University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Linguistics (LING)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

100 The Nature of Human Language (4, FaSp) Gateway to the major and minor in linguistics. Languages as uniquely human symbolic systems. Dialects of English and historical relationships among languages. How children and adults acquire languages. Language differences and language universals; language types.

110Lg In a Word (4, FaSp) Words as a gateway to the human mind. How words are stored, comprehended and retrieved. How words are constructed. Word and concepts. Words and social constructs. The processing and the acquisition of words in normal and atypical children and adults.

115g Language, Society, and Culture (4, FaSp) Discourse patterns among diverse social groups in institutional and interpersonal settings; interrelationships among language practices and gender, socioeconomic status, ethnicity; social structures and cultural values as reflected in language policies and practices. Concurrent enrollment: WRIT 140.

122 Arabic I (4, Fa) Introduction to current Arabic; oral practice, hearing and reading comprehension; the grammar necessary for simple spoken and written expression. Lecture, classroom drill, laboratory practice.

152 Arabic II (4, Sp) Continuation of 122. Reading of simple Arabic prose, practice in pronunciation, the grammar essential for reading comprehension and writing. Lecture, classroom drill, and laboratory practice. Prerequisite: LING 122.

210 Introduction to Linguistics (4) Empirical study of the sounds and structures of human language; syntax and semantics; language change; linguistic universals.

222 Arabic III (4, Fa) Continuation of 152. Reading of selections from Arabic newspapers and current prose, continued study of grammar for reading comprehension. Lecture and classroom drill. Prerequisite: LING 152.

252 Arabic IV (4, Sp) Reading of modern Arabic authors, review of grammar, composition, collateral reading. Prerequisite: LING 222.

275Lg Language and Mind (4, FaSp) Language within cognitive science: speech physiology and acoustics, language acquisition, reading, language disorders, perception and mental representation of words, linguistic diversity and computer analysis of speech.

285Lg Human Language and Technology (4, Sp) Study of human linguistic competence and technologies that simulate it. Grammar, parsing, text generation; semantics, pragmatics, sense disambiguation; phonetics, speech synthesis, speech recognition.

295g The Ancient Near East: Culture, Archaeology, Texts (4) An investigation of the peoples of the ancient Near East, focusing upon the writings which they produced, their languages and scripts, and their archaeological remains.

301 Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology (4, Fa) A survey of topics in phonetics and phonology. (Duplicates credit in former LING 401a.) Prerequisite: LING 210.

302 Introduction to Syntax and Semantics (4, Fa) A survey of topics in syntax and semantics. (Duplicates credit in former LING 402a.) Prerequisite: LING 210.

375 Sociolinguistics (4, 2 years, Sp) Linguistic and cultural pluralism in the U.S.; distributional and structural characteristics of selected urban and minority dialects; the relationship between dialects and "media standard." Prerequisite: LING 210.

380 Languages of the World (4, Fa) Introduction to the world's linguistic diversity; number of languages spoken and where; grammatical structure and social function of selected languages.

390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

401 Advanced Phonology (4) Advanced study of topics in phonology. (Duplicates credit in former LING 401b.) Prerequisite: LING 301.

402 Advanced Syntax (4, Sp) Advanced study of topics in syntax. (Duplicates credit in former LING 402b.) Prerequisite: LING 210, LING 302.

403 Advanced Semantics (4) Topics in the theory of meaning in natural language (Duplicates credit in former LING 201.) Prerequisite: LING 302.

405 Child Language Acquisition (4) Universal characteristics of child language; stages of acquisition of phonology, syntax, semantics; processes and dimensions of development; psychological mechanisms; communicative styles. (Duplicates credit in former LING 395.)

406 Psycholinguistics (4, Sp) (Enroll in PSYC 406)

407 Atypical Language (4) Analysis of atypical language and language pathologies throughout the lifespan and their relevance to current linguistic and cognitive science theory. Prerequisite: LING 210 or PSYC 100 or departmental approval.

