Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Health Care Management (HMGT)
510 The Dynamics of Health Care Leadership (4) A five-day residential provides an intensive, multi-faceted learning experience in leadership, communication, managed care, systems thinking, and the health care environment. Open to EMHA students only.
520 Leading People and Health Care Organizations (4) An exploration of contemporary work force issues and skills development in organizational design, performance measurement, teamwork, conflict resolution, leadership, and change management. Open to EMHA students only.
525 Managed Care Operations (4) Focuses on managerial, operational, and organizational aspects of managed care for integrated delivery systems, health plans, and medical groups. Open to EMHA students only.
540 Health Economics and Insurance Mechanisms (4) Provides a framework for the economic analysis of health care issues and provides students with an opportunity to apply economic methods to a number of actual health care problems. Open to EMHA students only.
545 Systems Thinking and the Analysis of Data (4) Quality improvement and statistical tools for health managers. Covers analyzing processes; collecting and analyzing operational data; drawing valid conclusions from data. Open to EMHA students only.
550 Law, Regulation, and Ethics (4) An intensive introduction to business and health care law, ethics and regulation; gives executives practical knowledge regarding legal consideration in business transactions. Open to EMHA students only.
560 Customer-Focused Health Care Organization (4) Strategies for gaining and using customer-derived data in planning, marketing and managing health care organizations. Open to EMHA students only.
565 Managing the Organization�s Financial Health (4) Executives confront and solve problems requiring use of accounting, finance, and management control principles; provides core financial skills for non-finance professionals. Open to EMHA students only.
570 Strategic Management (4) Provides skill development and application in the integrative discipline of strategic management including assessment, strategy formulation, implementation and control. Open to EMHA students only.
575 Managing and Improving Health (4) Methods for monitoring and improving the health of populations. Topics include outcomes management, risk-adjustment, development and implementation of practice guidelines. Open to EMHA students only.
Urban and Regional Planning (PLUS)
600 Environmental Goods in Planning and Development (4, Irregular) Production, distribution, and valuation of environmental goods with attention to amenity concepts, externalities, public goods, consumer behavior; as characterized in economics, political science, sociology, psychology.
601 Advanced Planning Theory I (4, Fa) Value hierarchies, means-ends continuums, and the nature of social action; problems of prediction and choice under conditions of uncertainty; alternative planning strategies.
603 Planning and Development Paradigms (4, Sp) Introduction to historic, prevalent, and alternative paradigms of professional planning and development practice; seminar format and case studies.
611 Sustainable Cities: Problems and Policies (3, Fa) (Enroll in GEOG 601)
612 Analysis of Quantitative Data for Planning and Development (4, Fa) Planning and development case study approach to identifying data needs, acquisition, evaluation, manipulation, analysis, and multimedia presentation. Prerequisite: PPD 525.
615 Behavioral Issues in Environmental Design (4, Irregular) Planning and design of the physical environment for human activities, e.g., user preferences, privacy, territoriality, stress and adaptation, cognitive mapping, lifestyles.
623 Politics of Planning and the Urban Environment (4, Sp) Historic roots of property rights and obligations related to public policy, focus on current issues and discourse.
626 Information Systems for Planning and Development (4, 2 years, Sp) Structure, content, and applications of formal information systems in planning and policy making emphasizing social accounts and indicators, censuses, social reporting, and �futures� research.
631 Seminar in Physical Planning and Design in Developing Countries (4, Irregular) Issues in comparative urbanism; planning and design in developing countries: slums and squatters, housing and infrastructure, new towns, land policy, conservation and redevelopment, city design.
632 National Urban Policy in Developing Countries (4, Irregular) The problems of the primate city, the role of intermediate cities, and the implicit spatial impacts of macro and sectoral policies.
633 Seminar in Comparative Housing Policy and Urban Planning Programs (4, Irregular) Comparative examination of urbanization experience in selected areas and cities throughout the world; housing policies, urban planning approaches, financial, administrative, legal, and other techniques.
635 Urban Finance (4, Irregular) The theory of fiscal federalism and municipal finance, with examples from the USA and other countries, public/private partnerships in urban development, and government decentralization.
640 International Urban Development (4, Irregular) Study of urbanization in developing countries; special attention to urban growth, migration, city size, land use, and urban management. Comparative case studies.
680 Advanced Urban and Regional Transportation Planning (4, 2 years, Fa) Social and environmental impacts; incentive structures; alternate travel; investment guidelines; technological change.
692 Conspectus Preparation (4, FaSpSm) Preparation of a case study of a specific planning and/or development project that defines the student�s field of study.
694abcdz Planning, Design and Development Project (2-2-2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of planning, design and development project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
Policy, Planning, and development (Ppd)
100m Los Angeles, The Enduring Pueblo (4, FaSp) Gateway to the minor in Planning and Development. Ethnic history of Los Angeles, emphasis placed on architecture, planning, and development. Multiplicity of cross-connections shaped by race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 100.)
150 The Emergence of the American City (4, Irregular) Survey of the relationship of urban planning and political power, including the various factors which shaped the distinctively American form of the city. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 150.)
200 Politics and Public Policy (4, Sp) An examination of how public policy is made in America, using images of politics and policies communicated in movies as a starting point. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 200.)
220 Simulated Policymaking in Urban Systems: Theory and Practice (4, Irregular) Theoretical basis of policymaking; simulated processes of policy initiation, selection, and implementation; impacts and future prospects of public decisions on a simulated urban community. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 220.)
225 Public Policy and Management (4, FaSp) Institutions, legal context, and processes of public policy and management. Contemporary theories of public policy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Public managerial challenges and reforms. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 225.)
227 Urban Planning and Development (4, FaSp) Gateway to B.S., Public Policy, Management and Planning and minor in Planning and Development. City building and development process; who plans, politics of planning and development; major topics include land use, fiscal policy, transportation, sustainability, and economic development. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 355.)
230 Introduction to Health Policy and Management (4, Fa) Gateway to the minor in Health Policy and Management and the Health Care Policy and Management track of the B.S., Public Policy and Management. Institutions and processes affecting health care policy and the management of health care delivery in the United States; historical and philosophical roots; access and quality issues; responsiveness to public needs. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 230.)
240 Citizenship and Public Ethics (4, Fa, Sp) Review of legal and ethical traditions of citizenship with emphasis on the latter; consideration of implications for current practice of public policy-making and management. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 240.)
245 The Urban Context for Policy and Planning (4, Fa) The urban context for planning and policy decisions. Socioeconomic, physical, and spatial structure of cities; and the underlying demographic, economic, and social processes that drive their ongoing transformation.
250m Third World Cities (4, FaSp) Gateway to the B.S., Planning and Development. The transition from traditional to modern cities in the developing world. Primacy and dualism; comparative urbanism as an expression of cultural variation; contrast in Western cities. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 250.)
260m Planning, Diversity and Space (4, Irregular) Analysis of how diversity is impacted by physical space, proximity and separation. Consideration of selected diversity problems as planning issues, including diagnosis and policy prescriptions. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 260.)
265x Understanding Urban Complexity and Form Through Geographic Information Systems (4, Irregular) GIS (geographic information systems) software combines cartographic and database capabilities. Introduction to GIS; exploring applications in understanding spatial aspects of social diversity and urban form. Not available for major credit. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 265x.)
280x The Automobile and the City (4, Irregular) Examination of the complex process of decisions that resulted in the adoption of the auto and the development of the world�s most extensive highway system. Not available for major credit. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 280x.)
300m Design and Quality (4, Sp) Design and judgments of design. Cities, architecture, literature and the arts, engineering projects. Entrepreneurship as design. Design as a product of diversity, hierarchy, and conflict. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 300.)
