University of Southern California
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Military Courses of Instruction

Nautical Science (NAUT)

This new course is available beginning fall 2008.
NAUT 001abx Deepwater Cruising (2-2, FaSp) An experiential approach to the sailing ship and seafaring, introducing offshore sailing theory and techniques, navigation, and basic oceanography as relevant to seamanship. Lecture and lab. Not available for degree credit. a: Crew level. b: Watch captain.

NAUT 002abx Advanced Deepwater Cruising (2-2) Responsibilities and operations commanding an offshore sailing vessel including sailing theory and advanced techniques, advanced navigation, ships engineering, and oceanography relevant to seamanship. Not available for degree credit. a: Senior skipper. b: Advanced senior skipper. (Duplicates credit in former NAUT 302ab.) Prerequisite: NAUT 001bx.

This course will be dropped in spring 2008.

NAUT 301ab Deepwater Cruising (2-2, FaSp) An experiential approach to the sailing ship and seafaring, introducing offshore sailing theory and techniques, navigation, and basic oceanography as relevant to seamanship. Lecture and lab. a: Crew level. b: Watch captain. Prerequisite: a before b.