Dept. of Cell and Neurobiology, page 5
School of Medicine

Courses of Instruction

Pharmacology and Nutrition (PHNU)

510L Pharmacology I (5, Fa) Actions, chemical properties, bodily distribution, and toxicology of drugs. Laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOC 441.

511 Pharmacology II (3, Sp) Continuation of 510L. Prerequisite: PHNU 510L.

516 Pharmacology of Cardiovascular Disorders (2, Sp) Pharmacological basis of treatment of various cariovascular disorders including: hypertension, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, angina, acute myocardium infarction, etc. Emphasis on actions, use, and side effects.

520ab Seminar in Nutrition (2-2, FaSp)

521 Drug-Nutrient Interactions (2, Irregular) Interactions between foods, nutrients, and commonly used drugs that alter nutritional status and drug efficacy; specific effects in absorption, distribution, metabolism and clearance will be discussed. Prerequisite: PHNU 527 and/or PHNU 510L.

523 Current Issues and Controversies in Nutrition (3, Sp) Research, education, marketing, current practices in nutrition; alternative education in nutrition and health supplementation; health food and commercial food industries; politics of health and nutrition. Prerequisite: PHNU 527 or BIOC 441.

525 Pharmacology of Toxic Agents (2, Fa) Mechanisms of cardiovascular, central and autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular, renal, hepatic, and hematological toxicity of chemical agents and drugs with special emphasis on cellular chemistry.

526 Pharmacology of Drug Abuse (2, Irregular) Pharmacology of hallucinogens, narcotics, CNS stimulants and depressants; theories of drug addiction; pharmacological basis of treatment of poisoning and addiction. Emphasis on biochemical aspects.

527 Introduction to General Nutrition (3, Fa) Dietary role of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals in metabolism; food faddism and diet therapy; food additives and toxicology.

528 Pharmacology of Reproductive Mechanisms (3, Irregular) Actions, use, and side effects of drugs prescribed exclusively for women; contraceptives, profertility agents, abortifacients, lactation suppressants, menopausal supplements, drugs used in labor and delivery. Prerequisite: general biochemistry and human physiology recommended.

529 Methods in Forensic Toxicology (3) Identify and quantitate drugs and their metabolites from biological specimens using appropriate laboratory techniques and the utilization of laboratory findings and their appropriate and effective introduction in courts of law.

531 Research Techniques in Pharmacology and Nutrition (2, Fa) Theory and laboratory in fluorometry, spectrophotometry, gas, liquid and thin layer chromatography, sample preparation, electrophysiology, radioactive tracers.

532 Psycho- and Neuropharmacology (2, Irregular) Current concepts of pharmacological mechanisms; correlations of the alterations of brain biochemistry and behavioral correlation.

536 Fetal Pharmacology and Fetal Nutrition (3, Fa) The influence of drugs and nutrition upon fetal tissues and organs; transport, metabolism, and elimination of drugs by placenta and fetal tissues. Prerequisite: general biochemistry and human physiology recommended.

537 Chemical Mechanisms of Disease and Therapy (2, Fa) Selected syndromes (hepatic coma, diabetes, glycogen storage disease, uremia, glactosemia) discussed from clinical basis of signs, symptoms, specific therapy in terms of pathological chemistry.

538 Fluids and Electrolytes (2, Fa) Osmotic pressure, acid-base balance and intermediates of inorganic and organic metabolism as they affect the distribution and turnover of water.

540 Advanced Topics in Nutrition (2, Sp) Detailed presentations of the research techniques used to examine the role of nutrition in the causation and treatment of disease.

541 Naturally Occurring Toxicants in Food (3, Sp) Toxicants and carcinogens of plant, animal and microbial origin, as well as man-made chemicals (formed during processing, additives and residues) will be examined relative to metabolic detoxification and food safety. Recommended preparation: PHNU 527 and BIOC 503.

542 Nutritional Epidemiology (2) Basic principles of epidemiology as applied to the study of relationships between diet and chronic disease. Overview of the study design and methods in analyzing/assessing epidemiologic research, dietary intake and implications of measurement errors. Prerequisite: PM 510L.

545 Current Concepts in Clinical Nutrition (2, Fa) Experimental sequences leading to accepted nutritional concepts used in therapy, including evaluation of the disease mechanism as related to the efficacy of the nutritional therapy. Prerequisite: PHNU 527.

571 Advanced Nutrition: Macrominerals and Trace Minerals (3, Sp) An opportunity for in-depth discussion of mineral metabolism, functions and requirements. Clinical concerns related to mineral deficiency and toxicity will also be explored. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in nutrition and biochemistry.

572 Advanced Nutrition: Fat and Water Soluble Vitamins (3, Fa) An in-depth discussion of the fat and water soluble vitamins including metabolism, requirements, deficienty, toxicity, interactions with other nutrients and roles in major diseases. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in basic nutrition and biochemistry.

573 Advanced Nutrition: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids (3) An in-depth disucssion of the energy providing macronutrients (plus dietary fiber) covering their metabolism, functions, interrelationships and roles in health and disease. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in nutrition and biochemistry.

571 Advanced Nutrition: Macrominerals and Trace Minerals (3,Sp) An opportunity for in-depth discussion of mineral metabolism, functions and requirements. Clinical concerns related to mineral dificiency and toxicity will also be explored. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in nutrition and biochemistry.

572 Advanced Nutrition: Fat and Water Soluble Vitamins (3,Fa) An in-depth discussion of the fate and water soluble vitamins including metabolism, requirements, deficiency, toxicity, interactions with other nutrients and roles in major diseases. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in basic nutrition and biochemistry.

573 Advanced Nutrition: Proteins, Carbohydrates and Lipids(3) An in-depth discussion of the energy providing macronutrients (plus dietary fiber) covering their metabolism, functions, interrelationships and roles in health and disease. Prerequisite: undergraduate courses in nutrition and biochemistry.

579 Mechanisms of Drug Action (2, Fa) Mechanisms involved in the action on body functions of all clinically important drugs; analyses of their sites of action and, where possible, their effects on metabolic systems and enzymes. Prerequisite: PHNU 510L.

586abcd Research in Pharmacology (2-6, Irregular) Properly qualified students will be permitted to engage in investigation. Hours and credits to be arranged.

590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

592ab Seminar in Pharmacology (2-2, FaSp)

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

790 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

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David Henriquez