Graduate Degrees, page 4
School of Pharmacy

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy

The Department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy (School of Pharmacy) and the Department of Economics (College of Letters, Arts and Sciences) jointly offer a program of study leading to the Ph.D. degree and to the M.A. degree in the process of work toward the Ph.D. degree. Applicants must apply to the Graduate School and meet the admissions requirements of both academic units. This program focuses on economic assessment of pharmaceuticals and medical technology and research into the finance and delivery of pharmaceuticals and pharmacy services. A minimum of 64 units of graduate level courses numbered 500 or higher (excluding 794) and a minimum of four units of 794 is required.

Foreign Language Requirement

There is no formal foreign language requirement. However, competence in the use of one computer programming language is required for the graduate degrees. Such competence can be demonstrated either by course work or examination.

Grade Point Average

A grade point average of at least 3.0 (A = 4.0) must have been achieved on graduate course work at USC. ECON 586 or a higher level course in econometrics must be completed with a grade of B or higher.

Guidance Committee

The student will be assigned to a member of the graduate faculty who will serve as his or her temporary advisor until the formation of a guidance committee. The student should consult the pharmaceutical economics and policy director of graduate studies on the appointment of a Ph.D. guidance committee after taking the core theory examination. The chairman of the student's Ph.D. guidance committee advises the student on matters of curriculum and graduate opportunities. The guidance committee comprises three to five members, at least one of whom must be from outside the department; at least two members must specialize in the student's area of emphasis, and at least three of the members must be suitable for service on the student's dissertation committee. The composition of all Ph.D. guidance committees must be approved by the PEP director of graduate studies. The student must form his or her guidance committee within one month after passing the departmental screening procedure.

Screening Procedure

The placement examinations in basic economics, mathematics and statistics must be completed and deficiency requirements completed in these areas. Depending on the results of these examinations, the student may require some preparation for his or her graduate program by taking some appropriate courses in economic theory (ECON 500 and/or 501), mathematics (ECON 482) or statistics (ECON 483). The student's progress will be reviewed after each semester and before registration for any additional course work to determine if progress has been satisfactory.

Core Theory Examination

Before completing three years of full-time graduate study or its part-time equivalent and prior to taking the qualifying examination, the student must pass the Department of Economics written core examination in general economic theory including applications.

Seminar Requirements

Every student is required to take and satisfactorily complete three two-unit research seminars chosen from PMEP 698 or the equivalent. At least one of these seminars must be related to the student's major field and the same seminar may be taken more than once. Before completing the dissertation, the student must present at least one original research paper in a seminar of his or her choice. This paper should typically consist of original results contained in the student's dissertation. It becomes part of the student's permanent file.

Dissertation Proposal Preparation

The student is required to register for two units of PMEP 790 and write a research paper on a topic suitable for a dissertation. Typically, the chair of the student's guidance committee directs this work. The resulting essay becomes part of the student's written dissertation proposal which is presented and critiqued during the oral portion of the qualifying examination.

Qualifying Examination

Upon successful completion of course and grade requirements, the student takes a written and oral examination on the chosen area of research emphasis and presents a detailed written dissertation proposal. After passing this examination, the student is admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree.


After admission to candidacy, the student forms a dissertation committee comprising three faculty members, one of whom must be from an outside department. The chair of this committee is the dissertation supervisor. The student must register for PMEP 794 each semester, excluding summer sessions, until the dissertation and all other degree requirements are completed.

The student is expected to complete a dissertation based on original investigation. The dissertation must represent a significant contribution to knowledge and must be defended in an oral examination administered by the dissertation committee. The final written dissertation must be of publishable quality and must be approved by all members of the dissertation committee (see the section on Graduate School policies and requirements).

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez