Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
Applicants must be experienced physical therapy clinicians licensed to practice in the United States. Alternatively, foreign trained therapists must be graduates of institutions recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association. Applicants must also hold a master’s degree in physical therapy or a field related to physical therapy practice. Generally, a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale as well as a minimum score of 500 on each of the three components of the Graduate Record Examinations are required. The degree requirement includes successful completion of 30-31 units as described in the following three sections:
Required courses | Units |
PT 573 | Physical Examination and Differential Diagnosis in Patients with Medical Disorders | 2 |
PT 585 | Physical Examination and Differential Diagnosis in Patients with Neurological Disorders, or | 2 |
PT 624a | Neurological Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Interventions | 3 |
PT 591 | Physical Examination and Differential Diagnosis in Patients with Orthopedic Disorders | 2 |
PT 605 | Orthopedic Radiology | 2 |
PT 607 | Clinical Scanning | 2 |
PT 608 | Pharmacotherapeutics | 2 |
Electives (a minimum of 9 units is required, one from each category is recommended) | Units |
Anatomy |
BKN 551 | Musculoskeletal and Biomechanical Basis of Movement | 4 |
BKN 563 | Biomechanics | 2 |
BKN 573ab | Advanced Dissection Anatomy | 2 |
PT 514L | Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 4 |
PT 534 | Neuroanatomy | 3 |
PT 554L | Analytical Anatomy | 3 |
PT 622 | Advanced Management of Spinal Disorders | 3 |
PT 623 | Advanced Management of Extremity Disorders | 3 |
Neurobiology |
BKN 550 | Neurobehavioral Basis of Movement | 4 |
BKN 566 | Neurobiology of Locomotion | 2 |
BKN 578 | Classic Readings in Biokinesiology | 2 |
BKN 587ab | Physiological Correlates of Therapeutic Exercise | 4-4 |
BKN 593 | Behavioral Basis of Motor Control and Learning | 3 |
PT 509 | Cellular and Systems Physiology | 3 |
PT 546 | Neuropathology | 3 |
PT 549L | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 4 |
PT 569 | Fundamentals of Neuroscience | 4 |
PT 624bL | Neurological Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Interventions | 3 |
Exercise Physiology |
BKN 552 | Physiological Basis of Voluntary Movement | 4 |
BKN 587ab | Physiological Correlates of Therapeutic Exercise | 4-4 |
BKN 588 | Physiology and Biomechanics of Resistance Exercise | 2 |
PT 509 | Cellular and Systems Physiology | 3 |
PT 549L | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 4 |
PT 571L | Clinical Management of Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction | 4 |
PT 622 | Advanced Management of Spinal Disorders | 3 |
PT 624bL | Neurological Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Interventions | 3 |
Capstone Project (PT 592)
This required project provides the student with the opportunity to synthesize the learning experiences of the D.P.T. program. It can take the form of a case study, a learning module for students or patients, a business plan for a unique form of health care delivery, or some other innovative concept. Work towards the completion of the project is done under the guidance of a single faculty member or a committee, depending on the magnitude and scope of the project. The primary faculty advisor will determine the unit value of the project.
A clinical residency is also available as part of the post-professional D.P.T. program.
Certificate in Orthopedic Physical Therapy
Certificate in Neurologic Physical Therapy
Clinical Residency Programs
These programs are directed at practicing clinicians who seek post-professional clinical residency education in orthopedic or neurologic physical therapy and wish to obtain an academic credential for its completion.
Admission Requirements, Prerequisites and Degree Requirements
Admission requirements such as grade point average, GRE scores and P.T. licensure are the same as those for the post-professional D.P.T. In addition to the above listed requirements, experience in orthopedic physical therapy as evidenced by the years in practice and post-graduate course work taken will be assessed in the applicant’s portfolio. The faculty may request a personal interview. Admission will be considered for fall semester only. Deadline for application is four months prior to the proposed starting date. All applicants should contact the Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy for advisement. Completion of the certificate requires satisfactory completion of a minimum of 15 units.
Required courses for certificate in Orthopedic physical therapy | Units |
PT 595abcd | Residency in Advanced Clinical Physical Therapy | 1-4 each |
PT 622 | Advanced Management of Spinal Disorders | 3 |
PT 623 | Advanced Management of Extremity Disorders | 3 |
required courses for certificate in neurologic physical therapy | units |
PT 595abcd | Residency in Advanced Clinical Physical Therapy | 1-4 each |
PT 624abL | Neurological Differential Diagnosis and Therapeutic Interventions | 3-3 |
Doctor of Physical Therapy and Master of Public Health
The Post Professional Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) and the Master of Public (M.P.H.) dual degree program offers the opportunity for physical therapy clinicians to pursue a doctoral-level education in combination with an integrated approach to health care. The program spans four years. Students begin the first one to two years completing M.P.H. core and elective course work in the Department of Preventive Medicine. The remaining years are devoted to program requirements in physical therapy.
Professional Entry-Level Doctor of Physical Therapy Program
This program, for persons who are not physical therapists, comprises six semesters and two summers for completion of the required 115 units. All courses are in sequence and only in rare circumstances is the sequence altered.
