University of Southern California
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Degree Requirements

Educational Program Objectives

Industrial and Systems Engineering provides an education that blends information technology, engineering and management, with a strong emphasis on people skills, problem-solving skills and communication skills. Our objective is to prepare students for successful careers by teaching students to:

(1) Describe the essential components and inter-connective relationships within complex systems.

(2) Design and execute experiments and create mathematical, numerical, heuristic and other objective models.

(3) Understand the innovations that form the building blocks of the modern technological world.

(4) Generate and validate solutions to a problem.

(5) Work with others in a collaborative environment and contribute to the success of an organization.

(6) Clearly articulate and communicate findings.

(7) Understand contemporary developments in the field.

(8) Describe the principles for managing and operating production systems within their area of emphasis.

For additional information, visit our Web site at

Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering

The minimum requirement for the degree is 128 units. A GPA of C (2.0) or higher is required in all upper division courses in the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, including any approved substitutes for these courses taken at USC. See the common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

Composition/Writing Requirement Units
WRIT 140*Writing and Critical Reasoning4
WRIT 340Advanced Writing3

General Education (see here) Units
General education* +20

Pre-Major Requirements Units
Math Requirement
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
MATH 225Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations4
MATH 226Calculus III4

Physics Requirement
PHYS 151L**Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics4
PHYS 152LFundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism4

Chemistry Elective
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry, or
MASC 110LMaterials Science4

Economics Requirement
ECON 203Principles of Microeconomics4

major requirements Units
ACCT 410xAccounting for Non-Business Majors4

ENGR 102Engineering Freshman Academy2

Electrical Engineering
AME 341aMechnoptonics Laboratory I, or3
EE 326L***Essentials of Electrical Engineering4

Computer Science
CSCI 101Fundamentals of Computer Programming3
ISE 382Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Implementation3

Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISE 105Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering2
ISE 220Probability Concepts in Engineering3
ISE 225Engineering Statistics I3
ISE 232LManufacturing Processes3
ISE 310LProduction I: Facilities and Logistics4
ISE 330Introduction to Operations Research I3
ISE 331Introduction to Operations Research II3
ISE 370LHuman Factors in Work Design4
ISE 410Production II: Planning, Scheduling and Control3
ISE 426Statistical Quality Control3
ISE 435Discrete Systems Simulation3
ISE 440Work, Technology, and Organization3
ISE 460Engineering Economy3
ISE 495abxSenior Design Project2-2

Major Electives Units
Approved engineering electives***3
Free electives7
Total units:128

*GE Category VI is taken concurrently with WRIT 140.

**GE Category III is fulfilled by PHYS/CHEM requirement.

***Students selecting EE 326 are only required to complete 2 units of approved engineering elective.

+The university allows engineering majors to replace the GE Category IV with a second course in Categories I, II or VI.

Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering (Information Systems Engineering)

The minimum requirement for the degree is 128 units. A GPA of C (2.0) or higher is required in all upper division courses in the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, including any approved substitutes for these courses taken at USC. Students must choose either the computer science track or the information and operations management track. See the common requirements for undergraduate degrees.

During the freshman year, students in either track enroll in a common set of required courses. By the sophomore year, students enroll in required and elective courses for one track or the other.

Composition/Writing Requirement Units
WRIT 140Writing and Critical Reasoning4
WRIT 340Advanced Writing3

General Education (see here) Units
General education* +20

Pre-Major Requirements Units
Math Requirement
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
MATH 226Calculus III4
MATH 225Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations4

Physics Requirement
PHYS 151Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics4
PHYS 152Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism4

Chemistry Elective
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLAdvanced General Chemistry, or
MASC 110LMaterials Science4

ENGR 102Engineering Freshman Academy2

Computer Science Track Units
Computer Science
CSCI 101LFundamentals of Computer Programming3
CSCI 102LData Structures4
CSCI 105Object-Oriented Programming2
CSCI 201LPrinciples of Software Development4

Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISE 105Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering2
ISE 220Probability Concepts in Engineering3
ISE 225Engineering Statistics I3
ISE 310LProduction I: Facilities and Logistics4
ISE 330Introduction to Operations Research: Deterministic Models3
ISE 382Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Implementation3
ISE 410Production II: Planning and Scheduling3
ISE 435Discrete Systems Simulation3
ISE 440Work, Technology, and Organization3
ISE 460Engineering Economy3
ISE 470Human/Computer Interface Design3
ISE 495abxSenior Design Project2-2

Computer science elective3
Information technology program/information and operations management electives6
Approved engineering elective3
Free electives9

Information and Operations Management Track Units
IOM 431Business Information Systems4
IOM 433Business Information Systems Analysis and Design4
IOM 435Business Database Systems4

Computer Science
CSCI 101LFundamentals of Computer Programming3
ITP 482LEngineering Database Applications3

Industrial and Systems Engineering
ISE 105Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering2
ISE 220Probability Concepts in Engineering3
ISE 225Engineering Statistics I3
ISE 310LProduction I: Facilities and Logistics4
ISE 330Introduction to Operations Research: Deterministic Models3
ISE 410Production II: Planning and Scheduling3
ISE 435Discrete Systems Simulation3
ISE 440Work, Technology, and Organization3
ISE 460Engineering Economy3
ISE 470Human/Computer Interface Design3
ISE 495abxSenior Design Project2-2

Information technology program/information and operations management electives6
Approved engineering elective3
Free electives10
Total units: 128

*GE Category III is fulfilled by PHYS/CHEM requirement.

**Electives in the CSCI/ITP or approved engineering electives lists are geared so that students can take courses in an area of interest. Courses not listed may be petitioned for approval through the department.

+The university allows engineering majors to replace the GE Category IV with a second course in Categories I, II or VI.

CSCI/ITP Electives: CSCI 271, CSCI 303, CSCI 351, CSCI 460, CSCI 477L, CSCI 480, CSCI 485, EE 357, EE 450, EE 457, ITP 109x, ITP 150x, ITP 165x, ITP 211x, ITP 215x, ITP 250x, ITP 321x

Approved Engineering Electives: Any of the courses listed below that are not specifically required in a student's program may be selected to satisfy the approved engineering elective requirement. Substitutions of a graduate level ISE course will be considered upon petition.

AME 341a, AME 341B, CE 408, CE 460, CE 471, ISE 331, ISE 426, ISE 470.

Minor in Engineering Management

This minor is designed to provide students who have a sound foundation in mathematics and the sciences with tools and skills for managerial analysis and problem solving.

Science and technology are driving significant portions of American and global economies. Individuals, companies and governments are demanding products, services and systems, which grow more complicated every day. Suppliers are forced by competition to provide goods and services efficiently and economically.

Scientists and engineers are trained in scientific and technical subjects which form an excellent base for building complex, technical products, services and systems. But more and more, scientists and engineers are managing the financial, material and human resources required to turn abstract ideas into physical and virtual reality, often without any formal management training. This minor provides that training, a complement to any science or technology degree.

Application Procedures
Applicants must be upper division students in good standing and complete the Change/ Addition of Major, Minor or Degree Objective form. The minor is not open to industrial and systems engineering majors.

Prerequisites Units
ISE 220Probability Concepts in Engineering (or equivalent)3
ISE 225Engineering Statistics I (or equivalent) 3
MATH 125Calculus I4
MATH 126Calculus II4
MATH 225Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations (or equivalent)4
MATH 226Calculus III4

Required Courses Units
BUAD 301Technical Entrepreneurship3
ISE 330Introduction to Operations Research: Deterministic Models3
ISE 370LHuman Factors in Work Design4
ISE 440Work, Technology, and Organization3
ISE 460Engineering Economy3

Minor in Engineering Technology Commercialization

See listing in the Special Educational Opportunities section.

Master of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering

The Master of Science in industrial and systems engineering is awarded in strict conformity with the general requirements of the Viterbi School of Engineering. This program enhances the technical capabilities of the industrial engineer. The program is available via distance education.

The M.S. program is for students who want to become technical leaders in the field of industrial and systems engineering. Applicants to the program are expected to have a bachelor's degree in an engineering discipline with undergraduate course work in computing, probability and statistics, and engineering economy. Admitted students who do not meet prerequisites will be assigned courses to complete the deficiencies.

