or GEOL 240L4
BISC 483*Geobiology and Astrobiology, or
GEOL 433LPaleontology and Evolution in Deep Time4

Three upper-division BISC courses12

Two courses from the following (8 units):8
BISC 474L*Ecosystem Function and Earth Sciences
BISC 483*Geobiology and Astrobiology
GEOL 320LSurficial Processes and Stratigraphic Systems
GEOL 412Oceans, Climate and the Environment
GEOL 433LPaleontology and Evolution in Deep Time
GEOL 450LGeosystems
GEOL 460LGeochemistry and Hydrogeology
GEOL 470Environmental Hydrogeology

*Indicates BISC course that is also cross-listed under GEOL

**Must carry credit for a biology major

Minor in Geohazards

The geohazards minor allows students who are not geology majors to pursue a course of study that will lead to greater understanding of geohazards such as climate change, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, environmental contamination and availability of natural resources. These issues are examined in a number of upper division geology courses, and each student can select from the list below depending on the particular area of interest and whether previous coursework has been completed to meet prerequisites for some of the choices. The minor requires an introductory class, an upper-division course in either formation of minerals or geosystem behavior and three elective courses from the list below. The minimum number of units to complete the minor is 24, including the introductory course CHEM 105aL (a corequisite for GEOL 315L) or MATH 125 (prerequisite for GEOL 450L) and three of the group: BISC 427, GEOL 305L, GEOL 315L, GEOL 316L, GEOL 320L, GEOL 321L, GEOL 433L and GEOL 450L. The remaining courses listed have additional prerequisites.

Required coursesUnits
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, and4
GEOL 315LMinerals and Earth Systems, or4
MATH 125Calculus 1, and4
GEOL 450LGeosystems4

Elective coursesUnits
One introductory GEOL course:
GEOL 105L, GEOL 107L, GEOL 108L, GEOL 125L, GEOL 130L, GEOL 150L or GEOL 240L4

Three of the following (12 units):
BISC 427The Global Environment4
GEOL 305LxIntroduction to Engineering Geology4
GEOL 315LMinerals and Earth Systems4
GEOL 316LPetrologic Systems4
GEOL 320LSurficial Processes and Stratigraphic Systems4
GEOL 321LStructural Geology and Tectonics4
GEOL 412Oceans, Climate, and the Environment4
GEOL 433LPaleontology and Evolution in Deep Time4
GEOL 440LGeophysics and Geoengineering4
GEOL 450LGeosystems4
GEOL 460LGeochemistry and Hydrogeology4
GEOL 470Environmental Hydrogeology4

Progressive Degree Program in Geological Sciences

This program permits exceptional students to receive both a B.S. and M.S. in geological sciences in not more than 10 semesters. It is intended for students with extraordinary geological sciences preparation and performance who demonstrate a superior level of overall scholarship, including a GPA of 3.5 or better. Students may apply on completion of 64 units of course work but not later than the end of the junior year (or the completion of 96 units). The application for admission to a progressive degree program must be accompanied by an approved course plan proposal and letters of recommendation from two USC faculty members in the Department of Earth Sciences. The requirements for both the B.S. and M.S. degrees must be satisfied. Further details about progressive degree programs can be found in Graduate and Professional Degrees.