302m Urban Sleuths: Exploring People and Places in Cities (4, Irregular) Exploring the processes through which we construct and construe cities; application and evaluation of empirical methods; special focus on the multiple landscapes in Los Angeles. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 315.)
304 Property Rights, Governance, and the Environment (4, Irregular) Role of property rights in historic governmental structures, modern environmental concerns and their connection to traditional views of property rights, contemporary role of governmental systems. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 361.)
306 Visual Methods in Policy, Management, Planning and Development (4, FaSp) Introduction to graphic design, photodocumentation, and geographic information systems as employed in planning, policy, and development. Visual explanations. Computer and by-hand applications. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 410.)
310 Politics and Ethics in Planning and Development (4, Sp) Key issues in planning theory; difficulties faced by planners and developers and strategies to overcome them; review and discussion of ethics literature as related to planning and development issues. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 401.)
312 The Experience of Place (4, Fa) The examination and planning of spaces from the framework of the elemental senses -- taste, touch, movement, sight, scent, and hearing. A humanist approach to planning. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 408.)
313 Finance of the Public Sector (4, FaSp) Justifications for and effects of government policies; tax and spending sides of government budgets; public goods; externalities; social insurance; redistribution and welfare; tax policy. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 313.) Prerequisite: ECON 203.
316 Human Resource Management for Public Organizations (4, FaSp) Human resource development and management; values and processes in civil service career systems; training practices; human relations in supervision; personnel theory. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 316.)
318 Financial Accounting in Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4, FaSp) Basic accounting principles and concepts necessary for the preparation and understanding of financial statements; accounting for service organizations in the public/nonprofit sector; fund accounting. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 351.)
320 Organizational Behavior in Public Administration (4, FaSp) Understanding human behavior in public organization: motivation, roles, communication; group behavior and decision-making in public context; managing conflict; leadership and change in public complex organizational systems. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 485.)
322 The Administrator and Public Relations (4, Irregular) Requisites of sound public relations programs in government agencies; techniques for selecting, preparing, and disseminating governmental issues; media; social, psychological, and political principles. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 405.)
330 Introduction to Health Care Systems (4, Sp) Concepts and determinants of health and illness; health care delivery organizations and programs; the role of the administrator; issues in health care financing and access; quality evaluation; future trends. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 330.)
340 The American System of Justice (4, Irregular) Introduction to the system of justice administration: components -- police services, judiciary, corrections; interrelationships and issues; management strategies for change. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 340.)
342 Crime and Public Policy (4, Fa) Public policy agenda-setting, alternatives formulation, and implementation for crime and criminal justice; analysis of specific issues including crime control, death penalty and gun control. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 342.)
343 Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Public Policy (4, Fa) Overview of terrorism, government policies and practices, issues of civil liberties, challenges to public sector management.
350 Urban Institutions and Policies (4, Fa) Theories of urbanization and urban development; social organization of urban communities; local governance and selected urban policies; methods of urban analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 350.)
352amb Los Angeles Mini Semester (4-4, FaSpSm) A more limited version of the Los Angeles Semester. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 406ab.)
353abcd Los Angeles Semester (4-4-4-4, FaSp) Intensive seminar with field work in the nature of the urban community; its culture, economics, environment, politics, and social problems. May be substituted for general or departmental requirements on the approval of the appropriate dean or major department chair. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 408abcd.)
354 Los Angeles: The City, The Novel, The Movie (2, Irregular) Every real city is also an imagined city: a look at Los Angeles and its parts from four perspectives: place, fiction, film, and fiction-into-film. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 486.)
355 Government and Administration in Metropolitan Areas (4, Irregular) Administration problems created by large urban areas comprising many political entities; suggested solutions; experience in Los Angeles area; current trends. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 421.)
356 Urban Diversity and Communication (4, Fa) Analysis of communities with census data. Population diversity. Design of opinion surveys of market and policy issues. Research communication, writing with numbers, graphic presentation. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 474.)
357 Government and Business (4, FaSp) Interrelated roles of business and public institutions; effects of public policies and laws on business sector; incorporates public and business perspectives. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 357.) Prerequisite: ECON 203.
358 Urban and Regional Economics (4, Fa) Basic concepts of urban and regional economies; how planners intervene in the urban market; housing, transportation, public goods; land use politics; fiscal issues; cost-benefit analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 402.)
360 Urban Transportation Planning and Policy (4, Sp) Current transportation planning and policy critiques. Transportation planning; the relationship to urban structure; conventional and para-transit modes; analysis of local plans. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 480.)
362 Real Estate Fundamentals for Planning and Development (4, Fa) Urban markets, government role and influences; capital markets and financing environment; mortgage instruments and analytic tools for decision-making. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 406.)
371 The Nonprofit Sector and the Public Interest (4, Fa) Theories of the voluntary nonprofit sector in society and its relationship to government and business; public policies toward the sector. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 371.)
372m Public Service in an Urban Setting (4, Sp) Voluntary service in an urban, multicultural context: diverse meanings and practices, history, motivations, relationship to charity and change, dilemmas, public policies; service learning project required. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 372.)
375 The Urban Neighborhood (4) (Enroll in URBN 375)
380ab International Perspectives on Urban Problem Solving (4-4, Irregular) Research on comparative urban public policy and administration utilizing case study approach; field research includes study in various foreign cities. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 412ab.)
382 International Development (4, FaSp) Definitions and measurements of development; impact of globalization; concept and practice of international and development administration and planning at local, national, and global governance levels. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 405.)
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 390 and PPMT 390.)
401 Public Policy, Management, and Planning Practices: Internship Seminar (2, FaSpSm) Seminar to accompany required internship related to public policy, management and planning. Application of management and organizational concepts to workplace; reflection on experiences. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 401.)
402 Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4, Fa) Contemporary management theory; the nature of complex organizations; organizational and intergovernmental arrangements; roles and responsibilities of managers; managerial and organizational effectiveness; organizational structure and dynamics. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 215.)
403 Management Analysis I (4, Sp) Introduction to organizational and systems analysis; historical perspective; systems theory; information systems, procedure analysis; management planning; introduction to models. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 403.)
404x Statistics for Policy, Planning, and Development (4, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of probability; basic statistical techniques; sampling; framing statistical questions; inference; hypothesis and significance tests; correlation analysis; regression analysis; identifying, evaluating, and managing data. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 404x and PPMT 404.) Recommended preparation: MATH 108 or MATH 116.
407 Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4, Sp) Time value of money, risk, government bonds and tax-exempt financing, cost of capital, budgeting, financial statement analysis, and working capital management. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 414.) Prerequisite: PPD 318.
409 Training and the Applied Behavioral Science (4, Irregular) The nature of public service training; training management; training plans; personal and organizational development; skilled training needs assessment; evaluation. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 417.)
411abcd Sacramento Semester (4-4-4-4, Irregular) Exploration of political, economic, and administrative climate of the state government; basic processes and functions considered through seminars, research projects, visitations, group discussions, and internships. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 411abcd.)
413 Administration of Health Care Organizations (4, Sp) Theory and practice; role of governing bodies, medical staffs and quality review committees; current trends; community responsibility; regulatory and oversight agencies. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 439.)
417 History of Planning and Development (4, Sp) Historical evolution of planning and development. How changing modes of planning and development have shaped the built landscape throughout the century. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 485.)
419 Analysis for Planning and Development (4, Irregular) Presentation of concepts central to planning; macroanalytics -- national, regional, and urban systems; microanalytics -- behavior of individuals, households, and organizations; systems analysis; investment analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 455.)
425 Designing Livable Communities (4, Fa) Theories and concepts of livable communities and good city form; case studies of historical and current best practices; field visits; collaborative design project. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 407.)
