Dentistry (DENT)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
221 Introduction to Dentistry (1) History and current role of dental science in the health services field; review of research; overview of dental procedures with laboratory experience and practice observation.
402 Formal Science-Writing (2) A scientist-taught, lecture-workshop-tutorial format for developing skills in formal science-writing (e.g., abstracts, journal articles, grants). Not open to students in the School of Dentistry. Prerequisite: upper division standing in science and preprofessional majors.
Advanced Dental Education Conjoint Program (ADNT)
701 Research Methodologies in Dentistry (2) Critical evaluation of the scientific principles in the development,execution, and interpretation of methodologies used in dentistry.
702 Physical Diagnosis (2) Didactic and clinical experience in physical diagnosis relevant to practice of the dental specialties. Lecture, 1 hour; demonstration, 1 hour.
703abcdefhij Seminar: Combined Treatment Planning (2 each) Interdisciplinary consideration of complex cases which involve several of the dental specialties.
704abc Oral Biology (1-13 each) Interdisciplinary consideration of contemporary biology of the cell, bone, teeth, periodontium, occlusion, dental pulp, pain and human growth and development.
705 Biomaterials in Developmental Dentistry (1) Metallurgy and the mechanical properties of orthodontic wires: selection and attachment of wires, orthodontic force delivery systems, and tissue adaptation to tooth movement. Lecture, 1 hour.
706 Seminar: Diseases of Childhood (2) Childhood disorders with emphasis on disease with dental implications; genetic disorders and oral-facial syndromes. Seminar,
2 hours.707 Behavior of the Child Patient (2) Child and adolescent psychological growth and development: Human communication, needs, motivation, and learning. Critical analysis of patient management, team treatment, and practice administration. Lecture,
2 hours.710 Internship: Dental Education (1-5) Practical experience teaching predoctoral students. Units and hours variable.
Anatomy (ANAT)
321 Head and Neck Anatomy (2) Anatomy of the head and neck with lecture and laboratory demonstration for dental hygienists.
501 Functional Neuroanatomy-Neurophysiology (3) Structure and function of the human nervous system. Includes participation in neurology clinics at LAC + USC
Medical Center.521 Head and Neck Anatomy (3) Detailed morphology of the head and neck emphasizing considerations applicable to dentistry; morphology of the thorax; osteology the skull.
522 Systemic Human Anatomy (3) Structure and function of the human body; organ systems and morphology of the abdomen and pelvis; axilla and arm; osteology of the skull.
523 Head and Neck Dissection (1) Laboratory experience in dissection of the structures of the human head and neck with emphasis on the osteology and morphology of the face.
621 Regional Anatomical Study (1-3) Intensive study of limited regions of the human body through discussion, dissection, special preparations, and literature review. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: permission of course director.
701 Advanced Head and Neck Anatomy (1) Detailed study of structure and function of the orofacial region including recent research and advances in dentistry.
722 Advanced Head and Neck Anatomy Laboratory (1) Dissection of the head and neck with emphasis on the osteology and morphology of the face. Prerequisite: ANAT 701 enrollment and permission of course director.
Anesthesia and Medicine (AMED)
421 Seminar: Teaching Local Anesthesia (1) Techniques of teaching local anesthesia to dental hygiene students.
502 Emergency Medicine (2) Recognition and management of life-threatening emergencies, including unconsciousness, altered consciousness, respiratory distress, convulsions, drug-related emergencies, and chest pain.
521 Local Anesthesia (1) Theory and technique of local anesthetics; prevention and treatment of complications; introduction to use of adjunctive premedication.Clinical experience with administration of local anesthesia.
522 Pharmacosedation I (1) Introduction to anxiety control and sedation in dentistry; indications, contraindications; drugs and techniques in oral, rectal, intramuscular, and inhalation sedation; prevention and management of complications.
523 Pharmacosedation II (1) Introduction to intravenous sedation; evaluation of patient, selection of technique and procedure; prevention of complications, recognition and management of complications; introduction to general anesthesia.
602 Monitoring: Electrocardiology and Vital Signs (1) Physical status evaluation through monitoring of central nervous,cardiovascular and respiratory systems; electrocardiography, bloodpressure and pulse, pulse oximetry, breath and heart sounds; clinicexperience included.
605abcde Seminar: Intravenous Sedation (0-0-0-0-4) Review of the literature and a selection of case studies in intravenoussedation. Prerequisite: consent of course director.
606abcde Clinical Intravenous Sedation (0-0-0-0-3) Management of patients receiving intravenous sedation, includingphysical evaluation, patient monitoring, recognition and managementof unconscious airway and emergency situations; IV sedation procedures.Prerequisite: consent of course director.
610 Physical Diagnosis/Cardiology (1) Participation in the Cardiac Clinic at LAC + USC Medical Center;experience in cardiac auscultation, abnormal breath sounds, useof cardiac drugs, and prosthetic valve management.
613abcde Clinic: Intravenous Sedation (0-0-0-0-3) Clinical experience in intravenous sedation including physicalevaluation, patient monitoring, and management of unconsciousairway. Prerequisite: AMED 606e and departmental approval.
750abc Physical Evaluation and Anesthesia (2-2-1) In-depth examination of physical evaluation, emergency medicine,basic life support, inhalation sedation, intravenous sedation,local anesthesia, and patient monitoring; includes clinical experience.
Biochemistry (DBIO)
310 Biochemistry and Nutrition (4) Survey of structures and metabolic relationships of major biochemicals;applications of nutrition in human development, dentistry, diseasestates; diet analysis and counseling.
501 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2) Biochemical properties of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids,proteins, and nucleic acids emphasizing molecular structure-functioninterrelatedness, integrated metabolism, and molecular biologyof the cell.
Craniofacial Biology (CBY)
462 Physiology for the Health Professions (4) (Enroll in PHBI 462)
561 Molecular Genetics (4, Sp) (Enroll in INTD 561)
562 Systems and Integrative Physiology (4, Sp) (Enroll in PHBI 562)
571 Biochemistry (4, Fa) (Enroll in INTD 571)
573 Molecular Embryology (4) Principles of developmental biology; emphasis on molecular geneticsand cell and molecular mechanisms of tissue interaction and morphodifferentiation.
574 Statistical Methods in Bioexperimentation (3) Experimental design and analysis as applied to all levels ofbiologic organization; hypothesis construction; probability; univariateand multivariate analysis; basic epidemiology.
575ab Biologic Basis of Oral-Facial Disease (3-3) Cell and molecular biology of oral tissues in disease; emphasison (a) immunopathology, and (b) molecular oral pathology.
577L Principles of Teratology (4) Environmental factors associated with human congenital malformations;emphasis on drug-induced birth defects; limited laboratory usingavian and mammalian animal models.
579L Craniofacial Molecular Genetics (4) Principles and methodologies of mammalian molecular genetics;laboratory exercises applied to pre- and postnatal craniofacialgrowth and development.
580ab Seminars in Craniofacial Biology (2-2) Seminars presented by recognized researchers in the various disciplinesrelating to craniofacial biology; selected readings in preparationfor discussion. Graded CR/NC.
582L Laboratory Methods (3) Contemporary methods of laboratory analysis, including theoreticaland practical exposure to procedures and equipment in the researchlaboratory.
583 Craniofacial Clinical Genetics (4) Principles of human genetics; clinically oriented normal andabnormal human embryology; diagnosis and natural history of humancraniofacial birth defects; genetic counseling and bioethics.
585 Systematic Approach to Scientific Writing (2) Development of skills for preparing clear, concise, and cogentscientific abstracts and publications.
586x Scientific Writing Practicum (3) Development of writing skill while completing a discipline-requiredproject (proposal, dissertation, journal article). Seminar andtutorial format. Not for graduate credit. Prerequisite: CBY 585or DENT 402.
587 Cell and Molecular Biology of Craniofacial Tissues (3) Contemporary cell and molecular biology as applied to the development,structure, and function of craniofacial tissues. Prerequisite:departmental approval.
590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the masters degree. Maximum units whichmay be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.Graded CR/NC.
594abz Masters Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Seminars on craniofacial biology in subject areas of specialinterest to faculty and students.
670 Scientific Policy: Past, Present and Future (2) Literature related to the genesis of scientific policy, includingpresentation and analysis of mechanisms for submission of researchgrants and contracts.
671 Epistemology and Ethos of Bioscience (2) Classical and contemporary thought on knowledge acquisition,truth, and method as applied to bioscience; characteristic spirit,beliefs, and moral assumptions of bioscientists in modern history.
672 Advances in Development and Differentiation (2) Integration of recent advances in cell and molecular developmentalbiology into classical and emerging thematic frameworks.
673 Biomineralization (2) Fundamental principles and mechanisms of matrix mediated biomineralizationin model systems from bacteria to humans.
674 Advanced Oral Microbiology (2) Cell and molecular aspects of microbiology as applied to oralinfections: microbial physiology and genetics; oral microbialecology; host resistance factors in oral infections.
790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may beapplied to the degree to be determined by the department. GradedCR/NC.
794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.
Community Dentistry (CMDT)
501ab Introduction to Community Dentistry Programs (0-1) Lectures and practical field experiences introducing the roleof the dentist in a variety of organized public health programs.
502ab Contemporary Dental Practice (2-2) Economic, legal, and professional aspects of dental practice;alternative careers in dentistry.
507abc Ethical Issues in the Practice of Dentistry (0-0-1) Examination of the major ethical issues in the current practiceof dentistry; study of effective and proper methods of addressingthe issues.
601 Mobile Clinic (1) Clinic experience in provision of dental care for children oflow income agricultural workers through use of mobile dental clinicon location.
602 Forensic Dentistry (1) Clinical introduction to forensic dentistry, including dentalevidence in identification procedures, bite mark evidence, dentistrysrole in disaster planning.
603 Multiphasic Experiences in Extramural Dentistry (1) Community responsibilities of dentists in a dynamic society.Practical experiences include consultations and visitations toprivate offices, group practices, hospitals, and neighborhoodhealth clinics.
604 Dental History and Bioethics (1) Evolution of the dental profession and the legal ethical codeswhich influence the interaction between dentistry and society.
606 Business Principles in Dentistry (2) Overview of basic business administration principles, includingeconomics, accounting, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, andstrategic planning as relevant to the practice of dentistry.
607abc Sports Dentistry (0-0-2) The role of the dentist in prevention, diagnosis, and treatmentof sports related dental trauma; recognition and correct referralof sports injuries and medical problems; clinical treatment ofathletes including exposure to cerebral concussion, hypothermia,heat stroke and Sudden Death Syndrome.
608abc Community Service (0-0-1, Irregular) Two one-hour seminars plus four separate days of field experience.Participate in health fairs, classroom screening, health education,career counseling, and other community
Dental Hygiene (DHYG)
311ab Fundamentals of Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice (3-3, FaSp) Principles and techniques of clinical dental hygiene with emphasison preventive dentistry; laboratory and preclinical experiencein techniques of complete oral prophylaxis services; and clinicalapplication thereof.
314L Dental Morphology Laboratory (1) Fundamentals of tooth morphology and characteristics of the deciduousand permanent dentition. Laboratory, 3 hours.
316 Patient Education in Preventive Dental Care (1) Principles and methods for teaching and motivating patients topractice effective oral care.
318 Dental Specialties (2) Procedures performed in selected dental specialty areas with emphasison the role of the dental hygienist.
320 Preventive Dental Therapy (1) Study of the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseaseand dental caries; therapeutic use of fluorides.
401 Introduction to Advanced Dental Hygiene (2) Principles and techniques of advanced dental hygiene with emphasison advanced root instrumentation and dental hygiene treatmentplanning.
410abc Clinic: Dental Hygiene (2-7 each) Application of advanced techniques with emphasis on increasedproficiency in skills: principles of prevention; periodontal examination;root planing; soft tissue curettage; local anesthesia; inhalationsedation.
411ab Dental Literature Review (2-2) Seminar-discussion and analysis of current dental literaturein selected topics related to dental hygiene practice.
412 Preventive Dental Care Programs (1) Methods for development and implementation of programs involvedwith the delivery of preventive dental care.
413ab Dental Hygiene Educational Concepts (2-2) Educational concepts for development of dental hygiene curriculum,including teaching and learning strategies, curriculum design,course development and evaluation methods.
414ab Advanced Dental Hygiene (2-2) Advanced dental hygiene techniques: treatment, referral and maintenanceof the advanced periodontitis patient emphasizing treatment planningand patient management.
415ab Directed Clinical Teaching (2-2) Experience in clinical teaching with supervision and evaluationof undergraduate dental hygiene and doctoral dental students engagingin patient care.
416ab Community Dental Health (1-1) Lectures and practical application of the principles of publichealth as related to the hygienist; involvement with oral healthproblems of a group of people not normally seen as patients. Lecture,1 hour.
417 Issues in Dental Health Care Delivery (1) Study of current trends in public health care delivery, manpower,finance mechanisms, and quality assurance.
422 Essentials of Dental Hygiene Practice (1) A review of the moral, legal, and ethical responsibilities ofthe dental hygienist. Other topics: securing a position, dentaleconomics, taxes, insurance, and human relationships in the dentaloffice. Lecture, 1 hour.
424 Research Methods (2) Critical evaluation of scientific literature; techniques of writingand coordinating scientific information for research papers; techniquesfor preparation of scientific table clinics.
430 Seminar: Initial Periodontal Therapy (2) Presentation of selected clinical cases with documentation ofclinical findings, diagnosis, treatment planning, and therapy.
431 Seminar: Periodontal Treatment Planning (2) Periodontal treatment planning; case presentations of uncomplicatedperiodontitis progressing to complex treatment involving multidisciplinaryapproach.
460abcd Clinic: Advanced Dental Hygiene (2-2-1-1) Clinical experience in advanced dental hygiene; preventive andtherapeutic skills with emphasis on advanced periodontal instrumentationand expanded functions for the registered dental hygienist.
Oral Diagnosis and Radiology (DIAG)
415 Radiographic Techniques (1) Clinical application of radiographic chairside and dark roomtechniques and quality control.
521 Principles of Oral Radiology (2) Introduction to ionizing radiation and its use in the health professions;radiation biology, physics and hygiene; descriptive terms
used in radiography, with illustrations; documentation.522 Radiographic Techniques (1) Clinical applications of radiographic chairside and darkroom techniques;quality control and evaluation of the radiograph.
610 Clinic: Advanced Chronic Facial Pain (1) Clinical experience in diagnosis, treatment planning, and treatmentof patients with chronic orofacial pain. Prerequisite: departmentalapproval.
621 CAD/CAM in Dentistry (1) Modern principles of dental Computer Assisted Design/ComputerAssisted Manufacturing and will fabricate such restorations inthe
Dental Materials (DMAT)
316L Dental Materials and Clinical Procedures (2) Biomechanical principles, properties, and manipulation of dentalmaterials; armamentarium for various dental
procedures.505 Dental Materials Update (1) Biocompatibility of dental materials, restorative materials andtechniques update, critical analysis of published literature.Includes specific laboratory testing research methodology anddesign of clinical trials.
521ab Dental Materials (2-2) Properties, biomechanical function, manipulation, and clinicalapplication of dental materials. Correlates restorative, biological,and materials sciences.
701 Advanced Biomaterials (2) Fundamental principles of materials science and clinical dentistryrelative to proper selection and manipulation of dental materials.DentalProblem Based Learning (DPBL)
501abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure I (3-3-3,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S. program required.
502abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function I (8-8-8,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
503abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior I (2-2-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
504abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryI (4-4-4, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
511abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure II (2-2-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 502c.
512abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function II (5-5-5,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
513abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior II (3-3-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
514abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryII (7-7-8, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL504c.
521abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 511c.
522abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL512c.
523abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormalbehavior including communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patientmanagement, phobias associated with treatment of patients withand without special needs. All material discussed with directrelationship to a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite:DPBL 502c.
524abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryIII (14-14-14, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
531ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 502c.
532ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL512c.
533ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL523c.
534ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryIV (13-13, FaSp) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
Dental Problem Based Learning (DPBL)
501abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure I (3-3-3,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S. program required.
502abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function I (8-8-8,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
503abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior I (2-2-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
504abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryI (4-4-4, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Acceptance to D.D.S.program required.
511abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure II (2-2-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 502c.
512abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function II (5-5-5,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
513abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior II (3-3-2,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
514abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryII (7-7-8, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL504c.
521abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 511c.
522abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL512c.
523abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior III (1-1-1,FaSpSm) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
524abc Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryIII (14-14-14, FaSpSm) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
531ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Structure IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal structuresincluding anatomy, cell biology, embryology, histology, pathologyfrom cells, tissues and organs of the human body. All materialdiscussed with direct relationship to a well-characterized humanclinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL 502c.
532ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Function IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal functionincluding biochemistry, endocrinology, genetics, immunology, microbiology,nutrition, pharmacology, physiology from cells, tissues and organsof the human body. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL512c.
533ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Behavior IV (1-1,FaSp) Problem based learning presentation of normal and abnormal behaviorincluding communication, ethics, multiculturalism, patient management,phobias associated with treatment of patients with and withoutspecial needs. All material discussed with direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL523c.
534ab Dental Problem Based Learning Human Clinical DentistryIV (13-13, FaSp) Problem based learning approach to the delivery of dental healthcare. Didactic, preclinical and clinical principles of endodontics,geriatrics, oral diagnosis, oral pathology, oral radiology, oralsurgery, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, periodontics, prosthodonticsand restorative dentistry will be presented with a direct relationshipto a well-characterized human clinical case. Prerequisite: DPBL502c.
Endodontics (ENDO)
501 Clinical Endodontics (1) Diagnosis and treatment procedures for basic clinical endodontics,including management of endodontic emergencies; relationship ofendodontics to the various dental disciplines.
502 Advanced Endodontics (1) Theoretical principles for the treatment of advanced endodonticcases; alternative methods of endodontic therapy; introductionto interspecialty cases.
521 Preclinical Endodontics (3) Theoretical principles of endodontic therapy related to pulpaland periapical disease; training in procedures of localizing,preparing, and filling the root canal of human teeth.
562abcd Clinic: Concentrated Early Endodontics (0-0-0-1) Early clinical experience including assigned clinic demonstrationblock.
563ab Clinic: Endodontic Therapy (0-2) Clinical experience emphasizing diagnosis, treatment planning,and endodontic patient management.
610 Clinical Advanced Endodontics (2) In-depth discussion of endodontic surgery, retreatment, and hemisectioncases; includes clinical experience in advanced endodontic cases.Prerequisite: departmental approval.
701abcd Seminar: Biological Basis of Endodontic Therapy (1-1-1-1) Investigation of the theoretical and biological bases of clinicalendodontic procedures.
702 Seminar: Advanced Clinical Endodontics (2) Course designed to train students in the management of simpleand complex endodontic cases.
703abcd Seminar: Review of Endodontic Literature (1-1-1-1) Critical review and analysis of classical and current endodonticliterature.
704ab Seminar: Surgical Endodontics (2-2) Indications, principles, and techniques of surgical endodontics.
705ab Seminar: Endodontic Case Presentation (4-4) Student presentation of cases for critique and analysis.
710 Seminar: Endodontic Practice Management (2) Organizing, staffing, and evaluation of an endodontic practice.Modes and patterns of management including use of auxiliaries.Emphasis on endodontist-general practitioner relationship; legalaspects of dental practice. Seminar, 2 hours.
711 Alternatives in Endodontics (4) Alternative endodontic techniques presented by guest clinicians.Emphasis on endodontics and its relationship with periodontal,restorative, and surgical disciplines.
761abcdef Clinic: Advanced Endodontics (1-9 each) Advanced clinical experience emphasizing the diagnosis and managementof complicated endodontic cases.
790 Directed Research: Endodontics (1-12) Principles of planning, organizing, and executing a clinicalor educational research project. Graded CR/NC.
Fixed Prosthodontics (FPRO)
520 Preclinical Fixed Prosthodontics (ISP) (2) Basic fundamentals of fixed prosthodontics; preparation for clinicalprocedures in posterior PFMs, posterior mandibular FPDs andin restoring endodontically treated teeth.
521 Preclinical Fixed Prosthodontics I (3) Fundamentals and principles of posterior prosthodontic procedures,including diagnosis, biomechanic principles, and constructionof fixed prosthodontic restorations.
