University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Social Work (SOWK)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

200xm Institutional Inequality in American Political and Social Policy (4) Historic and philosophical roots of inequality for minority groups in the United States and implications for public policy. Not available for major credit.

303 Crises in Human Development (4, FaSp) Issues, concepts, and methodology related to understanding human behavior, growth and development from infancy through old age; developmental crises at each stage of the life cycle.

304 Children and Families in Urban America (4, Sp) Gateway to the minor in Children and Families in Urban America. Provides foundation for principles on the conditions of children, families and communities, partnerships between families and human service professionals, and interprofessional practice in urban American communities.

305L Children and Families in Urban America Integrative Seminar (2, FaSp) Introduction to human service professionals, agencies and institutions in the greater Los Angeles area which serve children and families who reside there.

375 The Urban Neighborhood (4) (Enroll in URBN 375)

390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

400 Children and Families in Urban America Capstone Course (4, FaSp) The capstone course for the "Children and Families in Urban America" minor will provide an opportunity to understand the relationship between federal, state and local policies which provide services to children and families. It will apply the knowledge learned in previous minor-related courses.

475 Urban Practicum (4) (Enroll in URBN 475)

503 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (2-4, max 8, Fa) The ecological systems paradigm is the lens through which theories of personality, family, group, organization, community and culture and the interaction among these systems are explored.

505 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (2-4, max 8, Sp) The course of human life, including the factors which impinge on the developmental continuum between normal and pathological conditions. Prerequisite: SOWK 503.

534 Policy and Practice in Social Service Organizations (3, Fa) Study of social work organizations with emphasis on their policy contexts, organizational theory, and the development of delivery systems.

535 Social Welfare (3, Sp) Structure and operation of current American social welfare programs (social policy analysis). Prerequisite: SOWK 503, SOWK 534.

543 Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families (4, Sp) Theory and principles underlying generic social work practice with primary emphasis on working with individuals and families.

545 Social Work Practice with Groups and Complex Cases (2, Sp) Theories and principles with primary emphasis on groups and application to problems requiring multilevel interventions. Prerequisite: SOWK 503, SOWK 534, SOWK 543.

562 Social Work Research (3, Sp) Introduction to research methods, including conceptualization of research problems, literature review, research design, sampling, measurement, data collection and data analysis.

586ab Field Practicum (3-3, FaSp) Supervised field placement to develop generalist practice skills in working with individuals, families, groups, communities and organizations. Graded IP/CR/NC.

587ab Integrative Learning for Social Work Practice (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Integrative content from Policy, Research, Human Behavior, Social Work Practice and Field Practicum. Graded CR/NC. Concurrent enrollment: a: SOWK 586a, SOWK 543; b: SOWK 586b, SOWK 545.

590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

599 Special Topics (1-3, max 8)

601 Advanced Theories and Interventions with Children and Adolescents (3, Fa) Advances students' knowledge and clinical skills working with children and adolescents. Emphasis on problems affecting children, including developmental derailments and disruptions. Prerequisite: SOWK 505, SOWK 545, SOWK 650; corequisite: SOWK 602.

602 Advanced Theories and Clinical Interventions with Families (3, Fa) Advances students' knowledge and clinical skills working with diverse urban families experiencing various stressors. Exploration and application of a range of family therapy models. Prerequisite: SOWK 505, SOWK 545; corequisite: SOWK 601.

603 Merging Policy, Planning and Research for Change in Families and Children's Settings (3, Sp) Development and evaluation of service programs for children and families incorporating social welfare policy, macro practice and research skills. Prerequisite: SOWK 534, SOWK 535, SOWK 562.

605 Human Development and Mental Health (3, Fa) Understanding problem-producing behaviors and their ramifications on individuals, families, and groups that comprise the clientele in mental health settings. Required for students in Mental Health concentration. Prerequisite: SOWK 505.

611 Leadership in the Social Work Profession and Organizations: Theory and Practice (3, FaSpSm) Through didactic and experiential methods, students learn to interpret and apply leadership theory and research. Covers skills of effective leadership at all organizational levels. Prerequisite: SOWK 505, SOWK 535, SOWK 545, SOWK 601, SOWK 602, SOWK 603; or SOWK 605, SOWK 625, SOWK 645; or SOWK 631, SOWK 632, SOWK 636; or SOWK 671, SOWK 672, SOWK 673.