Admission Requirements (Entry-Level)
Applicants are required to complete the equivalent of a U.S. baccalaureate degree at an accredited college or university prior to matriculation. Prerequisite course work must include: four courses in the biological sciences (including human anatomy, human physiology and either cell or molecular biology); one year of college physics; one year of college chemistry; one semester of college mathematics; two courses in psychology; one course in composition and writing; and one course in either literature or history. Human anatomy, human physiology, physics and chemistry must include laboratories. The following courses are highly recommended: biochemistry, calculus, kinesiology, exercise physiology, neuroscience, genetics and a cross-cultural course in sociology. Applicants should be computer literate.
Students from foreign countries must have completed one year of study in the United States prior to application. Credits from foreign institutions must be approved by the USC Office of Admission.
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
The GRE is required of all applicants. In general, minimum scores of 500 are required on each of the general test measures of verbal, quantitative and analytical ability.
Applications are available in September for the class entering in September of the following year. The deadline for receipt of applications is December 1 of each year. Only one class is admitted each year.
The Admissions Committee reviews all information submitted. Applicants may be requested to appear for a personal interview. It is highly recommended that all applicants make an appointment to visit the division’s office located on the Health Sciences campus and talk with students and members of the faculty.
Notice of Acceptance
Notice of acceptance will be sent to successful candidates no earlier than late January and continually thereafter until the class is filled. In no case will an acceptance be offered earlier than one year before anticipated enrollment.
Candidates should reply to an offer of acceptance within three weeks enclosing a $500 deposit (nonrefundable) which is credited to tuition at the time of registration. A letter of withdrawal is required if applicants wish to relinquish their place in the class; release is granted automatically upon receipt of the letter.
Degree Requirements (Entry-Level)
The USC Graduate School awards the D.P.T. to enrolled students who have completed satisfactorily the three-year curriculum of 115 credits (depending on electives chosen). The minimum number of credits required for graduation is 115. The minimum GPA required for graduation is 2.75. Clinical experience (clerkship) is part of the curriculum during all three years.
The Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy uses a system of student evaluation and grading that is designed to encourage self-reliance, to stimulate the student’s independent quest for knowledge and to promote excellence in clinical and academic achievement.
Faculty of the program are responsible for establishing evaluation criteria appropriate to the objectives of each course and for specifying the manner in which evaluative information is to be gathered. For clinical evaluation, descriptive comments based on the student’s performance are submitted by faculty and clinical instructors to the student’s permanent file.
Required courses | Units |
PT 509 | Cellular and Systems Physiology | 3 |
PT 514L | Musculoskeletal Anatomy | 4 |
PT 516 | Principles of Disease | 2 |
PT 521L | Basics of Patient Management | 4 |
PT 529 | Life Span Motor Control | 3 |
PT 530ab | Therapeutic Exercise | 2-2 |
PT 534L | Neuroanatomy | 3 |
PT 536 | Pathology of Cardiopulmonary Disease and General Medical Conditions | 3 |
PT 539 | Clinical Pharmacology | 1 |
PT 546 | Neuropathology | 3 |
PT 549L | Clinical Exercise Physiology | 4 |
PT 551L | Therapeutic Application of Physical Agents | 2 |
PT 554L | Analytical Anatomy | 3 |
PT 561abcde | Evidence for Physical Therapist Practice | 2-2-2-2-2 |
PT 566 | Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System | 3 |
PT 569 | Fundamentals of Neuroscience | 4 |
PT 571L | Clinical Management of Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction | 4 |
PT 574 | Clinical Biomechanics | 3 |
PT 581L | Clinical Management of the Patient with Neurological Dysfunction | 5 |
PT 582 | Mechanics of Human Gait | 2 |
PT 583L | Clinical Electrophysiology | 3 |
PT 600abcdez | Clinical Clerkship | 1-3-1-1-3-0 |
PT 606 | Clinical Imaging | 2 |
PT 621L | Clinical Management of the Patient with Musculoskeletal Dysfunction | 5 |
PT 630 | Integrated Management of the Upper and Lower Extremities | 3 |
PT 631 | Integrated Management of the Axial Skeletal System and Related Movement Disorders | 3 |
PT 632 | Integrated Patient Management Seminar | 5 |
PT 650 | Differential Diagnosis in Physical Therapy | 2 |
PT 660 | Advanced Clerkship with Academic Integration | 5 |
PT 665 | Advanced Clinical Clerkship | 8 |
Elective courses | Units |
PT 612L | Physical Therapy Management of Spinal Disorders | 2 |
PT 613L | Physical Therapy Management of the Foot and Lower Quarter | 2 |
PT 614L | Evaluation and Management for Hand Dysfunction | 2 |
PT 615 | Management of the Complicated Patient | 2 |
PT 618L | Seminar in Advanced Neurological Rehabilitation | 2 |
PT 619L | Clinical Electrophysiology | 2 |
PT 654 | Physical Therapy Interventions in Pediatrics | 2 |