522 Preclinical Fixed Prosthodontics II (3) Fundamentals of esthetic restorations; fabrication of posteriorand anterior porcelain-fused-to-metal restorations and anteriorporcelain jacket crown; restoration of endodontically treatedteeth.
561abcd Clinic: Fixed Prosthodontics I (0-0-0-3) Clinical application of fixed prosthodontic principles in patienttreatment.
562ab Clinic: Fixed Prosthodontics II (0-3) Clinical application of fixed prosthodontic principles in patienttreatment.
601 Advanced Fixed Prosthodontics (4) Critical review and evaluation of the fixed prosthodontic literature;guided experience in the laboratory and clinical phases of fixedprosthodontic therapy. Prerequisite: consent of course director.
Geriatric and Special Patient Dentistry (GSPD)
504 Dental Treatment of the Geriatric and Special Patient (2)Social, psychological, economic and health factors which influencedental care for the geriatric and special patient populations;specific considerations and modifications of conventional dentaltreatment.
562abc Clinic: Geriatric Dentistry (0-0-1) Clinical experience in dental treatment of geriatric patientsat an extramural site.
563abc Clinic: Special Patient Care (0-0-1) Clinical experience in treatment of the physically, medically,or mentally disabled patient.
610 Clinical Gerontology (1) Clinical application of principles of geriatric dentistry. Evaluation,treatment planning, and clinical care of elderly patients at residentialand skilled-nursing care facilities.
612 Special Patient Care Clinic (1) Clinical experience in the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment planningand management of oral problems in special needs patients.
Histology (DHIS)
310 Basic Human and Oral Histology and Embryology (4, Fa) The light microscopic anatomy and ultra-structure of human tissuesand organ systems, including the functional relationship of thesestructures. Development of the face, jaws, salivaries, dentition,periodontium, microscopic anatomy of tooth germ, and oral softand hard tissues.
701 Advanced Oral Histology (2) Microscopic anatomy, ultrastructure and histochemistry of developingand functional oral tissues; based on recent advanced in oralLM, TEM, and SEM histology. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
Human Behavior (HBHV)
310 Interactional Skills in Dental Hygiene (1) Training in the application of behavioral and communication skills.
501 Behavioral Skills in Dentistry (1) Introduction to key personal, interpersonal, and professionalfactors that shape the doctor-patient relationship; ways interactionalskills influence the effectiveness, durability, and satisfactionof the doctor-patient relationship.
502 Interactional Skills (1) Introduction to purpose, objectives, and principles of clinicalinterviewing.
503 Behavioral Principles in Dentistry (2) Application of behavioral principles and communication skillsin dentistry for the international dentist: doctor-patient relationship,clinical interviewing, behavioral treatment of pain, patient management.
504 Patient Education and Management (1) Management of difficult patients; psychology and behavioral treatmentof pain; patient education of treatment planning; smoking cessationprogram.
550 Communications in Clinical Dentistry (1) Verbal and nonverbal communication in clinical dentistry; clinicalexperience in use of manual, verbal, and non-verbal communicationskills during a traumatic injection procedure.
561abcde Clinic: Behavioral Dentistry (0-0-0-0-1) Clinical application of behavioral dentistry principles. Datacollection, case presentation, fear reduction (iatrosedation),and tobacco cessation.
601 Understanding Stress in Dental Practice (2) Investigation of the approaches to understanding and managingstress, especially the stress issues in dentistry.
610 Advanced Iatrosedation (1) Clinical treatment of the apprehensive patient; application ofiatrosedative principles to the treatment of anxiety. Prerequisite:permission of course director.
612 Hypnosis for Control of Dental Apprehension (1) Control of dental fear and apprehension through iatrosedationand hypnosis; class participation in self-hypnosis, basic inductiontechniques, imagery conditioning. Prerequisite: permission ofcourse director.
Interdisciplinary - Basic Sciences (INTB)
504 Human Craniofacial Development and Genetics (3) Principles of human embryology and genetics; craniofacial developmentalbiology; molecular genetics, cytogenetics, clinical orofacialgenetics, genetic counseling; bioethics.
521 Basic and Medical Microbiology (2) Fundamentals of microbial structure, growth and physiology; majorbacterial, viral and fungal diseases, symptoms, course, controland treatment; emphasis on diseases related to dental management.
601 Advances in Oral Biology (2) Review of basics of scientific methodology; comparison betweenand indications for scientific studies and case reports; criticalreview of current dental literature.
602 Recent Advances in Nutrition (1) Reading and discussion of research articles, reviews, and othersources of information about human nutrition. Students preparebrief written critiques of the material examined.
603 Systematic Approach to Scientific Writing (2) Study of dental research publication and review of writing principles;focus on logical arrangement of information, avoidance of commonwriting flaws, attainment of syntactical fluency.
604 Clinics in Craniofacial Malformations (2) Diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of craniofacial malformations;principles of health care of craniofacial malformation patients.Includes hospital clinical observation.
650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinicaldental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methodsusing practical scientific problem solving.
651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location not limited to clinicalexperience. Student participation must be approved by AssociateDean, Academic Affairs.
690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Interdisciplinary - Developmental Dentistry (INDD)
501 Applied Growth and Development (1) Clinical relevance of chronological and biological assessmentof maturation related primarily to diagnosis and prognosis.
601 Orthodontic/Pedodontic Interface (1) Overview of the nature of the specialties of Pedodontics andOrthodontics with emphasis on their interrelated roles and theircontemporary problems.
650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinical dentalareas. Experience in research strategy, design and methods usingpractical scientific problem solving.
651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location not limited to clinicalexperience. Student participation must be approved by AssociateDean, Academic Affairs.
690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Interdisciplinary - Practice Dynamics (INTP)
501 Behavioral Strategies in Dentistry (2) Improvement of time and stress management and effectiveness inworking with others; establishment of goals in dentistry; effectivepresentation of ideas. For International Student Program.
502ab Human Relations in Dental Practice (2-2) Introduction to behavioral concepts related to pain, fear, sedation;interviewing, treatment planning; care of geriatric and handicappedpatients; patient education; includes principles of clinical application.
503abc Evaluation of Scientific Information in Clinical Practice(0-0-1) Practical guidelines for critically appraising scientific informationapplicable to the clinical practice of dentistry. Seminars willcomplement lectures with examples.
650 Dental Research Participation (1-6) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinicaldental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methodsusing practical scientific problem solving.
651 Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location not limited to clinicalexperience. Student participation must be approved by AssociateDean, Academic Affairs.
690 Directed Dental Research (1-12) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Interdisciplinary - Restorative Dentistry (INTR)
503 Preclinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (2) Interdisciplinary course focusing on diagnosis and treatmentplanning through didactic course work and workshops which willinclude data collection/assessment, diagnosis and treatment planningmethodologies, and specialty considerations.
550ab Introduction to Clinical Dentistry (0-1) Clinical operatory preparation; asepsis and sterilization; preventivedentistry; introduction to physical evaluation, extra- and intra-oralexaminations, treatment sequencing, dental specialty areas; includesclinical assisting.
