USC Marshall School of Business
![]() | Management and Organization Professor Kyle J. Mayer brings his research in supplier relationships and high technology industry to the graduate classroom. |
The University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business is one of the oldest schools of business (founded in 1920) in the nation. In 1998, it was rededicated as the Marshall School of Business in recognition of a $35 million gift from Gordon S. Marshall, '46, which was the single largest gift to any business school at that time.
The Marshall School prepares men and women from around the world to lead global businesses of a new century and a new millennium, whether those enterprises are big or small, corporate or entrepreneurial. The school focuses on international business in all its aspects, including course work in accounting, finance, marketing, management, and information systems/operations management. Beyond courses in the departments, the school offers several semester-long exchange programs with leading business schools throughout the world. At the graduate level, a major curricular innovation brings global business into each student's program through the Pacific Rim Education Program (PRIME) which includes an educational trip outside the United States. To further enable the school's graduates to excel in tomorrow's organizations, the school incorporates technology throughout its programs. Students study the impact of the digital revolution on all aspects of business, including accounting, marketing, finance and operations, and on issues of organizational design and development of new markets.
The Marshall School awards two bachelor's degrees, three additional bachelor's degrees as joint programs, seven master's degrees, 12 dual degrees, and the Ph.D. degree. Included in the Marshall School are the Leventhal School of Accounting, the Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, the Center for Management Communication, and the departments of Finance and Business Economics, Information Systems and Operations Management, Management and Organization, and Marketing.
With its clear focus, the Marshall School continues its 84-year history of developing its students' potential to lead global enterprises.
Senior Administration
Yash Gupta, Ph.D., DeanDavid W. Stewart, Ph.D., Deputy Dean
Dennis Draper, Ph.D., Vice Dean, Graduate Programs
Ravi Kumar, Ph.D., Vice Dean, International Programs
Suh-Pyng Ku, Ph.D., Vice Dean, Academic Information Services
Kenneth Merchant, Ph.D., C.P.A., Senior Associate Dean, Corporate Programs
James Ellis, M.B.A., Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs
Gregg B. Goldman, M.B.A., Associate Dean, Finance and Administration
Randolph P. Beatty, Ph.D., C.P.A., Dean, Leventhal School of Accounting
Undergraduate Administration
James Ellis, M.B.A., Associate Dean, Undergraduate ProgramsGuillermina Molina, M.A., Director, Undergraduate Student Services
Kazi A. Mamun, M.A., Director, Undergraduate Student Advising
Nahid Razavi, M.S., Director, Undergraduate Admissions
Susan Hunt, Ph.D., Assistant Dean; Director, Scheduling and Registration
M.B.A. Administration
Dennis W. Draper, Ph.D., Vice Dean, Graduate ProgramsDiane M. Badame, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Executive M.B.A. and MBA.PM Programs
Carl W. Voigt, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Marshall M.B.A. Program
Anakkarat Barth, M.A., Director, Logistics for M.B.A. Global Programs
Evan Bouffides, M.B.A., Director, EMBA and MBA.PM Admissions
Jeanette L. Christensen, M.A., Director, MBA.PM Program
Brigitte M. Engel, B.S., Director, EMBA Program
Susan Hunt, Ph.D., Assistant Dean; Director, Scheduling and Graduate Registration
Lida Jennings, M.B.A., Director, Student Services, Marshall M.B.A. Program
Jack Lewis, Ph.D., Director, International Business Education and Research Program
Keith Vaughn, M.B.A., Director, M.B.A. Admissions
Doctoral Programs
Richard B. Chase, Ph.D., Director, Doctoral ProgramsNancy Stoffer, M.S.Ed., Associate Director, Doctoral Programs
USC Leventhal School of Accounting
Accounting 101
(213) 740-4838
FAX: (213) 747-2815
Email (graduate students):;
(undergraduate students):
Randolph P. Beatty, Ph.D., C.P.A., Dean, Leventhal School of AccountingJames Manegold, Ph.D., Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Alan Casden Dean's Chair at the Leventhal School of Accounting: Randolph P. Beatty, Ph.D., C.P.A.Deloitte & Touche LLP Chair in Accountancy: Kenneth A. Merchant, Ph.D., C.P.A.
Accounting Circle Professorship in Accounting: Thomas W. Lin, Ph.D., C.M.A.
Arthur Andersen & Co. Alumni Professorship in Accounting: Theodore J. Mock, Ph.D.
Joseph A. DeBell Professorship in Business Administration: Mark L. DeFond, Ph.D., C.P.A.
Ernst & Young Professorship in Accounting: William W. Holder, D.B.A., C.P.A.
KPMG Foundation Professorship in Accounting: S. Mark Young, Ph.D.*
PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditing Professor: Zoe-Vonna Palmrose, Ph.D., C.P.A.
