University of Southern California
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Please note: Due to late revisions, some text on this page differs from what appears in the printed version of the USC Catalogue. The changes appear below as highlighted text, with corresponding explanations appearing in the right margin.

Animation and Digital Arts

The Division of Animation and Digital Arts is an international and multicultural program focusing on animation in all its forms. The fundamental philosophy of the program strongly encourages innovation and experimentation, and emphasizes imagination, creativity and critical thinking.

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Animation and Digital Art is a unique four-year program granted through the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences in conjunction with the School of Cinematic Arts. Students study within the framework that combines a broad liberal arts background with specialization in a profession. Areas of concentration might include character animation, experimental animation, visual effects, 3-D computer animation, science visualization and interactive animation.

Undergraduate students take their pre-professional courses in the College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, including the general education requirements. Major courses are selected from the curriculum of the School of Cinematic Arts. The degree requires 128 units, including a minimum of 14 lower division units and a minimum of 24 upper division units in Cinematic Arts.

General Education Requirements

The university's general education program provides a coherent, integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge you will need to consider yourself (and to be considered by other people) a generally well-educated person. This program requires six courses in different categories, plus writing, foreign language and diversity requirements, which comprise the USC core. See here and here for more information.

Required courses Units
CTAN 101Introduction to the Art of Animation2
CTAN 102Introduction to the Art of Movement2
CTAN 201Introduction to Animation Techniques3
CTAN 202Advanced Animation Techniques3
CTAN 301Introduction to Digital Animation3
CTAN 302Introduction to 3-D Computer and Character Animation3
CTAN 336Ideation and Pre-Production2
CTAN 436Writing for Animation2
CTAN 401abSenior Project4-4
CTAN 432The World of Visual Effects2
CTAN 451History of Animation2
CTAN 496*Directed Studies2, max 4
CTCS 201History of International Cinema4
CTPR 495*Internship in Cinema/Television2 or 4
FA 101abDrawing4-4

*Students can take either one or both classes but must take a minimum of 2 units in a directed studies or internship

Two units must be selected from the following list:
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences — Physical Education
PHED 120Yoga1
PHED 137Gymnastics1

School of Theatre
THTR 122Improvisation and Theatre Games2
THTR 181abModern Dance2
THTR 184abcJazz Dance2
THTR 188abInternational Style Ballroom Dance2
THTR 189abTap Dance2
THTR 216Movement for Actors2

One course must be taken from the following list:
CTCS 192Race, Class, and Gender in American Film4
CTCS 392History of the American Film, 1925-19504
CTCS 393History of the American Film, 1946-19754
CTCS 400Non-Fiction Film and Television4
CTCS 403Studies in Nationaland Regional Media4
CTCS 407African American Cinema4
CTCS 409Censorship in Cinema4
CTCS 464Film and/or Television Genres4
CTCS 469Film and/or Television Style Analysis4
Total units52

Areas of Concentration

Areas of concentration might include character animation, experimental animation, 3-D computer animation, visualizing science, inter active animation and visual effects. Students work in consultation with the undergraduate coordinator and faculty to help them decide their course of study while at USC.

Senior Project

In the spring semester of their third year students develop their senior project through CTAN 336 Ideation and Pre-Production under the guidance of the lecturer. This project will focus on an area of concentration studied throughout the B.A. by the student. At the end of this class, students present their senior project concepts for review to the Division of Animation and Digital Arts faculty. Progression into CTAN 401ab is contingent upon faculty committee approval.

In the final year, students concentrate on their senior projects, completing production and post-production. The student's project will be presented to the committee upon completion.

Completion is defined as a fully rendered, animated piece with a completed sound track. In the case of installation work, the piece must be mounted in a suitable space with all sound and animated components completed and functional.

In the case of an interactive work, the piece must be fully functional with completed animation, sound and interactivity.

In addition to completion of the senior project, the student must provide the faculty committee with written and visual documentation of the research. This can be documented as a publishable paper (2000 words), Web site or interactive DVD.

