Courses of Instruction

Nursing (NURS)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

101 Gateway to Nursing: Historical and Theory Perspectives (4, FaSp) Introduction to the history of nursing and the use of theory in nursing. Discussion will focus on professional issues from a historical perspective. The diverse sociocultural forces that have influenced the profession will be discussed and the health care delivery system will be analyzed as it impacts on nursing.

201 Human Development: Health Issues Across the Life Span (4, FaSp) Diversity in health care priorities based on individual variations in growth and development across the life span. Implications for health care delivery to families.

204 Contemporary Issues in Bioethics (4) Examination of current issues in bioethics, including reproduction, professional-patient relationships, organ transplantation, futile treatment, and death and dying issues.

219g Human Sexuality: Methods of Inquiry (3) A critical examination of the research methods used in the field of human sexuality. Emphasis will be on historical approaches in behavioral science research.

220 Family Health (2, FaSp) Focus on health teaching in families to better prepare family members to monitor family health and make appropriate contacts for care; based on the principle that healthy families make healthy communities.

302 Nursing Science (3, FaSp) Introduction to professional nursing practice and education. Emphasis on roles and processes for practice with integration of communication concepts and nursing models/diagnosis. Prerequisite: admission to RN to BSN program.

303 Nursing Care of Children and Families (3, FaSp) Nursing care of infants, children, adolescents and their families focusing on the nurse's role in assisting families through life transitions. (Duplicates credit in former NURS 403.) Prerequisite: NURS 304, NURS 309; corequisite: NURS 313L, NURS 322.

304 Medical-Surgical Nursing I (4, Fa) Knowledge for nursing of adults and elderly, with acute and chronic health problems from a self care framework. Corequisite: NURS 309, NURS 314L.

305 Psychiatric Nursing (2, FaSp) Knowledge for psychiatric nursing of adults and groups within a self care framework. Prerequisite: NURS 317L, NURS 319L; corequisite: NURS 315.

306 Nursing Care of Women and Newborn Infants (4, Sp) Knowledge for nursing of infants and women, and issues related to women's health care. Prerequisite: NURS 304; corequisite: NURS 316L; NURS 322 or NURS 323.

307 Nursing Theory and Historical Perspective (2, Sm) Beginning study of the theory, practice, and history of nursing. Completion of all GE courses and admission to the nursing program required.

309 Health Assessment (3, Fa) Health assessment of the individual. Communication, interviewing, history taking, and physical assessment of the individual with an emphasis on health promotion. Open to nursing majors and minors only. Corequisite: NURS 319L.

313L Nursing Care of Children and Families Practicum (2, FaSp) Nursing care of children and families with acute and chronic health problems. Practice in acute care and family centered ambulatory settings. (Duplicates credit in former NURS 413L.) Prerequisite: NURS 314L, NURS 317L, NURS 319L; corequisite: NURS 303.

314L Medical-Surgical Nursing Practicum I (4, Fa) Nursing care of adults and the elderly with acute and chronic health problems. Practice in gero-chronic hospital, long-term care, and ambulatory settings. Corequisite: NURS 304.

315L Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (2, FaSp) Nursing care for adolescents, adults and elderly with psychiatric health problems. Practice in public and private clinical agencies and in community settings. Prerequisite: NURS 317L, NURS 319L; corequisite: NURS 305.

316L Nursing Care of Women and Newborn Infants Practicum (2, FaSp) Nursing care of women with health care problems, including care of women during the childbearing years and infants. Prerequisite: NURS 304, NURS 314L, NURS 317L, NURS 319L; corequisite: NURS 306.

317L Fundamental Clinical Nursing Skills (2, Fa) Basic nursing skills with appropriate focused assessments in conjunction with demonstrations; multi-media instruction; student return demonstrations of skills.

318ab Pathophysiology (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Two-semester course focusing on the pathophysiology of selected health care deviations. Emphasis on the dynamic nature of disease and the body's response to illness. Prerequisite: BISC 306Lx and BISC 312Lx or departmental approval.

319L Health Assessment Practicum (1, Fa) Application of health assessment content in the clinical laboratory setting. Interviewing, communication, history-taking, and physical assessment of the adult client will be stressed. Corequisite: NURS 309.

321 Pharmacotherapeutics for Nursing Practices (2, FaSpSm) Pharmacologic agents and their implications for nursing care; emphasis on classification systems, prototype drugs, and patient teaching. Prerequisite: BISC 306Lx.

322 Foundation for Practice: Pathological, Nutritional and Pharmacologic Concepts (2, FaSp) A course focusing on the pathophysiology of selected health deviations. Pharmacology and nutritional interventions as well as the dynamic nature of disease and the body response to illness are emphasized.

