Graduate Degrees, page 3
School of Public Administration


In addition to the substantive area cluster, five areas of specialization are available for M.P.A. students -- two offered by the School of Public Administration and three offered jointly with other academic units.

Specialization in Intergovernmental Management

Students in this program enroll in courses and serve internships at each of three sites -- studying local government issues in Los Angeles, state government issues in Sacramento and federal government issues in Washington, D.C. -- offering participants an opportunity to study and understand the complex interrelationships among the three levels of government.

In addition to completing M.P.A. core requirements, students enroll in PUAD 552, 553 and 554. PUAD 564 may be substituted for PUAD 554.

Students may enroll simultaneously in the program and in one of the three other specialized certificate programs within the school that have developed compatible tracks: public finance or public policy. Each combined program requires completion of 48 units and a minimum of four semesters of work -- two of those in Los Angeles. When they enroll, students should make their intentions known to both the intergovernmental management program director and to the director of the other program in which they wish to enroll.

Specialization in Judicial Administration

This program, presented by the School of Public Administration and the Law Center, is designed for the developmental education of court administrative personnel. The program consists of intensive and evening classes, so that those who work full-time can attend. The five course modules, covering the M.P.A. core and specified electives, must be completed before awarding of the degree with specialization in Judicial Administration. The modules are: Module I -- Introduction: PUAD 500 and 585; Module II -- Systems and Research: PUAD 526 and 591; Module III -- Personnel and Finance: PUAD 513 and 516; Module IV -- Legal Module: LAW 610 and 731; Module V -- Practicum: PUAD 504, 540 and 597.

The judicial administration program is available only in Los Angeles.

Specialization in Population Policy

In addition to completing the M.P.A. core and management competency requirements, 12 units are taken in the departments of Economics and/or Sociology from the following courses: ECON 433, ECON 460, SOCI 540, SOCI 541, SOCI 542, SOCI 544, SOCI 545, SOCI 548, SOCI 549. See the M.P.A. director for further information.

Specialization in Population Statistics

In addition to completing the M.P.A. core and management competency requirements, 16 units are taken in the Department of Sociology: SOCI 540, SOCI 542, SOCI 545 and SOCI 547. See the M.P.A. director for further information.

Specialization in Information Systems

This program, presented by the School of Public Administration and the Institute of Safety and Systems Management, focuses on the introduction, application and management of information systems within an organization. In addition to completing the M.P.A. core and management competency requirements, students complete 12 units of electives in ISSM, including SYMA 563 Management of Information Systems, SYMA 567 Telecommunications Management, SYMA 569 Decision Support Systems, and one of the following: SYMA 538 Information Security, SYMA 579 Expert Systems for Systems Management or SYMA 585 Information Systems Policy.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez