University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Curriculum, Teaching and Special Education (CTSE)

432 Use of Instructional Technology in Curriculum (2, FaSpSm) Role of audio-visual instruction in the curriculum; selection, preparation, and evaluation of audio-visual materials.

474 Directed Teaching: Public School Music (4, Sp) Observation and teaching under the guidance of a university supervisor and a directing teacher. Music Education majors only. Corequisite: MUED 474.

503 Teaching and Learning in U.S. Schools (4, FaSm) Focused study of schools, teachers, students and society. (Three hours of lecture/discussion and three hours of school participation each week.)

504 Physical Science Concepts for Elementary Teachers (3) An introduction to the basic content of the physical sciences coupled with pedagogical and curricular models appropriate for teaching in the elementary grades.

505 Earth/Space Science Concepts for Elementary Teachers (3) An introduction to the basic content of the earth and space sciences coupled with pedagogical and curricular models appropriate for teaching in the elementary grades.

506 Life Science Concepts for Elementary Teachers (3) An introduction to the basic content of the life sciences coupled with pedagogical and curricular models appropriate for teaching in the elementary grades.

507 Issues, History and Rationale of Science Education (3) An overview of the history, goals and issues in science education K-12. Including related literature, research basis and needs.

508 Nature of Science: Philosophy of Science for Science Educators (3) Introduction to the major issues in the philosophy of science with special emphasis on applications to science teaching and learning.

509 Advanced Science Teaching Methods (3) An advanced examination of the practical and theoretical aspects of science instruction including conceptual change teaching, laboratory instruction, informal science learning and assessment modes.

511 Reading and Writing Methods (3, Fa) Analysis of reading/writing processes; methods for teaching literary K-12; issues in biliteracy and instruction. Prerequisite: CBEST score and departmental approval; corequisite: CTSE 503; CTSE 549a or CTSE 551a.

514 Curriculum of the Elementary School (3, Fa) Overview of elementary curriculum, relationships among areas, trends, materials of instruction, recent research and developing practices in the field. Prerequisite: teaching experience.

521 Course Design for Language Learning (3) (Enroll in EDHP 521)

526 Workshop in Curriculum and Instruction (1-6) Preparation of units of work, materials of instruction, and other projects for improvement of curriculum and instruction.

528 Foundations of Reading Instruction (3, Fa) Survey of psychological, physiological, sociological, and methodological research relating to the teaching of reading and reading improvement from infancy to adulthood. Prerequisite: teaching experience.

529 The Teaching of Writing: Research and Practice (3, Sp) Students will participate in the process approach to writing, learn about implementation strategies K-12, and examine composition research related to fluency, bilingualism, social interaction and assessment.

534 Diagnosis of Reading Disability (3, Fa) Theoretical and practical consideration of the causes of reading disability and techniques and materials for individual diagnosis. Prerequisite: CTSE 528.

535 Remediation of Reading Disability (3, Sp) Clinical and classroom techniques, materials for correcting reading disability; participation in instructional program of the Reading Center. Prerequisite: CTSE 534.

537 Methods in Bilingual Education and in Teaching English as a Second Language (3, FaSp) Survey of procedures and materials for use in bilingual education and in teaching English as a second language; communication through understanding, speaking, reading, and writing from the elementary through adult levels.

538 Curricula and Cultural Pluralism (3, SpSm) Concepts, values, and pedagogical strategies for multicultural education.

543 Reading Programs Leadership (3) Skills and understandings needed to provide curricular leadership of reading programs, including change, interaction, evaluation, inservice, working with parents and aides and bilingual/cultural groups.

548ab Curriculum and Methods for Teaching Multiple Subjects (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Curriculum, instructional processes, learning environments, and the professional responsibilities of teachers for linking knowledge of subject fields, pedagogy, and insight about elementary school-aged children. Concurrent enrollment: a: CTSE 549a; b: CTSE 549b. Prerequisite: CTSE 503.

549ab Observation and Directed Teaching in Multiple Subjects (a: 4, Fa; b: 4, Sp) Supervised observation and experience in teaching the multiple subjects for kindergarten through eighth grades (one assignment in primary; one in intermediate or upper grades). Prerequisite: CTSE 503.

551ab Observation and Directed Teaching in Single Subjects (a: 4, Fa; b: 4, Sp) Supervised observation and experience in teaching a single subject field at the middle- and high-school levels (one semester at each level). Prerequisite: CTSE 503.

552 Advanced Teaching Styles and Strategies (1-4) Analysis and application of teaching styles and strategies; evaluation of curriculum materials.

556 Methods of Instruction for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child (3, Fa) Curricular; instructional materials and methods for teaching academic subjects to deaf and hard of hearing children, grades K through 12. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only.

557 Directed Teaching of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student (4, Sp) Observation and directed teaching of the deaf and hard of hearing child. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only.

