Graduate Degrees
Master of Real Estate Development
The Master of Real Estate Development program is a carefully integrated program that brings together the three main elements of real estate development: design, finance and policy. It is a one-year full-time or two-year evening executive program of study designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they require to compete successfully in the development industry. The curriculum encompasses eight areas of study with which developers must be conversant, including real estate law, economics, finance, market analysis, negotiation, planning, architecture and engineering. Courses are taught by full-time faculty members from the School of Policy, Planning, and Development. In addition, practicing developers, lawyers, planners and other professionals make regular contributions to the course of study, helping students link learning to practice.Curriculum Requirements
The program of graduate study for the professional degree requires successful completion of the core curriculum (36 units), elective courses (8 units) and a comprehensive examination. Students must complete a total of 44 units.Core Curriculum
The core comprises 13 lecture-seminar courses that combine lectures, projects, case analyses, and exercises which allow students to experience all facets of the developer’s tasks and problems. The integrative project, RED 575L, provides problem solving exercises and the evaluation of actual development situations. Courses emphasize various design, regulatory and fiscal problems associated with urban development and the developer’s role in improving development standards in the industry.Core Courses | Units | |
PPD 500 | Intersectoral Leadership | 2 |
PPD 501a | Economics for Policy, Planning and Development | 2 |
RED 509 | Market Analysis for Real Estate | 4 |
RED 542 | Finance of Real Estate Development | 3 |
RED 544 | Real Estate Capital Markets | 2 |
RED 546 | Application of Real Estate Finance to Problems of Development | 3 |
RED 547 | Project Management and Construction | 2 |
RED 551 | The Approval Process | 4 |
RED 562 | Legal Issues in Real Estate Development | 4 |
RED 573 | Design History and Criticism | 2 |
RED 574 | Building Typologies | 2 |
RED 575L | Community Design and Site Planning | 4 |
RED 598 | Real Estate Product Development | 2 |
Eight units of elective course work are required for the Master of Real Estate Development. These courses may be taken in the Schools of Policy, Planning, and Development, Architecture, Business, Law and the Department of Civil Engineering. Admission to some classes requires advanced prerequisites and is subject to availability and approval of the instructor.
Comprehensive Examination
Successful completion of a comprehensive written and oral examination is required of all students seeking the Master of Real Estate Development degree. The examination explicitly covers the core courses. It is normally administered late in the spring semester by a faculty committee appointed by the dean. Students who fail the examination once may take it again within one year. The examination may not be repeated more than once.General Requirements
Residence and Course Load
The Master of Real Estate Development may be completed on either a full-time or part-time basis. Both options begin in the summer session in June. The full-time program requires 11 months of study. The evening executive option is completed over a two-year period. Students are also expected to participate fully in all extracurricular activities associated with the Master of Real Estate Development program, including the weekly speaker series.Students who wish a leave of absence for a semester or longer must request it from the dean in writing; such leaves may be granted for up to one year.
Students must have an approved laptop computer as required by instructors and must demonstrate calculator and spreadsheet skills.
Time Limit
The time limit within which students in the program must complete the requirements for the Master of Real Estate Development is governed by the following regulations:All requirements for the Master of Real Estate Development must be completed within five calendar years from the first course at USC applied toward the degree.
University regulations prohibit the acceptance of credits for courses taken toward a Master of Real Estate Development degree more than seven years after the date they were successfully completed.