551abcde Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (0-0-0-0-1)Large and small group seminars focusing on diagnosis and treatmentplanning involving multiple specialty case presentations; integratedtherapy, contingency plans and case presentations will be included.
553abcdef Clinic: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (0-0-0-0-0-2) Clinical experience in diagnostic procedures and treatment planningin care of dental patients. Includes student preparation of documentationof patient care and seminar.
650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinicaldental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methodsusing practical scientific problem solving.
651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-3, max 6) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location not limited to clinicalexperience. Student participation must be approved by AssociateDean, Academic Affairs.
690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Interdisciplinary - Surgical Sciences (INTS)
650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinicaldental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methodsusing practical scientific problem solving.
651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-3, max 6) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location- not limited to clinicalexperience. Student participation must be approved by AssociateDean, Academic Affairs.
690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Interdisciplinary - Diagnostic Sciences (INTX)
501abcdefh Integrated Basic and Applied Science I (1-1-2-2-2-2-1) Principles of anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology appliedto patient evaluation and management. Focuses on cell and connectivetissue biology, neuromuscular, blood, endocrine and cardiovascularsystems.
502abcdef Integrated Basic and Applied Science II (1-1-2-3-1-2) Principles of anatomy, histology, physiology, pathology appliedto patient evaluation and management. Focuses on respiratory,genito-urinary, gastrointestinal, hepato-biliary systems, oralbiology, nutrition and hospital dentistry.
650abcdef Dental Research Participation (1-6 each) Assist in research in basic science, biomedical, or clinicaldental areas. Experience in research strategy, design and methodsusing practical scientific problem solving.
651abcd Experience in Dental Teaching (1-6 each) Practical teaching experience in dental laboratory and clinicsettings under faculty supervision. Includes instruction in effectivemethods.
690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance;proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paperwritten. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.
Microbiology and Immunology (MBIO)
310 Principles of Microbiology and Immunology (2) Fundamental concepts of microbiology and immunology. Bacterial,viral and fungal diseases are correlated with host responses;oral manifestations of infectious disease. Emphasis on sanitationand sterilization.
501 Immunology (2) Fundamentals of immunology; basic immunopathology, especiallyconcerning the oral cavity, including immunogenetics; hypersensitivitiesand inflammation; auto-immune diseases.
Occlusion (OCCL)
310 Fundamentals of Dental Morphology (1) Fundamentals of tooth form; carving of the permanent teeth.
502 Occlusion (1) Principles of occlusion as related to clinical application oftechniques and procedures to diagnose and treatment plan malfunctionsof the stomatognathic system.
521ab Dental Morphology and Function (3-2) Fundamentals of tooth form; principles of occlusion.
522 Occlusion Laboratory (1) Laboratory experience in functional analysis and correction ofocclusal disharmonies.
601 Advanced Concepts of Occlusion (1) Historical perspective of occlusion; occlusal equilibration,effect of occlusal adjustment, instrumentation useful in occlusaltherapy. Includes clinic and laboratory experience.
Oral Medicine Oral Diagnosis (OMOD)
501 Emergency Dental Treatment (1) Dental emergencies in a general dental practice; emphasis on diagnosisof pain, trauma, infections, abscesses, myofacial problems, pulpalconsiderations, restorative goals; interrelationship of theseareas.
502 Chronic Orofacial Pain (2) Current concepts of pain mechanisms; application to differentialdiagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic head, neck, anddental pain.
505 Oral Medicine (2) Detection, recognition, assessment, management and treatmentmodification of medical conditions presented by dental patients.
506 Infection Control (1) Infection control and clinical asepsis in the dental office;ethical and legal aspects; specific agents of disease; epidemiology.
551abcd Clinic: Physical Evaluation (0-0-0-1) Obtaining medical history, performing modified physical examsand clinical laboratory tests, establishing physical status. Understandingrationale and indications for modifying dental therapy; clinicand seminar.
562abcd Clinic: Hospital Dentistry (0-0-0-1) Clinical experience in dentistry for the medically compromisedand physically handicapped patient in a hospital environment.
563abcdef Clinic: Emergency Dental Treatment (0-0-0-0-0-1) Experience in management and treatment of emergency dental problems,including diagnosis of the pain cause, provision of appropriatetherapy, and post operative instructions to the patient.
Operative Dentistry (OPER)
520 Preclinical Operative Dentistry (ISP) (3) Preparation for clinical work through study of fundamentals ofcavity design and restoration of cavity preparations on extractedteeth mounted in a manikin.
521ab Preclinical Operative Dentistry I (1-3) Introduction to terminology, materials, and instruments usedin operative dentistry; fundamentals of amalgam restoration; principlesof cavity preparation; amalgam manipulation, condensation, andcarving using extracted teeth.
522 Preclinical Operative Dentistry II (3) Fundamentals of cavity design; restoration of cavity preparationson extracted teeth mounted in the manikin.
561abcd Clinic: Operative Dentistry I (0-0-0-6) Clinical experience treating patients using all modalities ofoperative dentistry.
562ab Clinic: Operative Dentistry II (0-6) Clinical experience treating patients using all modalities ofoperative dentistry.
601 Gold Foil (1) Gold foil preparation, condensation, and finish; seminars andclinical experience on manikins.
620 Conservative Cast Gold Restorations (2) Principles of cavity preparation, fabrication technique and finishingfor conservative cast gold restorations; includes lab and clinic.Orthodontics (ORTH)
501ab Seminar: Orthodontics (0-1) Clinical use of cephalometrics and orthodontic prediction; removableorthodontic appliances and their design; case analysis; mixeddentition cases; adult tooth positioning; orthodontic banding;molar uprighting.
521 Preclinical Orthodontics (2) Evaluation, prevention, and treatment of dento-facial malformations. Construction of basic appliances to treat orthodontic problems encountered by the general practitioner.
561abcdef Clinic: Orthodontic Therapy (0-0-0-0-0-2) Diagnosis and limited treatment of orthodontic problems encountered in general practice. Diagnosis of complex orthodontic problems requiring treatment by a specialist. Prerequisite: ORTH 521 for a; a before b, etc.
674 Clinical and Molecular Bone Biology (2, Sp) Explore the impact of the application of new molecular techniques to bone biology research on our understanding of osteoporosis, oseosarcoma, hypercalcemis, etc. Open to advanced program students in dentistry only.
701ab Cephalometrics: Growth and Development (2-4; 2-4) Principles and mechanics; measurement techniques; developmental morphology; analysis and diagnosis; treatment rationales; gross radiological anatomy and osteology; facial growth. Hours vary.
702 Seminar: Review of the Orthodontic Literature (5) 2 Trimester Course Review of current orthodontic literature.
703abcdef Seminar: Advanced Orthodontics (2-8 each) Advanced diagnosis and treatment of complex orthodontic cases.Asymmetrical treatment. Hours vary.
704abc Seminar: Orthodontics in Theory and Practice (2-2-2) Review of various approaches to orthodontic treatment; includespresentation of cases.
