USC Rossier School of Education
![]() | The Rossier School is ranked among the top 10 private schools of education in the U.S. and number one in Southern California by the 2005 U.S. News and World Report. USC has one of the few schools of education in the country with its own Career Center offering students the opportunity to create lifelong placement files. |
The USC Rossier School of Education is one of the world's premier centers for the study of urban education. The school is committed to preparing teachers, researchers, counselors, administrators and curricular specialists for leadership positions.
The school is among the nation's oldest and largest institutions of professional education. Classes in education at USC were started during the 1890s, with a Department of Education founded in 1909 and the School of Education established in 1918. In 1998, two alumni, Barbara J. and Roger W. Rossier, committed $20 million to the school. In recognition of their gift, the school was renamed in their honor.
To fulfill its urban education mission, the school concentrates on four themes.
Learning represents the school's core technical skill and involves basic principles of how individuals learn and how what they learn is incorporated into their daily lives.
Diversity is the context within which educators operate, particularly in urban areas.
Accountability helps answer the questions of what should be learned and how well students learn. The school addresses indicators of success such as systems coherence and support, evidence-based best practices, processes of continual improvement and organizational learning.
Leadership enhances the skills and knowledge of people in an organization, creating a common culture of expectations, fostering productive relationships within the organization and holding individuals accountable.
To further its mission, the school has established partnerships with other schools; leadership institutes; symposia featuring national leaders in education; and regional educational centers where the school, local school districts and other post-secondary institutions work to improve student performance and offer on-site graduate and professional educational programs.
The school is accredited by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
Karen Symms Gallagher, Ph.D., DeanDavid D. Marsh, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Academic Programs
Rodney Goodyear, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
Melora Sundt, Ph.D., Associate Dean, External Relations
Blair Sillers, Chief of Staff
Kevin T. Colaner, Executive Director, Academic Support Services
Emery Stoops and Joyce King-Stoops Dean's Chair in Education: Karen Symms Gallagher, Ph.D.Richard T. Cooper and Mary Catherine Cooper Chair in Public School Administration: Guilbert C. Hentschke, Ph.D.
Diane and MacDonald Becket Professorship in Educational Governance: Priscilla Wohlstetter, Ph.D.
Stephen Crocker Professorship in Education: Myron H. Dembo, Ph.D.
Leslie Wilbur and Norma Lash Wilbur-Evelyn Kieffer Professorship in Higher Education: William G. Tierney, Ph.D.
Professors: Ron Avi Astor, Ph.D. (Social Work); Estela Mara Bensimon, Ed.D.; Richard Clark, Ed.D.; Rodney Goodyear, Ph.D.; Maurice Hitchcock, Ed.D. (Medical Education); Etta R. Hollins, Ph.D.; Bob Knight, Ph.D. (Gerontology); David Marsh, Ph.D.; Michael D. Newcomb, Ph.D.; Harold O'Neil, Ph.D.; Lawrence O. Picus, Ph.D.; William M. Rideout, Jr., Ph.D.; Robert Rueda, Ph.D.; Nelly Stromquist, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Amanda Datnow, Ph.D.; Linda Serra Hagedorn, Ph.D.; Adrianna Kezar, Ph.D.; Laurie MacGillivray, Ph.D.; William E. Maxwell, Ph.D.; William F. McComas, Ph.D.; Ricardo Stanton-Salazar, Ph.D.; David Yaden, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Richard Brown, Ph.D.; Tatiana Melguizo, Ph.D.
Clinical Professors: Carl Cohn, Ed.D.; Joel Colbert, Ed.D.; Stuart Gothold, Ed.D.; Dennis Hocevar, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate Professors: Ruth Gim Chung, Ph.D.; Michael Genzuk, Ph.D.; Alex Jun, Ph.D.; Sandra Kaplan, Ed.D.; Kim West, Ph.D.; Carol Wilson, Ed.D.
Clinical Assistant Professors: Charles D. Espalin, Ed.D.; Walt Greene, M.S.; Margo Pensavalle, Ed.D.; Eugenia Mora-Flores, Ph.D.; Gisele Ragusa, Ph.D.; Julietta Shakhbagova, Ph.D.
Research Professors: Reynaldo Baca, Ph.D.; Allen Munro, Ph.D.; Melora Sundt, Ph.D.; Douglas Towne, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professors: Robert L. Baker, Ph.D.; Robert Ferris, Ed.D.; Emery Stoops, Ed.D.; Edward J. Kazlauskas, Ph.D.; Donald E. Polkinghorne, Ph.D.
Distringuished Emeriti Award: Emery Stoops, Ed.D.
Degree Programs
The Rossier School of Education offers the following degree programs: minor in the teaching profession; minor in education in a pluralistic society; Bachelor of Science in General Studies; Master of Arts, Teaching; Master of Science in Education; Master of Science, Education (Counseling Psychology); Master of Science in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages; Master of Education, Postsecondary Administration and Student Affairs; Master of Education, Teaching English as a Foreign Language; Master of Marriage and Family Therapy; Doctor of Education (Ed.D.); Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Education; and Doctor of Education/Master of Business Administration (Ed.D./M.B.A.).The Rossier School of Education also offers the Ed.D. at the Hawaii, Orange County and Sacramento state capital centers.
Educational Placement
Carol C. Wilson, Ed.D.: Director
The Office of Career Development and Educational Placement has, as its name implies, two principal functions: career counseling and assisting students and alumni in securing professional employment. The office has an excellent record of assistance to teachers, administrators and other educational specialists seeking positions in schools and universities and other education-related organizations.
The placement record for USC graduates in education has been exceptional. Although the office has placed graduates in other states, and to some extent in foreign countries, the office primarily places graduates within California. Because the placement of graduates is a matter of high priority within the Rossier School of Education, graduates hold a high percentage of leadership positions in Southern California.
The services of the office are available to all students and graduates of the school, both for assistance in locating professional employment and for advisement about career advancement opportunities. The director and staff assist graduates in obtaining educational administration positions as well as teaching, counseling and other specializations. The office also assists graduates interested in community college and four-year college teaching and administration positions.
Additional information may be obtained from the Office of Career Development and Educational Placement, Waite Phillips Hall 804, (213) 740-7072.