Student Advisor ANCB and PHNU Programs: Cheryl M. Craft
(213) 342-1881
Professors: N. Ahmad; P.M. Beigelman (Medicine); J.C. Blanks (Ophthalmology); C. M. Craft; L.V. Johnson; R.F. Moronde (Medicine)*; J.E. Schechter*; D.W. Warren (Physiology and Biophysics); R.L. Wood
Associate Professors: G.H. Albrecht; R.L. Binggeli; F. Cominelli (Medicine); M.J. Cullen; J.A. Garner*; R. Gopalakrishna; C.K. Haun; W.J. Paule; B.G. Slavin*; M.H. Snow*; S.Y. Ying
Assistant Professor: S. Danto (Medicine)
Associate Professor of Clinical: G.E. Gray (Psychiatry)
Clinical Assistant Professor: M. Meskin
Assistant Professor of Research: W. Gilmore (Neurology)
Research Assistant Professor: P. Wendt (Gerontology)
Emeritus Professors: D.A. Berman*; S.P. Bessman (Pediatrics); G. Hunderford; N.C. Jain; E.C. Layne; W.C.T. Yang
Emreitus Associate Professor: B. Newman
*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.
The Department of Cell and Neurobiology provides interdisciplinary training in molecular, cellular and systems biology. Ongoing programs explore basic mechanisms in molecular and cellular neurobiology, neurogenetics, endocrinology, pharmacology, embryogenesis, regeneration, cell biology, vertebrate evolution, drug and toxicant metabolism, and nutrition/drug interactions. Disease oriented research, bridging basic and clinical disciplines, investigates inherited or acquired disorders in vision, hepatic drug and toxicant metabolism, and endocrinology. The challenge is to weld interdisciplinary activities into a conduit for transferring basic science discoveries into advances in technology which support clinical innovation.
Departmental reorganization at the USC School of Medicine led in July, 1994, to the creation of a new Department of Cell and Neurobiology. The Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology was merged with the Department of Pharmacology and Nutrition to form a single interdisciplinary unit. The graduate programs for each of the merged departments continue to be listed individually, to be replaced in a subsequent edition of the catalogue when a single graduate program in cell and neurobiology is officially approved. The Department of Cell and Neurobiology has 32 faculty members, including 23 with primary appointments and nine with a dual appointment in other departments of the Medical School or a joint appointment with other schools within the university.
The graduate program of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology is dedicated to excellence and state-of-the-art training and education in molecular and cellular aspects of normal function and in acquired or genetic disorders that cause human disease. Highly qualified students are selected for admission each year from a pool of domestic and foreign applicants. Professional and intellectual development is fostered through a broadly based curriculum from which students can tailor a menu of specialization and by a supportive environment of faculty interactions. Graduate education is designed to prepare the student for a lifetime of learning, exploring the limits of research, teaching and creative activities.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995