427L Geographic Information Systems and Planning Applications (4, Sm) Basic GIS concepts, ArcView and other GIS software, planning applications and databases, basic cartography; students select, research and prepare a planning GIS analysis project. (Duplicates credit in former GEOG 497L and PLDV 427.) Prerequisite: GEOG 281L, PPD 265x.
429 Urban Design Practicum (4, Irregular) Application of design concepts and graphic skills to a local design problem sponsored by a local public or private client in a studio setting; site visits, community contact, presentations. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 414.) Prerequisite: PPD 306, PPD 425.
431L Design and Development Laboratory (4, FaSp) Examines issues of urban planning design and development through laboratory experiences; emphasis on urban design and development in the Los Angeles region. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 475L.)
435 Analyzing Real Estate Markets for Planning and Development (4) Macro- and micro-analysis of urban property markets (residential, commercial, and industrial) with regard to their location and dynamics. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 446.) Recommended preparation: PPD 362.
437 Advanced Finance and Investment for Planning and Development (4, Sp) Advanced real estate principles. The nature, operation, and role of U.S. mortgage markets. Mortgage financing of residential and income-producing property types. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 456.) Prerequisite: PPD 362.
438 Local Economic Development (4, Fa) Economic development in a capitalist system, historic review, sectoral review, funding, strategizing, partnerships, evaluation; class project. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 447.)
439 Housing and Community Development (4, Fa) Evolution of government housing and community development programs; present practices, e.g., housing elements, economic development, neighborhood rehabilitation; housing needs and market analysis; housing and health. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 440.)
440 Management of Justice Systems (4, Irregular) Social controls and delivery of justice administration services; comparative systems; organization theory and justice administration; system adaptation and change; system performance measurement: economy, efficiency, effectiveness. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 440.)
441 Judicial Administration (4, Irregular) Local, state, federal judicial systems; constitutional, legislative, judicial influences on administrative action. Administrative problems associated with judicial functions including district attorney, public defender, the courts. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 441.)
442 Administration of Police Services (4, Irregular) Police and society; the structure and organization of American policing, current managerial problems; police research and development; future planning; administration of police juvenile programs. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 442.)
452 Organization and Interface of Juvenile Justice Subsystems (2, FaSp) Effective interface among juvenile justice subsystems (police and social service agencies, schools, courts); legal/jurisdictional parameters, resource constraints; strategies for joint intervention and problem resolution. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 452.)
453 Program, Policy, and Legislative Trends in Juvenile Justice (2, Irregular) Examination of current research findings and legislation in juvenile justice; relations of new information to operating assumptions of agencies; impacts, trends; implications for management practice. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 453.)
454 Problems and Issues in the Delivery of Youth Services (2, Irregular) Strategies for coordinated mobilization of diverse juvenile justice agencies; resolution of conflicting agency objectives (e.g., enforcement vs. rehabilitation). Information and resource needs; organizational skills, techniques. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 454.)
461 Sustainability Planning (4, Sp) Planning as shaped by sustainability theories; sustainability indicators; topics include water resources, air quality, land use regulations, environmental design, carrying capacity, ecological footprint analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 461.)
466 Urban Government and Management (4, Irregular) Preparation and discussion of cases dealing with selected policy areas including transportation, housing, poverty, and environmental quality. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 427.)
470 History and Development of Cities (4, FaSp) Role of cities in civilization; origins of institutions and physical forms; social and intellectual history; concepts of the �ideal� city; urban/metropolitan goals. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 426.)
473 Public Policy and Planning Analysis (4, FaSp) Analytic methods for policy and planning, problem definition, stakeholder analysis, modeling, and evaluation techniques. Cost benefit analysis, decision analysis, graphics and problem modeling using computer. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 473.) Prerequisite: ECON 203, PPD 225, PPD 404x.
475 Urban Practicum (4, Sp) (Enroll in URBN 475)
476 Politics and Administration (4, Sp) Administrative relationships to the policy processes; influence of political and economic pressures on administrative policy determination; political behavior by administrators; case analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 486.)
478 Planning, Policy-Making, and Social Change (4, Irregular) Processes designed to intervene in and achieve social change in cities; successes and failures of past attempts; preparation of case study or other research project. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 452.)
480 Political Economy and Planning (4, Irregular) Focus on political resolution of conflict between status quo and intervention, whether for profit or in the public domain; dynamics of intersection of politics and political process and the market-based economy. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 460.)
482 Comparative Public Administration (4, Sp) Methodology, theories, and models of comparison; functional processes of administration in developing and developed nations compared; role of bureaucracy in development and nation-building; ecology of administration. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 482.)
485m U.S. Immigration Policy (4, Fa) Examination of the historical and contemporary components of U.S. immigration policy with emphasis on policies addressing legal permanent immigrants, refugees, asylees, the undocumented.
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 490x and PPMT 490x.) Prerequisite: departmental approval.
491 Senior Seminar (4, FaSp) Advanced study and discussions in planning and development. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 491.)
495 Research in Public Administration (4, Irregular) Philosophy of science; research theory in social sciences; survey and control research methodology; research designs and analysis; research literature; individual research. For undergraduates and masters students with emphasis on understanding research. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 491.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
498 Senior Honors Seminar (4, Fa) Concepts, theories, and methods of analysis of a selected topic within the fields of public policy, management and planning. (Duplicates credit in former PPMT 498.) Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA in PPD courses; 3.0 GPA overall; and departmental approval.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics in Policy, Management and Planning. (Duplicates credit in former PLDV 499 and PPMT 499.)
500 Cross-Sectoral Governance (4, FaSp) Analysis of cross-sectoral governance relationships/role of public nonprofit, and for-profit sectors in social problem solving; applications.
501 Public Sector Economics (4, FaSpSm) Microeconomic theory applied to issues in public and nonprofit sectors, including organizational models, market failures and policy instruments, and macroeconomic issues. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 512.)
509 Problems and Issues in the Health Field (4, FaSp) Principles of epidemiology; disease trends, treatment efficacy, influences on utilization; health promotion, disease prevention and health protection; intergovernmental relationships; management of public health programs. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 530.)
510ab Financial Management of Health Services (4-4, FaSp) a: Accounting principles, financial reports, managerial finance, financial planning, capital investments, working capital analysis; elements of budgeting and reimbursement; performance standards; reporting; developing a management system. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 531a.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x and PPD 516x or departmental approval. b: Changing practices, emerging issues, strategies and innovations in financial planning, management, and regulation; federal and state policies and requirements. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 531b.) Prerequisite: PPD 510a.
511 Health Information Systems (2, FaSm) Conceptual framework for data base development; relational data management; use of health statistics; health indicators; confidentiality, security, privacy. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 532.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x and PPD 516x.
512 Health Administration Residency Seminar (2, max 4, Sp) Supervised study of health care administration, governance, professional staff relations, internal operations and controls, legal and regulatory requirements, management policy and strategy. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 533.) Prerequisite: PPD 509, PPD 510a, PPD 545; minimum of 20 graduate level units.
513 Legal Issues in Health Care Delivery (4, FaSp) Rights of consumers; health-related powers of governments; rights and responsibilities of health care providers; interrelationships of rights, powers, and responsibilities. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 536.) Prerequisite: PPD 509.
514 Economic Concepts Applied to Health (4, FaSpSm) Relationships between economic characteristics and health status; impact of economy on health services industry; demand and resources for health services; utilization, prices, costs, health insurance. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 537.) Prerequisite: PPD 501.
515 Strategic Management of Health Organizations (4, FaSpSm) Application of principles of health administration in several practice settings. Decision-making; strategic management; organizational performance; communication; provider comparisons. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 593.) Prerequisite: PPD 509, PPD 510a, PPD 511, PPD 513, PPD 514, PPD 545, PPD 557.
