Astronomy (ASTR)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
100g Elementary Astronomy (4, FaSp) Survey of the universe: planets, satellites, comets, stars, nebulae, galaxies. Occasional visits to the University observatory. For non-science majors.
385g Astronomy's Contribution to Western Culture (4) History of astronomy, with emphasis on aspects of major cultural and philosophical significance. Recommended for non-science majors. Prerequisite: sophomore, junior, or senior standing.
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
400 The Solar System (4) Earth's motions; planets and their satellites; comets; meteorites; interplanetary matter; elementary celestial mechanics. Prerequisite: MATH 126.
410 Stellar Astronomy (4) The nature and dynamics of the sun, stars, star clusters, interstellar medium, and the structure of our galaxy. Prerequisite: MATH 126.
420 Galaxies and Cosmology (4) Galaxies and clusters of galaxies: their content, structure, dynamics, distribution, and motions; observational cosmology. Prerequisite: MATH 126.
430L The Reduction of Observations (4) Astronomical coordinate systems; time; astrometry; photometry. Prerequisite: MATH 126 and either ASTR 400, ASTR 410, or ASTR 420.
440 Astrophysics (4) Introduction to the theory of stellar structure, stellar atmospheres, the evolution of the sun and stars. Prerequisite: PHYS 153L, MATH 226.
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: one upper division course in astronomy and departmental approval.
Physics (PHYS)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
030x Tools for Physics (2, Fa) Elementary course to prepare students for Physics 151L; emphasis on techniques for problem solving in physics. Not available for degree credit. Graded CR/NC.
100xg Physics for the Nonscientist (4, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of physics presented with minimal mathematics; emphasis is on the structure and beauty of physical laws and their strong bearing upon technology. Lecture-demonstration, 4 hours. Not available for major credit.
102Lxg Physics of Waves and Light (4, Sp) Properties of mechanical and electromagnetic waves, interference, diffraction, refraction, resonance, scattering, coherence, polarization, sound, optical systems, color, modulation, atomic spectra, photons, lasers, holography, matter waves. Not available for major credit.
125abL Physics for Architects (a: 4, Fa; b: 4, Sp) Fundamental laws and principles of physics with emphasis on the application of physical principles to the problems of architecture. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. (Duplicates credit in PHYS 135abL.) Prerequisite: for a: MATH 108; for b: PHYS 125aL.
135abL Physics for the Life Sciences (4-4, FaSpSm) Fundamental laws and principles of physics emphasizing areas related to life sciences; prerequisite for biological sciences, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. (Duplicates credit in PHYS 125abL.) Prerequisite: MATH 108.
151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics, Waves, and Sound (4, FaSpSm) Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, statics, gravitation, wave motion, sound waves, simple harmonic oscillators. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 125.
152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Thermodynamics, Electricity, and Magnetism (4, FaSpSm) Thermodynamics, heat engines, entropy, electrostatics, magnetostatics, electrical circuits, electromagnetic waves, propagation of light. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 151L, MATH 126; corequisite: MATH 226.
153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics (4, FaSpSm) Geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, solid state physics. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L.
161L Advanced Principles of Physics I (4, Sp) Introductory treatment intended for well-qualified students. Dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, conservation laws, wave motion, thermodynamics, heat engines, entropy. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 125; corequisite: MATH 126.
162L Advanced Principles of Physics II (4, Fa) Electrostatics, magnetostatics, electrical circuits, electrical and magnetic properties of matter, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic waves, propagation of light. Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 161L; corequisite: MATH 226.
163L Advanced Principles of Physics III (4, Sp) Interference and diffraction of waves, special relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic physics, nuclear physics, condensed matter physics, elementary particles. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 162L.
190ab Freshman Colloquium (a: 1, Fa; b: 1, Sp) Introduction to current research activities of the faculty of the Department, and topics of current and popular interest among the wider community of physicists. Graded CR/NC.
302L Physical Optics (4, 2 years, Fa) Wave nature of light, diffraction, interference, polarization, coherence, double refraction, optical activity, electro- and magneto-optics, absorption, scattering, dispersion, line spectra, laser phenomena. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 4 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 153L or PHYS 162L.
