The School of Journalism requires its students to maintain at least a 2.7 (B-) grade point average in all journalism classes, in order to remain in good academic standing within the school. Students are required to complete each journalism class with at least a grade of C. Students who fall below a 2.7 grade point average in journalism classes will be placed on probation and must improve according to established terms if they are to remain in the school. Students who have below an overall 2.7 grade point average in journalism classes will not be allowed to graduate with the B.A. in journalism.
General Education Requirements
The university's general education program provides a coherent, integrated introduction to the breadth of knowledge you will need to consider yourself (and to be considered by other people) a generally well-educated person. This new program requires six courses in different categories, plus writing, foreign language and diversity requirements, which are described in detail here. All students who (1) entered the School of Journalism as freshmen in the summer of 1997 or later; or (2) began college elsewhere in the summer of 1997 or later; or (3) began college earlier but transfer to USC in the summer of 2000 or later, must satisfy the requirements of the new general education program. Other students whose schedules permit are encouraged to follow the new program as well. However, continuing and transfer students who began college full-time before summer 1997 and enter USC before summer 2000 may elect to satisfy a "transitional" plan instead.Print Journalism Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts
Required courses, Lower division Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 JOUR 205 Newswriting 4 JOUR 206 Reporting 2 Required courses, Upper division Units JOUR 307 News Editing 2 JOUR 310 Investigative Reporting 4 JOUR 462 Law of Mass Communication 4 one course from: JOUR 400 Interpretive Writing 4 JOUR 435 Writing Magazine Non-Fiction 4 four units from: JOUR 440 Health and Science Reporting 2 JOUR 441 Sports Reporting 2 JOUR 443 Business Reporting 2 JOUR 446 Entertainment Reporting 2 JOUR 447 Arts Reporting 2 JOUR 448 Governmental Reporting 2 JOUR 449 Reporting Los Angeles 2 JOUR 470 Community Journalism 2 JOUR 474 Interviewing and Profile Writing 2 Plus 12 upper division journalism elective units approved by an advisor 12 Public Relations Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts
Required courses, Lower division Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 JOUR 205 Newswriting 4 Required courses, Upper division Units JOUR 350 Principles of Public Relations 4 JOUR 351a Public Relations Media 4 JOUR 351b Public Relations Media 4 JOUR 450 Advanced Public Relations 4 JOUR 463 Research and Analysis 4 Plus 12 upper division journalism elective units approved by an advisor 12 Majors wishing to emphasize advertising may choose their electives from JOUR 340, 341, 342 and 343.
Broadcast Journalism Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts
Required courses, Lower division Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 JOUR 205 Newswriting 4 JOUR 206 Reporting 2 Required courses, Upper division Units JOUR 300L Principles of Television Production 2 JOUR 310 Investigative Reporting 4 JOUR 320 Broadcast Newswriting 4 JOUR 405 Non-Fiction Television 4 JOUR 462 Law of Mass Communication 4 One course from: JOUR 402 Broadcast Reporting 4 JOUR 403 Television News Production 4 Plus eight upper division journalism elective units approved by an advisor 8 Journalism/East Asian Area Studies Combined Major
Students admitted to the School of Journalism may elect to follow a combined Journalism/East Asian Area Studies major. The major consists of 24 journalism units, six East Asian classes and four semesters of an East Asian language. Students must complete the 48 units required in Journalism and East Asian Area Studies courses with at least a B- (2.7) grade point average and no grade lower than a C (2.0) to be awarded the B.A. degree in Journalism/East Asian Area Studies.
Required journalism courses Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 JOUR 205 Newswriting 4 JOUR 307 News Editing 2 JOUR 462 Law of Mass Communication 4 four units from: JOUR 400 Interpretive Writing 4 JOUR 435 Writing Magazine Non-Fiction 4 Plus 6 upper division journalism elective units approved by an advisor 6 The East Asian requirements are a choice of either EASC 150 or EALC 110; five upper division classes from the East Asian Area Studies list (one of which must be from the history department); a fourth semester of an East Asian language; and fulfillment of general education requirements. Students meeting the School of Journalism graduation requirements will be awarded a B.A. degree in Journalism/East Asian Area Studies.
Journalism-Russian Combined Major
Students admitted to the School of Journalism may elect to follow a combined Journalism/Russian major. The major consists of 24 journalism units; four classes in literature and culture from the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures; two electives from a selected list of history, international relations, political science, Slavic literature and culture, and sociology courses; and four semesters of Russian. To be awarded the B.A. degree in Journalism/Russian, students must complete the 48 units required in Journalism and Slavic Languages and Literatures courses with at least a B- (2.7) grade point average and no grade lower than a C (2.0).
Required journalism courses Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 JOUR 205 Newswriting 4 JOUR 300L Principles of Television Production 2 JOUR 307 News Editing 2 JOUR 350 Principles of Public Relations 4 JOUR 462 Law of Mass Communication 4 four units from: JOUR 351a Public Relations Media 4 JOUR 400 Interpretive Writing 4 JOUR 435 Writing Magazine Non-Fiction 4 The Slavic Languages and Literatures requirements are SLL 330; four semesters of Russian (SLL 120, 150, 220 and 250); plus three classes chosen from among SLL 200, 210, 300, 302, 303, 344, 345, 348, 378, and 400; plus two classes chosen from among History 320, 324, 328, 415, 416, 424; International Relations 370, 445, 483; Political Science 464; SLL 301, 321; or Sociology 462.Students meeting the School of Journalism graduation requirements will be awarded a B.A. degree in Journalism/Russian.
News Media and Society Minor
News Media and Society is a journalism minor that explores the responsibilities, the influence, the ethics and the diversity of the news media. It explodes the myths about news media in the United States and explains what the news media are, how they work, what they do wrong and what they do right, and why they are important to a society whose citizens depend on the free and unfettered flow of information. This minor will help all students in all majors to understand one of the most important and misunderstood forces in American society: the news media.News Media and Society benefits every student at the university because it gives students a new appreciation and understanding of the news media that so much influence their lives on a daily basis.
Required courses, Lower division Units JOUR 201 History of News in Modern America 4 Required courses, Upper division Units JOUR 371 Censorship and the Law: From the Press to Cyberspace 4 24Students are urged to choose their four upper division electives from these classes: Four upper division journalism courses 16 JOUR 373 The Ethics of Television Journalism 4 JOUR 375 The Image of the Journalist in Popular Culture 4 JOUR 460 Social Responsibility of the News Media 4 JOUR 466 People of Color and the News Media 4 JOUR 467 Gender and the News Media 4 Admission, Advisement and Financial Aid
Admission is competitive; the average GPA of an entering student is 3.6, and the average recentered SAT score is 1210, with 630 on the verbal portion. Journalism expeience and the quality of the admissions essays are heavily weighted. Transfer students must submit high school transcripts and SAT scores. Transfer work in journalism, broadcasting and public relations is accepted by waiver examination only. A maximum of two classes for the major can be waived. For students applying to USC, the journalism application deadline is January 31 - freshmen and March 1 - transfers for fall and November 1 for spring.
Upon admission to the school, students must contact the Student Services Office in ASC GL07, for academic advisement and class registration. Advisement through this office is required each semester.
Students currently enrolled at USC who wish to change their major to journalism must file a formal application with all supporting documents through the Student Services Office. For current USC students, the application deadline is April 15 for fall and November 15 for spring.
Academic Integrity Policy
Since its founding, the USC School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. Any student found responsible for plagiarism, fabrication, cheating on examinations, or purchasing papers or other assignments will receive a failing grade in the course and will be dismissed from the School of Journalism. There are no exceptions to the school's policy.
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