612 Psychopathology and Diagnosis of Mental Disorder (3) Assessment of psychopathology, and the rationale and organization of the American nosological system for diagnosis of mental disorders. Emphasis is on developing differential diagnostic skills.

613 Social Work Practice in the Political Arena (3) Prepares students to be effective in using social work and political skills in different political settings.

614 Social Work Practice in School Settings (3) Based on ecosystems perspectives, this course examines policies, theories and principles of social work practice in school settings.

615 Brief Therapy and Crisis Intervention (3) Theory and multimodal approaches for brief therapy and crisis intervention with diverse clientele in a range of mental health and health settings.

616 Clinical Practice with Older Adults (3) Developmental tasks of adulthood and later life, as well as assessment and intervention for problems and disorders associated with aging.

617 Substance Abuse with Consideration of Other Addictive Disorders (3) Exploration of nature and treatment of substance abuse and other addictive disorders as well as relevant treatment models for individuals, groups and families.

618 Social Work with Individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness (3, Sp) This advanced mental health practice course focuses on innovative clinical interventions to be used when treating individuals who have severe and persistent mental illnesses.

619 Social Work in Public Child Welfare Settings (3, Sp) This advanced seminar will provide tools to enhance the practitioner's response to the special challenges (substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence) in public child welfare.

625 Evaluation of Research: Mental Health (3, Fa) Range of research conducted in mental health; evaluation of selected research reports and their application to social work practice. Required for students in Mental Health concentration. Prerequisite: SOWK 562.

629 Evaluation of Research: Community Organization, Planning and Administration (3, Fa) Research for macro-practice, emphasizing qualitative methods, participatory action research, program evaluation, needs assessment; mapping and GIS to understand urban environments. Prerequisite: SOWK 562.

631 Advanced Theories and Clinical Interventions in Health Care (3, Fa) Evaluation of theory, best practices, emerging issues, and skill development in health settings; interaction among cultural, socioeconomic, and organizational factors. Prerequisite: SOWK 505, SOWK 545.

632 Program Planning and Evaluation in Health Care (3, Fa) Program and intervention development and evaluation research in health settings. Issues and skill development in program design and methods for evaluation. Prerequisite: SOWK 562.

636 Social Policy: Health Care (3, Sp) Evolution and current setting of health policy; dynamic interaction between cultural, socio-economic, and political factors in shaping American health policy. Required for students in Mental Health in Health Settings concentration. Prerequisite: SOWK 534, SOWK 535.

639 Social Policy for Managers, Planners and Community Organizers (3, Fa) Analysis of efforts to improve local human services organizations and agencies with consideration of political, social, demographic and organization contexts. Prerequisite: SOWK 534, SOWK 535.

645 Clinical Practice in Mental Health Settings (3, Fa) Social work processes from intake to termination; emphasis on clinical skills required for social work practice in a broad spectrum of mental health settings. Required for students in Mental Health concentration.

648 Management for Community and Social Services (3, Fa) Methods and principles of management in urban settings with primary emphasis on strategic management, finance analysis, and innovative project development.

651 Social Work Practice in Public Child Welfare (1, Fa) Integrates foundation and advanced knowledge and skill for practice in public child welfare. Graded CR/NC.

652 Social Work Practice in School Settings (1, Fa) Integrates foundation and advanced knowledge and skill for practice in school settings.

653 Social Work Practice With and In Behalf of Older Adults (1, Fa) Integrates foundation and advanced knowledge and skill for practice with and in behalf of older adults. Graded CR/NC.

654 Social Work Practice with Severely and Persistently Mentally Ill (1, Fa) Integrates foundation and advanced knowledge and skill for practice with severely and persistently mentally ill. Graded CR/NC.

660 Health Care Delivery Systems: Planning for Health and Social Services (3, Sp) Evaluating health care delivery systems in the U.S. and internationally including community social capital, health disparities, access to care, and policy implications for diverse populations.

