Courses of Instruction
Physiology and Biophysics (PHBI)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed . For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
462 Physiology for the Health Professions (4) Overview of how organ systems operate and interact to maintain homeostasis including responses to common challenges and disorders. Prerequisite: BISC 120L or BISC 220L or BISC 113L; CHEM 105abL or CHEM 115abL; recommended preparation: cell biology, physics.
463L Physiology Lab for the Health Professions (1, Sp) Practical, hands-on and non-invasive illustrations of human organ systems including measurement of physiologic parameters, computer modeling. Corequisite: PHBI 462.
524 Advanced Neurosciences I (4) (Enroll in NEUR 524)
525 Advanced Neurosciences II (4, Sp) (Enroll in NEUR 525)
531 Cell Biology (4) (Enroll in INTD 531)
550 Seminar in Systems Biology and Disease (1, max 12, FaSp) Selected topics in systems biology and disease. Open to Systems Biology and Disease program, Physiology and Biophysics, and Pathology students only. Graded CR/NC.
552abcd Advanced Physiological Methods (2-4 each, FaSp) Techniques used in advanced physiology; construction and use of physiological instruments; training in surgical techniques; introduction to the use of radioisotopes in physiological investigation. Prerequisite: PHBI 581, PHBI 582, PHBI 583.
556ab Recent Advances in Physiology (2-2, FaSp) Requirements include preparation of abstracts of papers appearing in current physiological literature.
560 The Microcirculation (3, Sp) Physiology of mammalian microcirculation in various organs including flow dynamics, transcapillary exchange, and control mechanisms. Prerequisite: PHBI 581, PHBI 582, PHBI 583.
561 Molecular Genetics (4, Sp) (Enroll in INTD 561)
562 Systems and Integrative Physiology (4, FaSp) Provide a graduate level overview of how organ systems operate and interact to maintain homeostasis, with examples of common challenges and disorders (e.g., how base balance is maintained by an interplay between renal and respiratory systems during high altitude and drug overdose.) Prerequisite: INTD 531 or equivalent.
571 Biochemistry (4, Fa) (Enroll in INTD 571)
581 Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Physiology (4, Fa) Membrane structure, biophysical principles of transport mechanisms, epithelial function, muscle physiology, hormone-receptor interactions, hormone regulation of ion transport and gene expression, membrane biogenesis.
582 Endocrinology, Reproduction, and Metabolism (4, Sp) Systemic approach to the study of the endocrine glands, reproductive physiology and regulation of metabolic processes. Prerequisite: PHBI 581 or departmental approval.
583 Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Renal Physiology (4, Sp) Survey of cardiovascular, renal, and respiratory physiology. Suitable for physiology and medical science graduate students and biomedical engineers. Prerequisite: PHBI 581 or departmental approval.
590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit upon acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, Sp)
608ab Advanced Cellular, Molecular and Systemic Physiology (a: 2 or 4, Fa; b: 2 or 4, Sp) Lectures and student presentations on advanced topics in molecular, cellular and systemic physiology.
610 Advanced Circulation (3, Sp) Combination lecture, student seminar; consideration of current research ideas in cardiovascular physiology. Prerequisite: PHBI 581, PHBI 582, PHBI 583.
618 Mathematical Modeling in Endocrinology and Metabolism (3, Fa) The application of mathematics to problems including hormone-receptor interactions, tracer kinetics, and regulation of hormones and substrates at the level of the whole organism. Prerequisite: Calculus III.
650 Mechanisms of Ion Transport in Animal Cells (2, alt Sp) A comprehensive examination of ion transport pathways, covering kinetic and structural analysis, physiological regulation, and theoretical treatments of ion pumps, channels, exchange pathways, and model compounds. Prerequisite: PHBI 581, BIOC 441.
790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.