A total of 30 units is required for the degree, of which at least 18 units must be completed in the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Of the 30 units, 20 must be at the 500 level or above.

Required courses Units
ISE 514Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling3
ISE 515Engineering Project Management3

ISE Electives (choose one from each Group) Units
Systems Design
ISE 525Design of Experiments3
ISE 527Quality Management for Engineers3
SAE 541Systems Engineering Theory and Practice3
SAE 549Systems Architecting3

ISE 511LComputer Aided Manufacturing3
ISE 513Inventory Systems3
ISE 517Modern Enterprise Systems3
SAE 551Lean Operations3

Systems Performance
ISE 544Management of Engineering Teams3
ISE 564Performance Analysis3
ISE 570Human Factors in Engineering3

Information Systems
ISE 580Advanced Concepts in Computer Simulation3
ISE 582Web Technology for Industrial Engineering3
ISE 583Enterprise Wide Information Systems3

Quantitative Methods
ISE 532Network Flows3
ISE 536Linear Programming and Extensions3
ISE 538Elements of Stochastic Processes3
ISE 563Financial Engineering3

Advisor approved electives9
Total units:30

Master of Science in Product Development Engineering

This interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The program is available via distance education. See the listing under Product Development Engineering.

Master of Science in Systems Architecting and Engineering

See the listing under Systems Architecture and Engineering. The program is available via distance education.

Master of Digital Supply Chain Management

This interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Information and Operations Management in the Marshall School of Business. The program is available via distance education. See here for program requirements.

Master of Science in System Safety and Security

This interdisciplinary program educates students in modeling risks and consequences of random events and the development of strategies to improve system safety and system security. The program is available via distance education.

Applicants to the program are expected to have a degree in engineering, science of equivalent with undergraduate work in engineering economy and statistics. Admitted students who do not meet the course work requirements will be assigned courses to complete the deficiencies.

A total of 29 units is required for the degree. Eighteen units must be at the 500 level or above.

Required coursesUnits
ISE 561Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects3
ISE 562Value and Decision Theory3
PPD 501abEconomics for Policy,Planning and Development2-2
PPD 587Risk Analysis4
SAE 550Engineering Management of Government-Funded Programs3

Select three courses from one concentration (9 units):

Available on the Distance Education Network (DEN). Concentration requires undergraduate degree in computer science or equivalent.

CSCI 530Security Systems4
CSCI 551Computer Communications3
CSCI 555Advanced Operating Systems3
CSCI 556Introduction to Cryptography3
CSCI 558LInternetworking and Distributed Systems Laboratory3
CSCI 577aSoftware Engineering4
CSCI 578Software Architectures3

Environmental Security:
Concentration requires undergraduate degree in environmental engineering or equivalent.

CE 513LInstrumental Methods for Environmental Analysis3
CE 523Process Kinetics and Dynamics in Environmental Engineering3
CE 554Risk and Reliability Analysis for Civil Infrastructure Systems3
ENE 510Water Quality Management and Practice3
ENE 516Hazardous Waste Management3
ENE 518Environmental Systems Engineering and Management3
ENE 535Applied Air Quality Management3
ENE 580Applied Environmental Engineering Biotechnology3

Critical Infrastructure:
CE 465Water Supply and Sewerage System Design3
CE 554Risk and Reliability Analysis for Civil Infrastructure Systems3
CE 560Simulation of Civil Infrastructure Systems Performance3
CE 583Design of Transportation Facilities3
CE 589Port Engineering: Planning and Operations3
EE 510Symmetrical Components3
EE 516Electric Power Distribution3
EE 525Power System Protection3
EE 550Design and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks3

Policy and Planning:
PPD 541Public Financial Management and Budgeting4
PPD 542Policy and Program Evaluation4
PPD 554Introduction to Policy Analysis2
PPD 555Public Policy Formulation and Implementation4

Structural Safety:
Concentration requires undergraduate degree in civil engineering or equivalent.
CE 480Structural Systems Design3
CE 529aFinite Element Analysis3
CE 536Structural Design for Dynamic Loads3
CE 541aDynamics of Structures3
CE 554Risk and Reliability Analysis for Civil Infrastructure Systems3
CE 555Underwater Structures3
CE 560Simulation of Civil Infrastructure Systems Performances3

Available on the Distance Education Network (DEN).
ISE 525Design of Experiments3
ISE 544Management of Engineering Teams3
SAE 541Systems Engineering Theory and Practice3
SAE 542Advanced Topics in Systems Engineering3
SAE 549Systems Architecting3
Total units:29

*An elective is selected with approval of advisor to reach minimum unit requirement for graduation.