516x Financial Accounting in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors (4, FaSp) Accounting as a management tool; accounting systems; basic concepts; budgets; statements. Designed for nonaccounting administrative personnel. Not available for credit to MHA majors. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 551x.)
524 Planning Theory (2, Fa) Development of a critical perspective by becoming more aware of the intellectual roots of the planning profession, with a focus on practical outcomes of actions. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 501.)
525 Statistics and Arguing from Data (2, FaSp) Fundamentals of probability and statistics, planning analysis techniques, computing standards, and understanding of the rhetoric related to statistical analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 502.)
526 Comparative International Development (2, Fa) Introduction to comparative international development with a focus on regional growth and urban development. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 505.)
527 The Social Context of Planning (2, Sp) Examination of the formation of the modern urban environment with its consumer culture, social classes, and racial and ethnic diversity. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 506.)
528 The Urban Economy (2, Sp) Introduction to markets and how they allocate scarce resources, focus on cities and the interaction of land, labor, housing, and transportation. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 507.)
529 Legal Environment of Planning (2, Sp) Understanding of the legal system and its processes and laws applicable to land use and development and the legal nature of powers of public and private entities. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 509.)
530 Historical Analysis of Urban Form and Planning Practice (2, Sp) Awareness, analysis, understanding, and influencing the city building process locally and regionally; isolate and exercise tools and methods of visual literacy. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 510.)
531L Core Laboratory Workshop (4 or 8 or 12, max 12, FaSp) Application methods in planning, programming, research, and evaluation in a professional context; data collection and analysis; case studies; practical applications. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 576L and PLUS 676L.)
532L International Planning and Development Laboratory Workshop (4-8, Sm) Application of planning principles and methods to specific urban planning problems abroad; involves preparation in the spring semester and an overseas field visit and a collaborative practicum. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 575L.)
540 Public Administration and Society (4, FaSpSm) Administrative concepts, institutions, legal systems, and practices; values; facilitation of responsibilities and rights; professional applications for personal, private sector, and public achievement. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 500.)
541 Public Financial Management and Budgeting (4, Fa) Financial management applied to public and nonprofit organizations; financial valuation, financial markets, budgeting, tax administration, debt financing, cost-benefit analysis and financial analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 514.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
542 Policy and Program Evaluation (4, Sp) Methods and models for policy and program evaluation; methods of collecting and analyzing evaluation data; processes for linking evaluation to policy formulation and program management. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 525 and former PUAD 529.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
543 Internship Seminar (1, FaSp) Supervised study of management, analytical, or other professional activities in government; integration of theory, practice and relevant literature. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 544.)
545 Human Behavior in Public Organizations (4, FaSpSm) Behavior in organizations; focus on personal, interpersonal, and group level factors that influence such behavior. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 585.)
546 Professional Practice of Public Administration (4, FaSpSm) Practice of public management; use of management theories; strategic thinking and planning; understanding organizations; management skills and techniques; management in a public setting; ethics. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 597.) Prerequisite: PPD 501, PPD 540, PPD 545.
554 Public Policy Formulation (4, FaSp) Nature of public policy; public policy formulation processes; roles of institutions, groups, values; information and rationality in policymaking; models and other aids to policy choice. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 527.)
555 Public Policy Formulation and Implementation (4, Sp) Political and organizational perspectives on policy making process; agenda setting, policy design, adoption, implementation, evaluation, modification or termination. Policy leadership skills: negotiation and strategic mapping. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 528 and PPD 554 and PPD 559.)
557 Quantitative Analysis I (4, FaSpSm) Management science methods that support decision making in policy, management, and planning settings. Includes linear programming, queuing theory, decision analysis, and forecasting. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 558.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x or PPD 525.
558 Quantitative Analysis II (4, FaSp) Applied multivariate statistics in support of policy, management, and planning problem solving. Includes regression analysis, logit models, and an introduction to time-series models and multi-equation estimation. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 559.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x or PPD 525.
559 Policy Implementation and Evaluation (4, FaSp) Theoretical approaches, critical issues, and research methods in public policy implementation. Field-based research project. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 570.)
560 Methods for Policy Analysis (4, Sp) Examination of methods used in the analysis of policy methods, including cost benefit analysis, decision and risk analysis, and applied social science methods. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 572.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x, PPD 501, PPD 554.
561ab Policy Analysis Practicum (1, 3, FaSp) Application and integration of the knowledge and techniques of analytic, quantitative, managerial, political and ethical analyses to specific public policy problems. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 589.)
569 Applied International Policy Analysis and Management Project (4, Sp) Enables students to integrate theory, research and practice into an applied project of their own choosing. The output of this course is a professional report in a selected public policy or management area. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 507.)
570 Applied Statistics for Planning, Policy and Management (4, Sm) Use of statistical reasoning to answer questions related to public policy and management. Students will review and understand selected statistical techniques for analyzing data and for addressing public policy and management questions of interest using applied data analysis. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 523.)
571 International Public Policy and Management Seminar (4, Fa) An introduction to the concepts and methods of public policy analysis and management. Highlights some of the constraints of the policy process. Includes examples from the United States but also presents comparative views of the contours of public policy in both developed and developing nations. The course applies public policy and management frameworks to selected areas of social policy. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 524.)
572 Special Issues in International Public Policy (1-4, max 12, FaSpSm) Current international public policy on issues such as governmental reform, regulation, social welfare, poverty alleviation and international aid. Policy framework and in-depth analysis of specific topics of relevance to governmental agencies and international organizations.
587 Risk Analysis (4) Concepts of risk analysis, risk in engineered systems, environmental risk, security risks; fault trees, event trees, risk simulations; risks and decision-making. Recommended preparation: MATH 108 or MATH 116.
588 Introduction to Transportation Planning Law (3) (Enroll in CE 579)
589 Port Engineering: Planning and Operations (3) (Enroll in CE 589)
590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master�s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
594abz Master�s Thesis (2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics in public policy, management and planning.
600 Management of Managed Care Organizations (2, FaSpSm) Managed care arrangements, interorganizational relations, management practices and controls, medical staff relations, strategic planning, marketing, utilization review, quality assurance, outcomes measures. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 508.) Prerequisite: PPD 516x and PPD 545.
601 Management of Long-Term Care Organizations (4, Fa) History, development, trends; major policy issues; organization of systems; principles and techniques of administration; management of institutional and community based programs. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 509.) Prerequisite: PPD 516x, PPD 545 or corequisite: ACCT 509, PPD 649, IOM 585.
602 Strategic and Operational Planning for Health Services (4, 2 years, Fa) Strategic, institutional, and program planning theory and methods; governmental and legal requirements, certificate of need processes, reimbursement controls; financing and marketing considerations, practices, and methods. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 535.)
603 Marketing of Health Services (4, Sm) Assessing community needs and organizational service capabilities; evaluating competition; qualitative and quantitative market research methods; market communications and advertising; developing marketing plans. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 538.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
604 Seminar in Hospital Administration (4, Sm) Hospital systems and functions; managerial processes, theory, and practice; governance structures; legal, regulatory, administrative, and professional requirements; medical and professional staff; multi-institutional arrangements; controls. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 539.) Prerequisite: PPD 516x and PPD 545.
605 Frontline Issues in Health Services Administration and Policy (2, max 4, FaSpSm) Emphasis on current or emergent issues in the health care industry. Focus on impact of recent health legislation and/or health care system responsiveness.
606 Urban Health Policy (4, Fa) Addresses current U.S. health policy issues and the critical processes that shape them, with an emphasis on urban populations; institutional, economic, social, ethical, and political factors.
