University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Restorative Dentistry (REST)

314 Physiology of Occlusion for Hygienists (1) Biology and function of the gnathostomatic system. Role of the hygienist in diagnosis and treatment of occlusal dysfunctions.

501 Preclinical Operative and Fixed Prosthodontics (Conjoint) (2) Fundamental concepts of restoring an individual tooth with a cast restoration; principles of cavity preparation; casting fabrication and cementation.

503ab Clinical Restorative Dentistry (1-1) Application of pre-clinical procedures in operative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics, removable prosthodontics, and dental materials.

504 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (1) Utilizing a restorative approach, enhance students’ knowledge and ability to choose treatment best suited for existing dental conditions, patients’ requests and their financial ability.

521 Preclinical Operative/Fixed Prosthodontics Laboratory (3) Experience in cavity preparation; casting fabrication and cementation on extracted teeth and plastic dentiforms.

522 Aesthetics in Dentistry (1) Definition and relationship of elements of aesthetics; application in patient motivation and care.

553ab Seminar: Review of Literature in Restorative Dentistry (2-2) Critical evaluation of classical literature in restorative dentistry.

602ab Participation in Advanced Dental Care (0-3) Participation in advanced dental treatment in Faculty Private Practice Clinic, techniques of difficult case presentation and efficiency in practice. Clinic and seminar.

610 Advanced Concepts in Aesthetics in Dentistry (1) Advanced concepts of aesthetic dental care; development of clinical skills in care of patients with aesthetic needs; adjunctive specialties.

652abcde Clinical Aesthetic Dentistry (0-0-0-0-2) Principles and procedures to obtain maximum dental aesthetics; alternatives, creation of illusion, characterization factors, effects of tissual relationships; included seminar, laboratory and clinical experience.

701 Orientation to Advanced Prosthodontics (5) Preclinical overview of materials, techniques, instrumentation, and treatment procedures necessary for providing advanced prosthodontic care in the clinical environment.

702abcdefhi Seminar: Treatment Planning (2 each) Seminars led by students with case presentations of complex multidisciplinary treatment plans, completed therapy and staff conferences.

703abcdefh Seminar: Review of the Prosthodontic Literature -- Fixed (1 each) Weekly two hour seminars devoted to review of the historic, classic, and current literature in fixed prosthodontics.

704abcdefh Seminar: Review of the Prosthodontic Literature -- Removable (1 each) Weekly two hour seminars devoted to review of the historic, classic, and current literature in removable prosthodontics.

705 Advanced Fixed Prosthodontics Techniques (1) Tooth preparation and advanced laboratory techniques necessary to implement full mouth rehabilitation.

706 Advanced Complete Denture Techniques (1) Advanced laboratory and clinical skills for a specialty prosthodontic practice.

708ab Dental Ceramics, Color, and Aesthetics (2-2) Theory of color and dental aesthetics; history and development of dental ceramics; design and techniques in fabrication of ceramo-metal restorations.

709ab Seminar: Removable Partial Dentures (1-2) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and design of removable partial dentures using extracoronal and intracoronal retainers.

710abcd Implant Dentistry (1-1-1-1) Implant modalities and types; basis for selection; techniques of placement and of supervision of prosthodontic restoration. Includes a review of classic implant literature.

712 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (2) Theory and techniques for fabrication of prostheses to correct maxillofacial deformities including cleft palate.

721ab Principles of Occlusion (2-2) Application of current occlusal concepts in removable prosthodontics. Techniques of occlusal adjustment and additive waxing for development of occlusal morphology.

761abcdefhij Clinic: Advanced Prosthodontics (1-10 each) Students treat patients with complex interdisciplinary problems. A minimum of five full mouth reconstructions and 10 sets of complete dentures will be completed.

781 Clinic: Maxillofacial Prosthetics (1-8) Clinical experience in fabrication of prostheses to correct maxillofacial deformities.

782abcde Clinic: Implant Prosthodontics (1-10 each) Clinical procedures in implants for prosthodontic rehabilitation.

790 Directed Research: Prosthodontics (1-12) Opportunities for research in clinical and experimental prosthodontics. Graded CR/NC.