Dual Degree Program (M.S./M.B.A.)

The USC Marshall School of Business in conjunction with the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in industrial and systems engineering.

This alternative requires 66 units for graduates of industrial and systems engineering undergraduate curricula and leads to both a Master of Science in industrial and systems engineering and the Master of Business Administration. The dual degree provides an education of great depth.

The total number of units required for the M.B.A. program is 48.

Required GSBA courses include: all courses required in an M.B.A. core program and graduate business electives sufficient to bring the total units completed in the Marshall School of Business to at least 48. Dual degree students may not count courses taken outside the Marshall School of Business toward the 48 units.

Viterbi School of Engineering
Required courses (minimum 18 Units)
ISE 514Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling3
ISE 515Engineering Project Management3

ISE electives (choose one from each group)9
Systems Design (3 units)
ISE 525Design of Experiments
ISE 527Quality Management for Engineers
SAE 541Systems Engineering Theory and Practice

Information Systems (3 units)
ISE 580Advanced Concepts in Computer Simulation
ISE 582Web Technology for Industrial Engineering
ISE 583Enterprise Wide Information Systems

Quantitative Methods (3 units)
ISE 532Network Flows
ISE 536Linear Programming and Extensions
ISE 538Elements of Stocastic Processes

ElectiveChosen with advisor approval3

Engineer in Industrial and Systems Engineering

Requirements for the Engineer in industrial and systems engineering are the same as set forth in the general requirements.

Doctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Systems Engineering

The degree Doctor of Philosophy in industrial and systems engineering is also offered. See general requirements for graduate degrees.

Engineering Management Program

Ethel Percy Andrus
Gerontology Center 240
(213) 740-4893

Program Director: F. Stan Settles, Ph.D.

This program is designed primarily, but not exclusively, for graduate engineers whose career objectives lead to increasing technical management responsibilities. Students interested in the engineering management objectives may also want to consider the M.S., Industrial and Systems Engineering/M.B.A. dual degree program.

Master of Science in Engineering Management

A total of 30 units is required for the degree. A minimum of 18 units must be taken in the Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering. A total of 18 units must be at the 500 level or above. The program is available via distance education.

Applicants to the program are expected to have a degree in engineering or the equivalent with undergraduate course work in engineering economy. Admitted students who do not meet the course work requirements will be assigned courses to complete the deficiencies.

At least one course from each of the seven areas listed below is required:

Accounting (3 units):
ACCT 509Concepts of Financial and Management Accounting
CE 502Construction Accounting and Finance
ISE 565Law and Finance for Engineering Innovation
ISE 566Financial Accounting Analysis for Engineering
PPD 516xFinancial Accounting in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors

Projects and Teams (3 units):
ISE 515Engineering Project Management
ISE 544Management of Engineering Teams

Technology (3 units):
ISE 545Technology Development and Implementation
ISE 555Invention and Technology Development
ISE 585Strategic Management of Technology

Information Systems (3 units):
IOM 535Database Management
ISE 582Web Technology for Industrial Engineering
ISE 583Enterprise Wide Information Systems

Engineering Economy (3 units):
ISE 561Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects
ISE 562Value and Decision Theory
ISE 563Financial Engineering

Enterprises (3 units):
ISE 507Six-Sigma Quality Resources for Health Care
ISE 508Health Care Operations Improvement
ISE 517Modern Enterprise Systems
ISE 527Quality Management for Engineers
ISE 564Performance Analysis
SAE 550Engineering Management of Government-Funded Programs
SAE 551Lean Operations

Quantitative Methods (3 units):
ISE 513Inventory Systems
ISE 514Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling
ISE 525Design of Experiments
ISE 530Introduction to Operations Research
ISE 536Linear Programming and Extensions
ISE 538Elements of Sstochastic Processes
ISE 580Advanced Concepts in Computer Simulation

Electives (9 units):
Three courses or 9 units of electives are chosen from specialization tracks with consent of the advisor, including:
  • Construction Project Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Information Systems
  • Manufacturing
  • Software Engineering
  • Systems Engineering

Operations Research Engineering Program

Ethel Percy Andrus
Gerontology Center 240
(213) 740-4891

Program Director: Maged Dessouky, Ph.D.