409 Linguistic Structure of English (3) An overview of the syntactic, semantic, pragmatic structures of English as they relate to the theoretical literature on language acquisition. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

410 Second Language Acquisition (4) Theories of second language acquisition in children and adults; comparison of first and second language acquisition including psychological, social, and individual factors. (Duplicates credit in former LING 396.) Prerequisite: LING 210.

411x Linguistics and Education (4, FaSpSm) Practical classroom approaches to children's language; relationships between writing, reading, and speaking; social and regional dialects; traditional, structural, and generative-transformational grammars. Not available for major or minor credit.

412 Linguistic Interpretation of the Law (4, 2 years, Sp) Principles of semantics; analysis of speech acts including informing, promising, threatening, warning; linguistic analysis of consumer contracts and advertisements; readability studies.

415 Phonetics (4) Familiarization with the articulation and transcription of speech sounds. Also vocal tract anatomy, acoustics, speech technology, non-English sounds, perception. Includes laboratory exercises.

466 Word and Phrase Origins (4) Introduction to historical-comparative word study; history of ideas concerning language relationships; types of semantic change; hidden metaphors in English word-stock.

480 Linguistic Structures (4, Fa or Sp) Analysis of grammatical structures of an individual language.

485 Field Methodology (4) Elicitation techniques and methodological principles; recording and analysis of phonological, syntactic, and semantic structures; practical approaches to procedures used in urban, rural, and "primitive" settings.

490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

497 Honors Thesis (4, Fa or Sp) Writing of the honors thesis. Registration is restricted to honors students.

499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Investigation of selected topics in linguistics.

500 Structure of Language (3) Development of analytical skills in syntax and semantics, with major attention to language universals and language typologies and their relevance to theories of language acquisition.

501ab Experimental Methods in Linguistics (3-3) a: Univariate and bivariate statistical methods with applications to linguistic research; introduction to statistical computer packages. b: The application of advanced multivariate statistical methods to linguistic research. (Duplicates credit in former LING 601.) Prerequisite: LING 501a.

504ab Practicum in University Level Second-Language Teaching (a: 2, Fa; b: 1, Sp) Practicum in university level second-language teaching to accompany supervised teaching in the American Language Institute. Graduate assistant award at ALI or departmental approval. Graded CR/NC.

505abc Seminar in Linguistics (1-1-1) a: Exploration of the professional world of linguistics for first semester graduate students. b: Preparation and presentation of M.A./Ph.D. screening papers; discussion of student research. c: Colloquium for presentation and discussion of student research paper. Graded CR/NC.

510 Social Foundations of Language (3) Consequences of social processes on language structure and language use: informational, conversational, and contact processes.

512 Linguistic Variation and Language Changes (3, Fa) Linguistic relationships among various correlates of variation: social, psychological, and chronological. Focus on dialectical, registral, and historical variation; the constraints of production and perception in different modes and situations. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

513 Spanish Morphology and Phonology (3, FaSp) (Enroll in SPAN 513)

514 Spanish Syntax (3, FaSp) (Enroll in SPAN 514)

515 Spanish Grammar in Discourse (3, FaSp) (Enroll in SPAN 515)

527 Second Language Acquisition (3, Sp) Concepts and issues in theoretical approaches to the study of non-primary language acquisition; e.g., linguistic and processing universals, language transfer, language learnability, fossilization. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

530 Generative Syntax (3) Introduction to syntax; transformational-generative syntax.

531ab Phonology (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Traditional views of phonology; generative phonology; current developments in phonological research and theory. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

532 Current Issues in Syntactic Theory (3) Original literature, focusing whenever possible on issues in comparative syntax and their implications for universal grammar. Course complements LING 530.

533 Language Universals and Typology (3) Introduction to language universals and typology.

534 Logic and the Theory of Meaning (3) An introduction to logic in preparation for advanced work in semantics and linguistic theory.

535 Syntax and Grammatical Theory (3, Sp) Principles and comparison of modern theories of grammar with special reference to syntax.

536 Semantics (3, Sp) Current linguistic approaches to the semantics of natural language; analysis of concepts of meaning and reference.

537 Advanced Syntax (3, max 9, Sm) Topics in advanced formal syntax; current literature leading to open questions in research; survey of important and controversial issues of current theoretical relevance.

