University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Interdisciplinary -- Diagnostic Sciences (INTX)

INTX 501abcdefh Integrated Basic and Applied Science I (1-1-2-2-2-2-1) Principles of anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology applied to patient evaluation and management. Focuses on cell and connective tissue biology, neuromuscular, blood, endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

INTX 502abcdef Integrated Basic and Applied Science II (1-1-2-3-1-2) Principles of anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology applied to patient evaluation and management. Focuses on respiratory, genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, hepato-biliary systems, oral biology, nutrition and hospital dentistry.

INTX 650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinical dental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methods using practical scientific problem solving.

INTX 651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinic settings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effective methods.

INTX 690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance; proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paper written. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.