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E-mail: biodept@mizar.usc.eduChair: Russel Zimmer, Ph.D.
Vice Chair: Albert Herrera, Ph.D.
ARCO/William F. Kieschnick Chair in the Neurobiology of Aging: Caleb E. Finch, Ph.D.
George and Louise Kawamoto Chair in the Biological Sciences: Norman Arnheim, Ph.D.
William M. Keck Chair in Psychology and Biological Sciences: Richard F. Thompson, Ph.D. (Psychology)
William and Sylvia Kugel Dean's Chair in Gerontology: Edward L. Schneider, M.D. (Gerontology)
McCulloch-Crosby Chair in Invertebrate Zoology: Jed Fuhrman, Ph.D.
USC Associates Chair in Natural Sciences: Michael S. Waterman (Mathematics)
Milo Don and Lucille Appleman Endowed Professorship in Biological Sciences: Larry Swanson, Ph.D.
Professors: M. Michael Appleman, Ph.D.; Michael A. Arbib, Ph.D. (Computer Science); Robert F. Baker, Ph.D.; Gerald Bakus, Ph.D.; Michel Baudry, Ph.D.; Sarah Bottjer, Ph.D.; William Louis Byerly, Ph.D.; Richard C. Deonier, Ph.D.; Arnold Dunn, Ph.D.*; Myron F. Goodman, Ph.D.; Albert A. Herrera, Ph.D.*; Dale Kiefer, Ph.D.; Chien-Ping Ko, Ph.D.; William O. McClure, Ph.D.*; Maria Pellegrini, Ph.D. (Dean of Research)*; John A. Petruska, Ph.D.; Cornelius W. Sullivan, Ph.D. (Vice Provost for Research); Miriam M. Susskind, Ph.D.; Simon Tavar�, Ph.D. (Mathematics); Russel L. Zimmer, Ph.D.
Associate Professors: Donal T. Manahan, Ph.D.; Anthony F. Michaels, Ph.D.; Edwin M. Perkins, Ph.D.*; Peter M. Shugarman, Ph.D.*; Alan Watts, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: Loren Smith, Ph.D.; John Tower, Ph.D.; Rahul Warrior, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professors: Kirk Fitzhugh, Ph.D.; Joel W. Martin, Ph.D.; Robert Lavenberg, Ph.D.; Tod F. Stuessy, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate Professor: Gordon Hendler, Ph.D.
Research Professor: Dorothy Soule, Ph.D.
Research Associate Professors: Rodolfo H. Iturriaga, Ph.D.; Burton H. Jones, Ph.D.; Richard Edward Pieper, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professors: Stephanie Helene Astrow, Ph.D.; William P. Cochlan, Ph.D.; Xiaoxi L. Qiao, Ph.D.; Alexander Reyes, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professors: Bernard C. Abbott, Ph.D.*; James W. Bartholomew, Ph.D.; Robert Bils, Ph.D.; Harrison M. Kurtz, Ph.D.*; Basil G. Nafpaktitis, Ph.D.; Walter E. Martin, Ph.D.; John L. Mohr, Ph.D.
Academic Program Staff
Directors of Instructional Laboratories: Alex Andrasi, B.S.; Linda Bazilian, M.S.; Martin M. Huh, Ph.D.; Alan Norton, Ph.D.*Recipient of university-wide or college teaching award.
The Department of Biological Sciences has research faculty with specialties in three disciplines: marine biology and biological oceanography, molecular biology, and neurobiology. A diversity of upper division undergraduate and graduate courses permits biology majors to choose an emphasis in any of these three disciplines.The department offers both B.A. and B.S. degrees in biological sciences and an honors program in which a student can earn either a B.A. or a B.S. degree in biological sciences with honors and with an emphasis in one of the three areas of research offered by department faculty. The honors program is available to students who maintain GPAs of 3.5 overall and in the sciences and who have completed their freshman year. The honors program includes research opportunities, seminars and thesis preparation courses.
Undergraduates in biological sciences with GPAs of 3.0 or better overall and in the sciences also have the opportunity to become involved in laboratory or field research by taking research courses for some of their elective units.
At the graduate level, the department offers challenging degree programs that lead to an M.S. and/or Ph.D. in Biology (with options in either Marine Biology/Biological Oceanography or Neurobiology/Cell Biology) and an M.S. and/or Ph.D. in Molecular Biology.
