Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics

Kaprielian Hall 268
(213) 740-8964
(213) 740-3167 (FAX)

Director: Larry L. Berg, Ph.D.

Administrative Assistant: Rose Martorell

The Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics (UIP) offers intern positions with governmental, political and activist offices and organizations in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. It also offers a Politics in Washington Program in Washington, D.C., for 10 students each semester.

Directed Government and Political Internship

In Los Angeles, students volunteer to work in one of over 250 politically and governmentally related offices, which enables them to gain firsthand experience in a political setting. Student interns acquire basic political understanding and skill as interns in political, governmental, campaign, media, legal or activist organizations. Students enroll in POSC 395 Directed Governmental and Political Leadership Internship, for two to eight units.

Politics in Washington Program

Junior and senior students in the institute's Politics in Washington Program spend a semester "inside" the nation's capital. Unlike the usual intern programs which assign interns to offices of elected representatives or to executive agencies, the institute places interns in organizations which either generate or respond to political pressures and influences -- political campaign organizations, public interest groups, congressional and senatorial campaign committees as well as the national committees of the two major political parties, campaign managers and political consultants, corporate or labor action committees and single issue lobbying groups. The institute's program is also unusual because it tries to match the students' personal political persuasions with those of the institutions in which they have their internships.

The students participate, without pay, in a full-time internship and attend two weekly classroom seminars taught by distinguished instructors. The seminars feature guest speakers, including top executive and legislative officials, politicians, journalists, lobbyists and consultants.

The program may consist of a maximum of 16 units. POSC 395 Directed Governmental and Political Leadership Internship and 420 Practicum in the American Political Process are required for eight units of credit; students are also advised to enroll in POSC 334 Interest Groups and Elite Behavior and 490x Directed Research for an additional eight units. Applicants must be juniors or seniors with a strong academic record. All applicants are encouraged to complete at least one semester in the Los Angeles area intern program of the institute or have experience in politics and/or government. The cost of the program is approximately that of a semester on campus; airfare is additional. Complete information, brochures and applications are available at the institute office.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
Joye Day