Courses of Instruction, page 3
Department of Political Science
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

500 Methods of Political Science (4) Empirical political research: social science logic; theory construction; measurement; research design; sampling; data generation; secondary analysis; report and proposal writing; research ethics.

510 American Politics and Policy Processes (4) Survey of literature; examination of approaches, concepts, and issues in the field of American politics and policy processes.

512 Linkage Politics (4) Empirical and theoretical investigations of the points at which subnational, national, and international politics converge, overlap, or are otherwise interdependent.

520 Comparative Politics (4) Survey of literature; examination of approaches, concepts, and issues in the field of comparative politics.

530 Political Theory (4) Survey of literature; examination of approaches, concepts, and issues in the field of political theory.

535 Seminar in North African and Middle Eastern Politics (4) Comparative and area study approaches, nation-building; political cultures; mobilization of human and natural resources; political recruitment, integration, socialization, and conflict.

539 Political Economy and Public Policy (4) (Enroll in PEPP 539)

540 Law and Public Policy (4) National and comparative approaches to law and politics in organized societies; law as a policy science; administration of justice; political forces influencing legal change.

546 Seminar in Environmental Policy (4) Issues and theories involved in the formulation, implementation, and effectiveness of different environmental policies.

554 Women in Global Perspective (4) (Enroll in SWMS 554)

556 Seminar in Disability and Rehabilitation Policy (4) Examination of physical disability as a policy issue from a cross-national and multidisciplinary perspective; attitudes toward disability; income maintenance, health care, and related programs.

560 Feminist Theory (4) (Enroll in SWMS 560)

566 Politics and Aging (4) Examination of micro (individual) and macro (societal) aspects of aging, politics, and public policy.

590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

600 Seminar in Advanced Research Methods (4) Multivariate analysis of data, computer applications, and research report preparation; multiple regression; analysis of variance; factor analysis and related techniques; time series analysis. Prerequisite: POSC 500 and departmental approval.

610 Seminar in Political Parties (4) Parties and the political system; formal and informal organization and roles; comparative party systems.

611 Seminar in the Executive and Legislative Processes (4) Selected research topics; comparative analyses.

612 Seminar in Urban Politics (4) Problems of government and politics in urban, county, and metropolitan areas. Comparative community politics.

615 Seminar in Political Finance (4) The role of money in politics and election reform, including theoretical, constitutional, comparative, and practical problems of financing and regulating politics in a pluralistic democracy.

618 Seminar in Problems of American Politics (4) Theoretical and methodological problems in American politics with emphasis on emerging research paradigms.

619 Seminar in Supreme Court Politics (4) Role of the Supreme Court in the American political system. Influences on judicial decision making; appointment and decision making processes; scope of judical power. Recommended preparation: POSC 540.

620 Seminar in the Judicial Process in the United States and Canada (4) The courts and political subsystems; jurisprudential considerations in a political context; judicial roles. Comparative Canadian and United States judicial systems. Prerequisite: POSC 540.

621 Seminar in Public Law (4) Problems and research in American constitutional and administrative law and in modern jurisprudence.

622 Seminar in Political Attitudes and Behavior (4) Determinants, nature, and consequences of political attitudes and behavior exploring psychological-sociological models, political socialization and learning, and factors affecting trends in attitudes and behavior. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

623 Seminar in American Constitutional Development (4) Evolution of American constitutional law; the influence of social, economic, and political changes on constitutional interpretation. Prerequisite: POSC 510 or POSC 540.

630 Seminar in European Politics (4) Selected research topics in comparative European politics; political culture, socialization, parties, legislative and executive processes.

631 Seminar in Soviet Politics (4) Selected research topics in the government and politics of the USSR and East European nations.

632 Seminar in Latin-American Politics (4) Comparative analysis of the political structure and institutions of Latin America; participation and alienation; democracies and dictatorships; political forces.

633 Seminar in East Asian Politics (4) Comparative analysis of revolutionary and evolutionary modernization; the roots of political thought and behavior; peripheral area relationships; present-day political processes.

634 Seminar in Southeast Asian Politics (4) Comparative analysis of political forces, ideologies, processes, and institutions.

636 Seminar in African Politics (4) Comparative analysis of political forces, ideologies, and institutions in African nations south of the Sahara.

637 Seminar in Chinese Politics (4) Guided research and discussion on the governmental process in the People's Republic of China including leadership, ideology, and popular participation.

638 Politics of the Mediterranean (4) A comparative analysis of the political focus and interaction of states in the Mediterranean region.

640 Seminar in Problems of Comparative Politics (4) Theoretical and methodological problems in comparative politics; approaches to comparative analysis; problems and trends.

641 Seminar in Comparative Judicial Policies, Processes, and Behavior (4) Cross-national and intranational comparative analysis of judicial policies and processes; legal and judicial elites.

648 International Human Rights Law and Policy (4) Historical and contemporary consideration of human rights issues in world politics. Examination of the philosophical foundations of human rights and the institutions that enforce international standards.

650 Seminar in Western Political Philosophy (4) Research and special problems.

651 Seminar in Non-Western Political Philosophy (4) Research and special problems.

652 Seminar in American Political Philosophy (4) Research and special problems.

660 Seminar in Problems of Contemporary Political Thought (4) Research and special problems.

670 Seminar in International Law (4) Topics and cases illustrating general principles and problems. Special research.

695 Social Science Theory (4) Philosophic foundations of social science, empirical theories current in social science; the relationship between empirical theory and social research.

790 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

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