607 Introduction to Public Health Policy (4, Sp) Public health policy and analysis methods; evaluation of the public health system and safety net programs.
608 Leadership Symposium in Health Management and Policy (1, max 2, FaSpSm) A forum for leading executives and policymakers to address ways they or their organizations improve healthcare financing, delivery and management, in the U.S. and internationally.
609 Physician Practice Management (2, Sp) Overview of medical practice management issues, structures, systems and strategies for effective clinical and financial performance of physician organizations. Recommended preparation: PPD 509.
610 Managed Care Contracting (2, Fa) Provides practical and strategic decision-making skills in managed care contracting, including contract types, terms and conditions; financial assessment; proposal development and analysis; and negotiation. Prerequisite: PPD 510a, PPD 514, PPD 600.
611 Policy Issues in Planning and Development (4, Fa) Overview of policy issues in planning and development professions in the U.S. and abroad. Special attention to collective decision making, role of institutions, and ethics. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 503.)
612 Research and Analytical Techniques (4, Sp) Professional practice-oriented analytic skill; fundamentals of data manipulation; spreadsheet applications and forecasting; and communication of results. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 504.)
614 Management in Planning Practice (2 or 4, 2 years, Sp) Administrative, management, political, and other problems faced by the practicing professional planner. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 521.)
615 Comparative Urbanization, Development, and Inequality (4, Irregular) Theories of inequality, dependency and dualism in relation to urbanization, growth, and poverty in developing countries; development and underdevelopment; core-periphery linkages. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 534.)
616 Mediation and Conflict Resolution in Development and Planning (4, Irregular) Theory and methods of conflict analysis, negotiation and mediation involving public regulators and private developers. Psychology of dispute resolution; alternative institutional resources. Case studies and gaming exercises. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 550.)
617 Urban Demography and Growth (4, Fa) Theory and policy regarding population change in urban areas; housing; cohort analysis; immigration; ethnicity; employment; education. Methods of graphic representation; census data manipulation, interpretation, forecasting. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 539.)
618 Housing Facilities and Community Development (4, Irregular) Structure of the building industry and technology. Housing markets and programs; environmental standards. Community development and redevelopment. Planning, program development, finance, and coordination of public facilities and services. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 540.)
619 Smart Growth and Urban Sprawl: Policy Debates and Planning Solutions (4, Irregular) Determinants and analytical models of land use; interaction of land uses with environmental quality and natural resources, land use policy instruments; regulation, taxation, public services. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 562.)
620 General Plans (4, Fa) Assessment of a recently adopted general plan, analysis of the general plan process, and detailed review of each major element and issue. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 563.)
621 Environmental Impacts (4, Sp) Legal, political/institutional, and technical aspects of environmental impact reports for urban planning. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 561.)
622 Seminar in Urban Development (4, Irregular) Central city housing and renewal problems and policies. Site selection, organization; land valuation, acquisition, disposition; relocation and management; reuse; site planning and development; politics; financing. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 541.)
623 Land Use Controls and Other Tools of Physical Planning Effectuation (4, Irregular) Federal, state, and local laws and administrative controls affecting the physical development of municipalities and metropolitan regions; e.g., planning, land use, health, safety, environment. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 560.)
624 Local Economic Development: Theory and Finance (4, Sp) Socioeconomic change, economic development theory, assessment techniques, and economic indicators in the context of planning and development policies and programs. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 547.)
625 Planning and Economic Development Finance (4, Fa) Fundamentals for economic development professionals and policy makers including feasibility analysis and the financing of facilities, social services, and community-based enterprises. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 546.)
626 Public/Private and Mixed Enterprises Planning (4, Fa) Case studies of planning and public/private and mixed enterprises; public production of private goods; privatization of public services; public/private partnerships; mixed enterprises. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 543.)
627 Design Skills for Urban Planners (4, Fa) Develop observation, description, analysis, and conceptualization skills related to urban spatial conditions; advance professional communication proficiencies. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 573.) Prerequisite: PPD 530.
628 Urban Planning and Social Policy (4, Irregular) Urban planning and social work: theory, values, techniques of inquiry, and problem-solving methods appropriate to urban planning and social work. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 552.)
629 Planning in the Voluntary Nonprofit Sector (4, Irregular) Structure of voluntary nonprofit sector; role in social, economic, and spatial planning; corporate philanthropy; foundations; pass-through organizations; nonprofit planning requirements. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 545.)
630 Urban Economic Analysis (4, Sp) Economic models of cities and city development and structure; housing and land markets; transportation systems; problems of congestion and pollution; evaluation of urban policies. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 566.)
631 Urban Information Systems (4, Fa) How GIS and other information systems are integrated within professional planning organizations. Examination of data, hardware, software, humanware, analysis, operations and policy. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 526.) Prerequisite: PPD 427L or departmental approval.
632 Planning Analysis and Evaluation (4, Sp) Methods of policy, program, and plan evaluation: economic principles and theoretical concepts introduced, followed by case studies. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 574.) Prerequisite: PPD 528.
633 Urban Transportation Planning and Management (4, 2 years, Fa) Background applications of established urban travel forecasting procedures; land use; trip-generation, trip-distribution, modal-choice, trip-assignment; evaluation; criticisms. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 580.)
634 Institutional and Policy Issues in Transportation (4, Sp) Analysis of policies relating to transportation alternatives; institutional environment and background; federal, state, regional, and local agency responsibilities and interactions. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 581.)
635 Principles of Transportation Systems Analysis (4, Fa) Planning, design, modeling, and operation of inter- and intra-urban transportation networks. Analysis of contemporary engineering-economic issues relevant to transport, especially questions pertaining to infrastructure. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 582.)
637 Forecasting and Urban Planning: A Survey of Theory and Methods (4, Sp) Overview of forecasting methods and applications in urban planning processes used to determine urban futures; includes theoretical and institutional factors as well as quantitative methods.
638 Integrative Seminar (4, FaSpSm) Individual research and preparation of an integrated comprehensive study coordinated with a sponsor such as a government agency or development firm. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 591.) Prerequisite: PPD 611, PPD 612.
645 Professional Development (1-4, max 8, Irregular) Selected topics in the practical application of administrative concepts. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 502.)
646 Field Work (1-4, max 8, Sp) Supervised study of management activities in governmental agencies. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 503.)
647 Finance of the Public Sector (4, Sp) Sources of government revenue, intergovernmental financial relations, budgeting, public goods theory. Theoretical and applied skills in analysis of equity and efficiency issues. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 513.) Prerequisite: PPD 501.
648 Concepts and Practices of Public Budgeting (4, Irregular) Budget planning, budget formulation, tools for budget analysis and budget implementation. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 515.)
649 Concepts and Practices in Public Personnel Administration (4, FaSm) Concepts of man and of work; workforce; government personnel systems, including merit concepts, classification, and compensation; collective bargaining; organizational justice; training and development. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 516.)
650 Organization Development in Public Administration (4, FaSp) Overview of concepts and methodologies of organization development; diagnosing organizational needs; developing change strategies; selecting appropriate interventions. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 517.)
651 Seminar in the Administration of Local Government (4, Irregular) Intensive consideration of the functions of the municipal executive and his environment. Research preparation and discussion of cases. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 520.)
652 Financial Administration in Local Government (4, Irregular) Revenue sources, fees and charges, benefit assessments; financing economic development and redevelopment, issuing and managing debt, current asset management, and state-local relations. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 521.)
653 Training in the Public Sector (4, Fa) Emergence of public service training; learning theories; program development process -- assessing needs, design, delivery, and evaluation; role of media; individual, group, organization development; managing training. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 522.)
654 Information Technology Management in the Public Sector (4, FaSpSm) Application of computer and information technology in government; e-government; information technology architecture; systems project management.(Duplicates credit in former PPD 518.)
