Univ of Southern California
University of Southern California
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Astronautical Engineering

Degree Requirements

Educational Program Objectives

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Astronautical Engineering has the following objectives:

(1) Graduates will apply technical skills in mathematics, science and engineering to solve complex problems of modern astronautical engineering practice.

(2) Graduates will use advanced tools and techniques of engineering, and will innovate to advance the state of the art when needed.

(3) Graduates will design and build complex engineering systems according to specifications and subject to technical as well as economic constraints.

(4) Graduates will communicate with skill as members and leaders of multidisciplinary teams.

(5) Graduates will make engineering decisions using high professional and ethical standards, taking into account their global, environmental and societal context.

(6) Graduates will learn continuously throughout their careers in order to adapt to new knowledge and discoveries and to meet future challenges.

Bachelor of Science in Astronautical Engineering

The Bachelor of Science in Astronautical Engineering prepares students for engineering careers in the space industry, for research and development in industry and government centers and laboratories, and for graduate study. The program combines a core in the fundamentals of engineering, specialized work in astronautics and space technology, and technical electives to broaden and/or deepen the course work.

This degree requires the completion of 128 units. A grade point average of C (2.0) or higher is required in all upper division astronautical engineering courses. See also the common requirements for undergraduate degrees section.

composition/writing requirementsUnits
WRIT 130Analytical Writing4
WRIT 340Advanced Writing4

General Education (see here)units
General education* +20

Required lower division coursesunits
AME 150LIntroduction to Computational Methods4
AME 201Statics3
AME 204Strength of Materials3
ASTE 101LIntroduction to Astronautics4
ASTE 280Astronautics and Space Environment I3
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry, or
MASC 110LMaterials Science4
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
MATH 226Calculus III4
MATH 245Mathematics of Physics and Engineering I4
PHYS 151L*Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism4
PHYS 153LFundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics4

required upper division coursesunits
AME 301Dynamics3
AME 308Computer-Aided Analysis for Aero-Mechanical Design3
AME 341abLMechoptronics Laboratory3-3
AME 404Computational Solutions to Engineering Problems 3
AME 441aLSenior Projects Laboratory3
ASTE 301abThermal and Statistical Systems3-3
ASTE 330Astronautics and Space Environment II3
ASTE 420Spacecraft Design3
ASTE 470Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 480Spacecraft Dynamics3
ElectiveTechnical elective**15
Total units:128

* Satisfies GE Category III requirement.

** Technical electives consist of (1) any upper division course in engineering except CE 404, CE 412 and ISE 440, or (2) an upper division course in chemistry, physics or mathematics and MATH 225. No more than 3 units of 490 course work can be used to satisfy the technical elective requirement.

+The university allows engineering majors to replace the GE Category IV with a second course in Categories I, II or VI.

Minor in Astronautical Engineering

This program is for USC students who wish to work in the space industry and government space research and development centers and who are pursuing bachelor’s degrees in science, mathematics or engineering with specializations other than in astronautical engineering.

The space industry employs a wide variety of engineers (electrical, mechanical, chemical, civil, etc.); scientists (physicists, astronomers, chemists); and mathematicians. These engineers participate in development of advanced space systems but they usually lack the understanding of basic fundamentals of astronautics and space systems. The minor in astronautical engineering will help overcome this deficiency and provide unique opportunities for USC engineering, science and mathematics students, by combining their basic education in their major field with the industry specific minor in astronautical engineering.

Required course work consists of a minimum of 18 units. Including prerequisites, the minor requires 38 units. Three courses, or 9 units, at the 400 level will be counted toward the minor degree. The course work is a balanced program of study providing the basic scientific fundamentals and engineering disciplines critically important for contributing to development of complex space systems.

Prerequisite courses: MATH 125, MATH 126 and MATH 226; PHYS 151L and PHYS 152L.

Required coursesunits
ASTE 280Astronautics and Space Environment I3
ASTE 301aThermal and Statistical Systems I3
ASTE 330Astronautics and Space Environment II3
ASTE 420Spacecraft Design3
ASTE 470Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 480Spacecraft Dynamics3
Total minimum units:18

Master of Science in Astronautical Engineering

This degree is in the highly dynamic and technologically advanced area of astronautics and space technology. The program is designed for those with B.S. degrees in science and engineering who wish to work in the space sector of the defense/aerospace industry, government research and development centers, and laboratories and academia. The program is available through the USC Distance Education Network (DEN).

The general portion of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) and two letters of recommendation are required.

Required courses: 27 units

Core requirement (12 units)units
ASTE 470Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 520Spacecraft System Design3
ASTE 535Space Environments and Spacecraft Interactions3
ASTE 580Orbital Mechanics I3

Core elective requirement (6 units — choose two courses)units
ASTE 501abPhysical Gas Dynamics3-3
ASTE 523Design of Low Cost Space Missions3
ASTE 527Space Studio Architecting3
ASTE 552Spacecraft Thermal Control3
ASTE 553Systems for Remote Sensing from Space3
ASTE 554Spacecraft Sensors3
ASTE 556Spacecraft Structural Dynamics3
ASTE 570Liquid Rocket Propulsion3
ASTE 572Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 581Orbital Mechanics II3
ASTE 583Space Navigation: Principles and Practice3
ASTE 584Spacecraft Power Systems3
ASTE 585Spacecraft Attitude Control3
ASTE 586Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics3

Technical elective requirement (6 units)
Two 3-unit courses. Students are advised to select these two elective courses from the list of core electives or from other courses in astronautical engineering or from other science and engineering graduate courses, as approved by the faculty advisor. No more than 3 units of directed research (ASTE 590) can be applied to the 27-unit requirement. New courses on emerging space technologies are often offered; consult the current semester’s course offerings, particularly for ASTE 599 Special Topics.