304 Mechanics (4, Fa) Dynamics of particles, kinematics of rotations, rigid body motion, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism, theory of small vibrations. Prerequisite: PHYS 151L or PHYS 161L, MATH 245.
316 Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (4, 2 years, Sp) First, second, and third thermodynamic laws; thermodynamic potentials, applications; distribution laws, kinetic theory, transport phenomena, specific heats. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L or PHYS 161L, MATH 226.
350L Electronics (4, 2 years, Fa) DC and AC circuits, bridges, properties of semiconductors and transistors, equivalent circuits, amplifiers, feedback, oscillators, linear and digital integrated circuits. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 4 hours. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L or PHYS 162L; corequisite: MATH 245.
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
408ab Electricity and Magnetism (a: 4, Fa; b: 4, Sp) a: Electrostatics; thermal, chemical, magnetic effects of steady currents; DC circuits. b: Electromagnetic induction; AC circuits; Maxwell's equations. Prerequisite: PHYS 152L or PHYS 162L; corequisite: MATH 245 (for PHYS 408a), MATH 445 (for PHYS 408b).
438ab Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and its Applications (a: 4, Sp; b: 4, Fa) a: Concepts and techniques of quantum mechanics; free and bound states, the hydrogen atom. b: Relativity, atomic spectra, quantum statistics, nuclear models, nuclear reactions, elementary particles. Prerequisite: PHYS 304; corequisite: MATH 445.
440 Introduction to Solid State Physics (4, 2 years, Sp) Crystal structures, x-ray diffraction, thermal properties of solids, diamagnetism and paramagnetism, free-electron model of metals, semiconductors, ferromagnetism, super-conductivity, imperfections in crystals. Prerequisite: PHYS 438a.
451abL Development of Laboratory Experiments and Demonstrations (2-2) Training in basic laboratory skills; survey of traditional experiments and demonstrations; criteria for selection and design.
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
491abL Senior Laboratory (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Projects will include nuclear magnetic resonance, superconductivity, Compton scattering, nuclear counting, atomic emission spectra, Stern-Gerlach; new experimentation.
495 Senior Project (3) An original project will be constructed applying computer technology (in either hardware or software) to produce a result useful in the physics classroom or laboratory. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
502 Advanced Optics (3, 2 years, FaSp) Interaction of light and matter; laser oscillation condition; optical resonators; spectroscopy; pumping mechanisms; characteristics of dielectric, semiconductor, gas, and liquid lasers; topics in nonlinear optics.
504ab Advanced Mechanics (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Irregular) a: Newtonian formulation of dynamics; Hamilton's principle; Lagrangian formulation; rigid body motion; Hamiltonian formulation; Hamilton-Jacobi theory; vibrations. b: Applications of theoretical mechanics; stresses and strains; hydrodynamics.
508ab Advanced Electricity and Magnetism (a: 3, Sp; b: 3, Fa) a: Electrostatics, boundary value problems, multipole expansions, microscopic models of matter, magnetostatics. b: Maxwell's equations, potentials and gauge transformations; electromagnetic waves; wave guides; electromagnetic radiation; special relativity.
510ab Methods of Theoretical Physics (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) a: Vector and tensor analysis; curvilinear coordinates; convergence of series; asymptotic series; complete sets; Dirac delta function; Fourier and Laplace transforms; Legendre polynomials and spherical harmonics. b: Bessel functions; numerical analysis; matrices and determinants; complex variables; differential equations; special functions.
514 Methods of Experimental Physics (3) Techniques of general utility in contemporary physics research, with emphasis on the use of commercially available instrumentation.
518ab Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) a: Principles of, and relations between, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics; ensembles, partition function formalism; quantum statistics of non-interacting particles; fluctuations. b: Advanced applications to systems of interacting particles, low temperature phenomena, magnetism, and transport phenomena.
530 Relativity (3, Irregular) Fundamentals of the special theory and applications to classical and quantum physics; the principle of equivalence; tensor analysis and Einstein's theory of gravitation; relativistic cosmology. Recommended preparation: PHYS 504a, PHYS 508a.
540 Solid State Physics (3, Fa) Fundamental concepts and techniques in solid state physics; electron gas at metallic densities; semiclassical transport; crystallography; band structure; phonons; screening; superconductivity; magnetic ordering. Recommended preparation. PHYS 518a, PHYS 558a.
556 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy (3, Irregular) Angular momentum coupling; atomic and molecular structures; spectra of single and multi-electron systems; configuration interactions; interactions with electromagnetic fields; ionization and dissociation; applications Recommended preparation: PHYS 558a.
558ab Quantum Mechanics (a: 3, Sp; b: 3, Fa) a: General formulation of quantum mechanics with applications; theory of measurement; exactly solvable problems; angular momentum formalism. b: Approximation schemes and applications to atomic and molecular physics and scattering theory; identical particles; electromagnetic properties of atoms.
566 Neural Network Self-Organization (3, Sp) (Enroll in CSCI 566)
590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
640ab Advanced Condensed Matter Physics (a: 3, Sp; b: 3, Fa) a: Magnetism, magnons; superconductivity; transport phenomena; many-body effects; interacting electron gas; Hartree-Fock theory; neutron and x-ray scattering; and other selected topics. b: Topics will be chosen from the following: polaritons; plasmons; band structure; semiconductors; excitons; resonance techniques; Kondo effect; Josephson effect; charge-density-waves; optical properties; localization; defects; solitons. Recommended preparation: PHYS 540, PHYS 558b.
668 Advanced Quantum Mechanics (3, Sp) Relativistic wave equations; second quantization of Klein-Gordon, Dirac and Maxwell fields; applications in quantum electrodynamics and condensed matter physics. Recommended preparation: PHYS 558b.
669ab Group Theory and Symmetries in Physics (3-3, Irregular) a: Abstract group theory; representation theory; point groups; selection rules; crystal tensors; molecular vibrations; rotation group; SU(2); Wigner-Eckart theorem; crystal-field splitting; time-reversal symmetry; gauge invariance; SU(3) and quarks. b: Application of group theory in field theory and particle physics: Lie groups and representations, Young tableaux, Dynkin diagrams, Poincare group, classical groups and supergroups, gauge theories. Recommended preparation: PHYS 558b.
670 High Energy Physics (3, Irregular) Elementary particles and the fundamental forces acting on them. Quarks, leptons, symmetries, gauge invariance, spontaneously broken symmetry, electroweak theory, quantum chromodynamics grand unified theory, strings. Recommended preparation: PHYS 668.
678 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory (3, Irregular) Computational methods in relativistic quantum field theory: Feynman path integral, covariant perturbation theory, regularization, renormalization group, and non-perturbative techniques. Recommended preparation: PHYS 668.
679 Superstring Theory (3, Irregular) Introduction to superstring theory: Polyakov path integral, light-cone quantization, conformal field theory, vacuum configurations, Kaluza-Klein four dimensional compactification, and model building. Recommended preparation: PHYS 678.
710 Selected Topics in Experimental Physics (3, max 6) Course content will vary yearly with current interest. Topics covered may include superconducting quantum interference devices, scanning tunneling microscopy, and laser cooling and trapping of single atoms. (Duplicates credit in former PHYS 673.)
720 Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics (3, max 6) Course content will vary yearly with current interest. Topics covered may include field theory, many body theory, Green's functions, dispersion theory, and group theory. (Duplicates credit in former PHYS 672.)
730 Selected Topics in Particle Physics (3, max 6) Various advanced phases of particle physics. Content will vary yearly; emphasis on superstring theories, advanced topics in quantum gravity, and field theory. Recommended preparation: PHYS 678.
740 Selected Topics in Condensed Matter Physics (3, max 6) Course content will vary yearly with current interest. Topics covered may include theory of superconductivity, high temperature superconductivity, Green's functions in condensed matter physics, magnetism and transport in disordered metals.
790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.
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