323 Concepts for Practice I: Pathological, Nutritional and Pharmacologic Concepts (2, FaSp) A course focusing on the pathophysiology of selected health deviations pertinent to children and adolescents. Pharmacology and nutritional interventions as well as the dynamic nature of disease and the body response to illness are emphasized. Prerequisite: NURS 322.

324 Concepts for Practice II: Pathological, Nutritional and Pharmacologic Concepts (2, FaSp) An advanced course focusing on the pathophysiology of selected complex health deviations. Pharmacology and nutritional interventions as well as the dynamic nature of disease and the body response to illness are emphasized. Prerequisite: NURS 323.

390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

402 Community and Home Health Nursing (3, FaSp) Knowledge for nursing in the community, and community home health methods of nursing care delivery. Prerequisite: NURS 303, NURS 304; corequisite: NURS 412L.

404 Advanced Medical-Surgical Nursing III (2, Sp) Knowledge for nursing of critically ill persons across the life span. Prerequisite: NURS 324, NURS 406; corequisite: NURS 414L.

405 Professional Ethics, Nursing Leadership Management (3, FaSp) Organizational models of nursing; nursing roles in the health care system; professional accountability; ethical/legal issues and decision making; quality; policy; leadership; change; advocacy. Prerequisite: NURS 101; corequisite: NURS 415L.

406 Medical Surgical Nursing II (4, Fa) Knowledge for nursing of adults and elderly with complex acute health problems. Prerequisite: NURS 304; corequisite: NURS 416L.

412L Community and Home Health Nursing Practicum (4, FaSp) Nursing care for clients in community and home; assessment and promotion of health care in specific communities; practice in community/home health settings. Prerequisite: NURS 313L, NURS 316L; corequisite: NURS 402.

414L Advanced Medical-Surgical Practicum III (2, Sp) Experience in helping critically ill persons effectively negotiate a transition to wellness. Practice in a variety of settings allows for comprehensive examination of all aspects of critical care nursing. Prerequisite: NURS 416L; corequisite: NURS 404.

415L Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum (3, Sp) Application of leadership and management content; evaluation of organizational models for nursing practice in complex health care settings; analysis of ethical issues in practice settings. Corequisite: NURS 405.

416L Medical-Surgical Nursing II Practicum (4, Fa) Nursing care of adults and elderly with complex and acute health problems. Practice in acute care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 314L, NURS 317L; corequisite: NURS 406.

419 Human Sexuality (2, FaSp) Human sexuality from a biological, social-psychological and historico-cultural perspective.

420 Transcultural Health Care (2-4, FaSp) Identification of health/illness environments (psychological, sociological, cultural, and economic) that place client at risk; analysis of behavior that leads to health/illness. Junior status.

422 Spiritual Dimensions of Health Care (2-4) Exploration of diverse spiritual and religious responses to illness using experiential and empirical knowledge.

450 Nursing Ethics and Law (4) Examination of personal and professional values in ethical dilemmas; related issues in nursing and health care; ethical and legal parameters of nursing. Prerequisite: senior status and satisfactory completion of Skill Level Composition.

460 Seminar: Nursing Research (4, Sp) Basic research concepts, their relation to nursing theory and application to nursing practice; systematic exploration of the research proposal process. Prerequisite: basic statistics.

461 Nursing Research (4, Sp) Basic research concepts, their relation to nursing theory and application to nursing practice; systematic exploration of the research proposal process. Prerequisite: basic statistics.

490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics in various areas within nursing. (Nursing Elective)

500 Nursing Theories (3) Analysis of major nursing theories and theory development. Prerequisite: admission to M.S.N. Program or departmental approval.

501 Introduction to Enterostomal Therapy Nursing (4, Sp) This course reviews the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the GI, GU, and Integumentary systems. Nursing Assessment and appropriate intervention will be emphasized.

502 Advanced Enterostomal Therapy Nursing (4, Sp) This course is designed to provide the student the opportunity to review and integrate the use of knowledge of nutrition, counseling, and teaching as each applies to these clients. Concepts of role implementation will also be explored. Corequisite: NURS 501.

503 Introduction to Case Management (4, Sp) An introduction to and general overview of care coordination (case management) including definition, models and factors affecting program implementation.

504 Skills for Case Management (4, Sp) Second in a series designed to prepare case managers to practice in various settings. Emphasis on skill acquisition: assessment, communication, planning, advocacy, negotiation, and evaluation. Corequisite: NURS 503.

505L Role-Practicum and Seminar in Care Coordination (4) Advanced seminar topics related to advanced nursing practice in care coordination. Residency with preceptor and faculty guidance in care coordination. Prerequisite: NURS 503; corequisite: NURS 504.

511 Health Care Delivery System (4, FaSp) Analysis of the health care system; economic, political, and societal driving forces; nursing care delivery systems; successful management functions and strategies; current trends and issues. Prerequisite: NURS 500.

