Doctoral Degrees, page 2
School of Public Administration

Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A.) Degree Requirements

Residence and Unit Requirements

To receive the D.P.A. the student must complete a minimum of 60 units of graduate work at USC and other institutions. D.P.A. students may be authorized to transfer a maximum of 24 graduate units completed at other universities into the D.P.A. program. A minimum of 20 graduate units must be completed at the University Park Campus or the Sacramento or Washington, D.C., Centers within two calendar years. Full-time study is represented by enrollment in eight units during the semester. See Residence Requirements for additional information.

The school and the student's guidance committee insist on a clear and mutually understood commitment of time and energy by the student to ensure significant involvement in the doctoral learning experience.

Guidance and Dissertation Committees

For the D.P.A. student, a three-member guidance committee is chosen, one member of which may be from outside the school. After the committee recommends the student for candidacy following completion of course work and appropriate examinations, the guidance committee is replaced by a three-member dissertation committee.


D.P.A. students must demonstrate competence in statistics by successful completion of PUAD 404 or successful completion of the school's Statistical Competence Examination.

Course Requirements

All doctoral students are required to complete a minimum of 60 acceptable graduate units before receiving the Ph.D. or D.P.A. These 60 units may include a maximum of eight dissertation units, PUAD 794 Doctoral Dissertation. Further, these 60 units may include up to 24 transfer units for the D.P.A. student. This transfer work may not be more than 10 years old at the time of petition for transfer. However, students entering with an appropriate completed graduate degree from an accredited institu-tion may be eligible for admission to the D.P.A. program with Advanced Standing. A minimum of 36 units of course work beyond that graduate degree, exclusive of 794 Doctoral Dissertation, will be required for the degree. Consult the Doctoral Coordinator and the Graduate Admission section of this catalogue for further information. The 60 units must include at least 28 units of course work at the 600 level or above, allowing a maximum of eight units of PUAD 790, but excluding PUAD 794.

D.P.A. students are required to complete 16 units of 600 level course work: PUAD 600 (eight units) and PUAD 685 and PUAD 695 (each four units). D.P.A students must complete eight units of these required courses prior to the preliminary screening process.

Comprehensive Examination

After core course work is completed, the student must pass a comprehensive written examination which integrates the content of PUAD 600, 685 and 695. An oral examination may be required if it is thought necessary.

Research Methodology

D.P.A. students must demonstrate their competence in research methodology by completion of PUAD 691 and a research design or report read by at least two members of the faculty.

Policy Analysis and Quantitative Methods

D.P.A. students must demonstrate competence in policy analysis and quantitative methods by completion of PUAD 526 and 558, or by successfully passing examinations that cover the content of these courses, or by one course and one examination.

Fields of Specialization and Qualifying Examinations

In consultation with the faculty advisor and the guidance committee, the student will select two fields in which to qualify by passing written and oral examinations on the content of these fields. The faculty advisor and guidance committee will assist the student in selecting course work to prepare for qualifying examinations.

Qualifying examinations are scheduled during the fall and spring semesters in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. In Los Angeles, the qualifying examinations are administered once a year in September. The oral phase of the examination must be completed within 60 days following the written segment.

Time Limit

The time limit for completing all requirements for the D.P.A. degree is eight years from the first course at USC applied toward the degree. An academic department may grant an extension of one year at a time for a maximum of two years. See Time Limits for Degree Completion.

Format for Dissertation

See the Graduate School section of this catalogue.


The candidate must research and write a dissertation. Working with a faculty director and with the other members of the dissertation committee, the candidate must register for PUAD 794 Doctoral Dissertation for at least two semesters after admission to candidacy. University policy requires these registrations to be during either the fall or spring semesters. A candidate who is actually working on a dissertation with faculty assistance during a summer will be allowed to register one time only for two units of PUAD 794 that summer. See the Graduate School section of this catalogue.

Defense of the Dissertation Design

After the successful completion of the qualifying examination, the D.P.A. student will be required to present and formally defend a complete research design for the dissertation. The design will be circulated for review and evaluation by the dissertation committee. After this step has been completed, further work leading to the completion of the dissertation is authorized.

Oral Defense of the Dissertation

After the dissertation committee has approved the dissertation in substance the candidate must defend it before the committee and other interested doctoral program faculty and colleagues. Successful completion of the oral defense marks the ultimate step for the candidate within the School of Public Administration. The candidate must be certain that the dissertation project also meets specific university requirements before acceptance by the Thesis Editor. See the Graduate School section of this catalogue.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez