Interdepartmental (INTD)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

462 Physiology for the Health Professions (4, Sp) (Enroll in PHBI 462)

502ab Problems and Techniques in Cancer Research (3-3) An interdisciplinary overview of major research problems and lab techniques in cancer, growth, and differentiation for preclinical graduate students. One half-day weekly of lectures, demonstrations, and discussion.

504 Molecular Biology of Cancer (4) Epidemiology, pathobiology, carcinogenesis, tumor biology and heterogeneity; retroviruses, oncogenes, cell cycle control, genetics of cancer, tumor immunology; treatment strategies. Prerequisite: MICB 501.

516L DNA and Protein Sequence Analysis by Computer and E-mail (1, Irregular) An introduction to DNA and protein sequence retrieval and analysis using selected computer software and Internet e-mail. Recommended preparation: undergraduate biochemistry.

531 Cell Biology (4, Fa) Current perspectives on major research areas in cell biology. Emphasis will be on in-depth examination of cellular structures, regulatory processes, intracellular routing and targeting, and cell/environmental interactions. (Duplicates credit in former ANCB 580.)

555 Biochemical and Molecular Bases of Disease (4) Biochemical and molecular abnormalities in disease states. Prerequisite: general biochemistry.

561 Molecular Genetics (4, Sp) Prokaryotic and eukaryotic molecular genetics: DNA and RNA structure and function; biochemistry and molecular biology of replication, transcription, RNA processing, translation, and regulation of gene expression. (Duplicates credit in former BIOC 561.) Prerequisite: INTD 571.

571 Biochemistry (4, Fa) Physical-chemical basis of life processes: protein structure and enzyme function; synthesis and metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids, and nucleotides. (Duplicates credit in former BIOC 441.) Prerequisite: open to qualified students.

620 Medical Students Elective Program (0) Opportunities for medical students as preceptors in research laboratories or in field medical service under guidance of sponsors approved by faculty committees. Graded CR/NC.



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