Univ of Southern California
University of Southern California
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Undergraduate Degrees

Note: Students are not currently being admitted as majors in Geography.

Minor in Geography

The geography minor requires a minimum of 16 units, including two required courses and two upper division electives. This minor offers students an opportunity to examine some of the major issues of the 21st century (urbanization, sustainability and health, among others) through the lens of a geographer.

GEOG 401Sustainable Cities and Regions4
GEOG 419Environment and Health4

GEOG 325Culture and Place4
GEOG 345Conservation of Natural Resources4
GEOG 350Race and Environmentalism4
GEOG 410Urban Geography4
GEOG 431California’s Changing Landscapes4
GEOG 477Water Resources4

Minor in Geographic Information Science and Technology

The geographic information science and technology minor requires a minimum of 16 units, including three required courses and one upper division elective. This minor offers students an opportunity to learn more about the field observation, mapping and spatial analysis skills that serve as the geographer’s toolbox.

GEOG 393Field Techniques4
GEOG 481Map Design and Analysis4
GEOG 482LPrinciples of Geographic Information Science4

GEOG 397*Geography Internship2-4, max 4
GEOG 401Sustainable Cities and Regions4
GEOG 419Environment and Health4

* GEOG 397 is a 2-4 unit course; 4 units are required