![]() | Undergraduate Degrees |
The School of Public Administration, founded in 1929, has the largest program in the country offering professional education for public policy and management. As the boundaries between public and private become increasingly blurred, the USC School of Public Administration has focused its resources to educate leaders, ethical men and women, who will build our communities, reshape our governmental structures and processes and rethink the relationships between government, business and the economy. The school approaches the study of public policy, public management and health administration from an entrepreneurial and global perspective.
Positioned within a private university and located in Los Angeles, Sacramento and Washington, D.C., the School of Public Administration carries out its core mission through: teaching students to lead, shape and manage in the evolving new 21st century world order; research that takes advantage of and contributes to Southern California, the state, nation and world; action that yields insights and offers solutions to pressing societal problems.
Students leave having acquired the knowledge, perspective and professional skills to restructure government; identify and evaluate policy choices in terms of their costs and consequences; design new governance structures that are inclusive and participatory; lead and manage in arenas like the public-private health care system where policy choices and market pressures have profound consequences for everyone.
Von KleinSmid Center 363
(213) 740-2241
FAX: (213) 740-0001
Email: aporter@praetor.usc.edu
Jane G. Pisano, Ph.D., Dean
Robert P. Biller, Ph.D., Vice Dean
Margaret Harrington, M.P.A., Associate Dean
Richard A. Sundeen, Ph.D., Associate Dean
Jeffrey Chapman, Ph.D., Director, Sacramento Center
Judith Broida, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Director, Washington Center
C. Erwin and Ione L. Piper Deans Chair in Public Administration: Jane G. Pisano, Ph.D.
The Blue Cross of California Chair in Health Care Finance: Glenn Melnick, Ph.D.
Maria B. Crutcher Professorship in Citizenship and Democratic Values: Terry L. Cooper, Ph.D.*
Emery Evans Olson Chair in Public-Private Entrepreneurship: John J. Kirlin, Ph.D.
Frances R. and John J. Duggan Distinguished Professorship in Public Administration: Chester A. Newland, Ph.D.*
C.C. Crawford Professorship in Productivity Improvement: T. Ross Clayton, Ph.D.
Professors: Robert P. Biller, Ph.D.*; Gerald Caiden, Ph.D.*; Jeffrey I. Chapman, Ph.D.*; Terry L. Cooper, Ph.D.*; William Dutton, Ph.D. (Communication); James M. Ferris, Ph.D.; Houston I. Flournoy, Ph.D.; Howard Greenwald, Ph.D.; David Lopez-Lee, Ph.D.; Robert C. Myrtle, D.P.A.; Francine Rabinovitz, Ph.D.; Robert Stallings, Ph.D.; Richard A. Sundeen, Ph.D.*; Joseph S. Wholey, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Catherine G. Burke, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Graddy, Ph.D.; Phoebe Liebig, Ph.D. (Gerontology); Jeffrey S. McCombs Ph.D. (Pharmacy); Michael Nichol, Ph.D. (Pharmacy); Peter Robertson, Ph.D.*; Shui Yan Tang, Ph.D.*; Kathleen Wilber, Ph.D. (Gerontology)
Assistant Professors: Lavonna Blair, Ph.D.; Cameron Gordon, Ph.D.; David Grazman, Ph.D.; Juliette Musso, Ph.D.; Gary Painter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Clinical Public Administration: Michael Cousineau, Dr.P.H.
Adjunct Associate Professors: Gerald Barkdoll, D.P.A.; Timothy Hodson, Ph.D.; M. Steven Lipton, J.D.; Willard Price, Ph.D.; John Schunhoff, Ph.D.; Daniel Straub, Ph.D.; Karen Smith Thiel, Ph.D.; Michael White, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant Professors: Cary Adams, J.D.; Jonathan Brown, D.P.A.; Michael Brailoff, D.P.A.; John Coyne, Dr.P.H.; James Dulgeroff, Ph.D.; Curtis Henke, Ph.D.; Patrick E. Kapsner, M.P.A., F.A.C.M.P.E.; John Laughlin, D.P.A.
Clinical Professors: Gerald G. Bosworth, M.P.A.; Lee Domanico, M.S.; Patrick G. Hays, M.H.A.
Clinical Associate Professors: Duane A. Carlberg, M.P.A.; John W. Chambers, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant Professors: Jeffrey L. Buckingham, M.B.A.; William Edgar, M.G.A.; Norman Hensley, M.P.A.; Michael Leahy, M.B.A.; Michael Linn, M.A.; George H. Mack, M.H.A.; Bruce Noda, M.A.; Richard R. Pacheco, M.P.A.; G. Peter Shostak, M.H.A.; Robert M. Stein, Ph.D.; Joseph Stewart, A.B.D.; Hobson T. Vaught, M.B.A.
Distinguished Practitioners: Yoshi Honkawa, M.H.A.; Roy L. Thompson, D.P.A.
Emeritus Professors: Robert M. Carter, D.Crim.; Lois Friss, Dr.P.H.; John Gerletti, Ed.D.; David Mars, Ph.D.; Alexander McEachern, M.A.; E.K. Nelson, D.P.A.; Warren Schmidt, Ph.D.; Gilbert Siegel, Ph.D.; William B. Storm, Ph.D.; Robert E. Tranquada, M.D.; William J. Williams, D.P.A.
Emeritus Associate Professors: Wesley E. Bjur, Ph.D.; Eli Glogow, Dr.P.H.
*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.
Degree Programs
The School of Public Administration offers the following degrees: the Bachelor of Science in Public Policy and Management; the joint degree leading to the Bachelor of Science in Public Policy, Management and Planning; minors in international policy and management, law and public policy, public management, public policy, and health policy and management; the Master of Public Administration; the Master of Health Administration; the Master of Health Care Management; the Master of Public Policy; the Master of Public Policy and Management and dual degrees with the schools of Gerontology, Urban Planning and Development, Social Work, the Law School and Hebrew Union College; Doctor of Public Administration; and, through the Graduate School, the Doctor of Philosophy.
National Honor Societies
Pi Alpha Alpha
Pi Alpha Alpha is the national honor society for public affairs and administration. Graduate students in the School of Public Administration who have completed at least 16 semester units and have earned a 3.5 grade point average are eligible for membership.
Pi Sigma Alpha
Pi Sigma Alpha is the national honor society for students in public administration, political science, and international relations. Students who have completed at least three courses from among these fields and have earned at least a 3.5 grade point average are eligible to apply.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs,
Office of University Publications