Undergraduate Degrees, page 2
School of Public Administration

Bachelor of Science in Public Policy, Management and Planning

Degree Program

The Bachelor of Science in Public Policy, Management and Planning is offered jointly by the School of Public Administration and the School of Urban and Regional Planning. The degree is designed to offer a solid introduction to the issues and institutions of public policy, management and planning. The program includes a foundation in general education; a core curriculum in public policy, management and planning; the opportunity for first-hand experience in the planning, policy or management process through a semester-long internship; and a series of elective courses in the area of planning and management.

The Bachelor of Science in Public Policy, Management and Planning builds from a 74-unit base which includes general education, pre-major requirements and general electives. Also, the student must complete 54 units in the major.

Degree Requirements

General Education Requirements

36 units total, or 28 additional units if e. and f. are satisfied by PLDV 200 and/or pre-major courses.

Expository Writing 101 and 102

The Natural World -- two courses. Select one course in two of the following categories:
a.Earth Sciences
b.Physical Sciences
c.Life Sciences

Humanities and Social Sciences (No more than two courses may count for both GE requirements and general, pre-major, or major requirements.)

Choose one course in three of the following categories:
b.The Arts
c.Western Culture I
d.Non-Western Cultures
Choose one course in each of the following categories:
e.American Public Life (This category may be fulfilled by completing PLDV 200 Foundations of Contemporary Public Affairs or POSC 100 Theory and Practice of American Democracy or SOCI 342 Race Relations)
f.Empirical Approaches (This category may be fulfilled by completing SOCI 200 Introduction to Sociology or ECON 203 Principles of Microeconomics or ECON 205 Principles of Macroeconomics)

Math/Computer Languages -- MATH 108 or MATH 116 or higher and PDP 101 or higher (8 units)

Transnational Studies Select one of the following
a.Foreign Language -- demonstrated competency through third semester of foreign language, or
b.Semester Abroad -- equivalent of 8 semester units, or
c.Two courses (8 units) from Transnational Electives list

Transnational ElectivesUnits
ECON 350The World Economy4
GEOG 320Geopolitics4
IR 200Introduction to International Relations4
IR 300Theories of International Politics4
IR 306International Institutions4
IR 307Contemporary International Politics4
IR 330Politics of the World Economy4
LING 315Language, Society, and Culture4
PLDV 250Third World Cities4
PPMT 482Comparative Administration4

Diversity Requirement

All students beginning at USC or elsewhere fall semester 1993 or later must pass one course from the list of courses approved to meet the standard diversity requirement. These courses carry the designation "m" for multiculturalism.

Pre-Major Requirements

Pre-Major Courses (16 units)Units
ECON 203*Principles of Microeconomics4
ECON 205*Principles of Macroeconomics4
SOCI 200*Introduction to Sociology, or
SOCI 342**Race Relations4
POSC 100**Theory and Practice of American Democracy, or
POSC 300Principles, Institutions, and Great Issues of American Democracy4

* Fulfills GE Empirical Approaches category.
** Fulfills GE American Public Life category.

General Electives (14 units)

Public Policy, Management and Planning Core Courses
Core Courses (34 units)Units
PLDV 200Foundations of Contemporary Public Affairs4
PLDV 355*Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning4
PLDV 404Statistics for Planning and Development4
PPMT 215Public Organizations and Management4
PPMT 225Public Policy Processes and Institutions4
PPMT 240Citizenship and Public Ethics4
PPMT 357Government and Business4
PPMT 401Public Policy and Management Issues and Practices (Internship)2
PPMT 473Public Policy Analysis4

*Fulfills GE American Public Life category.

Public Policy and Management Electives

A total of 4 units, selected from the following:Units
PPMT 313Administration of Financial Resources4
PPMT 316Administration of Personnel Resources4
PPMT 403Management Analysis4
PPMT 485Organizational Behavior in Public Administration4
PPMT 486Politics and Administration, or
PPMT 410cSeminar on American Government and Politics (Washington, D.C. Semester course)4

Planning Electives

A total of 16 units, selected from the following:Units
History and Design
PLDV 410Graphic Techniques in Urban Planning4
PLDV 414Introduction to Physical-Spatial Design4
PLDV 426History and Development of Cities4
PLDV 475LDesign and Development Laboratory4
PLDV 490Directed Research4
PLDV 499Special Topics4

Policy and Analysis
PLDV 401Political Foundations for Planning and Development4
PLDV 402Economic Foundations for Planning and Development4
PLDV 455Analysis for Planning and Development4
PLDV 474LAnalysis Laboratory4
PLDV 490Directed Research4
PLDV 499Special Topics4

Urban Planning
PLDV 440Housing and Community Development4
PLDV 452Planning, Policy Making and Social Change4
PLDV 461Environmental Issues4
PLDV 480Introduction to Urban Transportation4
PLDV 490Directed Research4
PLDV 499 Special Topics4

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez