Undergraduate Degrees, page 3
Environmental Studies
College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Requirements for the Minor in Environmental Studies (Social Sciences)

Required core coursesUnits
ENST 100Introduction to Environmental Studies4

and two of the following:
BISC 106LPrinciples of Biology I4
BISC 315LIntroduction to Ecology4
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry 4
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry 4
ENE 201xEngineering Aspects of Environmental Quality Control4
GEOL 105LPlanet Earth4

One elective statistics course chosen from:Units
ECON 381Introduction to Statistics for Economists4
GEOG 392Geographical Analysis4
PSYC 274Statistics I4
SOCI 314Sociological Statistics4

Four elective social sciences courses chosen from
(no more than one in a single department, excluding the internship):Units
ECON 487Resource and Environmental Economics4
ENE 400Environmental Engineering Principles3
GEOG 345Conservation of Natural Resources4
GEOG 350Race and Environmentalism4
GEOG 360Natural Hazards4
GEOG 477Water Resources4
IR 423Politics of Global Space and Environment4
POSC 347Environmental Law4
POSC 436Environmental Politics4
SOCI 333Environment and Society4
SWMS 415Ecofeminism4
GEOG 395Internship in Environmental Social Science, or
POSC 395Directed Governmental and Political Leadership

Requirements for the Minor in Environmental Studies (Natural Sciences)

Required core coursesUnits
ENST 100Introduction to Environmental Studies4

and three of the following:
BISC 106LPrinciples of Biology I4
BISC 315LIntroduction to Ecology4
CHEM 105aLGeneral Chemistry 4
CHEM 105bLGeneral Chemistry 4
ENE 400Environmental Engineering Principles3
GEOL 105LPlanet Earth4

One elective course outside your major from among:Units
CHEM 300LAnalytical Chemistry4
CHEM 322aLOrganic Chemistry4
ENE 428LAir Pollution Fundamentals3
ENE 429LAir Pollution Control3
GEOL 412Oceans, Climate and the Environment4
GEOL 460LGeochemistry and Hydrogeology4

Three elective social science courses chosen from
(no more than one from a single department):Units
ECON 487Resource and Environmental Economics4
GEOG 345Conservation of Natural Resources4
GEOG 350Race and Environmentalism4
GEOG 360Natural Hazards4
GEOG 477Water Resources4
IR 423Politics of Global Space and Environment4
POSC 347Environmental Law4
POSC 436Environmental Politics4
SOCI 333Environment and Society4
SWMS 415Ecofeminism4

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995