655 Administrative Law (4, Sm) Administrative perspectives on legal principles of agency rule-making and adjudication; distinctions between the two; informal administrative actions; decision-making; judicial review; public control of administrative decisions. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 543.)
656 Political Management: Theory and Applied Techniques (4, Sm) Political management theories; strategy formation; research and data collection approaches; computer applications; electronic databases; issue management; problem-solving techniques; ethical considerations. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 545.)
657 Political Leadership in Public Organizations (4, Sp) Concepts and skills for public executives and senior managers; understanding the dynamics of governmental institutions and policy processes; organizational and personal assessment skills. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 546.)
658 Advocacy in Public Administration (4, Fa) Perspectives on advocacy in the policy process; practice of advocacy; accessing the policy process; simulation of the advocacy process; ethical considerations. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 547.)
659 National Security Administration and the Domestic and International Environment (4, Irregular) Interplay of domestic and international environments; resultant constraints upon national security program administration; administrative and organizational implications for future scenarios. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 549.)
660 Local Agency Debt and Cash Administration (4, Irregular) Overview of methods of debt and cash administration including official statement analysis; mechanics of different types of issues; and cash management principles. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 550.)
661 Intergovernmental Management: Local Perspective (4, Fa) Role of city, special district, and metropolitan governments in intergovernmental relations; intergovernmental impacts on local policy process and service delivery; management problems and alternatives. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 552.)
662 Intergovernmental Management: State Perspective (4, FaSp) Role of state government in intergovernmental relations, emphasis on California experience; financial aspects of intergovernmental system. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 553.)
663 Intergovernmental Management: Federal Perspective (4, Irregular) Role of national government in intergovernmental process; impact of federal legislative, executive, and judicial actions on state and local government; intergovernmental policy-making process. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 554.)
664 Project Management (4, Sm) Functions and processes of project management throughout the project cycle: planning and analysis, organizational design, control, evaluation; systems acquisition; public and private sector approaches. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 555.)
666 Administrative Research and Analysis (4, Irregular) Theory and methods for study of administrative effectiveness: problem solving, performance measurement, administrative and organizational research, quality improvement, and change implementation. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 506.) Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
667 Public Ethics (4, Sp) Following an introduction to the study of ethics, relationships among administrative, political and policy ethics are examined, emphasizing the ethics of the administrative role. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 560.)
668 Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector (4, Irregular) Providing public services through the private and nonprofit sectors; public-private partnerships; political and organizational skills required for public entrepreneurship. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 561.)
669 Federal Management Systems (4, FaSp) Principal institutions and processes in federal government for overhead leadership and control; examines Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management, Merit Systems Protection Board, General Services Administration, and General Accounting Office. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 564.)
670 Management of Intergovernmental Programs (4, Sp) Analysis of relationships among governmental units in delivery of governmental programs; historical development of intergovernmental relations; present status and future implications. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 566.)
671 Decision-Making in Regulatory Agencies (4, Irregular) Risk assessment, management, and communication concepts and practices; comparisons of regulatory decision making in regulatory agencies; emerging benefit assessment, cost-effectiveness, and communication issues. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 567.)
672 Presidency, Congress, and the Bureaucracy (4, SpSm) Relationships in national government among political executive, legislative, and administrative units; reviews institutions, formal processes, and political dynamics. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 568.)
673 Strategic Planning in the Public Sector (4, Sp) Analysis/field application of action research models for strategic planning in public agencies; design of effective public systems; citizens/administrators� roles in strategic decision-making. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 574.)
674 Science, Technology, and Government (4, Irregular) Impact of science/technology on governmental policy, processes, institutions; critical policy areas in science/technology; machinery for formulating science policy; governmental impact on science/technology. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 575.)
675 Nonprofit Management and Leadership (4) Issues in nonprofit management and leadership including: the role of boards; strategic planning; marketing and fund-raising; financial management; and volunteer and human resource management. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 578.)
676 Comparative Public Administration (4, Irregular) Methodologies, theories and models of comparison; administrative systems; role and functions of the public sector; administrative cultures. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 579.)
677 International Development Administration (4, Sp) Development of theories; role of international institutions in resource exchanges; foreign investment and trade policies; national planning and allocation systems; development and modernization strategies and implementation. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 581.)
678 Processes of Change in Developing Societies (4, Irregular) Nature of traditional and transitional societies; theories and practice of developmental change; role of bureaucracy in development; institution building; public enterprise; technology assessment and transfer. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 582.)
679 Financial Administration in Developing Countries (4, Sm) Public sector finance; tax policy and administration; budgeting and auditing; debt management; public enterprise and development banks; planning; techniques; project assessment. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 583.)
680 Development of Effective Groups and Organizations (4, Fa) Theories and techniques of assessing and improving interpersonal relationships and group dynamics in an organizational context; action research-based approaches to implementing organizational change. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 586.)
681 Public Organization and Management Theory (4, FaSp) Nature and management of public organizations; examination of organizational characteristics, forms, and processes, including the relationship with the broader environment. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 595.)
682 Justice Administration: A Management Perspective (4, 2 years, Fa) Justice administration as an interactive system: law, etiology of crime, police, the judiciary and corrections. Interface of offenders with community and political force fields. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 540.)
683 Homeland Security and Public Policy (4, FaSp) Definition and history of terrorism, counterterrorism, domestic policy and public sector management; intelligence/information sharing and analysis; emergency preparedness planning, response and recovery.
684 Leadership Development in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors (2, Fa) An overview of leadership concepts, frameworks and skills; application of leadership in complex or inter-sectoral settings.
685 Managing Public Sector Human Resources and Workforce Diversity (2, Fa) Concepts of human resource management, including merit principles, position classification, compensation, labor relations; challenges and opportunities in managing a diverse workforce.
686 U.S. Immigration Policy (4, Sp) Overall understanding of contemporary U.S. immigration policy.
687 Strategic Management in the Nonprofit Sector (4, Sp) Strategic management of nonprofit organizations, social entrepreneurship, and management practice. Prerequisite: PPD 500.
688 Business and Public Policy (4, Irregular) The business-government relationship; effects of selected public policies (antitrust, economic, and social regulation, industrial policies, legal policy) on firm and industry behavior. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 557.) Prerequisite: PPD 501.
689 The Voluntary Nonprofit Sector and Public Policy (4, Irregular) Theories of the nonprofit sector; relationships with the public and for-profit sectors; sources of revenues; public policies toward the sector. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 571.)
690 Alternative Dispute Resolution (4, Fa) Theory and methods of conflict analysis, negotiation, facilitation and mediation in the public sector. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 519.)
691 Methods for Assessment and Protection of Environmental Quality (3, Sp) (Enroll in CE 564)
692 Transportation and the Environment (4, Sp) Analysis of the benefits and costs of urban transportation; concepts of social costs; benefits and externalities; environmental costs; social justice issues; policy and planning alternatives for sustainable transportation. (Duplicates credit in former PPD 584.) Prerequisite: PPD 501 or PPD 528.
693 Communicating Public Policy (4) Exploring the complex relationships that exist among policies, policymakers, and the media; analyzing the role of journalists and policy analysts in the public policy process.
694 Coastal Policy and Planning (4, Sp) Coastal management issues in the context of public and private users competing for land resources, the costs and benefits of seaports, compare coastal development models.
695 Clinical Issues for Managers (1, Fa) Introduces key information and concepts for managers of clinical services. Examines problems and issues facing health care managers and clinician relations.
696 Health Care Venture Development (2, SpSm) Focuses on developing the resourcefulness, know-how and decision support skills needed to identify, assess and develop new health ventures. Includes business planning, financing, strategy, entrepreneurship. Recommended preparation: PPD 510a.