Grade Point Average Requirements

A minimum grade of C, 2.0 (A=4.0), must be earned in all required and prerequisite courses. A grade of C- (1.7) or lower will not fulfill a major requirement.

Students who do not earn the minimum grade of C (2.0) in CTAN 101, CTAN 102, CTAN 201, CTAN 202, CTAN 301, CTAN 302 or CTAN 401ab after repeating these requirements will be disqualified from the program.

Limitations on Enrollment

Registration in graduate level courses (numbered 500) for undergraduate credit requires prior approval from the School of Cinematic Arts.

Curriculum Review

Cinematic arts majors are expected to meet with an advisor every semester to review their progress. Contact the Cinematic Arts Animation and Digital Arts Division Office, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211, (213) 740-3986, or online at
This new international program is available beginning fall 2009.

International Program

John C. Hench Animation and Digital Arts offers a fall or spring semester abroad at Studio Art Centers International (SACI) Florence, Italy. B.A. students will be required to take equivalent classes in animation and digital media while also benefiting from the wide range of liberal arts courses offered at SACI.

Master of Fine Arts

The Master of Fine Arts degree in Animation and Digital Arts is a three-year (six semester) graduate program designed for students who have clearly identified animation and digital art as their primary interest in cinema. The program focuses on animation production, including a wide range of techniques and aesthetic approaches, from hand-drawn character animation to state-of-the-art interactive digital animation. While embracing traditional forms, the program strongly encourages innovation and experimentation, and emphasizes imagination, creativity and critical thinking. Students should graduate with a comprehensive knowledge of animation from conception through realization; an understanding of the history of the medium and its aesthetics; in-depth knowledge of computer animation software and the most important elements of digital and interactive media.

The program requires a minimum of 50 units: 35 units are in prescribed, sequential courses in the School of Cinematic Arts. The other 15 units are cinematic arts electives, 4 of which must be taken in the Division of Critical Studies. A thesis is required for the M.F.A. degree. Ongoing workshops in new technologies, traditional and digital media provide additional educational opportunities for students.

Admission is granted once a year in the fall; there are no spring admissions. Approximately 14 students will be enrolled in each incoming class. In addition to practical production, the program also provides opportunities for fieldwork experience and internships to facilitate the student's transition into the profession.

Applicants for the M.F.A. in Animation and Digital Arts must apply online and submit a hard copy of their portfolio. For specific instructions, contact the Cinematic Arts Animation and Digital Arts Division Office, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2211, (213) 740-3986, or online at

The application deadline is December 1 for the fall semester.

Prior knowledge of fundamental digital animation concepts and techniques is recommended.

The Graduate School Two-Third Rule

We require 50 units minimum to graduate from the M.F.A. in Animation and Digital Arts program, and two-thirds must be at the 500 level, not including 4 units of CTAN 594ab Master's Thesis.

Requirements for the M.F.A. in Animation and Digital Arts

Year One, First Semester Units
CTAN 451History of Animation2
CTAN 522*Animation Department Seminar1
CTAN 544Introduction to the Art of Animation3
CTAN 577aFundamentals of Animation2
CTAN 582Basic Animation Production Technologies2

Year One, second Semester Units
CTAN 522*Animation Department Seminar1
CTAN 536Storytelling for Animation2
CTAN 547Animation Production I3
CTAN 579Expanded Animation2

Year TWO, first Semester Units
CTAN 522*Animation Department Seminar1
CTAN 524Contemporary Topics in Animation and Digital Arts3
CTPR 507Production I4

Year TWO, second Semester Units
CTAN 505The Business of Animation2
CTAN 522*Animation Department Seminar1
CTAN 591Animation Pre-Thesis Seminar2

Year three, first Semester Units
CTAN 594a Master's Thesis2

Year three, second Semester Units
CTAN 594b Master's Thesis2
Total required units35


*Must be taken a minimum of four times and a maximum of six times throughout the M.F.A.

