Univ of Southern California
University of Southern California
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Please note: Due to late revisions, some text on this page differs from what appears in the printed version of the USC Catalogue. The changes appear below as highlighted text, with corresponding explanations appearing in the right margin.

Undergraduate Education

The USC Core/General Education

Diversity Course List

AHIS 250mModernity and Difference: Critical Approaches to Modern Art (4)
AHIS 304mItalian Renaissance Art: Old Masters and Old Mistresses (4)
AHIS 363mRace, Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary Art (4)
AHIS 365mAfrican American Art (4)
AHIS 475mBlackness in American Visual Culture (4)
AMST 100gmLos Angeles and the American Dream (4)
AMST 101gmRace and Class in Los Angeles (4)
AMST 135gmPeoples and Cultures of the Americas (4)
AMST 200mIntroduction to American Studies and Ethnicity (4)
AMST 202mInterethnic Diversity in the West (4)
AMST 206mThe Politics and Culture of the 1960s (4)
AMST 220mThe Making of Asian America (4)
AMST 250gmThe African Diaspora (4)
AMST 252gmBlack Social Movements in the United States (4)
AMST 274gmExploring Ethnicity Through Film (4)
AMST 285mAfrican American Popular Culture (4)
AMST 330mJazz and the Political Imagination (4)
AMST 332mPost-Civil Rights Black America (4)
AMST 340mLatina/o LA
AMST 342mLaw and Identities (4)
AMST 353mRace and Racism in the Americas (4)
AMST 357mLatino Social Movements (4)
AMST 373mHistory of the Mexican American (4)
AMST 377mLegacies of Viet Nam (4)
AMST 378mIntroduction to Asian American History (4)
AMST 389mCarceral Geographies (4)
AMST 395mAfrican American Humor and Culture (4)
AMST 448mChicano and Latino Literature (4)
AMST 449mAsian-American Literature (4)
AMST 452mRace, Gender and Sexuality (4)
AMST 466mThe Psychology of African- Americans (4)
ANTH 240gmCollective Identity and Political Violence: Representing 9/11 (4)
ANTH 316gmNorth American Indians in American Public Life (4)
ANTH 328mCulture Change and the Mexican People (4)
ANTH 333mForms of Folklore (4)
ANTH 371mCross-Cultural Research on Urban Gangs (4)
ARCH 440mLiterature and the Urban Experience (4)
ARCH 442mWomen’s Spaces in History: “Hussies,” “Harems” and “Housewives” (4)
BUCO 333mCommunication in the Working World — Managing Diversity and Conflict (4)
CLAS 320gmDiversity and the Classical Western Tradition (4)
COLT 374gmWomen Writers in Europe and America (4)
COMM 324mIntercultural Communication (4)
COMM 383mSports, Communication and Culture (4)
COMM 395mGender, Media and Communication (4)
COMM 458mRace and Ethnicity in Entertainment and the Arts (4)
COMM 465mGender in Media Industries and Products (4)
CTCS 192mRace, Class and Gender in American Film (4)
EALC 335mKorean American Literature (4)
EASC 160gmChina and the World (4)
EDCO 102xmHuman Diversity: People, Power and Politics (4)
EDCO 324mAsian American Psychology (4)
ENGL 444mNative American Literature (4)
ENGL 445mThe Literatures of America: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (4)
ENGL 447mAfrican-American Narrative (4)
ENGL 474mLiterature, Nationality and Otherness (4)
ENGL 476mImages of Women in Contemporary Culture (4)
ENGL 478mSexual/Textual Diversity (4)
FREN 370mEquality and Difference Around the Enlightenment (4)
FREN 375mGlobal Narratives of Illness and Disability (4)
GEOG 350mRace and Environmentalism (4)
GERO 380mDiversity in Aging (4)
GERO 435mWomen and Aging: Psychological, Social and Political Implications (4)
HIST 102gmMedieval People: Early Europe and Its Neighbors, 400-1500 (4)
HIST 200gmThe American Experience (4)
HIST 245gmGender and Sexualities in American History (4)
HP 400mCulture, Lifestyle, and Health (4)
HP 420mGender and Minority Health Issues (4)
IML 295LmRace, Class and Gender in Digital Culture (4)
JOUR 466mPeople of Color and the News Media (4)
JOUR 468mThe American Press and Issues of Sexual Diversity (4)
MOR 385mBusiness in a Diverse Society (4)
MUJZ 100xmJazz: A History of America’s Music (4)
MUJZ 419mThe Jazz Experience: Myths and Culture (4)
MUSC 400mThe Broadway Musical: Reflection of American Diversity, Issues and Experiences (4)
MUSC 420mHip-Hop Music and Culture (4)
MUSC 430mMusic and the Holocaust (4)
MUSC 450mThe Music of Black Americans (4)
PHIL 137gmSocial Ethics for Earthlings and Others (4)
POSC 424mPolitical Participation and American Diversity (4)
POSC 441mCultural Diversity and the Law (4)
POSC 442mThe Politics of Human Differences: Diversity and Discrimination (4)
PPD 100mLos Angeles, The Enduring Pueblo (4)
PPD 250mThird World Cities (4)
PPD 372mPublic Service in an Urban Setting (4)
PPD 485mU.S. Immigration Policy (4)
PSYC 462mMinority Mental Health (4)
PSYC 462mCulture and Mental Health (4)
The title for this course will change beginning fall 2012.

Show revised version

REL 145mReligion in Los Angeles (4)
REL 336mRe-viewing Religion in Asian America (4)
SOCI 142gmDiversity and Racial Conflict (4)
SOCI 150gmSocial Problems (4)
SOCI 155gmImmigrant America: Migration, Incorporation and the New Second Generation (4)
SOCI 169gmChanging Family Forms (4)
SOCI 200mIntroduction to Sociology (4)
SOCI 220gmQuestions of Intimacy (4)
SOCI 250gmGrassroots Participation in Global Perspective (4)
SOCI 305mSociology of Childhood (4)
SOCI 342mRace Relations (4)
SOCI 355mImmigrants in the United States (4)
SOCI 356mMexican Immigrants in Sociological Perspective (4)
SOCI 360mSocial Inequality: Class, Status, and Power (4)
SOCI 366mChicana and Latina Sociology (4)
SOCI 375mAsian Americans: Ethnic Identity (4)
SOCI 376mContemporary Issues in Asian American Communities (4)
SOCI 432mRacial and Ethnic Relations in a Global Society (4)
SOCI 435mWomen in Society (4))
SOWK 200xmInstitutional Inequality in American Political and Social Policy (4)
SPAN 413mSocial and Geographic Varieties of Spanish (4)
SWMS 210gmSocial Issues in Gender (4)
SWMS 301mIntroduction to Feminist Theory and the Women’s and Men’s Movements (4)
SWMS 384mGender, Social Inequality and Social Justice (4)
SWMS 385mMen and Masculinity (4)
SWMS 455mGender and Sport (4)
THTR 395mDrama as Human Relations (4)
THTR 405mPerforming Identities (4)
THTR 476mAfrican American Theatre, Dance, and Performance (4)
THTR 488mTheatre in the Community (4)