USC Accounting Associates Professorship in Accounting: Sarah E. Bonner, Ph.D., C.P.A.
Professors: Jerry L. Arnold, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Randolph P. Beatty, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Sarah E. Bonner, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Mark L. DeFond, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Michael A. Diamond, Ph.D., C.P.A.; William W. Holder, D.B.A., CP.A.; E. John Larsen, D.B.A., C.P.A.; Thomas W. Lin, Ph.D., C.M.A.; Kenneth A. Merchant, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Theodore J. Mock, Ph.D; Daniel E. O'Leary, Ph.D., C.P.A., C.M.A., C.I.S.A.; Zoe-Vonna Palmrose, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Charles W. Swenson, Ph.D., C.P.A.; S. Mark Young, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: John J. Barcal, J.D., C.P.A.; James G. Manegold, Ph.D.; K.R. Subramanyam, Ph.D.; Robert H. Trezevant, Ph.D.; Shiing-Wu Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Rebecca Hann, Ph.D.; MingYi Hung, Ph.D.; N. Emre Karaoglu, Ph.D.; Kevin Kobelsky, Ph.D., C.A.; Wim Van der Stede, Ph.D.
Instructor: Yvonne Lu, M.P.A.
Professors of Clinical Accounting: Rubin A. Davila, M.B.A., C.P.A.; Brenda Flores, M.B.A., C.P.A.; Chrislynn Freed, M.B.A., C.P.A.; Merle Hopkins, Ph.D.; Cecil W. Jackson, Ph.D.; Joseph L. Keller, M.S.; Patricia Mills, J.D., L.L.H.; Leslie R. Porter, Ph.D.; Robert S. Roussey, B.S., C.P.A.; Robert Scharlach, B.S., C.P.A.; Kendall Simmonds, M.B.A., C.P.A.*
Associate Professors of Clinical Accounting: Solomon Darwin, M.B.A.; Robert M. Kiddoo, M.B.A.; Rose M. Layton, M.Acc., C.P.A.
Visiting Professor of Clinical Accounting: Joseph Aharony, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professors: Anelise N. Mosich, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Rodolph H. Redmond, J.D.
Academic Departments
Finance and Business Economics
Hoffman Hall 701
(213) 740-6515
FAX: (213) 740-6650
Chair: Kevin Murphy, Ph.D.
Charles E. Cook/Community Bank Chair in Banking: Harry DeAngelo, Ph.D.Fred V. Keenan Chair in Finance: Lawrence Harris, Ph.D.
E. Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration: Kevin Murphy, Ph.D.
Lusk Chair in Real Estate: Stuart Gabriel, Ph.D.
Charles F. Sexton Chair in American Enterprise: Tim Campbell, Ph.D.
Kenneth King Stonier Chair in Business Administration: Linda DeAngelo, Ph.D.*
Ivadelle and Theodore Johnson Professorship in Banking and Finance: Alan C. Shapiro, Ph.D.
Professors: Warren G. Bennis, Ph.D.; Tim Campbell, Ph.D.; Harry DeAngelo, Ph.D.; Linda DeAngelo, Ph.D.*; Stuart Gabriel, Ph.D.; Thomas Gilligan, Ph.D.; Lawrence Harris, Ph.D.; Ayse Imrohoroglu, Ph.D.; Selahattin Imrohoroglu, Ph.D.; Douglas H. Joines, Ph.D.; Anthony M. Marino, Ph.D.; John Matsusaka, Ph.D.; Kevin Murphy, Ph.D.; Alan C. Shapiro, Ph.D.; James McN. Stancill, Jr., Ph.D.; Randolph W. Westerfield, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor: Zvi Wiener, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: J. Kimball Dietrich, Ph.D.; Dennis W. Draper, Ph.D.; Richard V. Eastin, Ph.D.*; Yasushi Hamao, Ph.D.; Aris Protopapadakis, Ph.D.; Vincenzo Quadrini, Ph.D.; Mark I. Weinstein, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor: Diane Del Guercio, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Joseph Chen, Ph.D.; Darin Clay, Ph.D.; Christopher Jones, Ph.D.; Krishna Kumar, Ph.D.; Lionel Martellini, Ph.D.; Lior Menzly, Ph.D.; Micah Officer, Ph.D.; Oguzhan Ozbas, Ph.D.; Jan Zabojnik, Ph.D.; Fernando Zapatero, Ph.D.
Visiting Assistant Professor: Tyrone W. Callahan, Ph.D.
Lecturers: Robert Bridges, M.R.E.D.; Julia Plotts, Ph.D.
Professors of Clinical Finance and Business Economics: Henry R. Cheeseman, J.D.*; Suh-Pyng Ku, Ph.D.; Lloyd Levitin, J.D.
Associate Professors of Clinical Finance and Business Economics: Baizhu Chen, Ph.D.; C. Kerry Fields, J.D.