512L Enterostomal Therapy Practicum (4, Sp) The practicum components provide the student with the opportunity to perform the skills in advanced Enterostomal Therapy Nursing in a collaborative practice with Certified Enterostomal Therapist Nurses wherever clients access the Health Care System. Lab discussion will be 1 unit of 4. Corequisite: NURS 501, NURS 502.

514 Nursing and Health Care Economics (4, Sp) Basic foundation for understanding economics in nursing and health care; consumer demand, resources, utilization, cost, and market theory for explanatory and evaluation purposes.

516 Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing (2, FaSp) Development of advanced practice roles in nursing from historical, legal, economic, political, social perspectives. Role acquisition, role conflict, role strain, and role definition.

523 Primary Care of the Family I (4, Sm) Family theory, assessment; pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of common health problems in infancy through young adulthood. Theory applied to health promotion in multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: acceptance into FNP program; "pass" on physical assessment performance exam; corequisite: NURS 500, NURS 524L, NURS 565.

524L Practicum in Primary Care of the Family I (4, Sm) Clinical preceptorship focusing on: family assessment; health promotion; diagnosis and management of common health problems in infancy through young adulthood. Prerequisite: acceptance into FNP program; "pass" on physical assessment performance exam; corequisite: NURS 523, NURS 565.

525 Primary Care of Geriatric Clients I (3, Sp) Evaluation, diagnosis, and management of episodic physical and neurobehavioral problems of geriatric clients, particularly underserved elderly psychiatric clients in primary adult care, promotion, and ethics. Corequisite: NURS 526L.

526L Practicum in Primary Care of Geriatric Clients I (4, Sp) Supervised clinical preceptorship focusing on assessment, diagnosis and management of common, acute, physical, psychosocial, and psychiatric health problems of geriatric clients and their social networks. Corequisite: NURS 525.

533 Primary Care of the Family II (4, Fa) Family assessment, intervention; pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of common health problems in mature adults. Theory applied to health promotion in mature multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L; corequisite: NURS 534L.

534L Practicum in Primary Care of the Family II (4, Fa) Clinical preceptorship focusing on: family intervention; health promotion; diagnosis and management of common health problems in mature adults and the elderly. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L; corequisite: NURS 533.

543 Seminar on Advanced Clinical Topics in Primary Care (1, Sp) Synthesis of theories and research to develop comprehensive management plans for primary care of multi-ethnic families with complex health problems. Seminar format. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L, NURS 533, NURS 534L; corequisite: NURS 544L.

544L Advanced Clinical Residency in Primary Care (4, Sp) Synthesis preceptorship focusing on management of complex primary health care problems in multi-ethnic families. Prerequisite: NURS 523, NURS 524L, NURS 533, NURS 534L; corequisite: NURS 543.

548 Primary Care of Geriatric Clients II (3, Fa) Diagnosis and management of chronic, complex physical and psychiatric problems of clients: primary and tertiary care of homeless and disabled elderly persons. Corequisite: NURS 549L.

548L Practicum in Primary Care of Geriatric Clients II (4, Fa) Supervised clinical preceptorship focusing on assessment, diagnosis, management of common chronic health problems of elderly clients and their families. Corequisite: NURS 548.

549L Practicum in Primary Care of Geriatric Clients II (4, Fa) Supervised clinical preceptorship focusing on assessment, diagnosis, management of common chronic health problems of elderly clients and their families. Corequisite: NURS 548.

560ab Theory and Research in Nursing (3-3) a: An introduction to the research process and the major theories utilized in nursing; an overview of the development of a research proposal, and using research. b: Reviews research process and major theories used in nursing. Analyzes research designs. Research proposal developed to test theory and use an appropriate design and analysis. (Duplicates credit in NURS 500 and NURS 561.)

561 Nursing Research: Critique and Utilization (4) Critical analysis of common nursing research methodologies. Critique and utilization of nursing research. Formulation of a research proposal with in-depth literature review.

562 Nursing Leadership (3) A conceptual and practical focus on the fiscal, human resources, planning, decision-making and professional skills required to be a nurse leader. Prerequisite: NURS 511; corequisite: NURS 560a, NURS 563L.

563L Nursing Leadership Practicum (3) Nursing leadership practicum with preceptor and faculty guidance in financial management, strategic planning, decision-making and developing a professional staff. Prerequisite: NURS 511; corequisite: NURS 560a; concurrent enrollment: NURS 562.

565 Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) Mechanisms of actions, interactions, side effects, and prescribing guidelines for drugs commonly utilized in primary care across life cycle. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics with implications for dosage.

566 Advanced Seminar in Nursing Leadership (3) Advanced nursing leadership. Uses organizational theory to examine professional, structural, process and outcome components of managing patient care delivery in various health care settings. Prerequisite: NURS 560a, NURS 562; concurrent enrollment: NURS 567L.

