Courses of Instruction, page 4
School of Music

Music History and Literature (MUHL)

100xg Jazz, Ragtime, and Blues (4) Historical evolution of jazz from its origins to present day; elements of musical structures and jazz styles. Not available for credit to jazz studies majors.

200xg Introduction to Concert Music (4, FaSpSm) Elements of music and media of performance in historical perspective. Listening sections and concert attendance integrated with lectures. Not available for credit to Bachelor of Music majors and Bachelor of Arts in Music majors.

220xg The Great Composers (4, FaSp) A survey of the life and musical works of one of the great composers of Western art music. No reading knowledge of music required. Not available for credit to music majors.

230x Opera (4, Irregular) A survey of opera; investigation of musical and literary traditions; emphasis on listening skills. Prior musical knowledge not required. Not available for credit to music majors.

280ab Music from 1750 to the Present (3, Fa-3, Sp) Major classical, romantic, and modern composers, styles, and musical genres. Detailed analysis of selected works. Prerequisite: MUTC 132ab and MUTC 133ab.

302g Musical Cultures of the World (4, FaSp) Survey of the world's major musical cultures; aesthetic and social values, theoretical systems, musical style and structure, instruments, and performance traditions.

333 Music History Review (1-2, FaSpSm) Supervised review of the materials covered in undergraduate music history courses for students whose music history examinations indicate the need for further study.

385ab Music from Antiquity to 1750 (3, Fa-3, Sp) Musical styles and genres, performance practices, research methods, and related topics. Detailed analyses of selected works. Prerequisite: MUTC 232ab and MUTC 233ab.

390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

403 Introduction to Armenian Music (2, Irregular) Folk and church music; text, origins, genres, and general characteristics.

404 The Armenian Folk Music Tradition (2) Music as the expression of the world-view of the Armenian people; rural, Gussans, Ashughs, urban folk song, liturgical folk song, instrumental folk music.

416 Evolution of the Guitar in the United States (3) Historical survey of styles, literature and performance practice; emphasis on playing technique and interpretation. A time-line study relating guitar to popular music and historical events.

426ab Classical Guitar History and Literature (3-3) Studies in the history and literature of the classical guitar and its antecedents, the lute and vihuela.

471 Opera History and Literature (2, Irregular) Musical theater -- its historical, political, and economic foundations; significant milestones in opera; interrelation between the dramatic theater, opera, concert, and church music. Prerequisite: for music majors, MUHL 280ab; for nonmusic majors, MUHL 200x.

472ab Piano History and Literature (2, Fa-2, Sp) Solo piano literature; emphasis on composers' influences, performance practices and the development of the pianoforte. a: Late Baroque through Beethoven. b: Schubert to the present. Prerequisite: for music majors, MUHL 280ab; for nonmusic majors, MUHL 200x and departmental approval.

476 Music Criticism (2) Procedure and practice in forming critical judgments of music and in writing music criticism; practical journalism; professional and community ethics. Prerequisite: for music majors, MUHL 280ab; for nonmusic majors, MUHL 200x.

479 Song Literature (2, max 4, FaSp) Song literature of Italy, France, Germany, Russia, Norway, Sweden, England, America; comparative analysis of various composers and their influence on song literature. Prerequisite: for music majors, MUHL 280ab; for nonmusic majors, MUHL 200x.

486 Jazz Masters of the 20th Century (2) Examination of major artists of the jazz tradition with emphasis on the innovators of each period. Detailed analysis of selected repertoire.

490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics of current interest.

560 Musical Cultures of the World (4, FaSp) The indigenous and transcultural musics of Africa, India, Indonesia, the Balkans, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Far East, the Middle East, and Latin America. Prerequisite: MUHL 570.

570 Introduction to Graduate Study (2, FaSp) Basic bibliography, literature, and research techniques useful in graduate music study. Required of all graduate students majoring in music.

572 Seminar in Notation (3, Fa) Musical notation of the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and Baroque; transcriptions and scoring. Text abbreviations and translations; editorial practice. Problems of modern notation. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

573 Music of the Middle Ages (2, Sp; 2 years, Sm) Chief musical developments in Western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the middle of the 14th century. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

574 Music of the Renaissance (2, Sp; 2 years, Sm) Chief musical developments in Western Europe from the middle of the 14th century to the end of the 16th. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

575 Music of the Baroque Era (2, Fa; 2 years, Sm) Styles, forms, composers, and compositions of the Baroque era. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

576 Music of the Classical Period (2, Sp; 2 years, Sm) Development of classical style in symphonic music, opera, and chamber music. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

577 Music of the 19th Century (2, Fa; 2 years, Sm) Vocal and instrumental music of the Romantic era from late Beethoven through Brahms. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

578 Music of the 20th Century (2, Sp; 2 years, Sm) Chief musical developments in Western Europe and the Americas from 1890 to the present. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

580 Historical Perspectives in Jazz (2) Chief musical developments in the principal styles of Jazz from their inception to the present. Prerequisite: graduate standing or departmental approval.

581 History of Music Theory from Antiquity to 1750 (2) Study of major writers and topics in theoretical literature from antiquity through the early 18th century. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

582 History of Music Theory from 1750 to the Present (2) Study of major writers and topics in theroretical literature from approximately 1750 to the present. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

583 Special Studies in Medieval Music (2, max 4, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

584 Special Studies in Renaissance Music (2, max 4, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

585 Special Studies in Baroque Music (2, max 6, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

586 Special Studies in the Music of the Classical Period, 1730-1800 (2, max 6, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

587 Special Studies in the Music of the 19th Century (2, max 6, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

588 Special Studies in Music of the 20th Century (2, max 6, Irregular) Music problems and composers of the period. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

589ab Seminar in the Repertory of Early Music (2, Fa-2, Sp) In-depth study of musical sources and treatises for instruments, voice, and ensembles. Prerequisite: MUHL 570, MUHL 572.

590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

595 Seminar in Performance Practices (2, max 4) Scholarly preparation and authentic performance of music written before c. 1770. Ornamentation and improvisation, tunings and temperaments, early language pronunciation, historical instruments, etc. Corequisite: MUHL 570.

683 Seminar in Medieval Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

684 Seminar in Renaissance Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

685 Seminar in Baroque Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

686 Seminar in Classical Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

687 Seminar in Romantic Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

688 Seminar in 20th-Century Music (2-3, max 6, Irregular) Problems and composers of the period; specific emphasis determined by the department. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

695 Seminar in Music History (3, Sm) Chronological and systematic studies. Prerequisite: 12 units of graduate Music History and Literature.

790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. Corequisite: MUHL 570 and departmental approval.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

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David Henriquez