558 Culture Learning in Schools: Latino (3, Sp) History, values, beliefs, and the demography of Spanish-speaking people; implications for the American classroom. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite: SPAN 220.

560 Primary Language Instruction in a Bilingual Setting (3, Fa) Bilingual programs, their goals, personnel, teaching methods, and materials.

570 Language Proficiency Assessment of Language Minority Students (3) Research and practice issues involved in assessing languages and other competencies of non- and limited-English proficient language minority children and adults. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

572 Instructional Media Production (3, Sm) Instructional application of mixed media and multiple media presentation formats, including examination of relevant design elements and production.

573 Management of Instructional Resources (3, Sm) Operation of instructional or training material centers including proposal preparation, facilities design, supply and maintenance procedures, budget preparation, and personnel selection.

577 Language Development for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child during Early Childhood (3, Fa) Introductory course in the early development of language for the deaf and hard of hearing child with emphasis on teaching receptive and expressive language.

578 Methods of Teaching Speech and Auditory Skills to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Student (3, Fa) Introduction to theory and methods for speech and auditory development and remediation for deaf and hard of hearing children. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only.

579 Directed Teaching of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child during Early Childhood (2, Fa) Introduction to and directed teaching of preschool deaf and hard of hearing children and their parents. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only.

580 Audiology for Teachers of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child (2) Application of audiological theory to the auditory development of the deaf and hard of hearing child.

581 Topics in Deaf Education (3, Sp) Historical trends, current research, issues, and their application to the deaf and hard of hearing child.

582 Language Development for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child (3, Sp) Current language development theory, assessment, curriculum planning, and implementation for the deaf and hard of hearing child. Prerequisite: CTSE 577.

583 Advanced Methods, Practicum, and Research in Spoken Language for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Child (3, Sp) An advanced course in research and methods for teaching speech, language, and auditory skills to the deaf and hard of hearing child, through a teaching lab experience. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only. Prerequisite: CTSE 578.

585ab Sign Language for Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children (1-1) a: An introduction to the history of sign language, especially ASL, its use by the Deaf culture, and beginning aspects of its grammar, with a lab component for practice. b: An intermediate course covering more advanced aspects of ASL grammar and more in-depth information on Deaf culture. Open to students enrolled in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's/Credential Program only.

586 Typical and Atypical Infant and Toddler Development (4) Introduction to research and practice in typical and atypical child development for children, birth through three years of age, with hearing loss and related special needs, and their families. Open to students in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialist Credential program only.

587 Service Delivery System for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs (4) Introduction to early intervention and public policy and participation in special education service delivery systems for infants and toddlers with hearing loss and other special needs.

592 Independent Study in Special Education (1-3) Applied research, creative projects, or investigations involving new techniques to be used with exceptional children. Graded CR/NC.

593ab Master's Seminar (2-2, FaSpSm) An examination and analysis of research and literature from the student's area of focus. Required of all master's candidates who do not enroll in the Master's Thesis (594abz). Graded CR/NC.

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0. FaSpSm) Required of all master's candidates who do not enroll in the Master's Seminar (593ab). Credit on acceptance of the thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

605 Sociopolitical Context of Bilingual Curriculum and Instruction (3) Social, legal, and political constraints on bilingual, English as a second language, and foreign language curriculum and instruction in the U.S..

631 Evaluation of Educational Programs (3, Sp) Principles and procedures for assessing the quality and effectiveness of educational programs and materials in elementary and secondary schools.

635 Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Environments (3, Fa) Relationships among curriculum, teaching and learning environments; normative, positive analyses of curriculum and instructional processes; emphasis on alignment and consideration of languages, culture, and society. Admission to doctoral program and departmental approval are required.

649 Initial Encounters with Print: The Beginnings of Reading and Writing (3, Fa) Theoretical, empirical, pedagogical issues of initial literacy learning; parallels between oral and written language development; effects of culture and home environment; developmental patterns and strategies. Prerequisite: doctoral standing.

659 Seminar in Comprehending, Composing, and Instruction (3) Reading and writing processes and their interrelationship; cognitive, linguistic, and contextual issues; instructional literacy research. Prerequisite: doctoral standing.

669 Seminar in Literacy, Cognition, and Curriculum (3, Sp) Current theory and research in the fields of literacy, cognition, and curriculum as it relates to the development and implementation of integrated literacy curricula. Prerequisite: doctoral standing.

688 School Leadership and Instructional Improvement (3, Fa) Instructional leadership in the implementation of change in K-12 schools. Emphasis on research-based strategies for curriculum supervision, curriculum development and instructional improvement. Admission to the Ed.D. degree program is required.

791 Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation (1, FaSpSm) Preparation of initial dissertation proposal. Graded CR/NC.