Definition of Grades

The following grades are used: A - excellent; B - good; C - fair in undergraduate courses and minimum passing in courses for graduate credit; D - minimum passing in undergraduate courses; F - failed. In addition, plus and minus grades may be used, with the exceptions of A plus, F plus and F minus. The grade of F indicates that the student failed at the end of the semester or was doing failing work and stopped attending the course after the twelfth week of the semester. Minimum passing grades are D- for undergraduate credit and C for graduate credit. Additional grades include: CR - credit (passing grade for non-letter-graded courses equivalent to C- quality or better for undergraduate courses and B (3.0) quality or better for graduate courses); NC - no credit (less than the equivalent of a C- for an undergraduate and a B for a graduate, non-letter-graded course); P - pass (passing grade equivalent to C- quality or better for undergraduate letter-graded courses and B (3.0) quality or better for graduate courses taken on a Pass/No Pass basis); NP - no pass (less than the equivalent of a C- for an undergraduate and a B (3.0) for a graduate, letter graded course taken on a Pass/No Pass basis).

The following marks are also used: W - withdrawn; IP - interim mark for a course exceeding one semester; UW - unofficial withdrawal; MG - missing grade (an administrative mark used in cases when the instructor fails to submit a final course grade for a student); IN - incomplete (work not completed because of documented illness or some other emergency occurring after the twelfth week of the semester; arrangements for the IN and its removal should be initiated by the student and agreed to by the instructor prior to the final exam); IX - lapsed incomplete.

A system of grade points is used to determine a student's grade point average. Grade points are assigned to grades as follows for each unit in the credit value of a course: A, 4 points; A-, 3.7 points; B+, 3.3 points; B, 3.0 points; B-, 2.7 points; C+, 2.3 points; C, 2 points; C-, 1.7 points; D+, 1.3 points; D, 1 point; D-, 0.7 points; F, 0 points; UW, 0 points; IX, 0 points. Wherever these letter grades appear in this catalogue or other university documents, they represent the numerical equivalents listed above. Marks of CR, NC, P, NP, W, IP, MG and IN do not affect a student's grade point average.

Grades of Incomplete (IN)

Conditions for Removing a Grade of Incomplete

If an IN is assigned as the student's grade, the instructor will specify to the student and the department the work remaining to be done, the procedures for its completion, the grade in the course to date and the weight to be assigned to the work remaining to be done when computing the final grade. A student may remove the IN by completing only the portion of required work not finished as a result of illness or emergency. Previously graded work may not be repeated for credit. It is not possible to remove an IN by re-registering for the course, even within the designated time.

Time Limit for Removal of an Incomplete

One semester is allowed to remove an IN in courses numbered 499 and lower (an IN assigned in a spring semester will not expire until the end of the fall semester, regardless of the three extra months in summer). One calendar year is allowed to remove an IN in courses numbered 500 and higher. Individual academic units may have more stringent policies regarding these time limits. If the IN is not removed within the designated time, the course is considered "lapsed," the grade is changed to an "IX" and it will be calculated into the grade point average as 0 points. Courses offered on a Credit/No Credit basis or taken on a Pass/No Pass basis for which a mark of Incomplete is assigned will be lapsed with a mark of NC or NP and will not be calculated into the grade point average.

Extension of Time for Removal of an Incomplete

A student may petition the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for an extension of time for the removal of an IN. Extensions beyond the specified time limit are rarely approved if the student has enrolled in subsequent semesters, since the removal of the IN should be the student's first priority.

In all cases, a petition for an extension of time for removal of an IN must have departmental approval and include a statement from the instructor explaining what is needed to complete the course and why the instructor feels the student should be given even further time for completion.

Missing Grades

Degrees will be posted for students who have missing grades (MGs) on their record, provided that an application for a degree progress check has been filed with the Degree Progress Department, the student agrees and all other graduation requirements have been met. Missing grades can be resolved by petitioning for retroactive withdrawal or by an instructor's submission of an MG removal form. Grades of MG which are not removed prior to degree certification will no longer be removable. Students can obtain the Request to Graduate with a Missing Grade form from the Degree Progress Department, SAS 010.

Correction of Grades

A grade once reported to the Office of Academic Records and Registrar may not be changed except by request of the faculty member to the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures on a Correction of Grade form. Changes should be requested only on the basis of an actual error in assigning the original grade, not on the basis of a request by the student or special consideration for an individual student. Students are not permitted to complete course work after the semester has ended.

Disputing a Grade

The teacher's evaluation of the performance of each individual student is the final basis for assigning grades. Through orderly appeal procedures, students have protection against prejudiced or capricious academic evaluation. See the student guidebook SCampus for details of the procedure.

Academic Dishonesty Sanctions

When a student is found responsible for a violation of the USC Student Conduct Code standards pertaining to academic dishonesty, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) will inform the Office of Academic Records and Registrar. In appropriate cases, the Office of Academic Records and Registrar will post the information on the student's academic records. Disciplinary sanctions noted on student records include suspension and expulsion from the university and revocation of admission and degree. Disciplinary grade sanctions (e.g., F in course) are not distinguished on a student's transcript from marks assigned for academic work accomplished. In cases of suspension or expulsion, the student's registration for the current term may be cancelled with marks of "W."

Repeated Course Work at USC

Students who enter as first-time freshmen may repeat a maximum of three courses taken during the first two semesters of enrollment at USC in which grades of D+ or below (including UW and IX) were received and only the subsequent grade, even if lower, will be calculated in the grade point average. Both courses and the grades received will appear on the transcript. The same course may be repeated no more than once for the benefit of substitution of grade. For this policy, as well as the one below, the prerequisite policy (see Prerequisites) will apply. Students must notify the Degree Progress Department that they wish to utilize this policy on repeated course work for first-time freshmen. Undergraduates may also repeat other courses taken in which grades of D+ or below were received but, in these instances, both grades will be calculated in the grade point average.

Undergraduate students who want to repeat a course in which a grade of C+, C or C- was received and have the subsequent grade calculated in the grade point average must petition the committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for permission to do so prior to re-registering in the course. Post hoc approval will not be granted.

Graduate students may repeat a course in which a grade of C- or below was received, but both grades will be calculated in the grade point average. Graduate students who want to repeat a course in which a grade of C+ or C was received and have the subsequent grade calculated in the grade point average must petition the Committee on Academic Policies and Procedures (CAPP) for permission to do so prior to re-registering in the course. Post hoc approval will not be granted.

In no case will additional degree credit be allowed for repeated courses or duplicated work. No student may repeat a course in which a grade of B- or better was received.

The Dean's List

Any undergraduate student who earns a grade point average of 3.5 or higher on 12 units or more of course work in any one semester is placed on the Dean's List for that semester. Grades of IN must be removed before eligibility is determined for that semester. Academic transcripts do not carry the Dean's List notation.

Probation and Disqualification of Undergraduate Students

An overall USC grade point average (GPA) of at least C (2.0) on course work taken at USC is required for completion of undergraduate degrees.

Academic Probation

A student whose overall USC GPA falls below 2.0 is on academic probation. Continued enrollment requires clearance from an academic review counselor.

A full-time student whose overall GPA falls below 2.0 for the first time and who has one or more grades of MG or IN is placed on "pending academic probation" status. At the end of the subsequent term, if removal of the MG and/or IN raised the overall GPA to 2.0 or greater, the "pending academic probation" status will be removed; otherwise, the "pending academic probation" status will be changed to and recorded as academic probation.

Mandatory Advisement

A student whose overall GPA falls below 2.0 is required to seek academic advisement prior to course selection each semester. Proof of advisement must be filed with the Academic Review Department before any registration request will be processed. The Academic Review Department will only accept an official Retention Advisement Record form with an authorized school signature as proof of advisement. This form may be obtained in the Student Administrative Services Building, Room 113.

Academic Disqualification

Students on academic probation who do not raise their overall GPA to 2.0 after two semesters of enrollment, exempting summer enrollment, will be academically disqualified. However, if a student earns a minimum semester GPA of 2.3 in the second or any subsequent probation semester but has not yet reached the overall 2.0 GPA, the student will not be disqualified and will be allowed to enroll for an additional semester.

Readmission after Academic Disqualification

Petitions for readmission after academic disqualification are initiated by the student through the Academic Review Department and are reviewed individually. All grade issues (IN, MG, etc.) must be resolved prior to submission of a readmission petition. Before petitioning for readmission, a disqualified student must complete a minimum of 12 semester units of transferable course work with a minimum 3.0 GPA applicable to USC degree requirements. University requirements on residency will determine whether these units are accepted as transfer credit. As readmission to the university is never guaranteed, any indication of strong academic performance beyond the 12 unit requirement would strengthen a readmission petition. Students must petition for readmission by December 30 for spring semester, by May 1 for summer session and by August 15 for fall semester. Since readmission must be approved by CAPP prior to registration, under no circumstances may a student apply for readmission after the deadline. A nonrefundable fee of $50 must accompany the readmission petition.

Academic Warning and Dismissal of Graduate Students

Faculty advisors and departments take factors other than satisfactory grades and adequate GPAs into consideration in determining a student's qualifications for an advanced degree. A student's overall academic performance, specific skills and aptitudes, and faculty evaluations will be considered in departmental decisions regarding a student's continuation in a master's or doctoral degree program.

Satisfactory progress toward an advanced degree as determined by the faculty is required at all times. Students who fail to make satisfactory progress will be informed by their department or committee chair or school dean. The faculty has the right to recommend at any time after written warning that a student be dismissed from a graduate program for academic reasons or that a student be denied readmission. Procedures on disputed academic evaluations are described in SCampus.

Ethics Guidelines for Graduate Study

As participants in an enterprise that depends on academic freedom and integrity, faculty members and graduate students have a special obligation to promote conditions that maintain free inquiry and the highest standards of integrity. USC faculty have developed guidelines to serve as a resource for students finding their way through the often complex academic relationships of a major research university. These guidelines for ethical faculty and graduate student relations are available from the Graduate School.

Research Involving Human Subjects

Graduate student researchers are required to obtain approval from the USC Institutional Review Boards whenever research, whether funded or unfunded, involving human subjects is proposed. The Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), formerly the Human Subjects Committees, are fully authorized to review all proposals and projects which involve the use of human subjects. "Human subject" means a living individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains (a) data through intervention or interaction with the individual or (b) identifiable private information. The university IRBs have been established to meet federal regulations. The IRBs are required to assure that: (1) research methods are appropriate to the objectives of the research; (2) research methods are the safest, consistent with sound research design; (3) risks are justified in terms of related benefits to the subjects; (4) subjects' privacy is protected; (5) subjects participate willingly and knowingly to the extent possible; and (6) research projects are "monitored" by the IRBs.



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