705 Seminar: Advanced Orthodontics II (2) Office management and patient relations in orthodontic practice.
706 Surgical Orthodontics (2) Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and management of orthognathicproblems. Lecture and demonstration, 2 hours.
721 Biomechanics and Orthodontic Technic (8) Primary orthodontic techniques and basic diagnostic procedures.Typodont treatment of malocclusion, record taking, retention appliances,and beginning biomechanics.
751abcde Clinic: Advanced Orthodontics (1-10 each) Clinical orthodontics; clinical techniques, diagnostic procedures,and applied clinical therapy to selected cases of malocclusionwith emphasis on therapy and supervised treatment.
790 Directed Research: Orthodontics (1-12) Elective research in clinical and/or basic orthodontics. Hoursand credit to be arranged. Graded CR/NC.
791 Library Research (1-6) Organized literature searching and compiling of published datafor purposes of developing writing and investigative skills.
Pathology (PTHL)
312abc Medicine and Pathology (1-3-2, FaSpSm) An integrated approach to clinical, gross and microscopic studyof basic disease processes, systemic pathology, oral pathology,internal medicine, pathophysiology, physical evaluation and emergencymedicine for significant organ systems. Clinical-pathologic correlationstressed. Evaluation, classification, and differential diagnosisof oral lesions; disease recognition and dental treatment modification.
501 Oral Pathology (3) Clinical radiographic, gross and microscopic characteristicsof mucosal, skin, fibroosseous and salivary gland diseases; odontogenictumors and cysts; benign and malignant neoplasms and iatrogenicconditions.
504ab Seminar: Oral Pathology (0-0) Clinico-pathologic discussion of oral pathosis cases. A varietyof unknown cases representing diagnostic problems are analyzed.Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical/ radiographic features, therapyand prognosis are stressed.
601 Advanced Oral Pathology Seminar (2) Detailed discussion and analysis of many cases representing awide variety of oral pathologic conditions stressing differentialdiagnosis and clinical-pathologic correlations.
602 Fellowship in Clinical Oral Oncology (3) Observation of and participation in treatment and rehabilitationof oral cancer patients. Surgical, radiation therapy, chemotherapy,maxillo-facial prosthodontic experience included. Prerequisite:permission of course director.
701 Clinicopathologic Conference (3-12) Clinicopathologic correlation of diseases of the head and neck.Seminar, 1 hour. Presented at LAC+USC Medical Center.
Pedodontics (PEDO)
310 Principles of Dentistry for Children (1) Role of the dental hygienist in dental care for the child patient.Principles of pedodontics as related to education of the childpatient and the parent. Lecture, 1 hour.
501 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (1) Scientific principles underlying technical pediatric dentistry;pulpal diagnosis and therapy; dental implications of childhooddiseases; behavior management; diagnosis and treatment of fracturedand avulsed teeth.
521 Preclinical Pediatric Dentistry (2) Principles and technique of cavity preparations in primary teeth;formocresol; pulpotomy; stainless steel crown; space maintenance;diagnosis, treatment planning; mixed dentition analysis.
551abc Clinic: Dentistry for Children I (0-0-2) Structured clinical experience in caring for the dental needsof the child patient. Includes special case seminars.
561abc Clinic: Dentistry for Children II (0-0-1) Dental treatment of the child patient; preventive and restorativedentistry; space maintenance and interceptive orthodontic procedures.
701ab Seminar: Advanced Pediatric Dentistry (8-15 each, FaSpSm) Discussions and readings relating to specialty practice in pediatric dentistry. Biologic considerations in operative dentistry, odontogenesis, dental trauma and physiology of occlusion are among topics presented.
702ab Comprehensive Review of Pediatric Dentistry (5-7 each, FaSpSm) Critical analysis of current pediatric dentistry literature and case conferences related to the application of contemporary issues in dentistry for the complex child patient.
703abcde Interceptive Orthodontics (2-5 each) Recognition, evaluation, and treatment of developing orthodontic problems appropriate to the pediatric dentist; emphasis on diagnosis; laboratory experience included.
704ab Prevention in Pediatric Dentistry (2-2) Discussions and readings pertaining to the analysis and incorporation of the many components of prevention into the contemporary pediatric dentistry practice.
705 Pediatric Diseases (2) Exposure within the hospital environment to medical aspects of the sick and chronically ill child. Case conferences, ward rounds, patient presentation, and formal lectures.
706 Dental Care for Pediatric Patients with Disabilities (2) Medical, dental, psychological, and social problems of the developmentally disabled; effect of problems on delivery of pediatric dental care.
707 Seminar: Cleft Palate Rehabilitation (1-9) 3 Trimester Course Discussions and case conferences related totreatment of patients with oral and facial anomalies: includes interceptive and corrective orthodontics, preventive and restorativetreatment, and selected oral surgery-prosthetic rehabilitative procedures. Seminar, 3 hours.
721 Pediatric Physical Evaluation (2) Assessment of patient health status; evaluation and management of acute and chronic disease states which may be observed in the pediatric dental practice.
761abcde Clinic: Advanced Pediatric Dentistry (2-10 each, FaSpSm) Clinical application of advanced pedodontic techniques in routine and special problem cases in the outpatient environment. Hours vary.
771abcdef Clinic: Hospital Pediatric Dentistry (2-15 each, FaSpSm) Treatment of the child patient in the hospital environment. Emphasis placed on treatment and management with physical, mental, or emotional disabilities.
772abcde Clinic: Interceptive Orthodontics (1-3 each) Clinical application and treatment procedures for tooth guidance, preventative and interceptive orthodontics.
773 Hospital Pediatric Clinics (2-4) Observation and participation in affiliated hospital clinics: anesthesiology, hematology, and genetic clinics; grand pediatric rounds and other conferences.
774 Clinical Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry (9) Genetic principles of oral, facial and cranial malformations; technique and theory of clinical genetics, differential diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the craniofacial complex.
790ab Directed Research: Pediatric Dentistry (1-6 each) Research in clinical and laboratory problems in dentistry for children. Graded CR/NC.
Peridontics (PERI)
310ab Introduction to Periodontal Diseases (1-1, FaSp) Introduction to periodontal disease; emphasis on identification of normal periodontium, distinguishing of gingival and periodontal diseases; includes data collection and classification of gingival and periodontal diseases.
415 Basic Periodontal Therapy (1) Basic therapeutic modalities of periodontal treatment; general principles and methods of surgical periodontal treatment.
502 Periodontal Diseases and Elements of Therapeutic Judgment (2) Periodontal pathologic processes; pathogenesis, classification and clinical features of gingivitis; periodontitis; other related diseases of periodontium including diagnosis and initial phases of treatment.
504 Advanced Periodontics (1) Periodontics as related to endodontics, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry; bone induction, osseous grafting, splinting, management of furcation lesions; maintenance, recall, and referral.
521 Periodontal Surgery (2) General principles and methods of surgical periodontal treatment;includes laboratory exercises.
