Information Technology Program (ITP)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

010x Supporting Microsoft Windows 95 (2, FaSpSm) Installing, configuring, customizing, optimizing, administrating, and troubleshooting Windows 95. Networking issues such as integrating and messaging. Prerequisite: extensive experience with Windows version 3.x.

011x Supporting Microsoft Windows NT (2, FaSpSm) Configuring, customizing, optimizing, integrating, and troubleshooting Microsoft Windows NT operating system. Interoperating with IPX and TCP/IP. Prerequisite: extensive knowledge of Windows and network concepts.

012x Supporting Microsoft Windows NT Server (2, FaSpSm) Installing, configuring, and supporting the Microsoft Windows NT Server operating system in local and wide area network (WAN) environments. Prerequisite: ITP 011x.

013x Microsoft Windows Operating Systems and Services Architecture (2, FaSpSm) Overview of the framework required to develop applications for the Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT operating systems. Prerequisite: ITP 150x.

021x Word Processing Using WordPerfect (1) Overview of word processing and basic microcomputer operations using WordPerfect. Basic document creation, editing, formatting, and printing techniques. Spelling checks, document merging, searching, and replacing. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

022x Word Processing Using Microsoft Word (1) Overview of word processing and basic microcomputer operations using Microsoft Word. Basic document creation, editing, formatting, and printing. Spell-checking, document merging, searching, and replacing. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

030x Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3 (1) Spreadsheet applications on microcomputers using Lotus 1-2-3; fundamentals of problem solving and data analysis using d1-2-3 commands, functions, graphs, data management features, and macros. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

031x Introduction to Microsoft Excel (1) Spreadsheet applications on microcomputers using Microsoft Excel; fundamentals of problem solving and data analysis using a wide variety of spreadsheet features. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

035x Introduction to Quatro Pro (1, FaSpSm) Spreadsheet applications using Quatro Pro. Fundamentals of problem solving and data analysis using functions, graphs, macros and database management features. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

042x Introduction to Microsoft Windows (1) Practical knowledge and insight into Windows and software using character and graphical based applications and multitasking. Installation, configuration, and optimization. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

043x The Internet (2, FaSp) Overview of the Internet, effective searching techniques, connection protocols; use of e-mail, newsgroup, real-time chat, World Wide Web. Internet security and server issues. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

044x Introduction to Microsoft Office (1, FaSpSm) Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Mail. Overview of word processing, spreadsheets, database management, presentation management, e-mail and their integration. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit.

045x Microsoft Works (1, FaSpSm) Overview of integrated software using Microsoft Works. Essentials of word processing, electronic spreadsheets, charting, database management and communications. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

046x Introduction to Web Publishing (1, FaSp) Overview of HTML and CGI Script languages to publish static and interactive homepages on the World Wide Web using browsers and appropriate tools. Not available for degree credit.

050x Microsoft Power Point (1, FaSpSm) Overview of how to create professional and colorful screen presentations, overhead transparencies, outlines and 35 mm slides using a presentation graphics program. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

060x Introduction to dBASE IV (1) Fundamentals of database management. Practical knowledge and insight into dBASE IV, including creation of queries, forms, reports and labels. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

065x Microsoft Access (1, FaSpSm) Microsoft Access will allow students to learn how to plan, define, create, and modify a database in the Windows environment. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

067x Introduction to Paradox (1, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of database management. Practical knowledge and insight into Paradox including creation of queries, forms, reports and labels. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit.

068x Introduction to MATLAB (2, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of MATLAB: a high-performance numeric computation and visualization environment. Overview of linear algebra and matrix manipulation; using 2-D and 3-D plotting routines; programming in MATLAB; basic numerical analysis. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC. Recommended preparation: MATH 118x or MATH 125.

072x Networking Technologies (1, FaSpSm) Basic concepts of data communications, networking, and connectivity. Data translation; data transmission; network structures; low-layer, IEEE 802, and super-layer communication protocols. Not available for degree credit.

073x NetWare Service and Support (2, FaSpSm) Installing, maintaining, troubleshooting NetWare networks. Hands-on laboratories on network adapter configurations, network cabling, disk expansion, troubleshooting techniques, and common network problems. Not available for degree credit.

074x NetWare 3.1x Administration (1, FaSpSm) Overview of network management fundamentals. Connecting to a network; planning, accessing, and managing file systems; printing; login scripts; security; electronic mail; network applications. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: knowledge of DOS.

075x NetWare 3.1x Advanced Administration (1, FaSpSm) Server startup procedures and configuration files, server protocol support, memory concepts and management, network optimization and maintenance, advanced printer services, DOS client management. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 074x.

076x NetWare TCP/IP Transport (1, FaSpSm) Overview of TCP/IP communications. Installation, configuration, and management of Novell's TCP/IP software. Diagnosing and troubleshooting common problems. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 072x, ITP 074x.

077x NetWare NFS (1, FaSpSm) Installation of configuration of NetWare NFS software. The mounting of remote file systems and directories from UNIX clients. Sharing of NetWare printers with UNIX clients. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 074x, ITP 076x.

078x NetWare 3.1x Installation and Configuration Workshop (1, FaSpSm) Overview of installing and configuring the NetWare 3.1x network operating system, upgrading from NetWare 3.11 to 3.1x, and installing DOS client software. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 075x.

