Courses of Instruction
Biomedical Engineering (BME)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
101 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (3, Fa) Historical development and survey of major areas comprising biomedical engineering: theoretical neurobiology and systems physiology, biomedical instrumentation, artificial organ and prosthetic devices, biomedical computer applications.
210 Biomedical Computer Simulation Methods (3, Sp) Computational methods for simulation of circulatory, respiratory, pharmacokinetic, and neural models. Quadrature, differential equations, systems of linear equations, simulation languages, experimental statistics. Prerequisite: CSCI 101L; corequisite: MATH 245.
302L Medical Electronics (4, Sp) Electronic design and measurements for medical applications. Use of integrated circuits, biopotential measurements, static and dynamic calibration of physiological transducers. Prerequisite: EE 202.
350 Biomedical Engineering Industrial Project (3) Training in specific skills relevant to biomedical industry. Placement in summer internship following successful completion of the course. Junior standing. Prerequisite: BME 210.
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
402 Control and Communication in the Nervous System (3, Sp) An introduction to the structural and functional elements common to nervous systems, with emphasis on cellular dynamics, interneuronal communication, sensory and effector systems. Prerequisite: BISC 220L, BME 210, MATH 245.
403 Physiological Systems (3, Sp) A thorough bioengineering treatment of the physiological properties of various mammalian organ systems: e.g., cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, and musculoskeletal. Prerequisite: BISC 220L; MATH 245; corequisite: EE 202L.
404 Biomechanics (3, Fa) Mechanical properties of biological tissues and fluid transport in physiological systems: blood rheology; bioviscoelastic solids and fluids; gas flow and mixing; prosthesis design. Prerequisite: PHYS 151L; MATH 245; AME 201.
405L Senior Projects: Measurements and Instrumentation (4, FaSp) Application of instrumentation and measurement techniques to biomedical engineering projects involving measurement, replacement or augmentation of biomedical systems. Prerequisite: BME 210, EE 202L.
406L Senior Projects: Software Systems (4) Software projects employing engineering, mathematical, and computational principles; applications include sensory and motor processing. Prerequisite: BME 210.
410 Introduction to Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (3, Fa) Application of principles of physical chemistry, biochemistry, and materials engineering to biomedical problems, e.g., materials selection and design for implants and tissue replacement. Prerequisite: CHEM 322aL.
414 Rehabilitation Engineering (3, Sp) An introduction to rehabilitation technology: limb and spinal orthoses; limb prostheses; functional electrical stimulation; sensory aids. Recommended preparation: AME 201.
416 Development and Regulation of Medical Products (3, Sp) An introduction to the process of medical product development with emphasis on the regulations that govern the design, fabrication, and maintenance of medical products. Junior standing. Departmental approval required.
423 Statistical Methods in Biomedical Engineering (3, Fa) Applications of parametric and non-parametric tests, analysis of variance, linear regression, time-series analysis, and autoregressive modeling, with biomedical applications to statistical analysis of biomedical data. Prerequisite: BME 210.
425 Basics of Biomedical Imaging (3, Fa) Basic scientific principles of various biomedical imaging modalities including nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray computed tomography, single photon and positron emission tomography, ultrasonic imaging and biomagnetism. Prerequisite: PHYS 153L.
480 Senior Design for Biomedical Engineers (3) Engineering design principles applied to biomedical systems; design and implementation of a biomedical hardware and software project; presentation and demonstration. Prerequisite: BME 405L.
489 Biochemical Engineering (3, Sp) (Enroll in CHE 489)
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Current trends and developments in the field of biomedical engineering.
501 Advanced Topics in Biomedical Systems (4, Fa) Advanced topics in selected biomedical systems: cardiopulmonary, neuromuscular, renal and endocrine.
502 Advanced Studies of the Nervous System (4, Sp) Advanced topics on the structure and function of the nervous system examined from the viewpoint of computational systems science.
511 Physiological Control Systems (3, Sp) Application of control theory to physiological systems; static analysis of closed-loop systems; time-domain analysis of linear control identification methods; nonlinear control.
513 Signal and Systems Analysis (3, Fa) Classification; representation; statistical analysis; orthogonal expansions; least-squares estimation; harmonic analysis; Fourier, Laplace, and Z transforms; the linear system; filtering; modeling and simulation; linear control theory. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
523 Measurement and Processing of Biological Signals (3, Fa) Acquisition, analysis, and display of biological data using digital computers; laboratory applications of digital signal processing and real time analysis. Prerequisite: BME 513.
525 Advanced Biomedical Imaging (4, Sp) Advanced scientific and engineering principles of biomedical imaging including magnetic resonance, X-ray computed tomography, single photon and positron emission tomography, magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
527 Integration of Medical Imaging Systems (3, Fa) Medical imaging quality, compression, data standards, workflow analysis and protocols, broadband networks, image security, fault tolerance, picture archive communication system (PACS), image database and backup.
528 Medical Imaging Informatics (3, Sp) Picture archive communication system (PACS) design and implementation; clinical PACS-based imaging informatics; telemedicine/teleradiology; image content indexing, image data mining; grid computing in large-scale imaging informatics; image-assisted diagnosis, surgery and therapy. Prerequisite: BME 425 or BME 525, BME 527.
533 Seminar in Bioengineering (1, max 3, FaSp) Graded CR/NC.
535 Ultrasonic Imaging (3, Sp) All aspects of ultrasonic imaging including ultrasound and tissue interaction, ultrasonic transducers, instrumentation, imaging methods, clinical applications, bioeffects, safety, and recent developments in the field.
551 Introduction to Bio-MEMS and Nanotechnology (3, Fa) Principles and biomedical applications of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and nanotechnology, including microfluidics, nanowire sensors, nanomotors, quantum dots, biofuel cells and molecular imaging. Recommended preparation: Basic biology and electronics.
590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
591ab Mathematical Biophysics (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Formulation of biological problems in mathematical terms. Analytical and computational solution of the relevant equations.
594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9) Current trends and developments in the field of biomedical engineering.
605abL Experimental Projects in Biomedical Engineering (3-3) Application of modern instrumentation and data processing techniques to the experimental study of selected biosystems. Laboratory. (Duplicates credit in former BME 519L.) Prerequisite: departmental approval.
620L Applied Electrophysiology (4, Fa) The theoretical basis and applied design principles for medical devices and instrumentation that interact with electrically excitable tissues of the body. Prerequisite: BME 502.
650 Biomedical Measurement and Instrumentation (3, Sp) Design of measurement systems and biomedical instrumentation; architecture of electronic instruments used to measure physiological parameters, analysis of major process functions integrated in these instruments. Open to M.S., Medical Device and Diagnostic Engineering and biomedical engineering Ph.D. students only. Prerequisite: BME 513.
670 Early Visual Processing (4, Fa) Interdisciplinary topics in biological and artificial low-level visual processing. Retina, lateral geniculate nucleus; computer vision; neurophysiology, retinal prosthesis; molecular biology, phototransduction; edge detection; movement. Open to graduate students only. Prerequisite: NEUR 524 and NEUR 525; or BME 502; or CSCI 574.
671 Late Visual Processing (4, Sp) Interdisciplinary topics in biological and artificial high-level visual processing. Visual cortex; computer vision; neurophysiology; psychophysics; MRI; computational models; orientation selectivity; steropsis; motion; contours; object recognition. Open to graduate students only. Prerequisite: NEUR 524 and NEUR 525; or BME 502; or CSCI 574.
675 Computational Vision (3, Fa) Biological vision; natural statistics; enzymatic cascades; predictive coding; dendrites and active conductances; system identification; energy models; population code; Kalman filtering; Bayesian models; regularization; object recognition. Prerequisite: BME 502.
680 Modeling and Simulation of Physiological Systems (3, Sp) Mathematical theories and computation techniques for modeling physiological systems, with emphasis on cardiorespiratory, metabolic-endocrine, and neuronal functions. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
686 Introduction to Biomedical Research (3) The nature of scientific research in bioengineering; scientific method; observation and interpretation; variation and error. Critical analysis of original literature and formulation of research problems. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
790 Research (1-12) Research applicable to the doctorate. Graded CR/NC.
794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.