Honor Society
The Department of Biological Sciences offers membership in Phi Sigma, a national honor society, to selected biology majors. The advisor is Professor John Petruska, Ph.D.Undergraduate Degrees
Admission Requirements
High school chemistry is required for admission to BISC 110L.Advisement
Prior to the first semester as departmental majors, students are to consult with a departmental freshman or transfer faculty advisor. All majors are assigned a faculty advisor whose advice and signature are required prior to registration each semester. Students may not register in any biological sciences courses above the 100 level unless the advisor signs an advisory permit prior to pre-registration or registration. Information concerning freshman and transfer student advisement and the areas of faculty interest may be obtained from the departmental office.Pre-Medical and Other Pre-Professional Preparation
The department offers specially planned courses within the biological sciences to prepare students for admission to professional schools (medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pharmacy, optometry, public health), paramedical sciences (medical technology, physician's assistant, clinical and public health microbiology, clinical biochemistry), naturalist and environmental positions in the public and private sectors and graduate study (basic biological and biomedical fields). With the proper selection of courses under the guidance of the Department of Biological Sciences and the School of Education, the B.S. degree satisfies the California requirements for secondary school teaching in the life sciences.Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
The general education, writing, language and diversity requirements for an LAS degree are applicable.
Major core courses, Lower division Units BISC 110L Introduction to Biology I 4 BISC 112L Introduction to Biology II, or BISC 113L Advanced Introduction to Biology II 4 Major core courses, Upper division Units BISC 300L Introduction to Microbiology, or BISC 307L General Physiology, or BISC 315L Introduction to Ecology 4 BISC 311 Molecular Biology 4 BISC 313 Evolution and Population Genetics 4 BISC 316L Biochemistry and Cell Biology 4 Collateral sciences core courses, Lower division Units CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4 MATH 125 Calculus I 4 MATH 126 Calculus II, or MATH 208x Elementary Probability and Statistics 4 PHYS 135abL Physics for the Life Sciences, or PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4 PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4 Collateral sciences core courses, Upper division Units CHEM 322abL Organic Chemistry, or CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4 Upper Division Major Requirements
Four (4-unit) upper-division BISC elective courses are required; one must be a laboratory course or BISC 490. Not more than four units of BISC 490 can be used to fulfill the upper-division elective requirement.Total required units: 128
Free elective units:12Scholarship in Major Subject
The department requires that students receive a grade no lower than C- in their six core courses. They must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the upper-division biology and chemistry courses required for the major, as well as an overall 2.0 GPA.Recommended for Entrance
High school chemistry required.Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences
The general education, writing, language and diversity requirements for an LAS degree are applicable.
Major core courses, Lower division Units BISC 110L Introduction to Biology I 4 BISC 112L Introduction to Biology II, or BISC 113L Advanced Introduction to Biology II 4 Major core courses, Upper division Units BISC 300L Introduction to Microbiology, or BISC 307L General Physiology, or BISC 315L Introduction to Ecology 4 BISC 311 Molecular Biology 4 BISC 313 Evolution and Population Genetics 4 BISC 316L Biochemistry and Cell Biology 4 Collateral sciences core courses, Lower division Units CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4 MATH 125 Calculus I 4 PHYS 135abL Physics for the Life Sciences, or PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4 PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4 Collateral sciences core courses, Upper division Units CHEM 322abL Organic Chemistry, or CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4 Upper Division Major Courses
Two (4-unit) upper-division BISC elective courses are required. No more than four units of BISC 490 may be used to fulfill the upper-division elective requirement.It is expected that students will take 100-level BISC core courses during the first year, two 300-level BISC core courses during the second year, and the remaining core courses and the 300- or 400-level BISC major elective courses during the third and fourth years.
Biological sciences curricula satisfy all of the requirements for admission to schools of medicine and dentistry.
Total required units: 128
Free elective units: 12
Scholarship in Major Subject
The department requires that students receive a grade no lower than C- in their six core courses. They must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the upper-division biology and chemistry courses required for the major, as well as an overall 2.0 GPA.Recommended for Entrance
High school chemistry is required.Honors Programs
The department offers an honors program to outstanding students already pursuing studies for the B.A. or B.S. degree in Biological Sciences. This program offers students an opportunity to participate in undergraduate research, experience in writing an honors thesis summarizing the completed research, and experience in an honors seminar. Honors students are required to take two semesters of BISC 493x Honors Seminar (1 unit/semester) and one semester of BISC 494x Honors Thesis (2 units) in addition to fulfilling all requirements of the B.A. or B.S. degree. Honors students must also choose BISC 490x as one of their four upper division electives. This program leads to the designation on the transcript of Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences with Honors.Honors Admission Requirements
Students may apply to the department for admission to the honors program after having completed at least one year of work at USC with a minimum GPA of 3.5.Upper Division Major Elective Courses
BISC 490x and a minimum of three, four-unit upper-division BISC elective courses are required; two courses may be 300-level core courses not taken in satisfaction of the core requirement.Honors Scholarship Requirements
For continuation in the honors programs, students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a minimum GPA of 3.5 in the sciences and mathematics with no grade in these courses lower than a C.Minor in Biological Sciences
Requirements for the minor are: BISC 110L, BISC 112L or BISC 113L, BISC 311, BISC 313; CHEM 105abL or 115abL; MATH 125; PHYS 135abL or 151L and 152L; CHEM 322abL or 325abL; and two four-unit upper-division BISC electives.Minor in Natural Science
The minor in natural science will first provide students with a foundation in the basic sciences of physics, chemistry and biology. Each student will then build on this by selecting a variety of electives to meet individual scientific interests and academic goals.
Required Courses (22 Units) Units Any five courses from among: BISC 110L Introduction to Biology I 4 BISC 112L Introduction to Biology II, or BISC 113 Advanced Introductionto Biology II 4 CHEM 105aL General Chemnistry, or CHEM 115aL Advanced General Chemistry 4 CHEM 105bL General Chemistry, or CHEM 115bL Advanced General Chemistry 4 PHYS 135aL Physics for the Life Sciences 4 PHYS 135bL Physics for the Life Sciences 4 And a capstone course: Units MDA 321 Science, Technology and Society 2 Elective Courses (8 units)Any two courses chosen from among those offered for major credit by the departments of chemistry, physics, biological sciences, earth sciences and exercise science. Not available to majors in the natural sciences or engineering.
Graduate Degrees
Degree Programs in Biology
Graduate students may apply to one of three programs of study within the Department of Biological Sciences at the time of their admission to graduate study: the graduate programs in marine biology/biological oceanography and neurobiology/cell biology, both of which lead to the Master of Science or Doctor of Philosophy degrees in biology with emphasis in either chosen area; and the graduate program in molecular biology, which leads to a Master of Science or Ph.D. degree in molecular biology. The three programs emphasize different levels of biological organization and consequently may require somewhat different undergraduate preparation.Biology
The graduate programs in biology with emphases in marine biology/biological oceanography and neurobiology/cell biology provide education and training of biologists interested in living systems ranging from cellular to ecosystem levels of organization, investigated by laboratory or field work. Courses and faculty research interests allow a multidisciplinary approach. Specialty areas of particular strength include marine biology, biological oceanography, neurobiology, and cell biology. A number of additional research areas are provided by adjunct faculty in the adjacent Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History and elsewhere. Students develop the ability to formulate and test hypotheses, integrating information and concepts in the completion of a research project (M.S.) or dissertation (Ph.D.). A guidance committee is formed for each student during the first year to develop a particular program of course work and research, and to evaluate the student's progress. Specific information about the options in Biological Sciences can be obtained by requesting marine biology and neurobiology information brochures.Admission Requirements
Applicants must have a bachelor's degree in a natural science (preferably biology), or in mathematics or engineering; required background courses include organic chemistry, general physics and mathematics through integral calculus. Applicants are evaluated by their transcripts and GPA; scores on the GRE General Test and a GRE Subject Test in a natural science (preferably biology); three letters of recommendation; and a statement of interests. A faculty member must serve as initial sponsor and advisor. Applicants who are accepted but judged to have minor deficiencies are expected to correct them within the first year.Applications include a university and a departmental form; these may be obtained from: Graduate Student Coordinator, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0371.
Degree Requirements
These degrees are awarded under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Refer to the Requirements for Graduation section and the Graduate School section of the catalogue for general regulations. All courses applied toward the degrees must be courses accepted by the Graduate School.Master of Science in Biology
The M.S. degree program in biology admits students for a terminal degree only; students who may later wish to continue for a doctorate should enter the Ph.D. program initially, in which case the M.S. can be earned along the way by completion of the M.S. requirements.program but a paper, based on the student's original research investigation of a selected program in biology, constitutes one of the requirements. Each student must take two full biology graduate core courses (BISC 582, BISC 583), two seminars and additional graduate courses or research units for a minimum of 24 units. Students also must satisfy the residency and other requirements of the Graduate School. Further details of these requirements are contained within each graduate program's particular requirements and policies.
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
Students pursuing this degree choose between two broad areas of specialization, a marine biology/biological oceanography option and a neurobiology/cell biology option. Each option specifies particular course work and other requirements. A minimum total of 60 units is required, consisting of formal courses, seminars and research credit. At least 24 of the minimum 60 total units required are to be formal graduate course work (lecture or seminar courses). Candidates must also pass a screening examination to determine competence and point out deficiencies, fulfill a research tool requirement (computer skills, biostatistics, quantitative chemistry), and meet the residency and other requirements of the Graduate School. Because teaching experience is considered to be an important part of graduate training, each student is required to serve two semesters as a teaching assistant within the department.Before the end of the fifth semester, each student must pass a written and oral qualifying examination given by the student's guidance committee. The written part involves answering a number of questions at length. The oral part is in the area of the student's intended research, based on a project selected and developed by the student into a written proposition. After passing the qualifying examination, the student completes the research investigation and any other requirements under the guidance of the research advisor who also chairs the dissertation committee. The student then writes a dissertation, which must be defended by the student before committee approval.