567L Advanced Practicum in Nursing Leadership (2) Nursing leadership practicum with preceptor and faculty guidance in organizational behavior and theory, leadership and management theory, nursing research, organizational change, vision and strategic direction. Prerequisite: NURS 560a, NURS 562, NURS 563L; corequisite: NURS 566.

568 Geriatric Pharmacology (2, Fa) Focus on the critical issues in medications for geriatric clients. Discussion of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamic changes and issues in aging related to use, dosage, and prescription of drugs. Education and prevention of drug interactions and reactions are emphasized. Available to geriatric nurse practitioner program participants only.

570 Seminar on Integration into Health Care System (1, Sp) Topics related to a variety of advanced roles in nursing, examined within the context of health care delivery system. Corequisite: NURS 571L or 544L or departmental approval.

571L Advanced Practicum Residency (4, Sp) Final residency with preceptor and faculty guidance. Prerequisite: NURS 511 and two sets of clinical concentration and practicum courses.

572 Nurse Anesthesia I (4, Sp) Anesthesia theory of administration, assessment and monitoring. Case management including airway and blood/fluid management and the anesthesia machine. Lecture-case study format. Prerequisite: acceptance in nurse anesthesia program.

573 Pharmacology of Anesthesia Practice (4, Sp) Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles, uptake and distribution of inhalational anesthetics. Pharmacology of cardiovascular and central nervous system drugs and anesthetic applications. Prerequisite: acceptance in nurse anesthesia program.

574 Pathophysiology Related to Anesthesia Practice (4, Sm) In-depth study of cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, liver, endocrine and neuropathophysiology with application of these principles to anesthetic case management. Corequisite: NURS 572, NURS 573.

575L Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia I (4, Sm) Correlation of techniques of anesthesia administration with application of scientific and pharmacologic theory in the clinical setting with observation and supervised clinical practicum. Corequisite: NURS 572, NURS 573.

576 Nurse Anesthesia II (5, Fa) Advanced theory of anesthesia management for general and specialized procedures, diagnostic procedures, regional anesthesia, pediatrics and obstetrics. Emphasizes planning and decision-making. Corequisite: NURS 574, NURS 575L.

577L Advanced Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia I (3, Sp) Correlation of techniques of anesthesia administration with application of scientific and pharmacologic theory in geriatric, obstetrical, pediatric anesthesia; anesthetic management to include medically compromised patients. Corequisite: NURS 576.

578L Advanced Clinical Residency in Nurse Anesthesia II (4, Fa) Correlation of techniques of anesthesia administration with application of scientific and pharmacologic theory in neuroanesthesia, cardiac anesthesia, trauma anesthesia, critical care and pain management. Corequisite: NURS 577L.

590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: NURS 561.

591 Special Project (1-4) Supervised learning in functional and/or clinical area of focus; includes a regularly scheduled seminar. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

Nurse-Midwifery (NUMW)

580 Assessment of the Well Woman (3, Sp) Patient interview, history taking, laboratory skills, review of comprehensive physical examination, complete pelvic examination with evaluation of bony pelvis. Examination of social, cultural, economic factors. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 525 and 526L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

581 Women's Health Care (3, Sp) Assessment, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of women's health care, including contraception, sexually transmitted diseases and common episodic illness. Clinical preceptorship of women's health care, including assessment, health promotion and screening, diagnosis and management with emphasis on gynecological care and contraception. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 525 and 526L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

582 Women's Health Care Seminar (1, Sp) Discussion of patient care issues related to the health care of women. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 545 and 546L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

583 Antepartum Care (3, Sm) Nurse-midwifery theory, assessment, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management in the antepartum period. Clinical preceptorship of assessment, health promotion and diagnosis, management of pregnancy and/or common episodic illness. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 545 and 546L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

584 Antepartum Care Seminar (1, Sm) Discussion of patient care issues related to the pregnant woman. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 525 and 526L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

585 Neonatology (2, Sm) Assessment: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of care of the newborn. Clinical preceptorship of newborn care, health promotion and diagnosis and management in neonatal settings. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 535 and 536L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

586 Intrapartum (3, Fa) Assessment, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of care of the laboring woman. Clinical preceptorship of the management of labor and delivery. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 535 and 536L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

587 Postpartum (2, Fa) Assessment: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of the postpartum woman. Clinical preceptorship of health promotion, diagnosis and management in postpartum settings. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 535 and 536L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

588 Intrapartum Care Seminar (1, Fa) Discussion of patient care issues related to the childbearing woman. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 535 and 536L.) Prerequisite: acceptance into nurse-midwifery program.

589 Role Practicum (4, Fa) Integration experience in a clinical setting providing care to women in all phases of reproductive health, including the management of common episodic illness and sexually transmitted diseases. (Duplicates credit in former NUMW 571L.)



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