550ab Clinic: Introductory Periodontal Therapy (1-1) Laboratory and clinical development of periodontal therapy procedures;basic instrumentation principles.
561abcd Clinic: Periodontal Therapy I (0-0-0-1) Supervised treatment of periodontal disease at all levels ofcomplexity.
562ab Clinic: Periodontal Therapy II (0-2) Supervised treatment of periodontal disease at all levels ofcomplexity.
602 Current Controversies in Periodontology (2) Examination of the major controversies in the field of periodontology;emphasis on the efficacy of current treatment modalities and futuretrends.
603abc Advanced Periodontal Surgery (0-0-1) Surgical management of more complex osseous and muco-gingivaldefects. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
701ab Seminar: Review of Current Periodontal Literature (2-3)Review and critical evaluation of the current periodontal literature.
702ab Seminar: Periodontal Treatment Procedures (2-2) Presentation of various techniques in current periodontal treatment.
703ab Seminar: Periodontal Case Presentation (1-2) Formalized presentation and discussion of clinical cases treatedby advanced students.
704abcdefhij Seminar: Periodontal Therapy (2 each) Presentation and discussion of treatment of clinical cases involvingsoft tissue and osseous management; rationale for the therapy;surgical wound healing; dental implant surgery.
707 Seminar: Biological Basis of Periodontics (4) Evaluation of the literature dealing with biology and pathologicproblems in various periodontal disease states.
708 Seminar: Clinical Basis of Periodontics (4) Evaluation of the literature dealing with various types of therapyincluding the objectives of treatment.
709 Biochemical Aspects of Periodontal Disease (1) The biochemistry, metabolism, and nutrition of oral tissues; emphasison the periodontal disease process, including the literature andcurrent advances in this area.
710 Clinical Periodontal Photography (1) Demonstration of techniques used in intraoral photographyfor periodontal purposes, emphasis on proper clinical case documentationin seminar presentation and Specialty Board Certification.
711 Occlusal Therapy in Periodontics (2) Anatomy of the TMJ mandibular movements; occlusal anatomy andtheir interrelationships; methods of occlusal correction usinganatomy and mandibular movements as a guide.
713abcdefhij Treatment Planning in Periodontics (2 each) Presentation of clinical findings, diagnoses, and plan of treatmentof clinical cases by advanced students.
715 Treatment of Special Care Patients (3) Periodontal care and treatment of older population groups, handicappedpatients, and other types of special patients, settings, and situations.
716ab Seminar: Special Topics in Periodontal Disease (3-3) Discussion of topics of immediate importance and controversy.Experts in the field are invited to participate as guest speakers.
750 Advanced Periodontal Instrumentation (3) Advanced root preparation techniques including design and manufacturingcharacteristics of various instruments, sharpening techniques,and root morphology as it relates to advanced instrumentationprinciples.
752 Interdisciplinary Treatment: An Orthodontic Perspective (2)Effective recognition, evaluation and understanding of the orthodontictreatment phase required in interdisciplinary treatment plans;includes laboratory and clinical experience; applicable to orthodontics,periodontology, prosthodontics.
761abcdefhij Clinic: Advanced Periodontics (1-10 each) Clinical experience in the treatment of patients with all typesand degrees of involvement of periodontal disease. Includes implanttooth replacement need.
771ab Periodontal Therapy in the Hospital (1-1) Role of the periodontist in hospital therapy. Treatment of complexcases in the hospital environment.
790ab Directed Research: Periodontics (1-6 each) Research in clinical and experimental periodontology. Graded CR/NC.
Pharmacology (DPHR)
410 Principles of Pharmacology (2) Basic principles of drug action; application of drugs in the preventionand treatment of disease; harmful effects of drugs on biologicalsystems. Lecture, 2 hours.
501 Pharmacology (3) General principles of drug action: prescription writing; toxicology;pharmacology of drugs affecting cardiovascular, autonomic, endocrine,and central nervous systems; drug control of pain, anxiety, infection.
601 Clinical Drug Therapy in Dentistry (2) Clinical pharmacology of drug therapyimportant to dental practice using case history disease signsand symptoms and attendant drug therapy.
701 Advanced Pharmacology (1) Pharmacologic principles and practice of drug use to controlanxiety, pain, and infection. Treatment of drug and medical emergenciesas they relate to dental specialty practice.
Physiology (DPHY)
310L Principles of Physiology (3) Fundamentals of normal function of the nervous, cardiovascular,renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and endocrine systems; applicationsto practice of clinical dental hygiene. Lecture, 3 hours; demonstrationsscheduled as appropriate.
Restorative Dentistry (REST)
314 Physiology of Occlusion for Hygienists (1) Biology and function of the gnathostomatic system. Role of thehygienist in diagnosis and treatment of occlusal dysfunctions.
501 Preclinical Operative and Fixed Prosthodontics (Conjoint)(2) Fundamental concepts of restoring an individual tooth with acast restoration; principles of cavity preparation; casting fabricationand cementation.
503ab Clinical Restorative Dentistry (1-1) Application of pre-clinical procedures in operative dentistry,fixed prosthodontics, removable prosthodontics, and dental materials.
504 Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (1) Utilizing a restorative approach, enhance students knowledgeand ability to choose treatment best suited for existing dentalconditions, patients requests and their financial ability.
521 Preclinical Operative/Fixed Prosthodontics Laboratory (3) Experience in cavity preparation; casting fabrication and cementationon extracted teeth and plastic dentiforms.
522 Esthetics in Dentistry (1) Definition and relationship of elements of esthetics; applicationin patient motivation and care.
553ab Seminar: Review of Literature in Restorative Dentistry (2-2)Critical evaluation of classical literature in restorative dentistry.
602ab Participation in Advanced Dental Care (0-3) Participation in advanced dental treatment in Faculty PrivatePractice Clinic, techniques of difficult case presentation andefficiency in practice. Clinic and seminar.
610 Advanced Concepts in Esthetics in Dentistry (1) Advanced concepts of esthetic dental care; development of clinicalskills in care of patients with esthetic needs; adjunctive specialties.
652abcde Clinical Esthetic Dentistry (0-0-0-0-2) Principles and procedures to obtain maximum dental esthetics;alternatives, creation of illusion, characterization factors,effects of tissual relationships; included seminar, laboratoryand clinical experience.
701 Orientation to Advanced Prosthodontics (5) Preclinical overview of materials, techniques, instrumentation,and treatment procedures necessary for providing advanced prosthodonticcare in the clinical environment.
702abcde Seminar: Treatment Planning (2-2-2-2-2) Discussion of fixed and removable prosthodontic treatment planningprocedures coordinated with other dental disciplines.
703abcd Seminar: Review of the Prosthodontic Literature Fixed(1-1-1-1) Critical evaluation of the fixed prosthodontic literature.
704abcd Seminar: Review of the Prosthodontic Literature Removable(1-1-1-1) Critical evaluation of the removable prosthodontic literature.