Master of Science in Operations Research Engineering

The Master of Science in operations research engineering is conferred upon candidates who hold bachelor's degrees in engineering, mathematics, science or related fields who successfully complete an integrated program (with departmental approval in advance) of not less than 30 units. The program must include not less than 21 units of industrial and systems engineering courses related to operations research and 9 units of approved electives. Students will be required to make up deficiencies in mathematics and statistics. Additional courses or examinations may be required at the discretion of the department before full admission to the program. The General Test of the Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) is required. Additional information is available from the department.

Required courses Units
ISE 532Network Flows3
ISE 536Linear Programming and Extensions3
ISE 538Elements of Stochastic Processes3
ISE 580Advanced Concepts in Computer Simulation3
ISE 582Web Technology for Industrial Engineering, or
ISE 583Enterprise Wide Information Systems3

Select at least two of the following seven courses:6
ISE 513Inventory Systems (3)
ISE 514Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling (3)
ISE 520Optimization: Theory and Algorithms (3)
ISE 525Design of Experiments (3)
ISE 562Value and Decision Theory (3)
ISE 563Financial Engineering (3)
SAE 541Systems Engineering Theory and Practice (3)

400- or 500-level computer science course, approved by faculty advisor3

Two electives, approved by faculty advisor6

Graduate Certificate in Engineering Technology Commercialization

See listing in the Special Educational Opportunities section.

Graduate Certificate in Health Systems Operations

This 17-unit graduate certificate is jointly sponsored by the Epstein Industrial and Systems Engineering Department and the School of Policy, Planning, and Development (Master of Health Administration program), and administered by the Epstein ISE Department. This certificate is designed for students with bachelor's degrees in applied social science, engineering or the sciences, who are interested in operations management and health care applications. The courses taken for the certificate may be applied later to the Epstein ISE Department's Master of Science in Engineering Management degree or the School of Policy, Planning, and Development's Master of Health Administration degree subject to approval of the appropriate academic unit.

Required CoursesUnits
ISE 507Six-Sigma Quality Resources for Health Care3
ISE 508Health Care Operations Improvement3
PPD 509Problems and Issues in the Health Field4
PPD 513Legal Issues in Health Care Delivery, or
PPD 514Economic Concepts Applied to Health4
PPD 557Modeling and Operations Research (4), or
ISE 530Introduction to Operations Research (3), or
ISE 562Value and Decision Theory (3)3-4

Graduate Certificate in Optimization and Supply Chain Management

This abbreviated interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Information and Operations Management in the Marshall School of Business. See here for program requirements.

Graduate Certificate in Systems Architecting and Engineering

See listing under Systems Architecture and Engineering. The program is available via distance education.

Graduate Certificate in System Safety and Security

This abbreviated interdisciplinary program educates students in modeling risks and consequences of random events, and the development of strategies to improve system safety and system security. The requirements include the core courses of the master's degree in system safety and security, but do not permit electives of specialization. The program is available via distance education.

Applicants to the program are expected to have a degree in engineering, science or the equivalent with undergraduate course work in engineering economy and statistics. Admitted students who do not meet the course work requirements will be assigned courses to complete the deficiencies.

A total of 17 units is required for the certificate.

Required Courses Units
ISE 561Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects3
ISE 562Value and Decision Theory3
PPD 501abEconomics for Policy Planning and Development2-2
PPD 587Risk Analysis4
SAE 550Engineering Management of Government-Funded Programs3

Graduate Certificate in Transportation Systems

This abbreviated interdisciplinary program is offered jointly with the Department of Civil Engineering and the School of Policy, Planning, and Development. See listing under Civil Engineering.