Information and Operations Management
Bridge Hall 401
(213) 740-0172
FAX: (213) 740-7313
Chair: S. Rajagopalan, Ph.D.
Robert R. Dockson Dean's Chair in Business Administration: Yash Gupta, Ph.D.Justin Dart Professorship in Operations Management: Richard B. Chase, Ph.D.
Professors: Jack R. Borsting, Ph.D.; Richard B. Chase, Ph.D.; Omar El Sawy, Ph.D.; K. Ravi Kumar, Ph.D.*; Ann Majchrzak, Ph.D.; Daniel E. O'Leary, Ph.D.; S. Rajagopalan, Ph.D.; John E. Rolph, Ph.D.; Bert M. Steece, Ph.D.*
Visiting Professor: Jayabrata Ghosh, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Yehuda Bassok, Ph.D.; Delores A. Conway, Ph.D.*; Sriram Dasu, Ph.D.; Mendel Fygenson, Ph.D.*; Richard D. McBride, Ph.D.; Jonathan S. Yormark, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Ramnath Chellappa, Ph.D.; Il-Horn Hann, Ph.D.; Gareth James, Ph.D.; Robert Josefek, Ph.D.; Christoph Schlueter-Langdon, Ph.D.; Steven Scott, Ph.D.; Greys Sosic, Ph.D.; Catherine Sugar, Ph.D.
Associate Professors of Clinical Information and Operations Management: Douglas Shook, Ph.D.*; Constantin Vaitsos, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors of Clinical Information and Operations Management: Arif Ansari, Ph.D.; Richard Bergin IV, M.S.; Francis Pereira, Ph.D.
Management and Organization
Bridge Hall 306
(213) 740-0728
FAX: (213) 740-3582
Chair: Thomas G. Cummings, Ph.D.
Harold Quinton Chair in Business Policy: Ian Mitroff, Ph.D.University Professor; Distinguished Professor of Business Administration: Warren G. Bennis, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor of Business: Edward E. Lawler, Ph.D.
Professors: Paul Adler, Ph.D.; Warren Bennis, Ph.D.; Philip Birnbaum-More, Ph.D.; Sarah E. Bonner, Ph.D., C.P.A.; John Boudreau, Ph.D.; Tim Campbell, Ph.D.; Thomas G. Cummings, Ph.D.; Michael J. Driver, Ph.D.; William B. Gartner, Ph.D.; Larry E. Greiner, D.B.A.; Edward E. Lawler, Ph.D.; Morgan McCall, Ph.D.; Ian Mitroff, Ph.D.; Kathleen Reardon, Ph.D.*
Associate Professors: Arvind Bhambri, D.B.A.; Julia Liebeskind, Ph.D.; Alan L. Patz, Ph.D.; Nandini Rajagopalan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Sandy Green, Jr., Ph.D.; Jonathan Jaffee, Ph.D.; Arturs Kalnins, Ph.D.; Mark Kennedy, Ph.D.; Ji-Yub Kim, Ph.D.; Peter Kim, Ph.D.; Kyle Mayer, Ph.D.; Alexandra Michel, Ph.D.; Jennifer Overbeck, Ph.D.; Christine Porath, Ph.D.; Robert Salomon, Ph.D.
Professors of Clinical Management and Organization: Judith Blumenthal, Ph.D.; William Gartner, Ph.D.; Thomas Olson, Ph.D.; Robert B. Turrill, Ph.D.
Associate Professors of Clinical Management and Organization: Philip Cashia, M.B.A.; Carl W. Voigt, Ph.D.; Morley A. Winograd, B.A.
Assistant Professors of Clinical Management and Organization: Thomas D. Arnold, J.D.; Michael Coombs, Ph.D.; Katharine Harrington, Ph.D.; Helena Yli-Renko, S.C.D.
Research Professor: Richard Drobnick
Accounting 306F
(213) 740-5033
FAX: (213) 740-7828
Chair: Valerie Folkes, Ph.D.
Robert E. Brooker Chair in Marketing: David W. Stewart, Ph.D. (Deputy Dean)Joseph A. DeBell Chair in Business Administration: C.W. Park, Ph.D.
Richard and Jarda Hurd Chair in Distribution Management: Gary L. Frazier, D.B.A.*
Jerry and Nancy Neely Chair in American Enterprise: Gerard Tellis, Ph.D.
Dave and Jeanne Tappan Chair in Marketing: Shantanu Dutta, Ph.D.; Allen Weiss, Ph.D.
Ernest Hahn Professorship in Marketing: Fred S. Zufryden, Ph.D.
