![]() | Undergraduate Degrees |
The School of Urban Planning and Development is heir to a long and distinguished history of planning education at the University of Southern California. One of the first planning courses in the United States was offered at USC in 1921. Collaborative scholarship by USC faculty from various disciplines produced influential studies on urban growth and form, urban management systems and gaming simulation during the formative stages of the profession. The first of several masters degrees was established in 1955, and the present school was created in 1974 as the first independent School of Urban Planning and Development in the United States. The Master of Real Estate Development degree was added in 1986, followed by the Bachelor of Science in Planning and Development in 1988, the Master of Planning and Development Studies in 1995, the Doctor of Planning and Development Studies degree in 1997 and several interdisciplinary minors in 1998. Today, the schools curriculum and name reflect a balanced approach to both professions.
The planning and development programs at USC are among the most diverse and wide-ranging in higher education. This is made possible by the broad interests of the schools faculty, its linkages with other faculties on campus facilitating joint studies and dual degree programs, the diversity of the students, the variety of course formats and venues, and the many degree options and specializations available to students pursuing undergraduate and graduate study.
The schools mission is to produce planners and developers who are ready to do business anywhere in the world.
Von KleinSmid 351
(213) 740-2264
FAX: (213) 740-8180
Email: supd@usc.edu
URL: http://www.usc.edu/dept/supd
Edward J. Blakely, Dean
Genevieve Giuliano, Vice Dean, Director of Research, Lusk Center Research Institute
Melissa Azarcon, Assistant Dean, Financial Affairs
Mary Ann Bell, Director of Development
Marilyn Ellis, Director of Public Affairs
Bonnie Holmes, Director of Administrative Affairs, Lusk Center for Real Estate
Development, Assistant Dean for Development
Leonard Mitchell, Director of Professional Development
Edward Mooney, Director of Academic and Administrative Computing
Richard Peiser, Academic Director, Real Estate Development Program
Christopher Williamson, Director of Academic and Student Affairs
Lusk Chair in Planning and Development: Edward J. Blakely, Ph.D.
Professors: William C. Baer, Ph.D., AICP; Tridib Banerjee, Ph.D., AICP; Genevieve Giuliano, Ph.D.; Peter Gordon, Ph.D. (Economics); Alan Kreditor, M.C.P., AICP; Martin Krieger, Ph.D.; Harry W. Richardson, M.A. (Economics); Kevin Starr, Ph.D.; Detlof von Winterfeldt, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Eric Heikkila, Ph.D.; James E. Moore, Ph.D. (Engineering); Dowell Myers, Ph.D.; Richard Peiser, Ph.D.; Jon Pynoos, Ph.D. (Gerontology); Rena Mourouzi Sivitanidou, Ph.D.; David Sloane, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Greg Hise, Ph.D.; Niraj Verma, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professors: Peter Bedford, B.A.; Hugh Evans, Ph.D.; Allan Kotin, M.A.; Michael Keston, M.B.A.; Gary Posz, Ph.D.; Richard Smith, J.D.; David Wilcox, M.C.P.
Adjunct Associate Professors: Mike Horst, M.B.A.; Susan Kamei, J.D.; James Ortner, Ph.D.; Keenan Smith, M.Arch.; Deborah Torres, M.Arch.; Frank Wein, M.Pl., AICP; Christopher Williamson, Ph.D., AICP
Lecturers: Michael Bayard, J.D.; Ken Beck, MRED; Stanley Iezman; Bryan Jackson, J.D.; Thomas Kenster, M.A.I.; Tom Larmore, J.D.; John Martin; Lenard Mitchell, M.A., M.B.A., J.D.; James M. Moore, MCP; Ghud Mouchly, CRE; Ira Norris; Stephanie Pincetl, Ph.D.; Ross Selvedge, Ph.D.; Johannes Von Tilburg, FAIA; Paul Vandeventer; Jeffery Weiss, MRED
Emeritus Professors: Melville C. Branch, Ph.D.; Lowdon Wingo, Jr., M.A., M.P.A.
Degrees Offered
The School of Urban Planning and Development offers the following degrees: Bachelor of Science in Planning and Development; Bachelor of Science in Public Policy, Management, and Planning; Minor in Urban Planning and Development; Master of Planning; Master of Planning and Development Studies; Master of Real Estate Development; Master of Construction Management and Certificate in Transportation Systems (with Engineering); Doctor of Philosophy in Planning; and Doctor of Planning and Development Studies. The Bachelor of Science and the Master of Planning are also offered jointly as an accelerated five-year program and the school participates in the following interdisciplinary minors: Construction Planning and Management; International Urban Development; Children and Families in Urban America; and Environmental Planning and Development. The Master of Planning is offered as a dual masters degree with architecture, landscape architecture, business administration, economics, gerontology, public administration and social work. The Master of Real Estate Development is offered as a dual degree with the Master of Business Administration and Juris Doctor.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs,
Office of University Publications