200gm Introduction to Sociology (4, FaSpSm) Basic concepts of sociology with special reference to group life, social institutions, and social processes.
230g Society and Business in Korea and Japan (4) Sociological analysis of traditional and modern Korea and Japan, exploring business practices, religion, men and women, economy, class structure, and political system.
248g Power, Politics, and Modern Society (4) Analysis of various political forms of modern society, such as bureaucracy, democracy, and totalitarianism, from a historical-comparative perspective.
250g Social Problems (4, FaSp) Analysis of factors in current American social problems: crime, delinquency, prostitution, family disorganization, race relations, mental illness.
268 Marriage in Contemporary Society (4) Pivotal decisions in courtship, marriage, sex roles, family planning, crisis management, divorce, and remarriage considered from social, legal, and ethical perspectives.
275 Sociology of Everyday Life (4) The social philosophy of understanding everyday life; describing and analyzing forms of interaction, emotions, knowledge, and the social self.
303 Sociology of Human Development (4) Group processes and group-individual interactions which explain the characteristics of human development at various stages of life.
305m Sociology of Childhood (4, Fa) Social construction of childhoods; children's social relations and cultures; issues of childcare, poverty, violence, and children's rights; effects of children on adults.
313 Sociological Research Methods (4, Fa) Logic of theory construction, research design, elementary data collection and analysis. Lecture and laboratory.
314 Sociological Statistics (4, FaSp) Sociological measurement, univariate description, elementary correlation, introduction to statistical inference.
315 Sociology of Sport (4) Relationship between sport and politics, racism, and sexism; player and fan violence; sports for children; sport in the educational setting; drug abuse among athletes.
320 Social Psychology (4) Process of interaction and communication by which persons influence and are influenced by others; development of self, role behavior, attitudes and values, social norms, cultural conditioning.
331 Cities (4) Organization of urban society, including such topics as segregation, urban decay, local politics, residential change, and community conflict.
333g Environment and Society (4, Fa) Interrelation between societies and their environments. Analysis of sociological aspects of environmental problems, e.g., energy, food, health hazards, and alternative environmental futures.
335g Society and Population (4) World population trends and their consequences: determinants of fertility, mortality, and migration; development of elementary models of population change.
340g Organizations: Bureaucracy and Alternatives to Bureaucracy (4) Importance of organizations in social life; techniques for using and changing organizations; examination of strategies for building and sustaining nonbureaucratic organizations.
342gm Race Relations (4, Sp) Past and present relations between the White majority and the "conquered minorities" (Blacks, Chicanos, American Indians), as well as Asian immigrants; conflict vs. assimilation perspectives.
344g Population, Business, and Public Affairs (4) Effects of trends in American population on demands for business and governmental goods and services; means of projecting these demands.
345 Social Institutions (4) Cultural and interactional aspects of social institutions as complex social systems; religious, political, industrial, and familial institutions.
350 Deviant Behavior (4) Current theories of origin, distribution, and control of deviant behavior; examination of processes involved in the career deviance of drug addicts, alcoholics, sexual deviants, gamblers, and mentally disordered.
351 Sociology of Juvenile Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System (4, Fa) Past and current theories of youth crime; gangs and other forms of youth deviance; the changing response of the police, courts, and public to these behaviors.
353 Sociology of Crime and of the Criminal Justice System (4) Nature and trends in crime, policing, courts, and correctional agencies in relation to past, current, and prospective changes in society.
355gm Immigrants in the United States (4) Social construction of historical and contemporary immigration to the United States, including causes of migration, immigration policies, and the socioeconomic integration of immigrants.
356m Mexican Immigrants in a Diverse Society (4, FaSp) Effects of class, global inequality, legal status, gender, racial/ethnic, and language differences in distinguishing Mexican immigrant populations from the U.S.-born population; differentiation among Mexican immigrants.
360gm Social Inequality: Class, Status, and Power (4) Inequalities in wealth, prestige, and power in the United States; the American class structure and the extent of upward mobility in that structure.
364m Racial and Ethnic Women in America (4, FaSp) (Enroll in SWMS 364m)
366m Chicana and Latina Experiences (4) Sociological examination of Chicana and Latina experiences in the western region of the United States; issues of family, work, media, education and sexuality.
369 The Family in a Changing Society (4, Fa) Changing family patterns; personality development; family unity, predicting success in marriage; the family in transition; crises such as economic changes, death, divorce; family reorganization.
370 Introduction to Sociological Theory (4, Sp) Historical and contemporary approaches to sociological theory; analysis of conceptual frameworks applied to the study of society and social interaction.
375m Asian Americans: Ethnic Identity and Social Change (4, FaSp) Cultural images and stereotypes, gender, immigration history, social class, politics, and social problems in Asian American communities.
376m Contemporary Issues in Asian American Communities (4, FaSp) Survey of current social and political issues facing Asian American communities with emphasis on Los Angeles region; design and implementation of community-based research projects.
385g Population, Society, and Aging (4) Study of population characteristics related to the problems and processes of aging.
386m Men and Masculinity (4) (Enroll in SWMS 385m)
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
422 Social Groups (4) Analysis of structure and function of social groups, to include families, university groups, professional associations, encounter groups, and juvenile gangs.
425 Crowds, Publics, and Social Movements (4, Fa) Spontaneous, expressive, and creative forms that support or revolutionize society, including topics such as audiences, student unrest, tax revolts, patriotism, uprisings, and women's movements.
430m Work and the Workplace (4, Fa) Contrasting views of work in contemporary societies; technological change in the workplace; opportunity, inequality, conflict, and alienation in different occupations.
435m Women in Society (4) Women today in the labor force, in politics, and in the family. Past and contemporary attempts to expand the position of women in society.
437m Sexuality and Society (4, Fa) Historical and contemporary sexual issues (pornography, prostitution, rape) examined in light of Victorianism, Freudianism, Marxism, scientific sexology, feminism, gay liberationism, and sexual conservatism.
440 Professionals in Corporations (4) Transformation of professional work in corporations; topics include relations with clients and managers, hierarchies, whistleblowing, toxics, malpractice, gender, and race; emphasis on doctors, lawyers, engineers.
445 Political Sociology (4, Fa) Survey of research and theory in political sociology including behavior, power structures, consciousness, attitudes, and economic change.
455m Gender and Sport (4) (Enroll in SWMS 455m)
462 Soviet Society (4) The policy, economy, class stratification, education, sex roles, family, nationality groups, intellectual dissent, population processes, and population policy of Soviet society.
470 Development and Social Change in the Third World (4) Theories and case studies on social, economic, political, and cultural development and change in the Third World: Latin America, Asia, or Africa.
475 Medical Sociology (4) Social and cultural factors in causation of disease, health care utilization and health care delivery.
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) An interdisciplinary examination of selected emerging issues.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995