Engineering mathematics requirement (choose one course: 3 units)units
AME 525Engineering Analysis3
AME 526Engineering Analytical Methods3
CE 529aFinite Element Analysis3
EE 517Statistics for Engineers3
PHYS 510Methods of Theoretical Physics3

At least 21 units must be at the 500 or 600 level.

Areas of Concentration:
Students choose core elective and technical elective courses that best meet their educational objectives. Students can also concentrate their studies in the desired areas by selecting corresponding core elective courses. Presently, ASTD faculty suggest the following areas of concentration:

Spacecraft propulsion
Choose two core electives from:
ASTE 501abPhysical Gas Dynamics3-3
ASTE 570Liquid Rocket Propulsion3
ASTE 572Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 584Spacecraft Power Systems3

Spacecraft dynamics
Choose two core electives from:
ASTE 556Spacecraft Structural Dynamics3
ASTE 581Orbital Mechanics II3
ASTE 583Space Navigation: Principles and Practice3
ASTE 585Spacecraft Attitude Control3
ASTE 586Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics3

Space systems design
Choose two core electives from:
ASTE 523Design of Low Cost Space Missions3
ASTE 527Space Studio Architecting3

(SAE 549 System Architecting I, 3 units, is also suggested as a technical elective for this area of concentration.)

Spacecraft systems
Choose two core electives from:
ASTE 552Spacecraft Thermal Control3
ASTE 553Systems for Remote Sensing from Space3
ASTE 554Spacecraft Sensors3
ASTE 584Spacecraft Power Systems3

Space applications
ASTE 527Space Studio Architecting3
ASTE 553Systems for Remote Sensing from Space3
ASTE 554Spacecraft Sensors3

Engineer in Astronautical Engineering

The Engineer degree in Astronautical Engineering is in the highly dynamic and technologically advanced area of space technology. The program is designed for those with Master of Science degrees in science and engineering who want to prepare for work in the space industry, government research and development centers and national laboratories. The applicant may be required to take one to two upper division undergraduate courses. The Engineer degree in Astronautical Engineering is awarded in strict conformity with the general requirements for the USC Graduate School. See the general requirements for graduate degrees. Each student wishing to undertake the Engineer program must first be admitted to the program and then take the screening examination. Further guidance concerning admission, screening exam and the full completion of courses, including those given outside the Astronautics and Space Technology division, can be obtained from the ASTD student advisor, program coordinators and faculty in each technical area.

Doctor of Philosophy in Astronautical Engineering

The Ph.D. in Astronautical Engineering is awarded in strict conformity with the general requirements of the USC Graduate School. See general requirements for graduate degrees. The degree requires a concentrated program of study, research and a dissertation. Each student wishing to undertake a doctoral program must first be admitted to the program and then take the screening examination. This examination will emphasize comprehension of fundamental material in the graduate course work. Further guidance concerning admission, the screening exam and the full completion of courses, including those given outside the Division of Astronautical Engineering, can be obtained from the ASTD student advisor and program coordinators.

Certificate in Astronautical Engineering

The Certificate in Astronautical Engineering is designed for practicing engineers and scientists who enter space-related fields and/or want to obtain training in specific space-related areas. Students enroll at USC as limited status students; they must apply and be admitted to the certificate program after completion of no more than 9 units of required course work. The required course work consists of 12 units; students will choose four 3-unit courses from the following:

Required courses (choose four)units
ASTE 501abPhysical Gas Dynamics3-3
ASTE 520Spacecraft System Design3
ASTE 523Design of Low Cost Space Missions3
ASTE 527Space Studio Architecting3
ASTE 535Space Environments and Spacecraft Interactions3
ASTE 552Spacecraft Thermal Control3
ASTE 553Systems for Remote Sensing from Space3
ASTE 556Spacecraft Structural Dynamics3
ASTE 572Advanced Spacecraft Propulsion3
ASTE 580Orbital Mechanics I3
ASTE 581Oribital Mechanics II3
ASTE 583Space Navigation: Principles and Practice3
ASTE 584Spacecraft Power Systems3
ASTE 585Spacecraft Attitude Control3
ASTE 586Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics3
ASTE 599Special Topics3

Most classes are available through the USC Distance Education Network (DEN).

Credit for classes may be applied toward the M.S., Engineer or Ph.D. in Astronautical Engineering, should the student decide later to pursue an advanced degree. In order to be admitted to the M.S. program, the student should maintain a B average or higher in courses for the certificate and must satisfy all normal admission requirements. All courses for the certificate must be taken at USC. It is anticipated that other classes on emerging space technologies will be added to the list of the offered classes in the future.