079x Printing with NetWare (1, FaSpSm) Managing and configuring Novell NetWare printing. Hands-on experience configuring workstations, customizing print jobs, setting up print servers and queues, and establishing remote printing. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: ITP 074x and ITP 084x.

080x NetWare 3 to 4 Update (1, FaSpSm) Internetworking NetWare 3 and 4. Performing NetWare 3 tasks in NetWare 4. Optimizing network and server performance in a mixed NetWare environment. Troubleshooting NetWare Directory Services. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

084x NetWare 4 Administration (1, FaSpSm) Basic management of the Novell NetWare 4 network operating system. Adding users, sharing software and data files, file and login security, printing, and backup. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

085x NetWare 4 Advanced Administration (1, FaSpSm) Advanced administration skills including performance tuning of the network and server. NDS tree structures, NDS partitioning and replication, time synchronization, and interworking with NetWare 3. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: ITP 084x.

086x NetWare 4 Design and Implementation (1, FaSpSm) Novell NetWare 4 design and implementation strategies. Overview of Novell Consulting services methods for sequencing tasks to enable good networking design. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: ITP 085x.

088x NetWare 4 Installation and Configuration Workshop (1, FaSpSm) Hands-on experience installing and configuring a NetWare 4 network. Case studies in upgrading, migrating, and installing NetWare in different networking environments. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: ITP 085x.

090x Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (2, FaSpSm) Basic concepts of colors; color calibration tools; scanning, importing and exporting images; painting, editing, fill, and type tools; using layers, masks, filters, and color correction. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.

091x Intermediate Adobe Photoshop (2, FaSpSm) Advanced use of layers, layer masks, channels, and filters to create special effects. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 090x.

093x Introduction to Adobe Illustrator (2, FaSpSm) Basic concepts of drawing paths, selection tools, painting, type, transformation tools, filters and graphs. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 042x.

095x Introduction to Adobe Premiere (2, FaSpSm) Basic concepts of importing images, video and sound, tracks, editing, previewing, transitions, filters, motion settings, superimposing, titles, special effects and exporting. Not available for degree credit. Prerequisite: ITP 042x.

100x Information Technology for Business (2, FaSp) Introduction to current operating systems and architecture; survey of the latest uses of applications software in business; networking concepts, programming languages and fundamentals of programming.

101x Introduction to Information Technology (4, FaSpSm) Introduction to computer hardware, operating systems, networks, programming. Survey of application software in business and industry. Computer issues in the work place and society.

102x Introduction to BASIC Programming (2, FaSpSm) Fundamental concepts of programming using minimal BASIC. A structural approach to problem solving emphasizing business applications. Prerequisite: high school algebra.

103x Introduction to FORTRAN Programming (2) Algorithmic approach to problem solving; fundamentals of Structured FORTRAN 77; numerical solutions with DO loops and IF statements; formatted I/O; one-dimensional arrays; functions and subroutines. Prerequisite: high school algebra.

105x Introduction to Computer Technologies and Applications (2, FaSp) The course offers a primer in computer technologies and applications essential to academic and career success. Not available for major credit to engineering majors.

106 Information Literacy and Technology Issues (2, FaSp) A basic course in research and electronic information retrieval, including evaluative procedures and ethical issues.

109x Introduction to Java Programming (2, Sp) Fundamental concepts of object oriented programming in a multi-threaded environment. Creation of interactive WWW applets, featuring animations, sounds and images. Prerequisite: ITP 102x or ITP 150x.

110x Introduction to C Programming (2) Fundamentals of C; a survey of C compilers; the role of C in developing Unix and other operating systems. Prerequisite: knowledge of a higher-level language.

150x Introduction to Visual BASIC (2, FaSp) This course provides students with no previous programming experience with the basics for and creating their own interactive windows applications using visual programming techniques. Prerequisite: high school algebra.

165x Introduction to C++ Programming (2, Fa) Fundamentals of C++ syntax and semantics, including function prototypes, overloading, memory management, abstract data types, object creation, pointers to class members, and I/O streams. Prerequisite: any high-level programming language.

201x Microcomputer Applications (2, FaSp) Advanced applications for microcomputers including database management, statistical data analyses, and statistics. Prerequisite: ITP 100x or ITP 101x.

203x Advanced Programming with Engineering Applications (3) Multidimensional arrays; linear systems; numerical solutions of nonlinear equations; polynomials and integrals; computer graphics and other related topics (e.g., simulations) Not available for credit to CSCI or EE majors. Prerequisite: ITP 103x or ITP 105x or ITP 110x, MATH 125.

210x Multimedia Applications for Windows (2, Fa) Focuses on creating powerful presentations with affordable multimedia hardware and software; integrates sound, video and animation into windowing environment. Prerequisite: ITP 101x or ITP 201x.

225x The UNIX System (2) UNIX system concepts; the Shell command language; utilities, editors, file structure, and text formatters. C Shell, Bourne Shell, and the awk programming language. Prerequisite: ITP 101x.

265x Object-Oriented Programming for Windows (2, Sp) Object-oriented programming concepts and visual programming techniques using C++, developing window-based applications with window objects, video functions, and the visual workbench. Prerequisite: ITP 165x or ITP 110x.

499x Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Recent developments in computers and data processing.




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