Degree Requirements
Minor Programs
Minor in Applied Theatre Arts
Applied theatre arts is a field of study addressing the theory and practice of applying theatre arts in non-traditional settings with emphases that include education, therapy and social change. The minor in applied theatre arts addresses the theory and practice of applying theatre skills in these environments to promote engaged and enlivened interactive critical thinking and community development from a performative perspective. ATA minors learn how to turn passive spectators into more active participants through the process of theatre.
Courses taken for this minor may not duplicate requirements for a student’s major or other minor program requirements:
Foundation Skills Courses (8 Units) | units |
It is recommended these be taken first: |
THTR 101 | Introduction to Acting | 4 |
THTR 305a | Directing | 4 |
ATA Focus Courses (12 Units) | units |
It is recommended these be taken after foundation skills courses: |
THTR 468 | Theatre in Education | 4 |
THTR 477 | Theatre and Therapy | 4 |
THTR 488 | Theatre in the Community | 4 |
Minor in Theatre
This general minor in theatre invites students to explore the many facets of this exciting field. Students have the opportunity to take a variety of classes in acting, playwriting, literature, state management, directing, costume design and production. The curriculum is very flexible and encourages students to develop a primary interest for upper-division course work. All minor students are eligible to participate in performance and production projects.
Required courses | Units |
THTR 101 | Introduction to Acting, or | |
THTR 125 | Text Studies for Production | 4 |
THTR 130 | Introduction to Theatrical Production | 2 |
One of the following: |
THTR 301 | Greek and Roman Theatre | 4 |
THTR 302 | Shakespeare in His World | 4 |
THTR 313 | Comedy of Manners | 4 |
THTR 314 | Advanced Topics in Modern Drama | 4 |
THTR 476 | African American Theatre | 4 |
Required upper-division THTR electives: | 14 |
Required theatre units: | 24 |
Minor in Dance
The minor in dance is open to all undergraduates, including theatre majors, and is a 27-28 unit program. Students applying to this minor must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 (A = 4.0).
Upper Division Required courses (16 Units) | units |
THTR 380 | Historical Approaches to Dance | 4 |
THTR 388 | Senior Seminar in Dance | 4 |
THTR 482 | Choreography for Television | 4 |
THTR 483 | Dance Performance | 4 |
Electives (11-12 units) | units |
THTR 280 | Dance as an Art Form | 4 |
THTR 282 | Activities for Professional Preparation: Dance | 1 |
| (concurrent enrollment in a 2-unit, 100-level technique course* required) |
THTR 285 | Elements of Dance Production | 4 |
THTR 385 | Choreography and Performance | 4 |
*Technique Courses | units |
THTR 181a | Modern Dance | 2 |
THTR 181b | Modern Dance | 2 |
THTR 182a | Advanced Modern Dance | 2 |
THTR 182b | Advanced Modern Dance | 2 |
THTR 183a | Ballet | 2 |
THTR 183b | Ballet | 2 |
THTR 183c | Ballet | 2 |
THTR 183d | Ballet | 2 |
THTR 184a | Jazz Dance | 2 |
THTR 184b | Jazz Dance | 2 |
THTR 184c | Jazz Dance | 2 |
THTR 188a | International Style Ballroom Dance (to include folk and square dance) | 2 |
THTR 188b | International Style Ballroom Dance | 2 |
Minor in Musical Theatre
The minor in musical theatre, interdisciplinary in nature, is a 27-unit program incorporating the study of acting, dance or movement, vocal arts and related musical subjects. Admission to the minor requires an audition for music but not for theatre. See the Thornton School of Music,
here, for requirements.
Minor in Performing Arts Studies
The minor in performing arts provides an interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature and aesthetics of the performing arts. It combines the disciplines of cinematic arts, dance, music and theatre. The minor is a unique course of study that looks at how the performing arts contribute to a culturally literate society. The minor in performing arts studies is a 20-unit program.
Required courses | Units |
Required capstone course: |
THTR 403 | The Performing Arts | 4 |
Plus a minimum of four courses (16 units) from the following list. Three courses (12 units) must be upper division. One course (4 units) must be selected from each school. |
CTCS 190 | Introduction to Cinema | 4 |
CTCS 200 | History of the International Cinema I | 4 |
CTCS 201 | History of the International Cinema II | 4 |
CTCS 392 | History of the American Film, 1925-1950 | 4 |
CTCS 393 | History of the American Film, 1946-1975 | 4 |
CTCS 404 | Television Criticism and Theory | 4 |
CTCS 464 | Film and/or Television Genres | 4 |
CTCS 469 | Film and/or Television Style Analysis | 4 |
MUHL 302 | Musical Cultures of the World | 4 |
MUJZ 100x | Jazz: A History of America’s Music | 4 |
MUSC 400 | The Broadway Musical: Reflection of American Diversity, Issues, and Experiences | 4 |
THTR 201 | Introduction to the Theatre | 4 |
THTR 280 | Dance as an Art Form | 4 |
THTR 300 | Introduction to Modern Drama | 4 |
THTR 301 | Greek and Roman Theatre | 4 |
THTR 302 | Shakespeare in His World | 4 |
THTR 380 | Historical Approaches to Dance | 4 |
THTR 385 | Choreography and Performance | 4 |
THTR 404 | Acting Theory | 4 |
THTR 493ab | Periods and Styles | 2-2 |
Total units required: | | 20 |
Note for cinematic arts, music and theatre majors: cinema majors take 8 units of music and 8 units of theatre; music majors take 8 units of cinema and 8 units of theatre; theatre majors take 8 units of cinema and 8 units of music.
Minor in Playwriting
The minor in playwriting presents undergraduate students who are not theatre majors with a concentration in the discipline of playwriting as a means for broadening and deepening expression using the literary and performing arts. This minor offers a foundation for extended expression in dramatic writing and creative writing genres in general; fostering skills in research, development, communication, collaboration and craftsmanship in the process of preparing a play for its realization on stage. The minor in playwriting is a 20-unit program.
Required Courses | Units |
THTR 101 | Introduction to Acting, or | |
THTR 125 | Text Studies for Production | 4 |
THTR 305a | Directing | 4 |
THTR 365 | Playwriting I | 4 |
THTR 366 | Playwriting II | 4 |
THTR 479 | Solo Performance | 4 |