Graduate Degrees, page 5
School of Public Administration

Master of Health Administration

The Master of Health Administration (M.H.A.) prepares students for management positions in hospitals, ambulatory care systems, government agencies concerned with health care planning, delivery, and quality assurance, and private firms involved in health care consulting, evaluation, and finance. The curriculum aims at assuring sufficient knowledge of both the public and private sectors to permit effective functioning as a manager in each.

The M.H.A. degree is offered at the University Park and Sacramento campuses only.

Requirements for Admission


Applicants for the Master of Health Administration must apply separately to the Health Services Administration Program. Applicants must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. Applicants may take courses on limited standing pending formal admission to the master's degree program.

Applicants with bachelor's degrees must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in their undergraduate course work and a score of at least 500 on the verbal and at least 500 on the quantitative sections of the GRE. Deviations from these minimums will be allowed when justified by exceptional work experience, letters of recommendation or improvement in academic performance during the third and fourth years of undergraduate study.

The Accelerated M.H.A. Program

The Health Services Administration Program will admit a small number of undergraduates specializing in Health Policy and Administration in the School of Public Administration to the M.H.A. program after three years of undergraduate studies.

Applicants to the Accelerated M.H.A. Program must be USC undergraduates specializing in Health Policy and Administration in the School of Public Administration. Applications will be considered only from those who have completed at least 80 units in the curriculum for this specialization. Students interested in the Accelerated M.H.A. Program must apply at the beginning of the second semester of their junior year. A cumulative grade point average of at least 3.2 (A = 4.0) will be required for consideration. In addition, applicants will submit a detailed essay specifying their goals and reasons for selecting the field of health service administration, as well as letters of recommendation from three instructors, at least two of whom must be full-time USC faculty members. Substantial importance, in the evaluation of applicants, will be placed on an interview procedure to be carried out by a full-time faculty member in the Health Services Administration Program and a practitioner in the health administration field who holds an adjunct appointment at USC. Academic promise, clarity of purpose and personal maturity will all weigh heavily in determining admission to the Accelerated M.H.A. Program.

Information regarding the Certificate Program in Health Services Administration can be found on the previous page.


Curriculum for the M.H.A. includes 12 courses, as indicated below. In addition, a supervised field placement (residency) in a health service organization is required.

Required CoreUnits
PUAD 512Public Managerial Economics4
PUAD 530Problems and Issues in the Health Field4
PUAD 531aFinancial Management of Health Services4
PUAD 532Health Information Systems4
PUAD 533Health Administration Residency Seminar2-2
PUAD 536Legal Issues in Health Care Delivery4
PUAD 537Economic Concepts Applied to Health4
PUAD 558Quantitative Analysis I4
PUAD 585Human Behavior in Public Organizations4
PUAD 593Advanced Seminar in Health Services Administration (Capstone Course)4

Electives: Any two, but emphasis on:Units
PUAD 508Management of Managed Care Organizations4
PUAD 509Management of Long Term Care Organizations4
PUAD 516Concepts and Practices in Public Personnel Administration4
PUAD 535Strategic and Operational Planning of Health Services4
PUAD 538Marketing of Health Services4
PUAD 539Seminar in Hospital Administration4
PUAD 569Administration of Mental Health Programs4
PUAD 573Wellness in the Workplace4

Note: All courses are four units, with the exception of PUAD 533 Health Administration Residency Seminar. This course is two units per semester; two semesters of PUAD 533 are required for the M.H.A.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez