Courses of Instruction, page 3
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

500 Introduction to Graduate Historical Studies (4, Fa) Techniques, theories, and sub-disciplines of history.

501 Studies in Greek History (4, Irregular) Readings and discussions of major problems, issues, and interpretations in Greek history.

503 Studies in Roman History (4, Irregular) Readings and discussions of major problems, issues, and interpretations of Roman history.

505 Studies in Early Medieval History (4, Irregular) Intensive study of subjects selected from the early Middle Ages, emphasizing source material, bibliography, and historiographic problems.

506 Studies in Later Medieval History (4, Irregular) Intensive study of subjects selected from the later Middle Ages, emphasizing source material, bibliography, and historiographic problems.

508 Studies in the Renaissance (4) Europe in the Renaissance: sources; secondary bibliography; and historiography.

509 Studies in the Reformation (4) Readings, reports, and discussions of major problems, issues, and interpretations of the Reformation.

510 Studies in Early Modern European History (4, Irregular) Readings of major interpretive studies on the 17th and 18th centuries.

515 Studies in Modern European History (4, Irregular) Selected topics in historical problems of modern European nations.

516 Studies in European Modernism (4) Readings and analyses of European Modernism in the period between 1850 and 1920.

517 Studies in Russian History (4, Irregular) Readings, discussions, and student papers in modern Russian history.

525 Studies in British History (4, Irregular) Selected topics in English and British Empire history with emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

535 Studies in Japanese History (4, Irregular) Selected topics in historical problems dealing with Japan.

536 Studies in Chinese History (2 or 4, Irregular) Selected topics in historical problems dealing with China. Prerequisite: HIST 340.

540 Studies in Modern East Asian History (4, max 8, Irregular) Read-ings and analysis of a particular theme in modern Asian history, focusing on broad comparative issues like cultural identity, colonialism, nationalism, revolution, or interstate relations.

542 War in History (4, Fa) The evolution of ideas, technologies, and institutions for conduct and control of organized violence in Europe, Asia, and America from ancient times to the present.

550 Studies in Women's and Family History (4, max 8, Fa) Readings and current bibliography in the history of women and/or families.

553 Studies in Psychohistory (4, Sm) Studies in Freudian and neo-Freudian theory and its applications to the study of history.

555 Studies in the American West (4) Zones of contact -- physical, economic, political, ecological, symbolic, cultural, metaphorical -- between peoples "west" of the Eurasian land mass since the rise of capitalist global expansion.

565 The United States and International Politics (4, Fa) Readings and analyses of selected topics relating to the United States and international politics.

575 Studies in 19th Century United States History (4, max 8, 2 years, Fa) Intensive readings and bibliography in the Early National, Jacksonian, Civil War, and Post-Civil War periods.

581 Studies in American Economic and Business History (4, Irregular) Economic growth patterns and institutional change in the development of modern business organizations from colonial times to the present.

582 Studies in American Working-Class History (4, Irregular) American working-class life from colonial era to present. Topics include analyses of pre-industrial and industrial transformations; labor movement; leisure; politics; gender; race; ethnicity.

583 Studies in Urban History (4) Readings and analyses in the rise of the city and the impact of urbanization from the colonial era to the present.

584 Seminar in American Social History (4, Irregular) Creation of communities and societies; industrialization, urbanization, working class life; families, women, ethnicity; immigration; racism; mobility; reform and radicalism, leisure.

585 Studies in 20th Century American History (4, 2 years, Fa) Readings and analyses in social and political problems, movements, and issues.

586 Studies in American Intellectual and Cultural History (4, Irregular) Readings, analyses, and discussion of selected topics relating to the history of American thought and the arts.

590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

592 Historiography (4, Sm) Historical criticism; form and mechanics of presenting research; writers of history, their works and philosophies; theories of historical development.

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

601 Introductory Core Seminar (4, Sp) Required first seminar for graduate students in all fields of history.

602 Seminar in Ancient History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems.

605 Seminar in Medieval European History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems.

609 Seminar in the Renaissance (2 or 4, max 8) Directed research in historical problems of 14th and 15th century European history.

610 Seminar in Early Modern European History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems concerning the 17th and 18th centuries.

615 Seminar in Modern European History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems dealing with Europe since 1789.

616 Seminar in European Modernism (4, max 8) Primary research in European Modernism; requirements include writing an original research paper on topic of student's choice. Prerequisite: HIST 516.

617 Seminar in Russian History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems.

625 Seminar in English and British Empire History (2 or 4, max 8) Directed research in historical problems.

630 Seminar in Japanese History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems.

635 Seminar in Chinese History (2 or 4, max 8, Irregular) Directed research in historical problems. Prerequisite: HIST 340.

642 Seminar in Military and Naval History (4, max 8, 2 years, Sp) Advanced reading and research on selected topics in the history of violence in Europe, Asia, and America, from ancient times to the present. Prerequisite: HIST 542 or departmental approval.

650 Seminar on Women's and Family History (4, max 8, Sp) Readings, discussions, and directed research on women's and family histories.

655 Seminar in Western American History (2 or 4, max 8) Selected topics in the history of the American frontier and the West.

675 Seminar in 19th Century United States History (4, max 8, 2 years, Sp) Research in historical problems of the Antebellum, Civil War, and Post-Civil War periods.

680 Seminar in 20th Century United States History (4, max 8, 2 years, Fa) Directed research in historical problems of the Reform, World War I, interwar, World War II, and Post-War periods.

682 Seminar in American Working-Class History (4, max 8) Primary research in American working-class history; requirements include writing an original research paper on topic of student's choice. Prerequisite: HIST 582 or HIST 584, or departmental approval.

683 Seminar in American Urban History (2 or 4, max 8) Directed research in historical problems of American cities.

684 Seminar: The United States and International Politics (2 or 4, max 8)

688 Seminar in American Economic and Business History (2 or 4, max 8)

790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

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