538 Selected Topics in Romance Syntax (3, max 9, Sp) Overview of selected topics in Romance Syntax within a comparative perspective and their contribution towards the understanding of a general theory of grammar.

539 Japanese/Korean Syntax and Theoretical Implications (3, max 9) Critical discussion of selected papers and dissertations on Japanese/Korean syntax and consideration of their theoretical implications.

540 Field Methods in Linguistics (3, max 6, Sp) Recording and analysis of a living language as employed by a native speaker of that language.

541 Field Methods in Second Language Acquisition (3) Research design and methodology; data collection, coding, and analysis; ethical considerations.

542 Historical Linguistics (3, 2 years, Sp) Principles of language change; the comparative method; structural and social factors in language change.

546 Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (3) Analysis of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures of Proto-Indo-European, and its development in the various branches of Indo-European.

547 Morphology (3, max 12, FaSpSm) Introduction to morphology: words versus sentences, the grammar of words, the various notions of "lexicon," the architecture of the phonological component. This course is in preparation for advanced work in linguistic theory.

548 Lexical Semantics (3, 2 years, Sp) Languages group meaning elements together in different ways to form words. Consideration of how to identify these elements and how speakers map them into lexico-syntactic units.

550 Advanced English Linguistics (3) The analysis of problems in the grammatical description and history of English.

555 Comparative Germanic Linguistics (3) Nature and relationship of changes that led to the differentiation of the individual Germanic languages.

557 Structure of the Chinese Language (4) (Enroll in EALC 557)

561 Topics and Issues in East Asian Linguistics (4, max 12) (Enroll in EALC 561)

573 Sociolinguistics (3) Theoretical approaches to language in social context; discourse analysis, ethnography of communication, variation theory.

574 Advanced Sociolinguistics (3, max 9) Current issues in sociolinguistic theory.

576 Psycholinguistics (3) Theories of acquisition; sentence and discourse processing; language and thought.

579 Child Language Development (3, Sp) Acquisition of grammatical, discourse, and conversational competence; strategies and structures.

580 General Phonetics (3, Sp) Familiarization with articulation, transcription, production, and acoustic analysis of the speech sounds found in the world's languages. Also speech technology, perception, and disorders. Includes laboratory exercises.

582 Experimental Phonetics (3, FaSp) Source-filter theory, acoustic correlates of speech sounds, vocal tract and auditory physiology, coarticulation and motor coordination, speech technology including synthesis and recognition, experimental design and statistics, and speech perception. Prerequisite: LING 580.

585 Computational Linguistics (3) Using hands-on and research techniques, study of the role of linguistic knowledge and the procedures that implement it in computational systems that process natural language.

586 Advanced Psycholinguistics (3, max 9) Current issues in psycholinguistic theory.

590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

595 Directed Readings (1-4, FaSpSm) Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.

599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Research trends as reflected primarily in the current periodical literature.

602 Seminar in Experimental Methods in Linguistics (3) Topics in quantitative methods in linguistics research, e.g., covariance structure analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, log linear model, meta-analysis.

605 Seminar in Applied Linguistics (3, max 12) Topics in applied linguistics, including second language acquisition, language teaching, language planning, and sociology of language.

610 Seminar in Linguistic Theory (3, max 12, 2 years, Sp)

615 Seminar in Linguistics Structures (3, max 12, 2 years, Fa) Analysis of the synchronic or diachronic phonology, morphology, and syntax of individual languages.

627 Seminar in Second Language Acquisition (3, max 12, FaSp) Readings in second language acquisition as the framework for a discussion and research-oriented seminar.

631 Seminar in Phonological Theory (3, max 12, Fa)

632 Seminar in Phonetics (3, max 12, FaSp) Readings in phonetic theory and current research as the framework for a discussion-oriented class. Prerequisite: LING 580.

635 Seminar in Syntax (3, max 12, FaSp)

636 Seminar in Semantics (3, max 12, Fa)

645 Seminar in Language Change (3, max 12, 2 years, Sp)

675 Seminar in Sociolinguistics (3, max 12, Sp)

676 Seminar in Psycholinguistics (3, max 12, Sp)

790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.