**A minimum total of 15 elective units must be taken.

Cinematic Arts Electives
To complete the 50 units required for the M.F.A. in Animation and Digital Arts, students are required to take a minimum of 15 School of Cinematic Arts elective units.

Four of those units must be taken from the following Critical Studies courses:

Electives Units
CTCS 501History of Global Cinema Before World War II2
CTCS 502History of Global Cinema After World War II2
CTCS 503Survey History of the United States Sound Film2
CTCS 504Survey of Television History2
CTCS 505Survey of Interactive Media2
CTCS 510Case Studies in National Media and/or Regional Media4
CTCS 511Seminar: Non-Fiction Film/Video4
CTCS 517Introductory Concepts in Cultural Studies4
CTCS 518Seminar: Avant-Garde Film/Video4
CTCS 564Seminar in Film and Television Genres4
CTCS 569Seminar in Film and Television Authors4
CTCS 585Seminar in Film/Television Critical Theory and Production4
CTCS 673Topics in Theory4
CTCS 678Seminar in Film Theory and Medium Specificity4
CTCS 679Seminar in Genre and/or Narrative Theory4

Thesis Project

In order to begin work on the thesis project, students must first successfully propose their project to a committee of M.F.A. animation and digital arts program faculty. Their proposal is prepared during the spring semester of their second year as part of their pre-thesis class CTAN 591.

In order to pass the pre-thesis class, the thesis proposal must be presented and approved by the thesis committee at the end of the fourth semester. Students cannot change their approved thesis project after the completion of CTAN 591. Throughout the pre-thesis and thesis years of study, students will meet regularly with an M.F.A. animation and digital arts faculty advisor(s) and thesis committee to develop and refine the proposal and discuss the progress of their work. The advisor(s) will be a member of the thesis committee.

The proposal itself will include a written treatment of the project with a discussion of similar work in the field and its relationship to the proposed project. It will describe aesthetic issues to be explored and specific techniques to be employed in its realization. It will also include a storyboard or visualization, budget and schedule, in addition to supporting materials created by the student demonstrating his/her ability to pursue the project. The thesis committee will make comments and decide whether the student may go forward with his/her project. Upon acceptance, the student will begin work on the project, otherwise revising the proposal and meeting again with the committee.

A mid-residency review of the thesis project will take place in the first semester of the final year of study. The student must show that deadlines set in the proposal have been met and that progress consistent with the proposal has been made. The committee may, if necessary, suggest modifications to the project, which the student is then obligated to implement.

In the final year, students concentrate on their thesis projects, completing production and post-production. The student's thesis will be presented to the committee upon completion.

Completion is defined as a fully rendered, animated piece with a completed sound track (guide mix acceptable). In the case of live action and visual effects projects, at least 70 percent of the final film must be animated. In the case of installation work, the piece must be mounted in a suitable space with all sound and animated components completed and functional. In the case of an interactive work the piece must be fully functional with completed animation, sound and interactivity.

In addition to completion of the thesis project, the student must provide the thesis committee with written and visual documentation of the research. This will be documented as a Web site or interactive DVD. The documentation comprises the following and should include a publishable research paper: synopsis; artist's statement and research paper; learning objectives — focus of research; type of project — animation, installation, interactive, etc.; research presentation in the format/medium in which the project is to be seen; script and storyboard or conceptual drawings if applicable; style approach, including source references for image shot structure, etc.; sound design and references; collaborators — if any; audience — who it is intended for and who will benefit from the research; budget; marketing and distribution plan.

Criteria for successful completion include: 40 percent originality, 40 percent quality of execution and 20 percent quality of research documentation.

Grade Point Average Requirements

A grade point average of at least 3.0 (A= 4.0) must be maintained in all USC course work toward the master's degree. Courses in which a grade of C- (1.7) or lower is earned will not apply toward a graduate degree. Courses below a C must be repeated.

Time Limit

Students must maintain satisfactory progress toward their master's degrees at all times. The time limit to complete all requirements is three years from the first course at USC applied toward the Master of Fine Arts degree. Course work more than seven years old is invalidated and will not be applied toward the degree.