Taper Hall of Humanities 420
(213) 740-2808
E-mail: ayala@mizar.usc.eduChair: Teresa McKenna, Ph.D.
Aerol Arnold Chair in English: James R. Kincaid, Ph.D.
Leo S. Bing Chair in English and American Literature: Paul Alkon, Ph.D.; Leo B. Braudy, Ph.D.
Florence R. Scott Professorship in English: Tania Modleski, Ph.D.
Professors: Charles B. Berryman, Ph.D.; Joseph A. Boone, Ph.D.; T. Coraghessan Boyle, Ph.D.; Vincent Cheng, Ph.D.*; Joseph A. Dane, Ph.D.; Donald C. Freeman, Ph.D.; Ronald Gottesman, Ph.D.; Lawrence D. Green, Ph.D.; Richard S. Ide, Ph.D.*; Peter J. Manning, Ph.D.*; Carol Muske-Dukes, M.F.A.*; David St. John, M.F.A.
Associate Professors: William H. Brown, Jr., Ph.D.; Robert J. Dilligan, Ph.D.; David Eggenschwiler, Ph.D.*; Alice Gambrell, Ph.D.*; Robert H. Grant, Ph.D.; Thomas Gustafson, Ph.D.*; Carla Kaplan, Ph.D.; Anthony Kemp, Ph.D.; Teresa McKenna, Ph.D.; Stephen Moore, Ph.D.; Margaret Russett, Ph.D.; Hilary M. Schor, Ph.D.; Daniel Tiffany, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Judith Jackson Fossett, Ph.D.; Heather James, Ph.D.; David Leiwei Li, Ph.D.; David Rom�n, Ph.D.
Emeritus Leo S. Bing Professors: Jackson I. Cope, Ph.D.; Donald J. Greene, Ph.D., D. Litt.; Jay Martin, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professors:*Recipient of university-wide or college teaching award.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs,
Office of University Publications