697 Cultural Proficiency in Health Management and Policy (2, Sp) Provides an understanding of what social factors contribute to racial/ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender disparities in health and the culturally proficient provision of health care.
698 Strategic Management and Change (4) Theory and applied skills in management of social sector organizations with applications in international settings. Strategic management and planning; communication strategies, marketing and promotion; leadership skills; organizational development and change.
700ab Teaching Seminar (1-1, FaSp) Pedagogy: learning objectives, curriculum design, teaching methods, evaluation. Open only to Ph.D. students. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 700ab.) Prerequisite: PPD 701, PPD 702, PPD 703.
701 Knowledge and Practice in Social Systems (4, Fa) Critical analysis of the epistemological and research traditions in the social sciences; issues of modernity, justice, power, and discourse in shaping social action.
702 Governance, Place and the Public Sphere (4, Fa) Examination of U.S. contemporary public sphere; fundamental constitutional principles, theories of the public sector, and governance relationships over time.
703 Globalization and the Urban Context (4, Sp) The nature, functions, and transformations of contemporary cities; comparative urban theories, theories of globalization, and consequences of emerging urban outcomes; effective policy interventions.
706 Paradigms of Research and the Design of Inquiry (4, Fa) Formulation of research questions and design; specification of models, hypotheses, variables, measures; alternative research methods; independent student-faculty research. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 602.) Prerequisite: PPD 701, PPD 702, PPD 703.
707 Survey Research Methods (4, Sp) Collection and use of survey data: basic orientation, mechanics of using SAS, and interpretation of survey tabulations. Graduate standing. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 608.) Prerequisite: PPD 525.
708 Qualitative Methods (4, Sp) Reflective and critical approach that questions data collection techniques, positions relative to those being studied, and explanatory methods. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 609.) Recommended preparation: PPD 525 or PPD 612.
709 Applications in the Advanced Quantitative Methods (4, Sp) Statistical and econometric modeling in real estate finance, urban economics, public policy, and planning research. Building, estimating and adjusting models for real-world. Prerequisite: PPD 525.
711 Theoretical Foundation of Public Management (4, Fa) Theories of the role, structure, and growth of the public sector; political economy of public bureaucracies; the voluntary nonprofit sector. Prerequisite: PPD 501.
712 Seminar in Public Policy (4, Fa) Critical analysis of the policy field; theoretical foundations; integration of quantitative, organizational, and political considerations; policy research. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 626.) Prerequisite: PPD 501, PPD 554.
713 Advanced Planning Theory (4, Fa) Positive and normative attitudes of public plans, policies, programs, organizational and institutional settings; policy analysis; modeling of social choices; evaluation; applied welfare analysis; performance assessment. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 605.)
714 Advanced Urban Development (4, Fa) Urbanization, urban economics, land use, the politics of growth, governance, regulation, and the state, immigration, and place promotion.
790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 790 and PUAD 790.)
794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former PLUS 794abcdz and PUAD 794abcdz.)
Public Administration (PUAD)
Frequency of course offerings varies from campus to campus. Check with individual campuses regarding availability.
613 Seminar in Financial Policy (4, Irregular) Historical development and trends in public revenues and expenditures. Political, economic, and administrative significance of decisions in the field of financial management. Prerequisite: PPD 647.
617 Seminar on Behavioral Aspects of Training and Development (4, Irregular) Theoretical concepts governing the administration of socio-technical systems, organization development, action training and research, and other development and change processes utilized in public service.
675 Institutional Context of the Public Sector (4, Sp) Theories of the role, structure and growth of the public sector; public choice processes; political economy of public bureaucracies; the voluntary nonprofit sector. Prerequisite: PPD 501.
685 Seminar on Organizational Behavior in Public Systems (4, FaSp) Organizing processes; decision-making; communication; leadership; behavioral models; political and social behavior in organizations. Prerequisite: PPD 545.
692 Multivariate Statistical Analysis (4, Fa) Multivariate analysis of qualitative and quantitative variables including multiple linear regression, multiple contingency table analysis, log-linear and logit models, and path analysis. Prerequisite: PPD 404x.
695 Seminar in Administrative Theory (4, FaSp) Assessment of current normative and descriptive theories of public administration; variety of conceptual systems; operationalism; levels of organizational analysis. Prerequisite: PPD 540.
697 Seminar in Public Management (4, Irregular) Public management research and theory; differences between private and public organizations: contextual influences on public management; contemporary empirical studies; bibliographic research. Prerequisite: admission to the D.P.A. program.
791ab Public Administration Research Seminar (1, 1, FaSp) Presentation and discussion of research histories and current research projects of members of the faculty and distinguished guest scholars. Open only to Ph.D. and D.P.A. students. Graded CR/NC.
Real Estate Development (RED)
500 Real Estate Development and the Economy (2, Sm) Linkages between national and regional economies and the performance of the real estate sector. Anticipating development trends. Public policy applications.
509 Market Analysis for Real Estate (4, Fa) Explores macro and micro aspects of residential, retail, office, and industrial markets and examines methodologies for analyzing such markets for real estate development/investment purposes. Prerequisite: RED 542.
541 Finance Fundamentals for Real Estate Development (2, Sm) Introduction to the general principles of finance with application to real estate development, including capital markets, financial institutions, valuation and risk management.
542 Finance of Real Estate Development (3, FaSm) Theory and methods of real estate finance and investment. Real estate investment analysis, real estate entities, taxation; introduction to securization of real estate equities, debt. Prerequisite: RED 541.
544 Real Estate Capital Markets (2, Fa) Explore structure, instruments and institutions of real estate capital markets. Consider linkages between real estate and capital markets. Assess role of Real Estate Investment Trusts. Prerequisite: RED 542.
545 Advanced Real Estate and Financial Modeling (2, Sp) Quantitative problem solving using computerized modeling. Complex debt financing, including lender participation, subordination, joint venture structuring, systematic treatment of real estate portfolios. Prerequisite: RED 542.
546 Applications of Real Estate Finance to Problems of Development (3, Sp) Advanced topics in finance applied to cases and problems of real estate development; emphasis on structuring, finance and evaluation of various types of development projects. Prerequisite: RED 542.
547 Project Management and Construction (2, Sm) Managing the building phase of development. Architectural and engineering aspects of construction management for the real estate developer.
551 The Approval Process (4, FaSpSm) Approval process for real estate development including land use entitlement, site selection, zoning, environmental review, community and government relations, infrastructure financing, ethical issues, negotiation skills.
562 Legal Issues in Real Estate Development (4, FaSp) Ownership and transfer of real estate; formation and enforcement of contracts; business associations; environmental regulation; taxation of property transfers; acquiring, financing, leasing of commercial property. (Duplicates credit in former RED 662.)
563 Introduction to the Asset Management of Real Estate (2, Fa) Overview of institutional asset management: creating and implementing investment and portfolio strategies through the development, acquisition, underwriting, and operational stages of the investment, asset disposition.
564 Issues in Asset Management of Real Estate (2, Sp) Advanced issues in institutional asset management. How value is created during investment process with focus on tactical, operational, and strategic goals of asset and owner. Prerequisite: RED 563.
571 Introduction to Appraisal Principles, Procedures, and Standards (4, Fa) Valuation concepts. Theory and problem solving. Cost, sales comparison, and income approaches.
572 Advanced Appraisal Approaches and Applications (2, Sp) Highest and best use. Advanced income capitalization. Advanced cost and sales comparison approaches. Advanced applications. Recommended preparation: RED 571.
573 Design History and Criticism (2, Sm) The concepts, language and metaphors of design-related disciplines are examined in relation to design and construction values and choices in real estate development. (Duplicates credit in former RED 673.)