705 Advanced Fixed Prosthodontics Techniques (1) Tooth preparation and advanced laboratory techniques necessaryto implement full mouth rehabilitation.
706 Advanced Complete Denture Techniques (1) Advanced laboratory and clinical skills for a specialty prosthodonticpractice.
708ab Dental Ceramics, Color, and Esthetics (2-2) Theory of color and dental esthetics; history and developmentof dental ceramics; design and techniques in fabrication of ceramo-metalrestorations.
709ab Seminar: Removable Partial Dentures (1-2) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and design of removable partialdentures using extracoronal and intracoronal retainers.
710abcd Implant Dentistry (1-1-1-1) Implant modalities and types; basis for selection; techniquesof placement and of supervision of prosthodontic restoration.Includes a review of classic implant literature.
712 Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (2) Theory and techniques for fabrication of prostheses to correctmaxillofacial deformities including cleft palate.
721ab Principles of Occlusion (2-2) Application of current occlusal concepts in removable prosthodontics.Techniques of occlusal adjustment and additive waxing for developmentof occlusal morphology.
761abcdef Clinic: Advanced Prosthodontics (1-10 each) Clinical treatment of complex prosthodontic problems involvingfixed and removable prosthesis, periodontally involved teeth,and maxillofacial prosthodontics.
781 Clinic: Maxillofacial Prosthetics (1-8) Clinical experience in fabrication of prostheses to correct maxillofacialdeformities.
782abcde Clinic: Implant Prosthodontics (1-10 each) Clinical procedures in implants for prosthodontic rehabilitation.
790 Directed Research: Prosthodontics (1-12) Opportunities for research in clinical and experimental prosthodontics.Graded CR/NC.
Removable Prosthodontics (RPRO)
501 Preclinical Removable Complete Prosthodontics (1) Fundamental theory for the fabrication of removable complete dentures.
502 Removable Complete Prosthodontics (1) Complete denture treatment: phases, clinical procedures, philosophy,concept, rationale, and need.
503ab Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics and Implants (2-1) Introduction to disciplines of removable complete and partial dentures and implants, including classification and progress of edentulism, support sources and principles, design, fabrication and evaluation.
510 Implant Dentistry (1) Principles and use of implants in dentistry: includes history, biological basis, types, diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical and restorative procedures, and limitations.
511 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics I (1) Partial denture diagnosis and treatment planning; basic principlesof partial denture design, fabrication, and function.
512 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics II (1) Partial denture design, fabrication, and function; repair; patienteducation.
513 Removable Partial Prosthodontics (1) Clinical removable partial prosthodontic treatment includingdiagnosis, treatment planning and clinical techniques.
521 Preclinical Removable Complete Prosthodontics Laboratory (1) Fundamental theory for the fabrication of removable complete dentures.
523ab Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics and Implants Laboratory (1-1) Laboratory experience in the fabrication of removable complete and partial dentures and implants.
532 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics Laboratory II (1) Laboratory experience in fabrication of removable partial dentures.
550 Removable Complete Prosthodontics Clinic I (1) Clinical demonstration with supervised clinic experience in construction, repair, and evaluation of the removable complete denture.
561abcd Clinic: Removable Complete Prosthodontics I (0-0-0-2) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and care of edentulous patients. Complex cases involving temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction, surgical and congenital defects; seminars on clinical treatment.
562ab Clinic: Removable Complete Prosthodontics II (0-3) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and care of edentulous patients. Complex cases involving temporomandibular joint dysfunction, surgical and congenital defects; seminars on clinical treatment.
571abcdef Clinic: Removable Partial Prosthodontics (0-0-0-0-0-2) Clinical experience in diagnosis, treatment planning, and laboratory procedures necessary for the treatment of the partially edentulous patient. Includes seminars related to clinical treatment.
601 Precision Attachments (1) Overview of precision and semi-precision attachments, including indications, contraindications, advantages, types, practical considerations. Overdenture and partial denture attachments, Thompson Dowel Attachment, stress breakers.
602 Advanced Removable Prosthodontics (4) Critical review and evaluation of the removable prosthodontic literature; guided experience in the laboratory and clinical phases of removable prosthodontic therapy. (Duplicates credit in 604abc.) Prerequisite: consent of course director.
603 The Edentulous Patient Conventional or Implant Prosthesis(1) Effective management of the edentulous patient who is unable toadapt to a prosthesis; includes a review of implant dentistrywith a hands-on session.
604abc Advanced Removable Prosthodontics (0-0-4) Critical review and evaluation of the removable prosthodonticliterature; guided experience in the laboratory and clinical phasesof removable prosthodontic therapy. (Duplicates credit in 602.)Prerequisite: consent of course director.
605 Prosthodontic Seminar: Removable Partial Prosthodontics (1,FaSp) Provides fourth year dental students with an advanced didacticfoundation for treating the partially edentulous patient witha removable partial.
606 Prosthodontic Seminar: Complete Denture Prosthodontics (1,FaSp) Provides fourth year dental students with an advanced didacticfoundation for treating the edentulous patient with a completedenture.
655abc Dental Implants (0-0-4) Overview of surgical and prosthodontic implant treatment conceptsand modalities; laboratory and clinic experience in fabricationand placement of implant retained prostheses.
Oral Surgery (SURG)
501 Oral Surgery (2) Introduction to surgical dentistry, armamentarium and procedures;exodontics; infection; post operative care; repair of bone andsoft tissue; acute injury; cysts, sinuses, nerve injury, biopsy.
562abc Clinic: Oral Surgery I (0-0-1) Supervised clinical experience in health history, surgical evaluation,extraction of teeth, and minor oral surgery procedures. Includesspecial case seminars.
563abc Clinic: Oral Surgery II (0-0-1) Supervised clinical experience in health history, surgical evaluation,extraction of teeth, and minor oral surgery procedures. Includesspecial case seminars.
564abcd Clinic: Hospital Oral Surgery (0-0-0-1) Observation of inpatient and outpatient oral and maxillofacialsurgery, participation in clinic care of patients with dento-alveolarpathology, introduction to management of medically compromisedpatient.
611abc Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (0-0-4) More advanced instruction in oral and maxillofacial surgery andrelated diseases as appropriate to the practice of general dentistry;extensive clinical experience. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
701ab Seminar: Advanced Oral Surgery (2-2) Problems in advanced oral surgery and hospital oral surgery includingstudent presentations and critique of clinical cases.
702ab Seminar: Review of the Oral Surgery Literature (2-2) Critical analysis of recent oral surgery and other related literature.
721 Surgical Anatomy (2) Intensive review of anatomy relevant to the practice of oralsurgery. Includes dissections and animal surgery.
761abcd Clinic: Advanced Oral Surgery (1-10 each) Clinical evaluation and surgical treatment of dento-alveolar diseasein out-patient clinic.
763abcd Clinic: Advanced Hospital Oral Surgery and Anesthesia(1-10 each) Surgical treatment of patients and service in medical anesthesia at the LAC + USC Medical Center.
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