661 Case Management as a Service Model (3, Fa) Case management as a service model for increasing cost effectiveness and quality of care for diverse populations including transitional planning, utilization management and resource utilization.

662 Information Technology for Human Services (3, Sp) Information technology as a resource for quality health and human services. Implications for interagency collaboration, empowerment of clients and professionals, evidence-based practice, education and ethics.

671 Clinical Intervention and Advanced Theories in Work Settings (3) Clinical intervention strategies and theories emphasizing crisis intervention, task-centered, and short-term interventions with individuals, families, and social networks effective in work settings. Prerequisite: SOWK 505, SOWK 545.

672 Improving Work Life Through Social Policy and Managing Organizational Development and Change (3, Fa) Advances students' ability to formulate social policy and conceptual understanding of workplace issues. Intervention strategies for organizational development. Prerequisite: SOWK 535.

673 Program Development, Training, Grant Writing, and Program Evaluation in Work Settings (3, Fa) Focus on the role of social workers in program development and evaluation, supervision and training, and research in workplace settings. Prerequisite: SOWK 562.

686abc Field Practicum II (3 or 4; 3 or 4; 2-4, FaSpSm) Supervised field placement to develop depth of skill and practice in area of concentration. Graded CR/NC/IP/INC. Prerequisite: SOWK 586ab.

690ab Research (1-4; 1-4, FaSpSm) Intensive individual study of specific problems. Graded CR/NC.

695 Research Project I (2, Fa) Credit on acceptance of professional research project proposal. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: SOWK 562.

697 Research Project II (1, Sp) Credit on acceptance of professional research project. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: SOWK 695.

702 Theories of Human Behavior in the Contexts of Social Environments (3, Fa) A focus on human behavior in interaction with the social environment; major paradigms including general systems theory, ego psychology, and role theories are examined.

703 Explanatory Theories for Larger Social Systems (3, Fa) Theories of organizational and community behavior are examined in relation to their influence on the development of social services.

733 Policy Analysis and Advocacy in a Comparative Social Policy Context (3, Fa) Examination of the evolution of American and other welfare states in selected nations. Analysis of global welfare institutions. Engaging in policy analysis in a comparative context.

743 Theories for Practice with Small Systems (3, Fa) Early practice theories and their historical roots are examined. Implications for evolving current practice theories with individuals, families, and groups are discussed.

744 Theories for Practice with Large Systems (3, Fa) Examination of the development and utility of theories, models and approaches to social work community and administrative practice.

760L Introduction to Social Work Statistics (3, Fa) Foundation course covering univariate and bivariate descriptive and inferential statistics. Required lab covering basic computer skills and utilization of statistical software.

761L Multiple Regression for Social Work Research (3, Sp) Multivariate statistical methods including descriptive and inferential statistics, parametric and non-parametric tests of hypotheses; correlation, analysis of variance, multiple regression, and factor analysis; utilization of computer programs for statistical analysis.

762 Social Work Research Methods I (3, Fa) Models of research, the nature of inquiry, and the research process including problem formulation, measurement, designs, sampling and data sources. Prerequisite: doctoral standing.

763 Social Work Research Methods II: Issues in Research for Social Work Practice (3, Sp) Research methods to provide students with advanced methodological knowledge in two areas related to social work practice: psychotherapy outcome research and program research. Prerequisite: SOWK 762.

764 Advanced Multivariate Statistics (3, Fa) Introduction to single equation statistical modeling using limited dependent variables (categorical and ordered categorical). Methods are drawn from statistics and econometrics.

780 Adult Learning Theory and Social Work Education (2, Sp) Description and analysis of current problems and issues in higher education with particular emphasis to social work education. Prerequisite: SOWK 763, SOWK 760L, SOWK 733, SOWK 702, SOWK 703.

781 Guided Teaching Experience (2, FaSp) Mentorship with a member of the teaching faculty; discussions of curriculum design; observation; preparation and delivery of selected course sessions. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: SOWK 780.

785 Guided Research Internship (2, FaSp) Research practicum designed to provide students with hands-on practical experience with an ongoing faculty research project. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: SOWK 763.

790 Research (1-12, FaSp) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.