Professors: Valerie Folkes, Ph.D.; Gary L. Frazier, D.B.A.*; Shantanu Dutta, Ph.D.; Deborah J. MacInnis, Ph.D.; C.W. Park, Ph.D.; David W. Stewart, Ph.D.; Gerard Tellis, Ph.D.; Allen Weiss, Ph.D.; Fred S. Zufryden, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Michael Kamins, Ph.D.*; Sivaramakrishnan Siddarth, Ph.D.*
Assistant Professors: Alexander Fedorikhin, Ph.D.; Andrea Morales, Ph.D.; Rakesh Niraj, Ph.D.; Joseph C. Nunes, Ph.D.; Catarina Sismeiro, Ph.D.; Eric A. Yorkston, Ph.D.
Professor of Clinical Marketing: Dennis Rook, Ph.D.
Associate Professors of Clinical Marketing: Diane Badame, Ph.D.; James Ellis, M.B.A.*; Rex Kovacevich, M.B.A.*; Dennis Schorr, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Clinical Marketing: Craig Jennings, M.B.A.
Emeritus Faculty
Emeritus Quinton Professor of Research: Olaf K. Helmer, Ph.D.Emeritus Professors: Guilford C. Babcock, Ph.D.; Douglas Basil, Ph.D.; James D. Calderwood, Ph.D.; Robert Coffey, Ph.D.; William F. Crum, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Ben M. Enis, Ph.D.; Warren Erickson, Ph.D.; John E. Fleming, D.B.A.; Olaf K. Helmer; William C. Himstreet, Ed.D.; John Jaeger, Ph.D.; Walter B. Meigs, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Anelise N. Mosich, Ph.D., C.P.A.; Burt Nanus, Ph.D.; Rodolph H. Redmond, J.D.*; Alan Rowe, Ph.D.; George Schick, Ph.D.; Norman Sigband, Ph.D.; Jack D. Steele, D.B.A.; James Stevenson, Ph.D.
Academic Centers
Center for Management Communication
Accounting 400
(213) 740-0627
FAX: (213) 740-9428
Director: Shirley C. Maxey, M.A.*
Professors of Clinical Management Communication: J. Douglas Andrews, Ph.D.; Brenda Flores, M.B.A., C.P.A.; Shirley C. Maxey, M.A.*Associate Professors of Clinical Management Communication: Ellen-Linnea Dipprey, M.P.W.; Paul Frommer, Ph.D.; James Gosline, M.P.W.; Anne Hill, M.A.; David Logan, Ph.D.; Suzanne Savary, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors of Clinical Management Communication: Jeffry Abbott, M.A.; Jolanta M. Aritz, Ph.D.; Lee Cerling, Ph.D.; Sandra Chrystal, Ph.D.; Stacy Geck, M.A.; Reginald Hubbard, Ph.D.; Lucy Lee, Ph.D.; Sharoni Little, Ph.D.; Donna Miles, M.A.; Greg Patton, M.A.; Naomi Warren, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer: Jeff Smith, M.A.
Lecturers: Donald M. Aubertin; Yolanda Kirk, M.A.; Martha Townsend, M.A.; Steven Weinberg
Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
Bridge Hall 1
(213) 740-0641
FAX: (213) 740-2976
Director: Gene Miller, J.D., M.B.A.
Henry W. Simonsen Chair in Entrepreneurship: William B. Gartner, Ph.D.Professors of Clinical Entrepreneurship: Kathleen R. Allen, Ph.D.*; William H. Crookston, Ph.D.; William B. Gartner, Ph.D.; Thomas J. O'Malia, M.B.A.*
Assistant Professors of Clinical Entrepreneurship: Gene Miller, J.D., M.B.A.; Helena Yli-Renko, S.C.D.
Research Centers and Institutes
Advanced Technologies in Information Systems Program
Accounting 208
(213) 740-4856
FAX: (213) 747-2815
Director: Daniel O'Leary, Ph.D.
Center for Effective Organizations
Bridge Hall 204G
(213) 740-9814
FAX: (213) 740-4354
Director: Edward Lawler, Ph.D.
Center for International Business Education and Research
Student Administrative Services 212
(213) 740-2852
FAX: (213) 740-2858
Director: Richard Drobnick, Ph.D.
Center for Investment Studies
Hoffman Hall 802A
(213) 740-0674
FAX: (213) 747-6465
Director: SuPyng Ku, Ph.D.
Center for Telecom Management
Davidson Conference Center 217
(213) 740-0980
FAX: (213) 747-1602
Director: Morley Winograd, B.A.
Leadership Institute
Bridge Hall 308A
(213) 740-0728
FAX: (213) 747-3582
Executive Director: Thomas Cummings, Ph.D.
SEC and Financial Reporting Institute
Accounting 117
(213) 740-4838
FAX: (213) 747-2815
Director: William Holder, D.B.A.
USC Lusk Center for Real Estate
Ralph and Goldy Lewis Hall 331B
(213) 740-5000
FAX: (213) 740-26170
Director: Stuart Gabriel, Ph.D.