University of Southern California
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Degrees and Requirements

The Viterbi School of Engineering offers the following undergraduate curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science in: Aerospace Engineering; Applied Mechanics; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering and Computer Science; Computer Science; Computer Science/Business Administration; Computer Science (Games); Electrical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; and Physics/Computer Science.

Minor programs are offered in: Astronautical Engineering; Computer Science; Construction Planning and Management; Craniofacial and Dental Technology; Engineering Management; Engineering Technology Commercialization; Environmental Engineering; Interactive Multimedia; Materials Science; Petroleum Engineering and Polymer Science; 3-D Animation; Video Game Design and Management; Video Game Programming; Web Technology and Applications.

These programs will be dropped beginning summer 2010.

Graduate curricula leading to the Master of Science in: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics); Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Dynamics and Control); Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering (Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics); Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering); Civil Engineering (Environmental Engineering); Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering); Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering); Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering); Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Computer Science (Computer Networks); Computer Science (Computer Security); Computer Science (Game Development); Computer Science (High Performance Computing and Simulations); Computer Science (Human Language Technology); Computer Science (Intelligent Robotics); Computer Science (Multimedia and Creative Technologies); Computer Science (Software Engineering); Electrical Engineering; Electrical Engineering (Computer Networks); Electrical Engineering (Electric Power); Electrical Engineering (Multimedia and Creative Technologies); Electrical Engineering (VLSI Design); Engineering Management; Environmental Engineering; Financial Engineering; Green Technologies; Health Systems Management Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; Materials Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Medical Device and Diagnostic Engineering; Operations Research Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Petroleum Engineering/Smart Oilfield Technologies; Product Development Engineering; and Systems Architecting and Engineering.

Graduate curricula leading to the Master of Construction Management.

This program will be dropped beginning summer 2010.

Graduate curricula leading to the Master of Engineering in: Environmental Quality Management and Structural Design.

Graduate curricula leading to the Engineer degree in: Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; and Petroleum Engineering.

Through the Graduate School, graduate curricula leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in: Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Engineering (Environmental Engineering); Industrial and Systems Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; and Petroleum Engineering.

Graduate certificates in: Astronautical Engineering; Engineering Technology Commercialization; Health Systems Operations; Network Centric Systems; Smart Oilfield Technologies; Software Engineering; Systems Architecting and Engineering; and Transportation Systems.

Undergraduate Program Accreditation

The Bachelor of Science degrees in aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering and computer science, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, and mechanical engineering, including all of the areas of emphasis within each of these degrees, are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, (410) 347-7700. The Bachelor of Science degrees in computer engineering and computer science and in computer science are accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, 111 Market Place, Suite 1050, Baltimore, MD 21202-4012, (410) 347-7700.