In the marine biology/biological oceanography option, each student receives a general background in marine sciences and obtains in-depth specialization in a research area of his or her choosing. Each student's curriculum is fitted to the particular needs and demands of the chosen research field. The 24 units of formal course work must include the two specified core courses (BISC 582, BISC 583) as well as six two-unit graduate seminars. Students are required to participate in the marine sciences seminar series, in which formal seminars given by distinguished outside speakers alternate with informal presentations by graduate students and faculty.
The neurobiology/cell biology option provides each student with a broad, fundamental background in neurobiology and with detailed knowledge and expertise in the chosen area of concentration. Each student's curriculum is tailored to the particular interests of that individual. The formal course work includes 12 units of specified courses (a two semester core sequence plus four BISC 539 seminars) and 12 units of advanced electives chosen from a long list of courses in Biological Sciences, Psychology, Computer Science, and other relevant departments. Students are expected to attend and participate in departmental research seminars.
Molecular Biology
This program is designed to train the participants intensively in the concepts and experimental methodologies of molecular biology and biochemistry. The subject matter is organized in an integrated fashion (lectures, seminars and laboratory) to present fundamental information on the biochemistry, biophysics, genetics and development of cells from a variety of different organisms. Primary emphasis is on the relationship between structure and function at different integrative and functional levels. Applications may be obtained from: Graduate Student Coordinator, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA 90089-0371.Admission Requirements
Applicants are expected to have a bachelor's degree or equivalent in a cognate area such as biology, chemistry, physics, engineering or bacteriology. Undergraduate work should include a basic course in biology, basic physics, physical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry and calculus. Students who are deficient in any of these may be required to correct the deficiency during the first two years of graduate study. Courses taken to correct these deficiencies are usually not credited toward the degree. The student must submit letters of recommendation from at least three faculty members who can evaluate the promise of the student for graduate work and independent research. The applicant must take the GRE General Test prior to acceptance.Degree Requirements
These degrees are awarded under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Refer to the Requirements for Graduation section and the Graduate School section of this catalogue for general regulations. All courses applied toward the degrees must be courses accepted by the Graduate School.Master of Science in Molecular Biology
The study of molecular biology places so many demands upon the student that it is difficult to attain any satisfactory level of competence in the time generally taken for a master's degree. Therefore, enrollment of graduate students as master's degree applicants is not encouraged and is reserved for special circumstances. The curriculum of the master's student is patterned after that of the doctorate up to and including the qualifying examination, but not including thesis research. The qualifying examination will serve as the comprehensive master's examination.Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Biology
During the first year, the student's program is under the direction of an initial guidance committee composed of members of the committee on admissions to the program. Before the end of the second semester a permanent guidance committee, chaired by the student's research director, is established. Thereafter, the student's program of studies and dissertation is under the direction of the permanent guidance committee and the dissertation committee.Screening Procedure
In the third semester the student's progress is discussed and evaluated by the guidance committee. The purpose of this evaluation is to determine competence to continue graduate study, and to point out deficiencies to be remedied prior to the qualifying examination.Course Requirements
A minimum of 24 of the 60 units required for the Ph.D. degree must be in formal course work, exclusive of research. These must include the core courses, BISC 502a and BISC 502b, to be completed in the first year with a B average. Additionally, students will register for BISC 504L (3-3) in both semesters. In the fall semester of the second year, students will choose an additional course in developmental biology or genomics (BIOC 542 or BISC 505). Students must participate in molecular biology seminars. Other courses may be chosen, in consultation with the program chair, from graduate offerings of this and other departments.Language Requirement
Students in the graduate program in molecular biology are not required to pass a foreign language examination.Qualifying Examination
The examinations qualifying the student for candidacy for the Ph.D. in molecular biology must be initiated in the second semester of the second year. The first part is written and consists of comprehensive questions covering the student's knowledge of prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular biology and developmental biology or genomics. The second part is an oral examination. It consists of general questions and the presentation and defense of a proposition outlining a research program, which must be in a field other than the student's immediate research interest. This examination sequence must be completed by the end of the fifth semester of the program.Doctoral Dissertation
The dissertation is based on original, publishable, and significant research conducted independently by the student under the guidance of the dissertation committee.Defense of the Dissertation
The defense of the dissertation is either a defense oral or a final oral. In most cases a defense oral will suffice if approved by the dissertation committee.Student Teaching
Since most graduates in biological sciences will spend some part of their careers in academic work, teaching experience is considered an important part of graduate training. Each graduate student in the program is therefore required to assist in the teaching program of the Department of Biological Sciences.
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Office of University Publications