574 Building Typologies (2, Fa) The exploration of categories of building types, including retail, industrial, residential, office and institutional, using key examples or case studies from each. (Duplicates credit in former RED 674.)
575L Community Design and Site Planning (2-4, max 8, Sp) Physical implementation of development projects. Students will develop concept plan, preliminary design and marketing plan for selected domestic and/or international development sites. (Duplicates credit in former RED 675L.)
583 International Development Opportunities (2, Sp) A survey of various markets prominent in the global real estate community. Protocols for analyzing international development opportunities and cultural, political, and socioeconomic considerations.
585 Comparative International Development Workshop (2-4, Sm) Comparative study tour focused on understanding international real estate development practices and markets, site visits and meeting with principals.
590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master�s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.
598 Real Estate Product Development (2-4, max 12, FaSpSm) An evaluation of various real estate development types. Case studies and site visits.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Current issues, trends, and developments in real estate development.
Aerospace Studies (AEST)
100ab Aerospace Studies I: Air Force Mission and Organization (1-1, FaSp) a: Introduction to U.S. Air Force and the military profession; USAF organization and functions; Strategic Air Command organization, command, control, and weapons systems; communication skills. b: Organization and function of NORAD; tactical air, military airlift, systems, logistics, air training and communications commands; Army, Navy, Marines; reserves; separate operating agencies.
110ab Leadership Laboratory I (1-1, FaSp) Introduction to the military experience focusing on customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and the environment of an Air Force officer. Graded CR/NC.
200ab Aerospace Studies II: Air Force History (1-1, FaSp) a: Development of aerospace power in the U.S. through World War II; emphasis on the Army Air Corps; communication skills. b: Development of aerospace power since World War II; emphasis on international confrontations involving the United States; communication skills.
210ab Leadership Laboratory II (1-1, FaSp) Introduction to the military experience focusing on customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and the environment of an Air Force officer. Graded CR/NC.
300ab Aerospace Studies III: Air Force Management and Leadership (3-3, FaSp) Air Force management focusing on the new manager in the Air Force milieu. Emphasis on communication skills peculiar to the Air Force.
310ab Leadership Laboratory III (1-1, FaSp) Practical introduction to Air Force leadership focusing on military communicative skills, group dynamics, and application of theories of leadership and management. Graded CR/NC.
400ab Aerospace Studies IV: National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society (3-3, FaSp) Military professionalism and the context in which defense policy is formulated and implemented; national security policy, political/ social constraints, and military justice.
410ab Leadership Laboratory IV (1-1, FaSp) Advanced Air Force leadership experience focusing on the practical development of the Air Force officer through command and staff positions within the Cadet Corps. Graded CR/NC.
420ab Leadership Laboratory V (1-1, FaSp) Advanced leadership experiences for AFROTC continuing cadets. Graded CR/NC.
Military Science (MS)
101 Foundations of Officership (1, Fa) Introduces students to issues and competencies that are central to a commissioned officer�s responsibilities. Establish framework for understanding officership, leadership, and Army values followed and �life skills� such as physical fitness and time management. (Duplicates credit in former MS 100).
102 Basic Leadership (1, Sp) Establishes foundation of basic leadership fundamentals such as problem solving, communications, briefings and effective writing, goal setting, techniques for improving listening and speaking skills and an introduction to counseling. (Duplicates credit in former MS 110).
201 Individual Leadership Studies (2, Sp) Students identify successful leadership characteristics through observation of others and self through experimental learning exercises. Students record observed traits (good and bad) in a dimensional leadership journal and discuss observations in small group settings. (Duplicates credit in former MS 200).
202 Leadership and Teamwork (2, Sp) Study examines how to build successful teams, various methods for influencing action, effective communication in setting and achieving goals, the importance of timing the decision, creativity in the problem solving process, and obtaining team buy-in through immediate feedback. (Duplicates credit in former MS 210).
301 Leadership and Problem Solving (3, Fa) Students conduct self-assessment of leadership style, develop personal fitness regimen, and learn to plan and conduct individual/ small unit tactical training while testing reasoning and problem-solving techniques. Students receive direct feedback on leadership abilities. (Duplicates credit in former MS 300).
302 Leadership and Ethics (3, Sp) Examines the role communications, values, and ethics play in effective leadership. Topics include ethical decision-making, consideration of others, spirituality in the military, and survey Army leadership doctrine. Emphasis on improving oral and written communication abilities. (Duplicates credit in former MS 310).
401 Leadership and Management I (3, Fa) Develops student proficiency in planning and executing complex operations, functioning as a member of a staff, and mentoring subordinates. Students explore training management, methods of effective staff collaboration, and developmental counseling techniques. (Duplicates credit in former MS 400).
402 Leadership and Management II (3, Sp) Study includes case study analysis of military law and practical exercises on establishing an ethical command climate. Students must complete a semester long Senior Leadership Project that requires them to plan, organize, collaborate, analyze, and demonstrate their leadership skills. (Duplicates credit in former MS 410).
Nautical Science (NAUT)
002abx Advanced Deepwater Cruising (2-2) Responsibilities and operations commanding an offshore sailing vessel including sailing theory and advanced techniques, advanced navigation, ships engineering, and oceanography relevant to seamanship. Not available for degree credit. a: Senior skipper. b: Advanced senior skipper. (Duplicates credit in former NAUT 302ab.) Prerequisite for a: NAUT 301b; for b: NAUT 002a.
301ab Deepwater Cruising (2-2, FaSp) An experiential approach to the sailing ship and seafaring, introducing offshore sailing theory and techniques, navigation, and basic oceanography as relevant to seamanship. Lecture and lab. a: Crew level. b: Watch captain. Prerequisite: a before b.
Naval Science (NSC)
135 Introduction to Naval Science (2, Fa) Introduction to the structure, principles, and practices, lines of command and control, and functions of the various components of the naval service. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
137 Seapower and Maritime Affairs (4, Sp) Analysis of U.S. Navy development and campaigns; evolution of strategic, tactical, and maritime doctrines; interaction of naval affairs with national security and domestic policies. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. (Duplicates credit in former NSC 282.)
251 Seamanship and Ship Operations (3, Fa) Vector solutions of relative motion, tactical problems; tactical communications, instructions; fleet communications, organizations; rules of the Nautical Road; aviation and maritime meteorology; operation plans and orders. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 1 hour. (Duplicates credit in former NSC 336.)
283 Naval Ships Systems I (Engineering) (3, Sp) Types, structure, and purpose of Naval ships, compartmentation, propulsion systems, auxiliary power systems, interior communications, ship control; ship design and stability. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. (Duplicates credit in former NSC 136.)
335 Navigation (3, Fa) Purposes, methods, and instruments of navigation; terrestrial and celestial navigation and nautical astronomy; time diagrams; lines of position by observation of celestial bodies. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
337 Naval Ships Systems II (Weapons) (3, Sp) Systems approach to naval weapons; linear analysis of ballistics; weapons control systems configurations and dynamics. Field trips. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. (Duplicates credit in former NSC 250.)
343 Evolution of Warfare (3, Fa) Causes and practice of warfare from ancient times; impact of changes in strategy, tactics, and technology; modern revolutionary warfare, global conflict, and politico-military relationships. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
392 Amphibious Warfare (3, Sp) Concepts of seaborne military operations; relationship of factors involved; characteristic operations of World War II; amphibious operation planning. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
453 Leadership and Management I (2, Fa) Principles of human relationships; principles of decision-making and management at the junior officer level; theory and techniques of leadership. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.
454 Leadership and Management II (2, Sp) Introduction to primary duties of junior naval officers; counseling and interviewing techniques; review of basic administrative responsibilities at the division officer level. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours.